Eerie Similarity?

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LovelyPigeon said:
BlueCrab, Dee Laney wasn't acquitted on grounds of religious fervor. She's insane.

But, how do you know Patsy is not insane?

No one has answered me, in my opinion.

Tell me, why could this not be possible?

Waiting for answers...
Cherokee - excellent post. :)

Ramsey supporters are fond of claiming that no one who knew Patsy or saw her regularly ever noticed anything "off" about her. However, one of the books reported - Thomas's or Schiller's I think - that Patsy's friends were planning an intervention re her treatment of JonBenet. That report certainly contradicts the RST claims.

Besides, since the Whites, the Fernies and the Stines, and who knows who else, aren't talking, how on earth would any of us know what they think about Patsy?

In JonBenet The Police Files, Patsy herself gives us an idea of what Priscilla White's opinion was. I wonder if Priscilla was the one planning the intervention. Seems to me Patsy is trying a Ramseyesque preemptive strike in the following passage. She even goes so far as to suggest Priscilla killed JB out of jealousy because her daughter wasn't as fabulous as Patsy's ???? Yikes, am I reading this right? (And remember where she tried to pin the jacket fibers on Priscilla? lol... see pages 248-249 in The Police Files book for the jacket reference). The following is on page 169.

PR: Well, Priscilla was never crazy about me doing this whole pageant with JonBenet, she thought that was just totally unnecessary, because she said you know, "It's just not the thing to do." Well, you know, I had grown up doing it, I enjoyed it, I had a lot of friends who had done it. I had very good experience with it. So that's what I brought to the table. My daughter was a performer, she was beautiful, she was outgoing, and flourished in that type of an environment. (The Whites' daughter) Daphne was not.

So Priscilla would oftentimes say to me, "You know, you just, you shouldn't do that, you know, that's not a good thing to happen."

I thought you know, well, you raise your children the way you do and we don't all raise our children the same. So you know, kind of looking back at that... did that really get to her or something? I don't know.
LovelyPigeon said:
BlueCrab, Dee Laney wasn't acquitted on grounds of religious fervor. She's insane.

She was both -- just ask her and she'll tell you God told her to do it. The question is:

Did she possess religious fervor because she was insane; or was she insane because of religious fervor?

Britt said:
.... Ramsey supporters are fond of claiming that no one who knew Patsy or saw her regularly ever noticed anything "off" about her. However, one of the books reported - Thomas's or Schiller's I think - that Patsy's friends were planning an intervention re her treatment of JonBenet. That report certainly contradicts the RST claims.

Besides, since the Whites, the Fernies and the Stines, and who knows who else, aren't talking, how on earth would any of us know what they think about Patsy?

Ah Britt, mi compadre, you hit upon something the RST have overlooked in their zealous defense of Patsy's mental health.

No one, I repeat, NO ONE close to the Ramseys previous to JonBenet's death IS TALKING.

Now, why do you think that is? Could it be because the Ramseys and Lin Wood have bullied everyone into silence with lawsuit after lawsuit? Could it be the lawsuits were not only a means to acquire settlement money for a couple without gainful employment, but they were also a warning ... a shot across the bow ... of those who MIGHT talk about what they knew?

Let's compare.

Family and friends of Andrea Yates and Dee Laney have not had someone threatening to slap them sideways with a lawsuit if they open their mouths regarding what they might know. People have been free to say, "well I saw this or that but didn't think much of it at the time."

Not so with the Ramseys.

I'm beginning to think settlement money wasn't always their main objective. Perhaps the silencing of "so great a cloud of witnesses" was their first priority.

Britt said:
Instead, why don't you Ramsey apologists tell us why you randomly implicate perfectly innocent bystanders with not a shred of evidence against them? Why do you need these innocents to be villains?

I suppose that to some degree I might be a Ramsey apologist, but I've never been particularly interested in theories that included innocent bystanders, like the friends and acquaintances of the Ramseys. There have only been 2 or 3 suspects that definately came up on the radar, IMO. I wouldn't give the Ramseys a pass on all their behavior, necessarily.
jubie said:

Is it possible for Patsy to have had this lapse in consciousness, fall into a deep trance of sorts, commit this horrible crime AND THEN simply walk away as if nothing happened?

Why isn't Patsy sitting by a pretty lake somewhere shining her trophies awaiting her weekly visit from John and Burke? Why the hell isn't she cracking!!!

Observation would indicate that Patsy didn't walk away, but was emotionally overwrought and grief stricken for some time. In addition, she had to deal with recurring ovarian cancer, where she would have had to confront issues of life and death. As many people will attest to, this requires strength and focus and redefines lifes meaning. Perhaps Patsy is like an implement that is placed in fire and is heated to the point of being fluid, then cooled and found to have more strength and structural integrity than before.
vicktor said:
jubie said:

Observation would indicate that Patsy didn't walk away, but was emotionally overwrought and grief stricken for some time. In addition, she had to deal with recurring ovarian cancer, where she would have had to confront issues of life and death. As many people will attest to, this requires strength and focus and redefines lifes meaning. Perhaps Patsy is like an implement that is placed in fire and is heated to the point of being fluid, then cooled and found to have more strength and structural integrity than before.

:clap: What Vicktor said ... No doubt :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

SisterSocks :eek:
jubie said:

Hmmmm... Can you tell me where to look to see how Patsy 'fixated' on JonBenet as a mythic figure... this sounds very interesting! From time to time when I caught a glimpse of the Ramseys I never felt any sincerety, something was odd, missing sort of!

OK, so you say it can be difficult to discern between Good and Evil, I get that, but we're talking about murder and unless this was some kind of sacrifice then it doesn't make sense (to me).... and IF Patsy intended to 'sacrifice' JonBenet wouldn't she want to share her glorious deed with everyone? Is John keeping her quiet?

Fluffy says thanks! ;)

First, thanks Cherokee, great stuff.

When Princess Diana died Patsy came out with the "America's Princess" thing, not wanting to be upstaged. Patsy decorated JB's room with angels pre-event and suggested visitors to her grave could hang angels in the trees. She told Burke to look at her in the coffin and said she is perfect. By fixated I mean she directed her attention to a fantasy image (limited in scope) rather than on the real person with a broad spectrum of traits, that takes effort.

As far as the sacrifice, I say that was part of her dark nature, something she kept to herself and engaged in compulsivley not consciously. She keeps some things hidden because she does not want to admit to herself that she was wrong about communing with a god. And by the way she did share with us all: the ransom note, the CNN interview and DOI come to mind.

jubie said:
Oh yeah and what does TPOMJB stand for...? or something like that. Thx

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, read it, buy the movie, watch it, over and over. Also, Red Dragon (Man Hunter, movie version) and Silence of the Lambs. After you complete these tasks guestimate Patsy's I.Q. Then take a bottle of champagne, put it on your stove on very low heat, watch it, and try to imagine the similarity it shares with Patsy in her congregations.

Fluffy??? I hope it's a short hair.
vicktor said:
jubie said:

Is it possible for Patsy to have had this lapse in consciousness, fall into a deep trance of sorts, commit this horrible crime AND THEN simply walk away as if nothing happened?

Why isn't Patsy sitting by a pretty lake somewhere shining her trophies awaiting her weekly visit from John and Burke? Why the hell isn't she cracking!!!

Observation would indicate that Patsy didn't walk away, but was emotionally overwrought and grief stricken for some time. In addition, she had to deal with recurring ovarian cancer, where she would have had to confront issues of life and death. As many people will attest to, this requires strength and focus and redefines lifes meaning. Perhaps Patsy is like an implement that is placed in fire and is heated to the point of being fluid, then cooled and found to have more strength and structural integrity than before.

'scuse me while I :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
Cherokee, wow! Thanks for taking the time to mention all that! I was looking at pictures of JonBenet and I actually wondered about her hair colour but I thought "No way, that would really be over the top" .... I had no idea about any of that! Again, thanks! Excellent post!!

Brothermoon, Thanks again as usual for your patience with me as I get up to speed on this. I'll try and get to Chapters today, hopefully they'll have a few of the books on my list! As for the champagne, thanks for the visual. I really appreciate you taking the time to explain so much of this to me as I'm sure you've said all this before....


Fluffy is just her hat, you didn't actually think I'd give her identity away did you? :snooty:
Shylock said:
"she was "filled with the Holy Spirit" in ways he was not. In 19 years of marriage, they lived by Scripture, with nightly Bible studies and daily prayer."

Another delusional jesus psycho... People who believe they can be "filled with the Holy Spirit" should be locked in a rubber room and filled with the Holy Barbituates.


Shame on you Shylock--- I live 30 miles from Tyler Texas ,Dee Laney was Insane sure but, she also had a strong belief in the Holy Spirit.

What she did goes against all my values but, I will not judge the complete religion.

I do indeed know of the holy spirit. Its my Faith and my life.


I am not insane but , I do use rubber bands to hold my Church bullitins together. :innocent:
SisterSocks said:
I do indeed know of the holy spirit. Its my Faith and my life.
I am not insane but , I do use rubber bands to hold my Church bullitins together. :innocent:
Sorry I can't relate...I have a life.

We decided at dinner the other night that just as AOL routinely posts a message saying "AOL will never ask for your password" perhaps churches should start announcing "God will never ask you to kill you children." Perhaps that would help some keep clear about the sorts of things God is or isn't likely to ask for.
BlueCrab said:
She was both -- just ask her and she'll tell you God told her to do it. The question is:

Did she possess religious fervor because she was insane; or was she insane because of religious fervor?


She was born with a brain disorder (nature) and eventually would have gone mad. Symptoms would start around their late teens, early twenties. Religion (nurture) could well have pushed her over the edge.
tipper said:
We decided at dinner the other night that just as AOL routinely posts a message saying "AOL will never ask for your password" perhaps churches should start announcing "God will never ask you to kill you children." Perhaps that would help some keep clear about the sorts of things God is or isn't likely to ask for.

tipper said:
We decided at dinner the other night that just as AOL routinely posts a message saying "AOL will never ask for your password" perhaps churches should start announcing "God will never ask you to kill you children." Perhaps that would help some keep clear about the sorts of things God is or isn't likely to ask for.
Was that an Islamic dinner Tipper? Or did you forget that the Bible tells the story of God commanding Abraham to kill his son Isaac as a sacrifice.
Of course he stopped Abraham at the last second. To bad the kids in the cases we are discussing weren't that lucky...

tipper said:
We decided at dinner the other night that just as AOL routinely posts a message saying "AOL will never ask for your password" perhaps churches should start announcing "God will never ask you to kill you children." Perhaps that would help some keep clear about the sorts of things God is or isn't likely to ask for.

Good point Tipper :)

Now... when we include that God will never ask you to tithe or money, there will be more people willing to believe.
Shylock said:
Was that an Islamic dinner Tipper? Or did you forget that the Bible tells the story of God commanding Abraham to kill his son Isaac as a sacrifice.
Of course he stopped Abraham at the last second. To bad the kids in the cases we are discussing weren't that lucky...


Good point, Shylock. Many extremists/nutcases fail to realize that as followers of Christ, God no longer calls for sacrifices such as that, as Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice who died in our places. If anyone is saying that God tells them to kill or sacrifice anyone...they are either mentally ill or looking for someone on whom to blame their pure evilness.

Thanks for bringing that up.

Shylock said:
A true holy-roller wouldn't have pimped-up her daughter and paraded her across a stage.

Patsy wasn't "ATRUE HOLY-ROLLER"

I am convinced that you must be bias against Pentocost people . :(

Your in fact Rude about it. :eek: Grow up and think of others and not ONLY yourself k?


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