
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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David Lohr from the Discovery Channel just posted this....

One of the K9 handlers said that they would have an easier time during the search if Casey Anthony or her family would provide them with an item that would have Caylee Anthony's scent on it. According to the handler, an item was requested from the family but they allegedly refused to provide it.

I guess if they help with the dogs- it means they might actually find a corpse. CA is so stubborn she refuses to even allow the idea Caylee might be dead. It's all just so sad.... the family and world all need for this to end.
It boggles the mind. Most people who want help finding a loved one would do ANY
THING they could to help. Sounds to me like this is not the case here. No matter what Tim will not give up, he has a determination to find this precious little girl,that I have not seen at all from this family. It appears that if they can't be in total control, there isn't any cooperation from them. IMO
It boggles the mind. Most people who want help finding a loved one would do ANY
THING they could to help. Sounds to me like this is not the case here. No matter what Tim will not give up, he has a determination to find this precious little girl,that I have not seen at all from this family. It appears that if they can't be in total control, there isn't any cooperation from them. IMO

I agree totally with you! I'm so glad Tim is here to help find Caylee. As far as the Anthony's they have managed to shock me one more time.
You and Wine posted about the same time. :)

Well...what does that tell us that they won't allow an item of Caylee's to be used?! Tells me they do not want her found, IMO!!! :furious:

That's what it tell me, too.:furious:

Could LE subpoena one?
If someone CLOSE the the Anthony family is reading this...

Please tell Cindy and George that sent dogs are able to follow a trail and find a LIVE person if...

YOU provide a sent source to the handlers!!!
If someone CLOSE the the Anthony family is reading this...

Please tell Cindy and George that sent dogs are able to follow a trail and find a LIVE person if...

YOU provide a sent source to the handlers!!!

At what point does this nonesense become "Obstruction"??:mad:
This family continues to astound me by their behavior, if that isn't an admission of guilt I don't know what is. It seems they feel very confident Caylee won't be found but no one has anything personal that would help a dog hit on her scent and they want to keep it that way . These people are SICK!!!!
Yeah. Wow,I really can't wrap my mind around their refusal to even assist in this search. Ridiculous.

Ridiculous yes OUTRAGES DEFINATELY, however the answer is easy, THEY ARE NOT SEARCHING FOR A LIVE CAYLEE!
I just don't understand, if the family has nothing to hide, why don't they cooperate and help any way that they can??

Nothing to hide, oh yes they do.

I'm positive now that Casey didn't do this on her own and that is the major reason why Cindy an George are NOT cooperating!

"According to the handler, an item was requested from the family but they allegedly refused to provide it."

Well, I guess LE can put another 'circumstance' in the 'guilty' column. :bang:

Way to go Anthonys and your PR firm. Way to go.:mad:


The Anthonys won't help in any way...........a body found = prison for Casey. :mad:
Who do you think helped her?

I wouldn't be surprised if JG did. From the video interview he gave on July 17 it sounded like he still had a small thing for her (calling her "beautiful").

I'm not saying he harmed Caylee just that he may have helped Casey get rid of evidence or body.

The Anthonys won't help in any way...........a body found = prison for Casey. :mad:

I'm trying to be kind and considerate as far as the grandparents go. I truly believe they're in denial. But to deny a simple thing as a scent of the child, even if they WANT her alive, they need to look at every scenario.

FWIW, IF this were my grandchild, I certainly would want them alive. I'd do anything in my power to find them. That would include, PERSONALLY, SLOGGING THROUGH SWAMPS, if I had to.

Also, FWIW, the Anthonys need to know that this search by TES, isn't JUST for a BODY, but to ELIMINATE. IF they truly want to prove their granddaughter is alive, PROVE IT by assisting in NOT finding a dead body! Provide Caylee's SCENT!! PLEASE!!

This is NOT about Casey, it's about CAYLEE!!!!!!

Although I aplaud LE for releasing funds and equipment and spreading the word to round up more searchers- ALTHOUGH- WB's did a lot in my opinion to spread the word too and I think GiGi & others who called radio stations etc may have a lot to do with a renewed attitude in the search for little Caylee!

That said, what pisses me off is that LE only granted the release of 5k...I'm sorry but that is a drop in the bucket of what forfieted drug money they have at their disposal! In my opinion, If Orlando doesnt give more then they should be reaching out to other LE officials and pleading with them to donate to TES! Um, like MIAMI or nearby agencys to donate, more needs to be done, and more needs to be given!!

5k is nothing!!! TES, had already spent over 27k of their own!
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