Ebola outbreak - general thread #5

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I just had this very same thought.

JMO I believe I heard on CNN last night that there were 78 HC workers on Duncan's case? I hope I am wrong. Shouldn't there be teams of a limited number and a buddy system and an overseer? So sad. JMO
Cnn awaiting live news conference in Dallas......
The good news is, they're detection methods work.

The bad news is, pretty quickly they'll run out of health care workers willing to treat infected patients.

Then what?

Here is a great plan on stopping it...... Isolate any and everyone that has had contact with Thomas Duncan and these 2 health care workers. None of this monitoring BS. Get them away from the public before they get sick. Grr Getting so ticked off right now.

Then the Mayor actually says this may get worse before it gets better...... So basically some of you might die until we figure out that common sense says Isolate all those who contacted all the sick people.
Ok, this is just ridiculous. It's ridiculous the hospital didn't train a specialized unit in the hospital to care for Duncan and that there was 70+ people put at risk to care for him. Secondly, and this is no way placing any blame on the nurses, but if I was a nurse and felt like I was being put at risk in caring for an ebola patient I would have went to the news or something and said "we don't have the gear or training for this". Scary stuff. I'm at the gym now and trying to touch as little as possible.
Louise and family are almost out of the woods. I wonder if any or all somehow have a bit of immunity. It seems as though the first person we would have expected to contract it was Louise. Just thinking out loud. JMO
(From press conference) Lordy he is stressing that they TAKE THEIR TEMPERATURE regarding the 70+ other exposed health care workers running around in the Dallas area. At least 12% of infected and contagious Ebola victims do NOT have a fever, are they telling those healthcare workers that? Or do they really believe their temperature is the gold standard for detecting ebola infection?
Did anyone else listening to the live press conference understand the Mayor to say (toward the end of conference...) that the 75 being monitored are asymptomatic AND therefore are continuing to provide patient care? It seemed important to him that people (particularly, patients) understand and not be concerned that their care provider may have possibly been one who had contact with Mr. Duncan.
They should send Frieden the bill.


Wait, I just thought about this. When they send it to him (CDC), they send it to you and me. Actually, when you think about it, even when they send it to the insurance carrier they send it to you and me.

Did anyone else listening to the live press conference understand the Mayor to say (toward the end of conference...) that the 75 being monitored are asymptomatic AND therefore are continuing to provide patient care? It seemed important to him that people (particularly, patients) understand and not be concerned that their care provider may have possibly been one who had contact with Mr. Duncan.

He said of the 75 that "they are employed but not working." They have been given the option to isolate themselves at a location which was not disclosed. He said that Nina and the second patient opted to isolate at home since they live alone.

Listening to a reporter who was and has been very vocal about this whole thing, she seems to have spoken to some of these nurses. She said that the nurses/caregivers are NOT cavalierly galavanting around the community. They are being ultra vigilant. These people are not uneducated or unaware that they've been exposed, like Duncan's family claims that he was. They KNOW they are at risk. I feel very scared for them, but not OF them. These are educated people who care about their own health. This reporter goes on to say these people are aware "of every tummy rumble" and are actually pretty paranoid.
(From press conference) Lordy he is stressing that they TAKE THEIR TEMPERATURE regarding the 70+ other exposed health care workers running around in the Dallas area. At least 12% of infected and contagious Ebola victims do NOT have a fever, are they telling those healthcare workers that? Or do they really believe their temperature is the gold standard for detecting ebola infection?

GEES the new trend on the street will be diamond studded thermometers......... JMO
“Were the protocols breached?” Deborah Burger, a president of the union, National Nurses United, asked while reading the statement. “The nurses say there were no protocols.”


“I wish we had put a team like this on the ground the day the patient, the first patient, was diagnosed,” Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, director of the C.D.C., said at a news conference Tuesday. “That might have prevented this infection. But we will do that from today onward with any case, anywhere in the U.S.”

The latest person to test positive was one of 76 health care workers at Presbyterian who were being monitored daily for symptoms of Ebola.

That is in addition to the 48 people who were already being watched because they had possible contact with Mr. Duncan before he was hospitalized.

The number of people under observation was 125 as of Tuesday.

The KKK targets.

Viruses do not.

Media Myths:

Ebola has a higher mortality rate.: HIV mortality rate was initially 100%.


The decline was a result of better antivirals and education. Virus need warmth moisture - a host. Behavior is key. The high prevalence of HIV transmission in the gay population, initially, was not sexual orientation related. It was gender related. Males tend (animal kingdom) to be more sexually driven. Two males together, sex for pleasure not reproduction, results in more sex with strangers. Generally the vagina is designed to handle a penis that is the anus. More chance of tissue breakage.

Virus loves DNA/RNA. Sperm rich. In Ebola they are finding Ebola serving far longer in sperm than elsewhere - makes sense.

Initial panic same. Until it emerged that it was orientation related, the masses were hysterical. Those old enough remember the masks (coughing), the font touch surfaces, kissing (saliva) . I identical misinformation. There was also great resistance, when experts tried to explain to public the primary modes of transmission ( body fluids) . Period. HIV has never gone airborne, Ebola , since 1976, has not either.

But public has not learned to believe that just like HIV it is not airborne. We font know that was the same chant back then

Since it is a virus, many ignore the role of "behaviors" when dealing with viruses. They are huge. Unprotected sex, promiscuity. Here behaviors, touch the dead, kissing the dead,burial customs are behaviors.

Nigeria behaviors modified - transmission decreased.

Liberia more resistance to western folks saying do not touch your loved one - still spreading.

In any context behaviors need to "modified". The first step in behavior modification is understanding the reason to do so smoking/drinking.

Environment = gay bars were focused on sex. So were gay bath houses. Gay bathhouses s, one would assume do not have the same hygienic environment as a bedroom in a home.

Same here. The finding in the 3 hours documentary a poster put up earlier , was that a very large number of loved ones, who were living in very crowded living environment who had no contact with the infected, or secretions did not contract the virus. Tormentor. It is just like a garden. Certain plants need certain things to grow, Viruses too.
So, IMO, if we take a look back - above- there is a high probability that experts are correct - it is not contagious like a cold, as more studies are done mortality rates would decline and like in Nigeria change in behavior huge difference.

Same with Dallas mess. Education from this will drastically change behaviors of hospital Admin, resulting in better tools and understanding of health professionals.

If we look at the reality the majority (take out burial)of those infected WERE in DIRECT contact whit body fluids - just a fact, both here and there.

If this information was being disseminated more than hysteria more could IMO, be accomplished. Panic results in mistakes (Dallas). Admin in hospital should have come shake up in CEO office.

IMO, not at CDC or WHO. Those agencies do not the mandate or the resources to make sure hospital admin is taking there guidelines to heart and implementing. The expectation that CDC WHO know what every "provider" know and IS doing is not realistic.

And finally the world needs CDC?WHO badly. Any change at the top creates a distraction. Do we need the CDC staff to be dealing with a new CEO at this time. The new CEO needs to get up to tipped. Then will make changes - changes always cause confusion and error.

Is that in the best interest of the whole deal IMO. No. Admin in hospital focus was money. An individual got infected cause greed overpowered doing the right thing. That is head rolling act .

It is identical stuff, therefore history, transmission pasterns
Louise and family are almost out of the woods. I wonder if any or all somehow have a bit of immunity. It seems as though the first person we would have expected to contract it was Louise. Just thinking out loud. JMO

This bothers me too. The only way it makes sense to me is that because Duncan was in the early stages of the disease, it(ebola) was not as active and had not multiplied/replicated at that time.
Well , this is not good news. It seems to me all of our collective gasps at how haphazardly Dallas city/ county officials were taking this at the onset were warranted. If the health director had instructed himself, the judge , the deputies and the neighbors on how dangerous this is and how it can spread and then demonstrated concern by having everyone ' suit up ' to enter the apartment, then instructed the staff of hospitals to do so as well, very early on, we may not be seeing this today. I feel they got more serious as the days went on and more protective gear, more procedures etc, but those early few days when Duncan was coming and going , people around him were NOT taking the precautions they should. And NO , it is not the nurse's faults that no one ' in the know' said 'protect yourself like your life depends on it '.

How in the heck can not one person inside Duncan's apartment have it if nurses with any protection are getting it ? They must have guardian angels.
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