Emotional Toll

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My first post here - I have been lurking for a couple of weeks, but just had to post and say thank you, to all of those searching for this precious little girl, and those of you who are contributing to the effort in finding her. I'm not sure why this case has touched me as it has - I have a 21 month old toddler who I love more than life itself, and can't imagine how any parent could allow any harm whatsoever to come to his / her child, no matter what - my little boy is my LIFE... my heart goes out to ED... I have been having so much trouble sleeping at night, thinking about Zahra - I would have loved to have been able to take her in and love her, and spoil her. :( Just had to post here, this has really made an impact on our lives. XOXO

Hi xland. Probably none of us do understand how...why...it's sick..

to Websleuths.
Hi xland. Probably none of us do understand how...why...it's sick..

to Websleuths.

There was a recent triple murder in my community, involving 2 young children - it really shook me to my core, for lack of a better term.. I don't know if I never paid much attention to the news before, or what - but then along came Zahra, and her beautiful little face... I just can't fathom what kind of being (not a human!) could hurt a child, it has brought such a shock and sickness to my heart. I truly hope that the ones who did this are brought to justice! You Sleuths are awesome, BTW... I wish that I could help somehow. XOXO
There was a recent triple murder in my community, involving 2 young children - it really shook me to my core, for lack of a better term.. I don't know if I never paid much attention to the news before, or what - but then along came Zahra, and her beautiful little face... I just can't fathom what kind of being (not a human!) could hurt a child, it has brought such a shock and sickness to my heart. I truly hope that the ones who did this are brought to justice! You Sleuths are awesome, BTW... I wish that I could help somehow. XOXO

Just your being here helps. One never knows when something will hit them, an idea, a clue...something.

Is WS covering your Towns triple murder?
Just your being here helps. One never knows when something will hit them, an idea, a clue...something.

Is WS covering your Towns triple murder?

I don't think so - not that I've been able to find. The confessed murderer is being held in a nearby jail, awaiting trial. It was the Hershman family: Stephanie (27), Jaylon (3), & Jathan (23 mos), and the accused is Matthew V Perkins, an Army recruiter. :(
Zahra is just special - her smile, her courage, the inquisitive tilt of her head as she was getting her hearing aid. Zahra is all things good. The Zahra's of the world give me hope.

ETA: I have had to step away for a few days now and again as it is wrecking havoc on my emotions - then come back and dig deeper. I will never understand the evil in the world - some people are plain and simple evil personified.
I don't think so - not that I've been able to find. The confessed murderer is being held in a nearby jail, awaiting trial. It was the Hershman family: Stephanie (27), Jaylon (3), & Jathan (23 mos), and the accused is Matthew V Perkins, an Army recruiter. :(

Check the forum Crimes In The News. If not there already, you can start a thread about it and link us some news about it. Local paper...videos etc..
Here is the link---http://www.websleuths.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&daysprune=&f=7
Just a quick shout-out to all of you. I wish I could give you all a hug in person. Penelope, Brighidin, Xland, just simply ALL of you!!! Nurse..... you and me go WAY back.... way, way, back! You had childhood cancer and survived. I work in the hospital you graduated from, and I have the brace that I wore as a child - not with cancer, but with a disease that prevented me from walking on my own for three years - 3rd, 4th, 5th grade.... Zahra's age. Today, I dance... and I have a child who is 10 years old. My "dance" name is Zahara. I just feel SO connected to this little girl that my heart just simply is broken. Again - thank you WS's for offering a place where we can get together. console each other, and seek justice!
Sorry, thought I might go here. Husband is retired LE. Thought I heard it all but hugs to you all. HOW can anyone be so inhuman?
Thank you ((((Reee)))) for starting this thread.

What an EMOTIONAL PULL little Zahra has had on me. I am sure most of you have heard of my own battle with childhood cancer, chemo, radiation, recurrances, the like....

It is HARD ENOUGH to survive cancer as a child let alone have to endure what she must have. I was lucky enough to have parents that supported me, held me like the fragile egg they thought I was ((((but let me tell you... childhood cancer survivors are HARD EGGS!!! TRUST ME I AM ONE)))) But to know that my parents and everyone else around me treated me as parboiled... that was fine with me. The support overwhelming. I still carry in my purse a piece of a prayer cloth that friends prayed over for me.

I am sick... absolutely SICK that Zahra will never get to exert the strength on the world that she would have gleaned from being a childhood cancer survivor. I am LIVID that someone... a HUMAN BEING (or multiple humans) took this life that she fought for. Her body defied her and she told it off... only to have her ultimate dignity and strength from that survival robbed from her by EVIL!

I will never ever forget this little girl and I want all of her found. Every bit and piece. She deserves AT LEAST THAT.

I have a feeling little Zahra would have grown up to be someone who cared deeply for others, especially children; someone who would have led by example, showing that physical illness can't take away your spirit or your can-do ability; someone courageous and smart and loved by all.

In other words, someone a lot like you, Nursie. :hug:
Emotional roller coaster is right.

The beautiful resilience of this bright angel compells me to care.
After all she has been through, she still has a smile that draws people to her from all over the world.
I just wish it were all different.
Imagine what she could have been, imagine what that beautiful happy personality could have become, if only those that were suppose to care, cared at all.

I have a daughter close in age to Zahra. They are the most precious things in the world.
How can anyone deny the innocence and beauty of their own child?
How can a parent not care? It is just beyond what I am capable of comprehending.

I'm a big guy, I dont cry often, not for years, but......

Zahra, I hope one day soon, when they find you, you will be able to tell your story.
Goodluck little one.
:Welcome-12-june: :Welcome-12-june: :Welcome-12-june:

To Websleuths OutbackJoe you are so right, I was just driving home thinking about Zahra and how much I wish it could all be so very different. Nothing can make this right now, it's so unbelievably sad and awful.

I so wish the school, the family, and the neighbours had reported the abuse to the police instead of social services....perhaps then this story would never had ended this tragically. Poor child.
I've been around WS for a while and followed many cases. It just seems since Caley, I've found it harder and harder to follow the little one's cases to the end. By the end, I mean the waiting, searching, guessing, wondering why the most likely people that KNOW where this child is doesn't tell anyone. Allowing them to search through every backwoods cranny and knowing they could stop the search by just speaking up!

I haven't read all the posts on this thread as I can't see clearly through my tears. But I've wanted to thank all of you who have been dedicated to this forum since it began. I wish I was as strong as you. I just can't.

It's inconceivable how someone could harm such a precious child such as Zahra. Whether she's a bio child or not, doesn't matter. She was precious, because she just was.

Every time I see a picture of this beautiful human being, I just feel like I'm being stabbed in the heart. I can't believe someone would do anything to cause her pain and then throw her away like a piece of trash and on top of that, not tell what, when, where, ........................WHERE IS ZAHRA?! How could they keep that inside and still be human?

Anyway, thank you for all of your posts and stories and thoughts about Zahra. Bless you all.

Excellent thread, a good time to take stock and organise the thoughts and feelings.

The first pictures of Zahra’s sweet, little freckle-face haunted me, she’s no more important than any other missing or murdered child but, to me, she somehow speaks out for all of them. The loss to all of us of this sunshiny, brave, little girl with the huge heart, well, the world became a colder, emptier, greyer place when she left it. Roller coaster? Oh yes. I’ve been infuriated, sickened, moved beyond belief, exhausted and yes, even occasionally amused because of this case and the people involved in it. Had to take a couple of days away here and there when the speculation about what may have happened to her before she died went to places my mind didn’t want to, no, couldn’t follow.

I’ve also been awed and humbled by the efforts of so many who didn’t know Zahra yet have thrown their hearts and souls into finding her, finding out the truth about what happened to her and into seeing that those responsible pay for what they did. And I’m not just talking about LE, yes, they, to me have gone above and beyond with their heroic efforts to resolve this case, but there are all the people here too. Those who have spent hours upon hours scouring google maps, checking facts, posting updates, links, educating us in their areas of expertise and knowledge, providing much needed comic relief on occasion and, not forgetting, Tricia, who provided us with this space and the mods who have worked so hard in these threads, keeping us all on track and gently intervening when feelings run high. Thanks to all concerned.
I have a feeling little Zahra would have grown up to be someone who cared deeply for others, especially children; someone who would have led by example, showing that physical illness can't take away your spirit or your can-do ability; someone courageous and smart and loved by all.

In other words, someone a lot like you, Nursie. :hug:

Sometimes I wonder if Zahra had lived and continued to suffer horrible abuse, if the toll over the years might have killed or wounded her spirit to the point that she wouldn't be the shining, strong, beautiful person we have come to know her as.

Someone posted elsewhere that we should each do something good in her honor, even carrying her smile to others--strangers, children, our own loved ones. I think her courage and loving heart can be multiplied through all of us, in a way it never could have been if her story had had no reason to come to the news.

Let's do it. Let's carry the good we see in Zahra throughout our journeys in the world, since she is no longer here to have that impact herself.

Today has been the worst day for me emotionally. Maybe because I believe we've finally found her, and I can no longer figure out a way to feel like I'm helping her? I don't know. But today is just one miserable, miserable day here in my little corner of the world.

(((Zahra)))~ I'm so sorry...
Today has been the worst day for me emotionally. Maybe because I believe we've finally found her, and I can no longer figure out a way to feel like I'm helping her? I don't know. But today is just one miserable, miserable day here in my little corner of the world.

(((Zahra)))~ I'm so so sorry...

Oh, Mountain_Kat.... I totally understand. This case has hit me like a ton of bricks! Driving to and from work, I just cry. I was in WallMart the other day and saw a little girl that looked a bit like Zahra - finished my shopping with tears streaming down my face. I have gone in and looked at my 10 year old daughter sleeping...and I cry. I do feel relief that Zahra has been found.... but the healing is going to take a long time! You know what I dread next? We HAVE to understand what happened. Some people don't understand that, they think we are just being morbid. As I see it, the next thing we can do, is to stand witness to the injustice, the evil, the horror of this thing. I certainly understand people who don't want to know what happened, and just can't take anymore. But for me.... I need to look evil squarely in the eyes. I know it is going to hurt even worse before the healing really begins. I am SO glad to have all of you here at WS's to walk beside as we seek justice now for Zahra.
Oh, Mountain_Kat.... I totally understand. This case has hit me like a ton of bricks! Driving to and from work, I just cry. I was in WallMart the other day and saw a little girl that looked a bit like Zahra - finished my shopping with tears streaming down my face. I have gone in and looked at my 10 year old daughter sleeping...and I cry. I do feel relief that Zahra has been found.... but the healing is going to take a long time! You know what I dread next? We HAVE to understand what happened. Some people don't understand that, they think we are just being morbid. As I see it, the next thing we can do, is to stand witness to the injustice, the evil, the horror of this thing. I certainly understand people who don't want to know what happened, and just can't take anymore. But for me.... I need to look evil squarely in the eyes. I know it is going to hurt even worse before the healing really begins. I am SO glad to have all of you here at WS's to walk beside as we seek justice now for Zahra.


For now though, I need to go play with the new kitten, hug the dogs, call hubby and tell him I love him, talk a walk in the sun, all those things that no one blessed enough to have should EVER take for granted.
I just wanted to give everyone a huge, huge hug that's followed this case. I am going to go pick up my own 10 year old daughter from school and this weekend highlight her hair. She's been begging me for months and its something so small that will make her so happy. I feel blessed to have learned of Zahra's courageous spirit and very grateful to not have shed tears alone over such a tremendous loss to our world.

To all WSers, mods, and lurkers:grouphug:. Thank you.
If some of you are new to this, I thought it might help to know that it happens..... and we never get used to it. Hugs to all of you for your support and companionship through the nightmare.

So true. (ETA: I'm very lucky to have a husband who understands me and my love of WS. When a child is found or a case gets really intense, all I have to say is "such-and-such has happened and I need some time". After processing my grief, I then usually emerge - wanting to go to something fun as a family and leaving WS behind for a few days... taking a deep breath of the joy and good in life before diving back in.)

...A little girl looked at her mom then glared at another little girl and said I dont know why we have to deal with her every other week and the mom said I dont either....

I had an older half-brother growing up and my mother acted the same way. :( I never really understood it.


Someone posted elsewhere that we should each do something good in her honor.....

My husband always repeats the saying (and I mean - a LOT) that the only thing needed for Evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing. Complacent means complicit to me. We've seen it with Zahra, with Shaniyah, with countless others -- who have adults in their lives who know about abuse, yet who sit back, do nothing, are complacent, and COMPLICIT. MOO.
ty Reannan for starting this thread. I think today I will be coming here to fall apart and so will many others. I have followed tough cases, heck, still following some through the trial, but this one just reached into my heart and squished it. I am so upset, and every time I think I've gotten a handle on my emotions, I burst into tears yet again.

We very much needed a place to just come, offer one another comfort and blubber if need be. Thank you so much for thinking of this thread the other day.

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