Elizabeth Johnson's Court Hearings & Charges

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I thought there was this morning Amster, but I haven't seen anything about it yet. :waitasec:
I just looked and I can't find one thing about a hearing today.
This was filed yesterday. I'm assuming it's regarding todays hearing. I'm having a hard time keeping all these hearings straight.

The Court has received and reviewed Defendant’s Request for Extension of Time to Challenge the Grand Jury Proceedings.

IT IS ORDERED granting the request for Extension of Time to Challenge the Grand Jury
Proceedings and extending time up to and including 30 days from the date of this minute entry.

Question, how long can EJ and TS's lawyers keep postponing their cases? Seems they have done this a few times already... What's to keep them from postponing again in 30 days? Can they? I haven't followed these cases enough, but it seems it is taking Casey Anthony 2 yrs before she even appears in court for killing Caylee (and they a have a body and everything)? Could it take THAT LONG for EJ and TS??
Now it says next court date June 7th....what's rule 11 motion?

Maybe this answers the rule 11....EJ is not competent at this time then, or so the motion to evaluate her maybe?
Arizona Criminal Law
Rule 11
This rule applies when a defendant is not competent to stand trial. A person may be incompetent for a number of reasons including mental illness, mental retardation, head injury, and substance abuse. A person is not legally competent if cannot understand the legal matters or is not able to assist in his own defense. Please note that this is very different from an insanity defense
I wonder if it's just because she's in the psych ward right now or is it because her mental illness is getting worse and she really is not competent enough to stand trial right now??
This is flippen ridiculous!!! Gabriel is still missing!!! AHHH!!!! I am going to email the prosecutor and the judge. I am pissed!! THEY NEED TO DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO FIND HIM!!!
In court today, Rule 11 Motion was filed. Here's what I pulled up on that...is EJ's attorney saying she is incompetent and now she will be evaluated?

I found this info on Maricopa County Court's website:


It seems like this is related to her current mental state and has nothing to do with her mental state at the time of the offense. Related to the attack on the other inmates maybe or perhaps a stall tactic? If she was found incompetent but "restorable" she'd be remanded to another facility for treatment prior to her trial.
well if it is because she is in the psych ward etc. what does that matter...I thought she didn't have to attend until she actually went to trial remember. It was said in her other court appearance that her lawyers could go and she didn't have to until then. And why is TPS being postponed for her custodial interference charge...that was all she had against her...does she really need more than 4 months to prepare her case for that...she admitted it on TV what she did and to my knowledge that was all she was charged with...that should be an opne/shut case...the whole mess makes me sick and I am more disappointed in the legal system than I am in them because they allow this crap to happen regardless if a baby is missing or not. the more time that passes without answers from them the harder it is to find him or more potential there is that something will happen to them. these people are complete idiot! IMO
Does this have any bearing on her appearing for her own trial? Can she "sit pretty" and get her way by not going back to court if she is found "currently" incompetent? I don't know, but she didn't look crazy to me when she was walking around spraying the other inmates with that cleaner. She knew exactly what she was doing and took her time doing it.

This is so darn frustrating when there's a missing baby! I wish they would just go ahead and issue the Amber Alert...better late than never! Get the whole US looking for him and do 1 thing right for once LE. This whole system is failing Gabriel...unfortunatlely this same system failed EJ ong ago, but it doesn't have to continue with this baby.
I think she is trying to get the 6 months to pass before she has to appear before trial.....GRRRRRRRRR

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