Eerie Similarity?

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Originally Posted by cookie
It is stated that once an individual reaches the age of accountability, then it is up to you to make the choice for what you believe and how you will live.

Making that choice is like Russian Roulette. No wonder parents who "know" they're right might kill kids rather than risk them making the wrong choice. What if they choose to be Sikh or Hindu; what if they choose Islam or Buddhism or Jainism? They can't possibly know which is the correct choice---yet the result for guessing wrong is eternal torture?
I do think this is a sick, twisted point of view, & I'm not surprised we see sick, twisted behavior by some who hold such views.

What part of one reaching an age of accountability do you seem to think is sick and twisted? This is also the law of man. Raising children can be very similiar to Russion Roulette anyway. There is only so much you can do and teach your children no matter what religion or nonreligion you believe.I know plenty of good parents who end up with children way less than desirable. But then, I also know plenty of parents who didn't spend any time or put out any effort on raising their children, and those kids turn out to be wonderful productive members of their communities. Do you have children, and if so, how old are they? My children are 31, 30, & 26, and all three are boys. I have always stressed two things to my children their whole life. Those are that I will always love them no matter what. Doesn't mean that I have to "like" them all the time though. I am their mother and there is absolutely no way I will ever stop loving them. And the other is that I did not have all the answers when I became a mother. They didn't come with a set of instructions and I had never raised children before, and I made a lot of mistakes with each of them. They were taught the way I was taught. Learn to use your own brain to think with and I, and only I, am accountable for my own actions.Sometimes they make me unbelievably happy, and other times they make me wonder just what planet they came from. Guess that's just the human part of us.
Barbara said:
For me, the similarity was enough to get my attention.

Dee Laney, the woman now on trial in Texas who stoned her children to death (one survived) was by all accounts a pillar of the community, a devout Church going Christian, a devoted wife and mother, and all the adjectives that have been ascribed to Patsy Ramsey.

NO (and I always love this one) HISTORY

Yet, how is it possible that she snapped one day, after "God told her to do it" and brutally stoned her children to death? By RST standards this could not possibly have happened.

She felt that God spoke with her
Patsy felt that God cured her

She was a devoted wife and mother, according to those who knew her
Patsy was a devoted wife and mother, according to those who knew her

She had no history of mental illness, depression, etc.
Patsy had no history of mental illness, depression, etc.

The similarities are striking

The defense for this woman is that you don't have to have a history like Andrea Yates to be "insane".

There will be many experts prepared to testify that despite the lack of history and pathology, there is such a thing as "snapping" due to stress or many other things and these things can and do happen.

Dee Laney "snapped" and stoned her kids

Why isn't it possible that someone in the Ramsey household "snapped"?

Not that I ever believed it wasn't possible, as did many others, but just another point to be driven home that it can and obviously DOES happen


KEY WORD/CLUE HERE IS "THOUGHT"'s out their for grabs by any/all/ others ... get it?
Toltec said:
Patsy believed she brought death into her home by decorating with purple...that must explain the purple dress JonBenet wore Christmas eve.

There was a wonderful sunset across the distant sky, reflected in the sea, streaked with blood and puffed with avenging purple and gold as if the end of the world had come without intruding on every-day life. TPOMJB

The others wore deep violet. TPOMJB

...Miss Brodie's violet-clad company,...TPOMJB

In the movie Jean Brodie wears a series of purple shaded outfits and in the portrait Lloyd does of her she is wearing purple.

Purple is Jean Brodie's color.
I will call you between 8 and 10 am tomorrow to instruct you on delivery.

The delivery will be exhausting so I advise you to be rested.

If we monitor you getting the money early, we might call you early to arrange an earlier delivery of the money and hence a earlier {delivery} pick-up of your daughter.

Delivery, delivery, delivery, delivery.

Psalms 33:19 To deliver them from death.

50:15 And call apon me in the day of trouble, I will deliver you and you will honor me.

Victory! S.B.T.C

118:15 Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous.

119:146 I have called out to you, save me! And I will keep your statutes
Certainly most of us have visited one of those strange Christian groups where the people are fanatical ,where those that worship lose their reality and enter another plane,one in which they believe they are one with the holy spirit. Separating yourself from reality for the cause of God or any other object of worship is IMO psychotic,if only for the moment. In the opinion of those that have this experience it is holy,cleansing, and spiritually rewarding,perhaps they have it right. When they leave the church,their happiness is tangible,their faces illuminated and their smiles perpetual.(maybe it's me that has it wrong?) However,the weepers the screamers the large numbers of people attracted to this Charismatic arena have hidden in their psyches a sense of evil and sin, guilt for crimes committed against others and in the case of substance abuse against themselves.Large numbers of line walkers,(emotionally unbalanced) find comfort there in the presence of so many like themselves,so it seems NO surprise when almost daily there is news of one killing their child or shooting up their families. The charismatic movement IMO is almost like a form of confirmation for an entire group that IMO exhibits signs of being "mad". To have this background therefore IMO is the HISTORY. Patsy ,while,thanking God for her healing by way of her faith and her doctors, was not in the catergory of the two baby killing women .
cookie said:
What part of one reaching an age of accountability do you seem to think is sick and twisted?
The part about asking them to place their bets on one religion or another. Choosing one faith over another is a high stakes bettor's game. Cookie, when you die will you be with Christ--- or in allah's hell? Or if neither Islam or Christianity is the winning choice, what is? It's important to choose correctly so as not to burn for all eternity---an important decision to foist upon children at their "age of accountability." Maybe some mothers would spare children this choice by killing them, presuming if they die before reaching accountability they won't be relegated to anybody's hell.
sissi said:
However,the weepers the screamers the large numbers of people attracted to this Charismatic arena have hidden in their psyches a sense of evil and sin, guilt for crimes committed against others and in the case of substance abuse against themselves.Large numbers of line walkers,(emotionally unbalanced) find comfort there in the presence of so many like themselves,so it seems NO surprise when almost daily there is news of one killing their child or shooting up their families. The charismatic movement IMO is almost like a form of confirmation for an entire group that IMO exhibits signs of being "mad".
The madness of crowds---lots of people get caught up in this. (Patsy, too, I thought? Not sure.) I doubt their psyches are vastly different than those of mainstreamers. I don't think whooping and hollering is necessarily an indication of madness. I know you're discussing behavior just at services, but FWIW, the one I knew who killed his family was oddly--atypically, for him--silent in the hours before he did it.
Dee Laney and Andrea Yates made no attempts to hide their deeds once they had killed their children. Both immediately called 911 and admitted their horrible deeds.

Both are obviously insane (regardless of the Texas legal definition).
LovelyPigeon said:
Dee Laney and Andrea Yates made no attempts to hide their deeds once they had killed their children. Both immediately called 911 and admitted their horrible deeds.

Both are obviously insane (regardless of the Texas legal definition).


Dee Laney was confronted by her husband when he awoke to the baby's screams. He found Dee hovering over the baby's crib.

She lied to him and said she was changing his diaper.

She wanted to hide the truth until she was done with her tasks.

I will state, once again, what I think might have happened in the Ramsey case.

~Patsy killed JBR.
~John heard her screams and discovered the child either already dead or near death.
~While searching the house, he ran to Burke's room where he found Patsy attempting to deliver the same fate to Burke.
~John intervened and forced Patsy to cover up the death of JBR.

No one has seemed to be able to answer my question as to why this scenario could not be possible in the Ramsey case.

LP, Toth, anyone? Would you like to explain to me why this could happen to the seemingly-normal Dee Laney and not to the seemingly-normal Patsy Ramsey???

The truth is that, unless you were a doctor who treated Patsy, or a very close friend of hers, then you can't know that this scenario is impossible, can you?

I also want to mention the fact that post-hysterectomy depression can be as conducive to temporary psychosis as post-partum depression, if not more so.

If Patsy had not been on the correct levels of replacement hormones following her hysterectomy and cancer treatments, then she could have been a basket-case for years and no one may have noticed it.

Remember the word hysterectomy is derived from the word hysterical for good reason.
LovelyPigeon said:
Dee Laney and Andrea Yates made no attempts to hide their deeds once they had killed their children.
So if parents don't confess, then they are not the killers of their children?

Someone should've told Susan Smith.

Better tell Blagg to hold his ground.

Dare I mention Darlie Routier.

How about those Oregon fathers who slayed their families then fled?

Or all the Munchausen-by-Proxy parents who've never confessed and who've gotten away with their deeds.
Yates had "history",and the recent woman will prove to be as well,these women were insane!
(yes I do believe charismatic religion has an attraction for addictive personalities and/or the mentally ill)
Home school in a time when the public schools are failing is a valid option,but don't believe there are not those who "use" home school in a way as to set up a culture for their children according to the rules of such "churches". It is often used as a way to keep little girls subservient to men in all ways,often limiting their academic skills while enhancing their homemaking and all things pleasing to men,teaching them they have no voice and that they must concede to the opinion of a male. I have experienced this and worse
with a group of "vineyard" christians while homeschooling my daughter.
I have "stories" that should have drawn the attention of law enforcement,however there is no policing and when the group feels "heat" they seem to move elsewhere. " the relocating of the priests?)
It's great that our country allows freedoms,but this new freedom to allow anyone to teach children, not to make these parents adhere to any academic standard,to have no one monitor the ,often,isolated families within a community is dangerous. Many of these children have "secrets" about daddy, often they are kept from neighborhood children who have been deemed "ungodly" by this same daddy. Yep,it's dangerous!
sissi said:
Yates had "history",and the recent woman will prove to be as well,these women were insane!...

Yes, Yates had a history of mental illness.

Laney had the same documented history of mental illness that Patsy Ramsey had: NONE

Sure, the shrinks say now that Laney must have been delusional for years.

Let's hear Patsy confess. Then stick her under a lamp and pick her mind apart and I can guarantee you that signs of a long struggle with undetected psychosis will emerge.
WolfmarsGirl said:
Laney had the same documented history of mental illness that Patsy Ramsey had: NONE

Sure, the shrinks say now that Laney must have been delusional for years.
I post on a board where a relative of Laney's posts. Laney's 3rd cousin says fellow churchgoers thought nothing of Laney's communications from God, until now:

First, some background. I live in a small city (pop. 100,000) in East Texas called Tyler. If anyone lives near me, they'll probably know about the case of Deanna Laney, a woman who bludgeoned two of her children to death and seriously injured a third. She told police that God told her to do it.

She is my third cousin. I've known her since I was a child. My side of the family, and that side of the family are, perhaps, closer than most extended families because we attended (they still do--I don't) the same church, which was made up of mainly one or two big extended families.

At any rate, the case goes to trial this week, and much of the family is still trying to get to the bottom of it. Just last night, at a family gathering, after most everybody else had left, my mother and my aunt and another family friend were talking, and I learned that there have been several events over the last six years that indicate that she might've been losing it. One instance in particular (and I don't think I'm revealing too much in saying this), she called up several people in the church and told them that Jesus was coming and that they needed to get their houses clean (litterally).

I find it interesting that when it happened, no one gave it a second glance.
Continued here.
"However,the weepers the screamers the large numbers of people attracted to this Charismatic arena have hidden in their psyches a sense of evil and sin, guilt for crimes committed against others and in the case of substance abuse against themselves.Large numbers of line walkers,(emotionally unbalanced) find comfort there in the presence of so many like themselves,so it seems NO surprise when almost daily there is news of one killing their child or shooting up their families. The charismatic movement IMO is almost like a form of confirmation for an entire group that IMO exhibits signs of being "mad".

So far, I haven't heard anything in the news of occurances almost daily that there are people killing their children in the name of religion. There are news reports daily of people killing other people in general, but I don't remember all the multitudes of people killing their families in the name of their religion. Yes, there are some that do, but the reports I watch aren't filled with that sort of action. There are far more reports of killings due to drug and gang related crimes, but you don't hear those groups spouting off that they are doing it in the name of God. And, I don't recall hearing any of the children who took guns to school and shot other children and officials claiming that it was done in the name of God.
cookie said:
So far, I haven't heard anything in the news of occurances almost daily that there are people killing their children in the name of religion.

Perhaps not THEIR children, but there are people in places like Israel and Iraq who are killing children every day in the name of religion.

Incidentally, the woman who bashed her three kids in the head with rocks because God told her to do it, was just found not guilty by the jury because she didn't know what she was doing at the time. (Now you know how to get away with murder -- get religious.)

She was evaluated by psychiatrists for both the defense and the judge and found to be insane. Her insanity opened the door to religious delusions,I did not intend to present her religion as the cause,however,I stand in my belief that the mentally ill are often attracted to the most fanatical of these religions.
Patsy does not present as this kind of person,she has never been diagnosed with a chemical imbalance that would deem her insane.
Let's find the intruder/murderer!
sissi said:
Patsy does not present as this kind of person,she has never been diagnosed with a chemical imbalance that would deem her insane.


I'm convinced that Patsy didn't kill JonBenet. However, a totally sane person doesn't ask Jesus to bring a dead person back to life.

sissi said:
Patsy does not present as this kind of person,she has never been diagnosed with a chemical imbalance that would deem her insane.
How on earth do you know that? How do you know if she HAS OR HASN'T ever been evaluated or diagnosed? How do you know what that diagnosis would be if she WERE evaluated and diagnosed? How do you know something other than a chemical imbalance didn't deem her insane? Or perhaps a man-made chemical imbalance?

Ramsey apologists certainly "know" a lot about the Ramseys... lol... not only their entire medical/psychiatric histories - even the parts that haven't happened yet - but also what they would or wouldn't do in every given situation. What's your secret? Telepathy?
sissi said:
Patsy does not present as this kind of person,she has never been diagnosed with a chemical imbalance that would deem her insane.
Maybe not "deem her insane", but we know Patsy had a chemical imbalance from menopause brought on by her hysterectomy, and her inability to participate in HRT due to her cancer treatment.
Patsy wouldn't be the first woman to suffer from violent mood swings when going through menopause.
The added stress from the holiday season and her turning 40 wouldn't have helped the situation.
I have faith,most of us have religion of some sort and faith,and from time to time call on Jesus,God, Allah,etc. for a miracle,Patsy asking for one at the time of viewing her dead daughter,imo,is within "normal".(but yeah,I don't set up those standards) I've called for many a miracle and have more than my share granted.
How do I know Patsy isn't a psychotic? Patsy has been investigated more thoroughly than anyone in history,again imo,and I feel certain if one "crumb" was found the vultures would have been on it.
Others involved in the investigation ,however,are highly suspect ,imo,Steve Thomas before diagnosis and medicine had a high probability of being mentally off balance. (just the stats don't shoot me) while a few others were so egotistical as to indicate a level of sociopathy (this isn't a stat ,this is an opinion)

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