Emotional Toll

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DNA Solves
My Hubby is going to divorce me if he hears one more word about this case.

Hear that HPD?! You're ruining marriages over here!
I need to get myself a pair of combat boots because this case is making me mad!! :furious: I want arrest(s) made - like now.

O/T: Thanks for the giggle, Kat!!!
Okay, when things get to this point of serious, it's time for us all to put on our WS combat boots (otherwise known as s**t kickers).
HPD, thank you for working so hard on this case.

The emotional toll will not kill us, but it may help boost the economy by lots of people buying boots. ;)

Take your time and do everything you need to do to find justice for this beautiful child.

Everyone else- hey maybe we could throw an extra pair of boots for a child on our holiday gift lists and donate them to our local shelter(s) or clothing drive(s)?
I went shopping earlier and bought all the combat boots the store had. They thought I was nuts. :) Oh well. There should be enough for everybody. LOL.

Okay, when things get to this point of serious, it's time for us all to put on our WS combat boots (otherwise known as s**t kickers).
It's been a while-but I'll be ready with the rest of ya!!:innocent:
I stayed away for days and have come back to find nothing. Nobody in jail nobody a POI nothing.. I just cant believe it..I know patience and all that jazz but lets go for gods sake.
*hands nort a pair of combat boots*
I think that if I read that one more parent kills their baby, or dismembers their beautiful daughter, or throws their baby off of a bridge into a river, or gives their child to imaginary Nannies, or 'disappears' an adorable frog lover, or moves their child in with a SO, or takes 3 of their own beautiful sons during Thanksgiving! .... and kills them......


I'm going to seriously, spontaneously combust. :furious:


I need a hot bubble bath and a glass of wine.
As much as I wanted something, anything, to happen in this case, I'm anxious about these warrants being released. I know they're going to tear the scab that was only just starting to form on my heart clean away.

Please let this be the beginning of the end.

ETA: As bad as I thought it would be, it was so much worse. I wish I could be numb, but I'm far too crushed to be. Shame on everyone who should have protected this child and didn't. Please, never, EVER again!
I hear you Noetic. I too am having one of those weeks where it just all seems too much in here. I know realistically there aren't more cases this week than there were last but for whatever reason, THIS week, I can't take it. I am ready to pull our my hair if I read just one more story of a parent perpetrating some awful act upon their child.
You know, I hate to have to do it, but I really think I'm going to have to take a break from all this stuff over the holidays. Not turning a blind eye to what's happening in our world, but I do have a family I need to consider. I can't bring peace into my home when I can't find any peace in my own heart.


Right now, I just feel completely sick in my soul.

You take care of you and your household if thats what needs to happen. We all so totally get it hon. I am betting many are feeling exactly the same way right now.

I gotta get me some combat boots cause I got several rear ends that could use one inserted via my FOOT!
Pass me over a pair of combats preferably with spikes?
I am deeply saddened by this. I knew it was bad, but I am grieved to find out how bad.
Today, I've been the saddest, most downtrodden, and most teary since I first heard of Zahra's disappearance. I don't think my psyche can take some of the things I heard today... it's too much. Although I suspected all of it, to read that in print via SW was almost surreal. I wanna make some rubber bracelets or something so I can wear one and rub it when I need the kind of strength that Zahra must have had to endure the hell on Earth she had. What a gem she was... I'm really seriously messed up tonight...
I think that if I read that one more parent kills their baby, or dismembers their beautiful daughter, or throws their baby off of a bridge into a river, or gives their child to imaginary Nannies, or 'disappears' an adorable frog lover, or moves their child in with a SO, or takes 3 of their own beautiful sons during Thanksgiving! .... and kills them......


I'm going to seriously, spontaneously combust. :furious:


I need a hot bubble bath and a glass of wine.

I like that you are in anger mode... and that others are too. I'm in depressed/sobby/lying around and mopey mode. Like giving up and giving in mode. Like the world is hell mode. It'll go away and I'll move to a new stage of grieving, but right now it's nice to read people up in arms....
I am sad beyond words. I am also so glad I am nowhere NEAR North Carolina. I am so angry and upset at this. I think AB and EB will be lucky to make it trial alive as I can just imagine the rage in North Carolina tonight and in Australia...there is nowhere these people are safe now...

This is worst, most evil case I have ever followed...her poor, poor mother will be lucky to be sane after all of this. She must be having a breakdown if she knows about this. My heart is so heavy right now. I will continue to pray for ED, LE, and all those involved in getting justice for Zahra. And if there isn't proper justice in this case, I think I might just breakdown myself...

I just want to go hug my stepdaughter tonight...but she lives in a different house. I'll have to wait until I see her again...I'm barely able to keep myself from crying and I have to grade papers tonight.
Just when I think there is no way things could be more horrific, then more details of what Zhara must of gone through.

The molestation I suspected may have been going on but I thought that AB looked the part. He may have molested her also. To hear that two men were allowed to rape her and hurt her. I am really stunned.. words can not describe how sad it is that she had to live her life as she did. It was mentioned that all this without even being able to hear what was going on. I fully suspect they kept her hearing aide from her alot of the time.

Horrible people need to pay with their life. I hope and pray there is an arrest soon and may that arrest be Adam Baker.

Now I need to brace myself for the news on the Skelton boys.. another sad horrible case.

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