Enquirer Sez What Set George Off Was...

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IMO..this was KC's hidden message, when she told CA in one of the jail house conversations, that "it would all make sense once Caylee was found".

And another hidden message that Cindy was trying to decipher during the FBI interviews is Z's statement "I'm going to teach you a lesson". That was something Casey heard from someone and attributed it to Z. Who do you think would have said that to Casey?
I have also always written off the NE for being a sensationalistic rag, ie alien stories. However, as a friend has so often pointed out, they have had the scoop on many many stories and they have been proven to be true. Oh well. We may never know what made GA feel suicidal, but I do not just shrug off the NE anymore.
a friend bought the NE issue for me since she knows I read here obssessively and search the news channels for stories re: Caylee. I read where a poster said there was nothing new, and I agree. However, there is something very chilling reading what is reported that CA said and did, what George did and why, and what neighbors heard. I read the entire article and the bulleted sides (no, there was no bullet found, just a formatting thing :)). It was interesting. This is going to be a long torture waiting for the trial.
I think that GA wanted to avoid the meeting with BC that was to take place at 4pm that afternoon. I wonder what the nature of that meeting was and what was to be discussed. GA seems to me to be a person who uses avoidance as a way to deal with problems. Although I know it will never happen, I would like to see the tox screen to see what he took and how much. I guess I don't fully believe that this was a "real" suicide attempt.
I think George is tired and overwhelmed with dealing with everthing he has been dealing with for years, which has been complete chaos and now it has escalated to disaster of which he has absolutely no control. His attempt may not have been suicidal, but it was defintely a cry for help. I believe he has had a breakdown, and if LE had not arrived he may have taken his own life at some point. IMO he was the only logical person in that family, however, he has been caught up in a "web" due to monetary and emotional reasons. I pray that he gets serious help because he definitely needs it.
They did not show anything to them, imo. I don't believe after they found Caylee's body they shared such information which would be considered critical to the case.
I agree. The only thing that the A's knew was that LE was searching for specific items within their home per the search warrant. I would assume that they received the information that we received - "publicly" - just as we did.

I thought that the "jewelry comment" that CA made was strange. Now knowing that the stickers sent GA to a breakdown makes more sense, bless his heart. I think GA has had serious doubts about KC all along. If you read in the documents, he approached Yuri on the first day of his questioning her and said that he thought that she was withholding information.

I think he may have remembered seeing Caylee playing with heart stickers...
I had EXACTLY the same thought. Caylee was of an age when she should have been potty training and we know she was still in diapers.

Many parents/teachers use stickers as incentive to use the potty.

Here's yet another possibility/thought. Could Caylee's death have resulted from Casey smacking or pushing her because she went in her pants rather than on the potty?

That is one thought that keeps crossing my mind...
Thank goodness George is still here among the living and hopefully getting back the strength to come out and be Caylee's champion. He has wanted probably to do this all along but has had to supress MANY feelings because of his DD's precarious situation with a LWOP or the DP on the table. No one, from the family, was on Caylee's side and she was the innocent victim in all of this. I can't imagine grieving for a victim AND having to support someone allegedly involved with her disappearance. (Have Scott P's parents gone off the deep end yet? This man has a conscience and a soul)

As for the jail house video tapes. (Bobbie's Angel post #86) Public viewing be dammed. To the Anthony's.....If you want to put on a show of support for your daughter, don't do it in your front yard holding a hammer. Go to the jail and say sweet words and smiles and cry your tears there to EACH OTHER. Talk sweet words of Caylee. Tell HER life story through those tapes. True, every news entity will take it apart frame by frame but you have every chance to stage something that you KNOW will be fodder for the TV or tabloids. My take on you not going is that you are afraid of what you might say or what LIE Casey will tell you and it will incrimate you and her beyond measure. Now, just as before all this mess, you are cannot control what Casey will say or do and this is telling.

Sorry, as for the topic of this thread about what set George off.... Even if he didn't recognize the sticker, I think being an ex-LE, it was the gesture of that "last kiss" (and other momentoes found) that sent him over to the dark side.
George knows now that Casey HAD her chance to a burial AND to say her last goodbye. This sticker plus also all the other "comforts" that was placed with Caylee
in her grave spoke volumes. Only a loving, caring person would do that for someone they will miss. Zenaida, a stranger whom they have NEVER met and supposedly had a key to their house, could never be a plausible truth. (Where can I find the link to Casey actually saying this to her Mom?) If Casey, gave her this
key then she is somehow linked AGAIN to her murder. NO strange murderer would
bundle up a baby in their own bedding with her cherished toy and kiss her goodbye. If it was Z who wanted to teach her a lesson (and WHY did she need to teach Casey a lesson? Earth to Casey!!), the baby would have been found much sooner and not protected from the elements by the bags she was in. I want to poke holes in the whole Z story because this is the crux of the matter, I think for George as well. The guilt in taking Casey on her word all those many months about a Nanny, was the wool that was pulled over his eyes and he did nothing to question her about it....probably even after getting hinky feelings when the sweet angel didn't respond to his curiosity about her caretaker. (I still think this is why her Mom throttled her....the baby finally spoke up) We must remember that he is the father but he is also ex-LE and he would be asking the same questions of his daughter but his broken heart can't. What a hard way to live. Blessings on you, sir. Get strong and get well for what is soon to come.
I think that any grandparent who just learned that there was duck tape adorned with a heart sticker wrapped around their baby girl's mouth just might not be able to handle the image of the child's last moments alive. The heart sticker, to me, sings SICK, TWISTED Psycho.

Combine this with the fact that the remians were skeletonized and accompanied by a Pooh blankie and a toy horse and it is a miracle that all three of the A's didn't end up in the psych ward.
While I agree that absolutely everything about Caylee's death helped push George over the edge, I also think there are some other contributing factors.
And another hidden message that Cindy was trying to decipher during the FBI interviews is Z's statement "I'm going to teach you a lesson". That was something Casey heard from someone and attributed it to Z. Who do you think would have said that to Casey?

Nobody. KC doesn't talk in code, she just blathers. And, there is no Z.

That is one thought that keeps crossing my mind...

I don't see that as much as possibly Caylee wanting to stay with grandma vs. kc.....after a fight--in other words choosing ca or kc...:waitasec:
Nobody. KC doesn't talk in code, she just blathers. And, there is no Z.

ITA, and I couldn't have said it better myself.
Why would LE show the Anthonys the actual sticker they found? Seriously, they just don't do that. They might have showed them one like it... but that sticker would have gone into an evidence bag and straight to the forensics lab. I don't buy that he saw it, at all. Everyone on all the boards was speculating if the heart sticker was what sent George over the edge. Then somebody blows it up into he saw it and recognized it. George and Cindy were not even allowed at the crime scene. No law enforcement officer is going to take evidence to their house to show them. If they did, it would not be admissable in court... because it would be tainted.

They could've shown a photo of the actual sticker...or shown the evidence bag with the sticker in it...it's not beyond comprehension that they could've seen THE sticker, as far as I know...but I certainly could be wrong.
I've followed quite a few cases over the years and I've never heard of any family member being shown actual evidence. In fact, most family members comment that they aren't told anything by LE regarding evidence.

I think he heard it and knew that KC/Caylee has these heart shaped stickers, that they were used by them alot and so put two and two together. LE did come back to their house and probably were looking for any similar stickers and maybe even asked George or CA if they knew where any might be.

but I don't believe they were shown the actual sticker that was found at the crime scene.
Because she had a key to house, silly! That's where she got the blanket, duct tape, toy horses and sticker!

I feel badly for GA, I hope he finds that inner strength to overcome this and knows that he is needed to fight for his granddaughter and not that sorry excuse of a daughter!!! If it was indeed the sticker that set him off. With that letter he wrote thinking his daughter is still innocent.. maybe with healing and time away from CA will he eventually realize the very sad truth.
As for the key, what I can't fathom for the life of me, is how KC could have just 'given the key' away like that. Especially the grandparents who have never met "zanny" (for one). I know I wouldn't just give they key away like that with not having at least the sitter meet the grandparents. it is "their" home after all.

But I guess this shouldn't really surprise me.. we all know KC wouldn't give a darn about things like that.
There is, nor ever was a key used by Zanny, because there is no Zanny.George had just recently went to work, if someone else had a key I'm sure George would have seen the person.
Cindy,asked Did someone else have a key, because she was still trying to give Casey a way out of the mess, and maybe Cindy noticed food gone, items moved, mail went through, towels used and asked about a key,
Casey,just threw that out there in case,she could use it.
I feel sorry for the whole family,Cindy and George,wanted to believe Casey so bad,they were willing to have the whole world despise them.
There is, nor ever was a key used by Zanny, because there is no Zanny.
George had just recently went to work, if someone else had a key I'm sure George would have seen the person.:)
Cindy,asked Did someone else have a key, because she was still trying to give Casey a way out of the mess, and maybe Cindy noticed food gone, items moved, mail went through, towels used and asked about a key,
Casey,just threw that out there in case,she could use it.:behindbar
I feel sorry for the whole family,Cindy and George,wanted to believe Casey so bad,they were willing to have the whole world despise them.:confused:

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