Ebola outbreak - general thread #5

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Blood transfusions could be dangerous in the long term, considering blood born pathogens. Such as HIV or malaria.
It would be hard to implement wide spread blood transfusions in Africa.

Realistically, can live 30+ years with HIV.
IMO the word panic is being used to infer you are an uneducated simpleton that just doesn't understand medicine if you are worried at all over this. You must trust us, your government, implicitly. If you're worried and are "panicking" you must be a tinfoil hat donning rube.

When the highest ranking military guys say there is a serious concern I believe them!

Even making such a statement is likely a career buster for those guys, so if they say it, I believe it.
Realistically, can live 30+ years with HIV.

But maybe not over there where supplies, meds, resources are much less. Just speculating. I remember when Magic Johnson said he had HIV, I just assumed he would dead in a year or two and he's just pretty fine today from what I gather. If you have proper maintenance medication, you can live a full healthy life but I'm guessing in Africa, they are not offered those meds :(
I realize that this person is a victim here but IMO she is a professional healthcare worker who knowingly boarded a flight with a fever following being totally involved in the care of an Ebola infected patient. She put her own personal interests over the safety of many, many people. That in my book is called negligence.


“Although she (Vinson) did not report any symptoms and she did not meet the fever threshold of 100.4, she did report at that time she took her temperature and found it to be 99.5,” said CDC Director Tom Frieden.
As to an experimental vaccine, if I were the type who would be willing to put my life on the line by traveling to Africa to take care of ebola patients, I'd probably be willing to get the vaccine. I might make this conditional on having some survivor plasma and zmapp available for me just in case, though.

If it were offered now, probably not.
So the White House is continuing to say that a travel ban is off the table.
I still have yet to find a satisfactory answer to why! A perfect example is what we are finding out about the 2nd nurse. She was supposedly a symptomatic or had a low grade fever,yet look at what has happened to as a result of her traveling. And I believe Thomas Freiman has now said anyone being monitored can not travel,correct? Why is it ok to restrict Americans travels within the country,but let foreigners come in freely?
I've been trying to keep my sanity gauge in check and doing ok :) and still am, however I'm beginning to stumble. This morning, after waking up to nurse 2 news, I went to work and stopped in the herb store. We normally rely on natural remedies for colds and flu and I wanted to get another few bottles to have on hand, just in case. I went into a store in Wise Co, opposite side of the DFW area from Dallas. They were sold out ! SOLD OUT! I said ' really ? ' The worker gal replied, ' oh yes, we have been selling out of lots of stuff this week '. . . . . . . So that got my heart and my brain pumping full blast. This is a farming/ ranching community, spurs, cowboy hats and all of that. Not the kind of crowd I would expect to ' panic ' easily and being about an hour from Dallas, it seemed a bit of a reality check. People are nervous. People are paying attention. People are making preparations. People are buying up natural flu and virus remedies ! It seems if you want to be prepared the LAST thing you want to do is rely on the Dallas County officials . They are not making anyone feel safer . If there is no reason to panic, show me ! What I've seen so far is ' you're on your own, we have no idea what we're doing, good luck to Texas ' .
I think New Orleans Charity Hospital should reopen to care for Ebola infected patients. Graduates of Charity School of Nursing, Tulane and LSU schools of medicine residents and teaching staff could do it! I would work with them in a heartbeat! Damn Katrina ruined it for everyone.

ETA: Charity has a contagion building and it is separate from any other part of the facility.

Is that facility even usable???
I realize that this person is a victim here but IMO she is a professional healthcare worker who knowingly boarded a flight with a fever following being totally involved in the care of an Ebola infected patient. She put her own personal interests over the safety of many, many people. That in my book is called negligence.


“Although she (Vinson) did not report any symptoms and she did not meet the fever threshold of 100.4, she did report at that time she took her temperature and found it to be 99.5,” said CDC Director Tom Frieden.

Right. I do not have the same feelings for nurse 2 as nurse 1 , by any stretch.
Trying to clean my dishes and this morning press confrence just hit me. This morning they said all Ebola patients will go to Presbyterian so why now are they moving second patient.
White House says Ebola situation being handled properly and with care
By Stephen Koff, Plain Dealer Washington Bureau Chief
Follow on Twitter on October 15, 2014 at 3:34 PM, updated October 15, 2014 at 3:51 PM
He said the president shares the view of CDC Director Tom Frieden that even one case of Ebola transmission is unacceptable.

"The president does share that view," Ernest said. He also repeated that the United States has no intention of closing travel to this country from West Africa. He said that shutting off travel would slow the flow of resources and personnel to fight Ebola in that region "so we can stop the outbreak there."

Ya'll will have to parden me, I am not that smart....but can't those big military planes fly all those resources and personnel back and forth?
IMO the word panic is being used to infer you are an uneducated simpleton that just doesn't understand medicine if you are worried at all over this. You must trust us, your government, implicitly. If you're worried and are "panicking" you must be a tinfoil hat donning rube.

If you are nowhere near it and panicking, a tinfoil hat might do it. Using the word panic implies that those who are panicking are no different than those who grew hysterical over AIDS.

Northwestern University’s John Phair protested the general frenzy in an April 1986 editorial for the Chicago Tribune, comparing the fear of AIDS victims to 1950s-era anti-communist paranoia and Japanese-American internment during the Second World War. He wrote:

[W]ith the AIDS crisis, public hysteria has surfaced again, stimulating irrational, insensitive and sometimes illegal responses. Such actions threaten to tarnish our history again, and could be as paralyzing as the disease itself.

According to a poll published in December by the Los Angeles Times, 50 percent of the adults surveyed supported a quarantine of AIDS patients, 48 percent would approve of identity cards for those who test positive for antibodies to the virus that causes AIDS and 15 percent favored tattooing AIDS victims. Ostracizing and isolating AIDS patients and other infected people, however, would only prevent them from cooperating with researchers openly and honestly. Such trust is essential if AIDS is to be brought under control and eliminated as quickly as possible. …

I'm not panicking...

BUT (and I can't believe I'm admitting this):

My D goes to college five hours away. On Sept. 26 she came home to our house in far North Dallas for a visit (that's Duncan goes to the ER day). She went shopping in Frisco (30 minutes even farther away from Dallas than we are), and I even met her there to buy boots. She did drive into Dallas to buy some seafood (nowhere near ground zero), but stayed home most of the weekend to study for tests.

A couple of days ago, she complained of vomiting. She's had trouble keeping food down. This child has IBD and is always having GI troubles. She also gets vomiting/diarrhea when she is stressed with lots of tests. Then yesterday she says her back hurts and she feels like she's peeing a lot but with little result. Last night she began running a 100.3 temp. I told her to go to the doctor to get checked out for a UTI.

This morning I heard about patient number 2 and started obsessing. Did she go further into Dallas that weekend? Did she really stay home at night or did I remember that wrong? I was on her all morning to get to the doctor and I confess I was feeling irrational fear.

She finally called and said her urine was full of pus and bacteria, so they've started her on antibiotics and something for nausea. She told me I was losing it when I told her about my mind going into crazy places.

I'm a nurse who likes to stay calm and focused and I don't spend a lot of time ruminating about pretty remote "what ifs," but I'm human, so I get it that all of us are concerned, and if we let ourselves, we can go to some pretty dark places.
IMO the word panic is being used to infer you are an uneducated simpleton that just doesn't understand medicine if you are worried at all over this. You must trust us, your government, implicitly. If you're worried and are "panicking" you must be a tinfoil hat donning rube.

Pretty much.

Surprisingly CNN is blasting the CDC regarding protecals. Their experts are stating that the protecals are often conflicting, and they are giving healthcare workers a false sense of security regarding the risks.
Trying to clean my dishes and this morning press confrence just hit me. This morning they said all Ebola patients will go to Presbyterian so why now are they moving second patient.


Much like the ebola' protocol' the Presby Dallas nurses were told to follow...it's constantly changing.
Pretty much.

Surprisingly CNN is blasting the CDC regarding protecals. Their experts are stating that the protecals are often conflicting, and they are giving healthcare workers a false sense of security regarding the risks.

I wonder what training materials the 4 biocontainment units utilized and which protocols THEY follow.
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