Ebola outbreak - general thread #5

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Does anyone know why Nina's significant other is in iso at the hospital and yet Duncan's gf and the others were just left in the apt?

Maybe because that was done in Spain?
I have no clue myself.
Admin. Was winging it the first time around? After that they put their heads together and made a plan? Like Katrina, there is always a first time.

They do seem to be getting better in their response. The apartment was cleaned out much faster than Duncan's.
Great point.
Is it cited anywhere just how long it does live on surfaces? The grocery cart, a gas pump, CASH?
My daughter and I had this convo last night, she can barely grasp it at her young age.


Trying to remember bacteriology. If I recall, viruses live longer in the environment because of their structure, but for how long not sure. Good hand washing is the number one preventative, generally and should be combined by avoiding touching your face. Sanitizing wipes can be used on hard surfaces but must be allowed to dry completely before use (the surfaces).
Does anyone know why Nina's significant other is in iso at the hospital and yet Duncan's gf and the others were just left in the apt?

My thinking is that Louise and family broke their verbal commitment of staying inside, then the Doctor broke hers, so they had enough of trusting people to follow the 21 day isolation policy on their on. And secondly, it would be easy to take care of one person where there were a number of people in the other groups.

My opinions only.
They are destroying/destroyed all her possessions, correct? Only 2 things were saved from the Dallas apt, a photo album and I forget what the second item was. Just something I wondered.

WHO ‏@WHO 18m18 minutes ago
Dr Aylward: By December 2014, 5,000 to 10,000 #Ebola cases per week anticipated in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone

BBM, This is actually a very, VERY significant statement. I saw the report the other night when the reporter said they are removing ' all of her items'' and I assumed it was for safe keeping whlie they detox apartment and store her items until she is well and can fetch them. Why "DESTROY" all of her items IF ebola is so hard to catch ? The cdc says the virus can live on surfaces for a several hours to several days in some cases. If that is true, then you would think the items could be decontaminated and placed into storage for 21 days TOPS and that's the end. Destruction of every item she owned leads me to think this is far more dangerous than they are letting on . What the heck is the truth here? Judges, deputies and health directors can walk into an apartment full of ebola with no protective gear or concern as if it's a harmless thing. On the other hand destroying all ' non host' material for the virus makes me think it's quite the opposite. Arrggh
SURVIVAL OUTSIDE HOST: Filoviruses have been reported capable to survive for weeks in blood and can also survive on contaminated surfaces, particularly at low temperatures (4°C) Footnote 52 Footnote 61. One study could not recover any Ebolavirus from experimentally contaminated surfaces (plastic, metal or glass) at room temperature Footnote 61. In another study, Ebolavirus dried onto glass, polymeric silicone rubber, or painted aluminum alloy is able to survive in the dark for several hours under ambient conditions (between 20 and 250C and 30–40% relative humidity) (amount of virus reduced to 37% after 15.4 hours), but is less stable than some other viral hemorrhagic fevers (Lassa) Footnote 53. When dried in tissue culture media onto glass and stored at 4 °C, Zaire ebolavirus survived for over 50 days Footnote 61. This information is based on experimental findings only and not based on observations in nature. This information is intended to be used to support local risk assessments in a laboratory setting.

SUSCEPTIBILITY TO DISINFECTANTS: Ebolavirus is susceptible to 3% acetic acid, 1% glutaraldehyde, alcohol-based products, and dilutions (1:10-1:100 for ≥10 minutes) of 5.25% household bleach (sodium hypochlorite), and calcium hypochlorite (bleach powder) Footnote 48 Footnote 49 Footnote 50 Footnote 62 Footnote 63. The WHO recommendations for cleaning up spills of blood or body fluids suggest flooding the area with a 1:10 dilutions of 5.25% household bleach for 10 minutes for surfaces that can tolerate stronger bleach solutions (e.g., cement, metal) Footnote 62. For surfaces that may corrode or discolour, they recommend careful cleaning to remove visible stains followed by contact with a 1:100 dilution of 5.25% household bleach for more than 10 minutes.


BBM, This is actually a very, VERY significant statement. I saw the report the other night when the reporter said they are removing ' all of her items'' and I assumed it was for safe keeping whlie they detox apartment and store her items until she is well and can fetch them. Why "DESTROY" all of her items IF ebola is so hard to catch ? The cdc says the virus can live on surfaces for a several hours to several days in some cases. If that is true, then you would think the items could be decontaminated and placed into storage for 21 days TOPS and that's the end. Destruction of every item she owned leads me to think this is far more dangerous than they are letting on . What the heck is the truth here? Judges, deputies and health directors can walk into an apartment full of ebola with no protective gear or concern as if it's a harmless thing. On the other hand destroying all ' non host' material for the virus makes me think it's quite the opposite. Arrggh

Wait.. I am asking if they destroyed her things. lol I remember in the one PC they said everything was destroyed from the Dallas apt Duncan was in except for a photo album and one other article that I can't remember.
CBS 6 WTVR Richmond retweeted
Jake Burns ‏@JakeBurnsCBS6 7m7 minutes ago
Just spoke with official at the #RVA health district. Test results on potential Ebola patient are back, official said. @CBS6

CBS 6 WTVR Richmond retweeted
Jake Burns ‏@JakeBurnsCBS6 7m7 minutes ago
Should be a briefing later this morning. NO WORD on what tests showed. @CBS6

Umm what? A briefing?

Is CDC heading up there? This sounds like another possible case. I don't know why they would need a briefing if the test was negative?
Is CDC heading up there? This sounds like another possible case. I don't know why they would need a briefing if the test was negative?

They were consulted already. This person is from or just came from Liberia iirc.
This is a truly frightening situation, and I pray that the young nurse recovers and there are no more cases here. I am trying to keep myself calm, because I am having chemo, and am already at risk for any infection. Knowledge is the key. Hopefully, those in charge will make the right decisions and we can contain this. I pray for those suffering Africa, also. But we need to worry about home right now.

At the Lake suggested reading "And the Band Played On" by Randy Shilts. I thought of that book a few days ago as I was panicking. It was the best non fiction book I ever read! I've read it a few times. Lessons were learned that changed the way HIV was handled-not soon enough for too many, but in time to make it better for others. Everyone needs to get on the same page and start treating this as the dangerous situation it is.

They were consulted already. This person is from or just came from Liberia iirc.

Yea, but if they were say the are sending a team over there (like what happened in TX) that wouldn't be a good sign.
Here is what CDC says! Ebola, Marburg, Crimean-Congo fever viruses
devices and safe work practices, 2) hand hygiene; 3) barrier protection
against blood and body fluids upon entry into room (single gloves and fluid-resistant or impermeable gown, face/eye protection with masks, goggles or face shields); and 4) appropriate waste handling. Use N95
or higher respirators when performing aerosol-generating procedures.
Largest viral load in final stages of illness when hemorrhage may occur; additional PPE, including double gloves, leg and shoe coverings may be used, especially in resource-limited settings where options for cleaning and laundry are limited. Notify public health
officials immediately if Ebola is suspected 212, 314, 740,

Wait.. I am asking if they destroyed her things. lol I remember in the one PC they said everything was destroyed from the Dallas apt Duncan was in except for a photo album and one other article that I can't remember.

I realized after writing that , I said statement when it's clearly a question. But I think we all need the answers ! Where is her stuff going ? If it's destroyed, then that is telling . I got you, Pop ;)
Although the most likely place the nurse got sick was at the hospital, there is still the less likely, but very scary possibility, that it was something the nurse encountered, outside of her profession... jmo.
Is CDC heading up there? This sounds like another possible case. I don't know why they would need a briefing if the test was negative?

Where is this from? There seem to be so many scares now,I'm losing track.
Although the most likely place the nurse got sick was at the hospital, there is still the less likely, but very scary possibility, that it was something the nurse encountered, outside of her profession... jmo.

I think there is zero chance of that. There is only one case of Ebola in Dallas, and she was taking care of that case. She was specifically caring for Mr. Duncan and had extensive contact with him.
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