Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

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Patients being treated with experimental treatments. All patients have been cooperative.
Wagner up: customs and border protection: role in preventing diseases entering the US. All ports of entry assess people for health threats. Officers provided information on identifying and addressing passengers...
Dr. Borio, USDA:

Need vaccines and safe treatment, proactive and flexible. Guide companies. Reviewing data. Advance products quickly. USDA working with other agencies.

Hindsight, right? The head of CDC stated the virus is an old one - been around a long time. Ugh!
I want to research patent numbers. Have they mentioned names of meds or supposed vaccines? Even mention an abbreviated version?
Dr. Robison, HHS: government made some company to research advanced emerging infectious diseases and bio-terror diseases. Responding to Ebola. (He is kind of a mush mouth). Best way to protect US is to deal with Africa.

He isn't interesting (my apologies).

He was tough to understand. The 1 thing I was glad to hear about from him is that they are working on making more of that "Z-?" drug.

It sounds like they are trying to make it super fast. It was interesting that they were looking to tobacco manufacturers to try to get more plants to create some more. I wonder what is unique about tobacco plants that helps them make the Z-? drug.
Another fast talker stating the same messages. Monitor, work closely with ?? to deter spread in the U.S.
He was tough to understand. The 1 thing I was glad to hear about from him is that they are working on making more of that "Z-?" drug.

It sounds like they are trying to make it super fast. It was interesting that they were looking to tobacco manufacturers to try to get more plants to create some more. I wonder what is unique about tobacco plants that helps them make the Z-? drug.

There is one type of tobacco plant that is particularly susceptible to tobacco mosaic virus and that is the one that they use.
Varga, Texas Health Resources,: apologies. Not for profit, faith based. Stressing they treat every patient equally, race, income not considered.

Hard to put into words how they felt when duncan died. Devastating. Everyone tried hard. Family in thoughts and prayers.

Despite highly skilled medical team, ebola wasn't diagnosed.
#JohnWagner of Homeland Security Customs & Border Protection needs a promotion. He's on top of this #EbolaOutbreak. #cdc #DallasEbola
IDK if I continue watching much more of this.
Dr. Daniel Varga, Chief Clinical Officer and Senior Vice President, Texas Health Resources

He's sorry they couldn't save the person who brought Ebola to America, Mr. Duncan / mistakes were made

Headline - "Hazmat crews at apartment of 2nd Texas Nurse"
Team doing everything possible to help Pham. Her care "evolves". Prayers. Thoughts and prayers to amber as well. Addressing Nina and Amber. Skilled nurses, full protective measured under CDC protocol. Exposure somewhere, they don't know how.

Texas health began education this past summer on ebola. Acknowledging they received CDC guidelines over the summer. CDC said to put Emergency policy in place for ebola like symptoms and add travel history to electronic medical records.
"Hazmat crews" Is this because Ebola can only be spread by direct contact with bodily fluids? (sorry, but why not just lock the place up because they say the virus can only live so long if left to dry. I'm so confused.)
Team doing everything possible to help Pham. Her care "evolves". Prayers. Thoughts and prayers to amber as well. Addressing Nina and Amber. Skilled nurses, full protective measured under CDC protocol. Exposure somewhere, they don't know how.

Texas health began education this past summer on ebola.

Did they downgrade her condition? Last I heard she was ' good' . Her moving concerns me that she's slipped from her good status :(
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