Elderly woman being evicted for feeding stray cat

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It's never to late to be who you could have been
Feb 25, 2005
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This is the second time this apartment complex has been in the news this week. A few days ago, management told all the residents to rip up their gardens and flowers or they would do it for them. I think it is a disgrace to treat the elderly this way.
:furious: That makes me so mad!!!!!

I hope those in the community stand up for this woman! If I lived there I'd gather everyone I knew & would be sitting in the mayor's office!!!
This is really sad. I have always had flowers and bushes. The older I get, the fewer I have as it is getting harder for me to maintain them properly but I still have quite a lot. I can see where they would have to have some limits - vines that grow on the building for example - but to not be able to plant, tend, and enjoy what God has given is terrible. And like has been said, it gives the elderly something to do and be responsible for which aids in their health.

Our older people's government units have huge cement pots by each unit to encourage them and some are spectacular when you drive by and it is sweet to see them tending them and watering them. Life would be very stark without these blessings (people & flowers). There is also a strip by the small patio/porch that can be planted.

If this city has an active senior citizens group perhaps they can enlist the aid of the medical profession to attest to the benefits of these people staying active.
Someone must have been spying on the woman to be able to prove that she was feeding a cat. The goofy place must not want to pay for any extra water to pay for the elderly to have a small spot for flowers and plants. Next they'll probably ban showers and tell the folks to take sponge baths.
This is just crazy. Why can't the woman feed a cat or have a garden? We should all write letters to this place and give them a bit of kick azz. I just can't understand this type of insanity. The world has much bigger problems then to pick on the elderly. It's time the community there gather together and stand up for these people. What kind of people run a place like this? This is just so hard to believe. I'm so pisst off.


"Fuller rejected the argument that feeding Bojangles will attract wild animals into the community.

“Every night I just feed him and bring it (the food dish) in,” she said. “I have never seen a wild animal, except two foxes in the woods. They never came this way.”
This is a clear case of abuse of the elderly. Who owns these apartments? Can someone get the address etc? I would proudly want this woman as my neighbour. The people who gave her an eviction notice should be contacted by Dateline.
I wonder how they know Bojangles is Morris's offspring? :cat: any reason to get the cat icon on here :crazy:
This is outrageous, elderly people love their gardens and taking care of small animals. My husband helps this elderly widow with her garden every year. We also use to live by this elderly man (who has since passed away) that would feed all the stray cats in the neighborhood, he enjoyed doing this, you could walk down the alley in back of our home and he would have little food bowls and water bowls for them at the back of his yard. Little pets like this lower their blood pressure and is very therapeutic for the elderly, the gardening will give them a bit of excercise. Someone needs to report this retirement home, what they are doing is wrong!!
Boy, I hope I am able to stay in my home. No flowers to enjoy, no light exercise to take care of them, show no kindness to animals, no going to church services and enjoying the comfort and closeness with clergy, maybe not getting laundry done if assistance is needed from family who can only come after work - what more can they do to these elderly people? Management better be careful, they and their parents will someday be elderly too. With the economy the way it is, management has no idea what their fate is and where they find themselves living out their later years.
That's ridiculous! I hope the people do picket. There is no excuse to evict and elderly woman who was feeding a stray..
Evicted for having flowers & being an animal lover? What is this world coming to?! :mad:

I wish I lived in this area as the mayor and the management would be receiving an angry letter from yours truly. Good luck and fondest wishes to that woman. I hope that she finds a better place to live if she is forced to leave. Even if she is allowed to stay, after an ordeal like that I don't think she should. :(
I think I saw in an updated article that she will not be evicted. This management company is over the top, and while I left a message with the complex manager early on and had planned to call the property company, but they seem almost hostile that people are responding. While I do not condone threats, they have to realize that their actions have stirred the public. I know that there have to be rules but they should reevaluate their own accountability in how they treat these elderly residents. It seems that they are simply put, bullies. I hope that Mrs. Fuller will not be treated even more unfairly by management because she caused them to be scrutinized but it seems that this is the way these people operate. Luckily the local newspaper seems to be serving as a watchdog, hopefully they will keep it up.
Has anyone heard of any updates on Bernice Fuller and how she is doing? I worry about her still. The elderly don't have it easy and she just lost her cat friend and can't garden. I am in my 40's and that would kill me. Ms. Fuller is 76 and her landlord is not a kind person. Maybe Oprah could find out if I or maybe someone else too could send her a note. Oprah is a humanitarian and she loves animals as well. Is it worth a try?

Dear Oprah, Could you please check on Ms. Fuller as I live in another country and cannot. She needs to be able to garden and have the freedom to feed a bird or a stray cat. She needs to know that someone cares about her. Here is some information on this lovely and caring woman.


Thank you

I sure hope Ms. Fuller is alright. This is a very disturbing story. The elderly need the small animals and bits of plants to stay happy and healthy. I know she probably wished she could move, but that too is way too difficult for the elderly. Just an awful story.
It is one thing if one lives in a place that has a very restricted Homeowner's Association (like they have in Celebration, Florida) and one goes into the contract or lease knowing that you cannot do anything unapproved or half-way unusual. In that case at least one is forewarned. It is quite another to be subject to what is essentially nazi rule! I have my opinions about how some of these people in HOA and the like (some of which are retirees) have nothing better to do that pick on their neighbors and their neighbors' yards. It is one thing to have knee-high weeds or unsafe things in your yard. It is another thing to pick on whether someone can feed a cat or have an unapproved, non-poisonous bush. My father used to get constant violations from his former HOA (one of which was that he did not clean up after a sand hill crane which crapped on his driveway and the sand hill crane was not his pet).

What usually happens is you have one person in a position of power who goes around abusing said power (remember BTK who used to measure the length of people's grass with a ruler). If the person in power has a beef with a particular neighbor they will just pick and pick and pick on them and use the HOA or whatever governing body to back them up. It can totally be harassment.

There are times older people unexpectedly have health issues (like have a heart attack) and miss mowing their lawn. Instead of a kindly neighbor pitching in and mowing it for them, they'll take it up with the HOA about the neglected yard.

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