EVIDENCE - Pro and Con #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Curious about something. Is there a way to delete texts without having the phone on and being on someone's cell phone account? Remember all of the texts that TM alluded to being missing from Heather's phone? I've been wondering if TM deleted them after Heather went missing. How else would she know about them and that they were deleted?


There's an app for that... http://mightytext.net/

But, you would have to have access to phone in order to sync.

Not sure about the other part.
All very true but he is now camped out discussing the case with the Moorer supporters and that's a bit odd.

Just catching up. And after reading back a few pages a question came to mind.

What are the chances that the date may have known SM more than just working on jobs at the place where he worked?

But even if they did know each other or were friends in any capacity, then surely someone would know that wouldnt they? And surely that would have been reported to LE by now one would think.
Curious about something. Is there a way to delete texts without having the phone on and being on someone's cell phone account? Remember all of the texts that TM alluded to being missing from Heather's phone? I've been wondering if TM deleted them after Heather went missing. How else would she know about them and that they were deleted?

I thought she was referencing tweets? I recall something about that because there was discussion here about missing tweets. But, as it turned out, the tweets in question were still visible on her account.

There are several apps for wiping text conversations from the phones of both parties. But they're relatively new and I don't know if they were available in the timeline of this case. It's basically a tap and a question in response as to if you intend the action, then the convo is wiped.
Just catching up. And after reading back a few pages a question came to mind.

What are the chances that the date may have known SM more than just working on jobs at the place where he worked?

But even if they did know each other or were friends in any capacity, then surely someone would know that wouldnt they? And surely that would have been reported to LE by now one would think.
Me, personally, I would file that under "possible," not "probable." I do, indeed, think someone would have figured that out by now, if it were the case.

I thought she was referencing tweets? I recall something about that because there was discussion here about missing tweets. But, as it turned out, the tweets in question were still visible on her account.

There are several apps for wiping text conversations from the phones of both parties. But they're relatively new and I don't know if they were available in the timeline of this case. It's basically a tap and a question in response as to if you intend the action, then the convo is wiped.

I read up on that Cellebrite company that the phones were released to (mentioned in the search warrant) & from what I've read... they're like the leading phone data extraction company in the world. They can bypass passwords and/or locked phones and recover deleted data (from texts, apps, web browsers, you name it)... even from phones that have been reset to their factory settings. So I'm fairly certain that if there was anything incriminating on any of those 15 phones, LE knows about it now.

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I read up on that Cellebrite company that the phones were released to (mentioned in the search warrant) & from what I've read... they're like the leading phone data extraction company in the world. They can bypass passwords and/or locked phones and recover deleted data (from texts, apps, web browsers, you name it)... even from phones that have been reset to their factory settings. So I'm fairly certain that if there was anything incriminating on any of those 15 phones, LE knows about it now.

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Woohoo! :happydance:
I read up on that Cellebrite company that the phones were released to (mentioned in the search warrant) & from what I've read... they're like the leading phone data extraction company in the world. They can bypass passwords and/or locked phones and recover deleted data (from texts, apps, web browsers, you name it)... even from phones that have been reset to their factory settings. So I'm fairly certain that if there was anything incriminating on any of those 15 phones, LE knows about it now.

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I just meant in response to the previous question that, yes, there is technology that wipes text conversations from both the user's phone and that of the other party. I would never argue that an app could trump data extraction methods used by government agencies/law enforcement.

I can't imagine that the M's can hide from any record of activity on any electronic device. They weren't even smart enough to figure out that pay phone calls to a number appear on the other party's log. I'm sure they were stupid in other areas of activity as well.

But I continue to think the state has some issues with its case.
I also think that unless we have a big surprise forthcoming, the date will turn out to be the most straightforward (honest) one in the entire bunch of players. So any discrepancies in what we read that he said early on, and what he may have said recently, aren't likely a result of a changed statement. More likely, they reflect discrepancies flowing from another direction. JMO
From the original police report (12/19/14):


Terry Elvis spoke to SS, who stated that he picked the victim up at her residence at approximately 7PM on that date. SS stated that they went to dinner, went looking at Christmas lights, and then to the parking lot of Inlet Square Mall, to teach her to drive a manual drive vehicle. SS stated that he then took the victim back to her residence at approximately 2-2:30AM, and that she went inside the apartment and that her vehicle was in the driveway.


I spoke with BW, victim's roommate, who stated that she last received a phone call from the victim at 1:44AM on December 18th. BW stated that the victim seemed like she was crying and upset, due to receiving a phone call from SM, whom the victim has previously had a relationship. BW stated that victim stated that she received a phone call from SM, who told her that he had left his wife and wanted to be with the victim.

From Timeline:
<snipped for focus>
12/17/13 (10:43PM) - Heather sends TE (Dad) a text message/picture about how she was driving a stick shift.
12/18/13 (>1:35AM) - Date drops Heather off at her Condo. Car never moved from River Oaks property. [According to Police Report, Date said he dropped Heather off between 2:00-2:30AM]
12/18/13 (1:35AM) - Phone call from pay phone (10th Avenue North) by SM to Heather. (call is 4:53 minutes long)
12/18/13 (1:53:05AM - 2:09:48AM) - Heather posts 10 times on Tumblr.
12/18/13 (1:44AM) - Heather speaks to Roomate (BW) crying and upset, due to receiving a phone call from SM.

So yes, if date (SS) dropped Heather off anytime between 1:35AM and 2:30AM and went inside with her...

  1. SS would have possibly heard conversation or at least knew that someone (SM) called Heather at 1:35AM. He states he only knew about calls/texts from/to BW and TE.
  2. SS would have seen/heard/knew Heather was on the phone with BW at 1:44AM.
  3. SS would have seen her crying and upset.
  4. BW could have known SS was there.
  5. SS would have seen Heather posting on Tumblr.
  6. Also, SS stated that he did not get home until 3AM. I never understood or believed that it would take him 1 hour to drive [home] from Heather's to Murrells Inlet. So, if he in fact went inside Heather's, then he would have left her place around 2:30AM since it takes roughly 20-30 minutes from Heather's to SS's home.
I think there's some new found holes in these latest comments/recollections.

Thank you for posting this. I have no idea why he is changing his story now? *shrugs*
I just meant in response to the previous question that, yes, there is technology that wipes text conversations from both the user's phone and that of the other party. I would never argue that an app could trump data extraction methods used by government agencies/law enforcement.

I can't imagine that the M's can hide from any record of activity on any electronic device. They weren't even smart enough to figure out that pay phone calls to a number appear on the other party's log. I'm sure they were stupid in other areas of activity as well.

But I continue to think the state has some issues with its case.

Oh no... ITA. I didn't mean to direct that towards you in any way. Your post just made me remember reading about it. I probably should have posted it in a new post instead of quoting yours.

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jillycat, you're right I think it was the tweets TM mentioned were deleted. I just wonder if TM had Heather's phone and tried to do some work on it before it went totally dark. I'm also thinking that may be the discrepancy with the time line of last pings, calls, communication. I can't imagine TM having access to Heather's phone and not wanting to see what's on it.
Oh no... ITA. I didn't mean to direct that towards you in any way. Your post just made me remember reading about it. I probably should have posted it in a new post instead of quoting yours.

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No problem at all. I lost texts from one person recently that seemed to have just been zapped, and I researched how that could happen. I was actually surprised to see that you can wipe other people's phones. One app claims they can wipe from the server too. But even if that's the case, nothing from any electronic device ever truly disappears. I'm surprised the M's didn't grasp that.
jillycat, you're right I think it was the tweets TM mentioned were deleted. I just wonder if TM had Heather's phone and tried to do some work on it before it went totally dark. I'm also thinking that may be the discrepancy with the time line of last pings, calls, communication. I can't imagine TM having access to Heather's phone and not wanting to see what's on it.

As I understand the discrepancy there, TE said early on that the last activity/usage of her phone was 3:41. LE stated it was as late as 6:00. LE then stated later, after the arrests, that the 6:00 time was a "roundabout" time. To my knowledge, other than a social media remark that was not confirmed and so we couldn't include it in ongoing discussion, there was never a final ping time released in any media or published police report. Remember when the posts about the timeline went round and round about pings vs usage? Oy!

I still think that reports of when phones were active and from what location might turn out to be very different from where people owning the phones were at those times. If that's the case, Heather may not have had control of her phone as per the log and her perps would have had time before 3:41 to access it.
Honestly wouldn't be suprised if TM went as far as hacking into one or more of Heather's social media accounts prior to her dissappearance. She was obsessed (imo) with Heather and just snooping around wasn't enough. If i recall correctly there was a journal or something that showed TM was keeping tabs on details of the Elvis family back from the first bond hearing(?) she could very well have obtained passwords or whatnot to heathers accounts and was able to log into them from her own computer/phone to snoop/monitor her activities and convos.
Did a quick google search about twitter account hacking, and while there aren't public instructions on how to get passwords, there are quite a few people claiming to have "contacts" who can privately get any password if you provide the persons twitter username.
Who knows if this is even possible, and i realize after rereading my post, i sound crazy.
I realize this could be totally farfetched but gotta throw my thoughts out there..i usually just hide in the shadows here:lurk:
Hacking takes some skillz and smartz and know-how, not in abundance in TM's DNA.

I don't believe anyone other than H.E. herself deleted any of her own tweets.
Hacking takes some skillz and smartz and know-how, not in abundance in TM's DNA.

I don't believe anyone other than H.E. herself deleted any of her own tweets.

I agree..
I really don't see her hacking on her own, rather asking someone else on the web to do it. Also not necessarily to delete stuff but to snoop on her private convos to see what she may have been saying to SM.
I dunno, i highly doubt this happened..and may not even be possible..
I just can't wait to get some answers! It's been too long.
It will be awhile before the answers come. It would not surprise me if this case ends up taking another 9 months to get to trial. I think I predicted long ago it would take upwards of 2 or possibly even 3 yrs from time of arrest to get to trial, as murder trials just seem to drag along more often than not.
Wasn't it TM who revealed that TE had a run in with the law when he was a teenager? I think you had to pay to get those records, so it wouldn't surprise me if she paid some service to hack Heather's acct.
I thought she was referencing tweets? I recall something about that because there was discussion here about missing tweets. But, as it turned out, the tweets in question were still visible on her account.

There are several apps for wiping text conversations from the phones of both parties. But they're relatively new and I don't know if they were available in the timeline of this case. It's basically a tap and a question in response as to if you intend the action, then the convo is wiped.

Honestly wouldn't be suprised if TM went as far as hacking into one or more of Heather's social media accounts prior to her dissappearance. She was obsessed (imo) with Heather and just snooping around wasn't enough. If i recall correctly there was a journal or something that showed TM was keeping tabs on details of the Elvis family back from the first bond hearing(?) she could very well have obtained passwords or whatnot to heathers accounts and was able to log into them from her own computer/phone to snoop/monitor her activities and convos.
Did a quick google search about twitter account hacking, and while there aren't public instructions on how to get passwords, there are quite a few people claiming to have "contacts" who can privately get any password if you provide the persons twitter username.
Who knows if this is even possible, and i realize after rereading my post, i sound crazy.
I realize this could be totally farfetched but gotta throw my thoughts out there..i usually just hide in the shadows here:lurk:

Yes it was Tweets she claimed had disappeared. If you go to the HE Social Media thread in the Parking Lot, user KoolAidMan (I think that's it) used the Tweet recovery program that he had also used in the Teleka Patrick discussions to look up Heather's Twitter history. The program does show deleted Tweets, and IIRC he found nothing remarkable missing.
Found him. Sicko!

Black Samsung cell phone with black plastic case unknown serial # taken from Josh Michaels

Joshua Aaron Michaels



Check out Horry County Public Index:

Case Number: 37699GE
Disposition Date: 03/11/2015
Charge: 26207166-Ordinance / Public Disorderly Conduct Generally

*Bond posted by none other than a female with the initials AC.

Has a rap sheet that includes public disorderly/public intoxication, larceny, burglary, assault & battery, and criminal sexual conduct with a minor (11-14 yrs of age)!

So... what was he(?)/his phone (roadway) doing at the compound on HWY 814? AC's boyfriend perhaps?

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