Ebola outbreak - general thread #5

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They are destroying/destroyed all her possessions, correct? Only 2 things were saved from the Dallas apt, a photo album and I forget what the second item was. Just something I wondered.

WHO ‏@WHO 18m18 minutes ago
Dr Aylward: By December 2014, 5,000 to 10,000 #Ebola cases per week anticipated in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone

JMO The second item saved for Louise was her passport. JMO
They were consulted already. This person is from or just came from Liberia iirc.

I do not have a link, but just from listening to the news I think this person is an American male medic who was working on a hospital ship off the west coast of Africa.
I do not have a link, but just from listening to the news I think this person is an American male medic who was working on a hospital ship off the west coast of Africa.

That person is at KU
I do not have a link, but just from listening to the news I think this person is an American male medic who was working on a hospital ship off the west coast of Africa.

Yes, one is but the one in my post is in Richmond, VA.
Great point.
Is it cited anywhere just how long it does live on surfaces? The grocery cart, a gas pump, CASH?
My daughter and I had this convo last night, she can barely grasp it at her young age.


Ebola on dried on surfaces such as doorknobs and countertops can survive for several hours; however, virus in body fluids (such as blood) can survive up to several days at room temperature.


It survives much longer if it has a moist/COLD venue (i.e. possibly gas pumps in the winter, refrigerated items at the store). Cash is a bit tricky since it is porous and can retain moisture.

Slightly OT and I am sure most know this but when applying cleaner/disinfectant to surfaces to kill germs apply and LEAVE IT, don't wipe again until it has dried on its own. Same with alcohol, it takes a while to kill germs.
Popsicle, any news out of VCU ? It's a little concerning they want to hold a presser instead of just announce the results of the test.......
RE: Size of font -- Some if wont reduce-- do not know why ! I am not screaming, just unable to figure out why some will and some wont!

IMO, talking heads and experts are using the term "infection" as one simple entity when in reality it is not. There are huge differences between a bacterial infection and viral one. The biggest difference between viruses and bacteria is that viruses must have a living host - like a plant or animal - to multiply, while most bacteria can grow on non-living surfaces.

Virus are really hunting around to find a place to latch onto and mess with DNA and RNA. T Hey are not alive in a literal sense but there mechanisms are totally different and therefore their impact in infecting is a different process. Virus are really like "hackers" they mess everything (RNA DNA) and order the cells to do what they ought not to. Viruses can't multiply until they are inside the body's cells.

This is significant in terms of livelihood of transmission when a virus is out of the body and on a couch. Like us, it need "stuff" to remain capable of messing with RNA and DNA.. Wherein bacteria can just get "on" ya and go to work - virus needs to like get "in" out to go work.
Bacteria on ones kitchen sink, if touched, and nose touched is still "going", so its ability to infect an individual is far greater.

That is why IMO, except for alarmists, most involved say it is pretty unlikely that a sneeze in most instances will not transmit Ebola. Could it happen to someone at some time maybe. Ebola like, has limits on how it moves about.
Antibiotics have no effect upon viral infections. Antibiotics can kill bacteria but not viruses.

Viruses are some of the tiniest entities known

Bacteria are one-celled organisms that multiply by simple division. Bacteria are organisms made up of just one cell.

Viruses harness the host cell's machinery to reproduce. Their legs attach onto the surface of the cell, then the genetic material contained inside the head of the virus is injected into the cell.

They can't multiply on their own, so they have to invade a 'host' cell and take over its machinery in order to be able to make more virus particles.

hen enough "baby" viruses are produced the cell bursts, releasing the new viral particles. In a sense, viruses are not truly "living", but are essentially information (DNA or RNA) that float around until they encounter a suitable living host.

So when we see lists like this:

  • Coughing and sneezing.
  • Contact with infected people, especially through kissing and sex.
  • Contact with contaminated surfaces, food, and water.
  • Contact with infected creatures, including pets, livestock, and insects such as fleas and ticks.
we conclude there are similarities between both.

If an Ebola patent IMO, sneezed directly on a surface, and 15 seconds later someone put there hand there, at then , 10 seconds later rubbed a cut possibly bingo.

But if someone sneezed on same surface, and an hour later someone placed their hand there and an hour later rubbed a cut the probabilites are reduced.

In all likelihood, that will end up explaining why the folks in Duncan apt remain Ebola free. Blood look out, virus thriving inside, stool same etc, on a carpet probably far less problematic.



Read more: http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/health_advice/facts/virusbacteria.htm#ixzz3G895Cpp7

I think Louise and Duncan's items were destroyed for numerous reasons.. First off he was in way worse shape then the nurse.. Secondly they found a new place for them with new stuff.. Nurse doesn't get that option.. Thirdly it's a live and learn scenario. They can't afford to buy new homes and new furniture etc for everyone.. It's also easier to quarantine one person's spouse than it is to quarantine a whole family in the hospital jmo.
I think that is awesome, I hope it goes to practical stuff like gatting a unniversal suit, hosting trainings for health care folks a creating edcationial PSA s for public!

Thank you Mr Zuckerberg ! :) That's great !
@NBCDFW: Alcon: Hospital is monitoring an employee for symptoms of Ebola after coming in contact with an infected Dallas nurse http://t.co/FXyKPzX73e

This puts the western half of the metroplex into the mix , IF this person has it. Which, I guess, is normal and would happen but I've been a touch ' safe' feeling like it's over 'there' in Dallas. Not over here on my side.

Oh update, my good who friend who lives one block from the nurse's apartment did say 2 interesting things. A ) he did get the packet on his door that the city/county/health departments were handing out 2 nights ago. B ) the neighborhood has had at least one helo over it almost continuously since the news came out. My guess is news crew cameras filming the cleanup etc.
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