EVIDENCE - Pro and Con

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Whoa no, it's actual hope. For one thing, until they see physical evidence her family told me themselves, as well as many supporters, that they will hold out hope for her to safely return. And there isn't "no way" that she is hiding out somewhere or being held against her will, as that happens every day. Also the LE and Government Officials here will try and say sex trafficking doesn't happen here, but it DOES. This is one of the prime grounds for it. I'm convinced Brittanee Drexel was trafficked and for a while I was suspicious that the Ms arranged for Heather to be trafficked as well. For multiple reasons, 1) for TM to get her "out of the picture" and 2) Because how the heck else did they get all this money. I feel less that way since the charges came about, especially the ones for fraud. However there is still a possibility of that, and could be why the Ms are so sure they'll get off because there's no evidence if a murder never happened. Unfortunately, I feel there must be some pretty strong evidence for them to be charged that way. However if it comes out in trial that there is not what experts feel is sufficient evidence of an actual murder, I will still wonder if Heather has been sold overseas. Besides, many young ladies have gone missing, been presumed dead, and then escaped their captors years later even when their cases were higher profile than Heather's. Sure, it definitely doesn't look good but flat out saying it's impossible is incredibly inaccurate.

Edit because I want to clarify that what the family has said in person and what they are showing on video on the news are... not exactly the same. It's very skewed on the news. Example. Yes they want closure, but that doesn't mean they've given up hope on her being alive. They just want someone to tell where she is, dead or alive. Yet the only thing the news shows is them saying they just want closure to be able to do something.

I don't know how one reconciles the reality of 2 people (the M's) being arrested and indicted for first degree premeditated murder, held without bond awaiting a murder trial, and yet thinking the victim (Heather in this case) is still alive somewhere. If that's truly the belief then the family should be insisting the M's not be charged with murder since, if Heather is alive as is believed, there is no murder and thus that extremely serious charge should be dropped. The state charged this couple with premeditated murder and the grand jury concurred. This is, sadly and tragically, a murder case, perpetrated by one or both of the Moorers.

I do understand a family not wanting to face the grim and terrible reality though.

Sex trafficking is simply not a factor in this case and there is zero evidence of that. If there was some evidence then the state would not have moved forward with a murder charge. The evidence, according to the state, points directly to murder, but sadly the victim's body has not been found (yet). Hopefully that will happen at some point because every family should have the opportunity to lay a loved one to rest properly. Sorry, but I'm a pragmatist and believe the M's murdered and disposed of Heather's body. There was apparently enough evidence to support an arrest and indictment. We'll see what happens during trial.
I don't know how one reconciles the reality of 2 people (the M's) being arrested and indicted for first degree premeditated murder, held without bond awaiting a murder trial, and yet thinking the victim (Heather in this case) is still alive somewhere. If that's truly the belief then the family should be insisting the M's not be charged with murder since, if Heather is alive as is believed, there is no murder and thus that extremely serious charge should be dropped. The state charged this couple with premeditated murder and the grand jury concurred. This is, sadly and tragically, a murder case, perpetrated by one or both of the Moorers.

I do understand a family not wanting to face the grim and terrible reality though.

Sex trafficking is simply not a factor in this case and there is zero evidence of that. If there was some evidence then the state would not have moved forward with a murder charge. The evidence, according to the state, points directly to murder, but sadly the victim's body has not been found (yet). Hopefully that will happen at some point because every family should have the opportunity to lay a loved one to rest properly. Sorry, but I'm a pragmatist and believe the M's murdered and disposed of Heather's body. There was apparently enough evidence to support an arrest and indictment. We'll see what happens during trial.
BBM: There is a difference between thinking someone is still alive (to believe that something is true, that a particular situation exists, that something will happen, etc.) and HOPING someone is still alive (To want something to happen or be true and think that it could happen or be true). CarolinaAsh mentioned that the family has hope.

Horry County police executed search warrants at the homes of the Moorers and Caisons on Dec. 23, 2013 and Feb. 21, 2014, records show.
According to an affidavit, police sought and obtained the Dec. 23 warrant to search the Caisons’ home after they noticed a video recording device on their property.

“This video surveillance could be instrumental in finding the whereabouts of the victim,” a Dec. 23 affidavit states.

(I am just trying to get this straight in my mind...I thought I had read or heard early on in the case that TM voluntarily let LE search the first time - in December) but it appears this was not the case as this article says search warrant was obtained for the December search AND February search.
Hoping the video surveillance they (Moorers and Caisons) had on the property did show something that will prove beneficial in this case; however, I think this crime was well planned out and a person would think IF that was the case, then they (Moorers and Caisons) would have either turned off their video surveillance on their properties or erased it, recorded over it etc.

Also, anyone else find this interesting from the article...(as one of the items seized)...
"a torso of a mannequin with white a white tank top"

“They [police] took everything out of their house,” Caison said. “The only things they’ve got left are their beds and their refrigerators.” (Geesh, IF that's the case, police sure did seize A LOT of things/items etc!!!

PC seems to want to make the point of two shotguns being returned BUT wasn't there a couple handguns in the home as well? IIRC, I remember one was said to be laying on the nightstand?

Horry County police executed search warrants at the homes of the Moorers and Caisons on Dec. 23, 2013 and Feb. 21, 2014, records show.
According to an affidavit, police sought and obtained the Dec. 23 warrant to search the Caisons’ home after they noticed a video recording device on their property.

“This video surveillance could be instrumental in finding the whereabouts of the victim,” a Dec. 23 affidavit states.

(I am just trying to get this straight in my mind...I thought I had read or heard early on in the case that TM voluntarily let LE search the first time - in December) but it appears this was not the case as this article says search warrant was obtained for the December search AND February search.
Hoping the video surveillance they (Moorers and Caisons) had on the property did show something that will prove beneficial in this case; however, I think this crime was well planned out and a person would think IF that was the case, then they (Moorers and Caisons) would have either turned off their video surveillance on their properties or erased it, recorded over it etc.

Also, anyone else find this interesting from the article...(as one of the items seized)...
"a torso of a mannequin with white a white tank top"

“They [police] took everything out of their house,” Caison said. “The only things they’ve got left are their beds and their refrigerators.” (Geesh, IF that's the case, police sure did seize A LOT of things/items etc!!!

PC seems to want to make the point of two shotguns being returned BUT wasn't there a couple handguns in the home as well? IIRC, I remember one was said to be laying on the nightstand?

Interesting. :thinking:

Horry County police seized:
  • $10,600 in cash from a safe
  • a torso of a mannequin with white a white tank top
  • a Bi-Lo receipt dated Dec. 18, 2013
This article has been updated since it was published and I first read it.:eek: Torso of a mannequin! Really?

I am still wondering if Waccamaw Publishers got all the info about the search warrants they were after? I haven't seen anything more about their pursuit although they are publishing these new items.

Certainly the video surveillance from the M's home will be instrumental. Question is, do they have video from the night/morning of the 18th? I would be even more suspect if they do not.

And, the Bi-Lo receipt in interesting as well. I assume they went to the Bi-Lo on Dick Pond Road. But why that store and that location. And, what was purchased? What was purchased at Bi-Lo that couldn't be purchased at a connivence store closer to the M's?

Possible security cameras at Bi-Lo?

BTW, the Bi-Lo on Dick Pond Road is the only grocery store in the area that is open 24-Hours.
I recall a TM "sighting" at that same Bi-Lo by another local prior to her incarceration FWIW.

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Interesting. :thinking:

Horry County police seized:
  • $10,600 in cash from a safe
  • a torso of a mannequin with white a white tank top
  • a Bi-Lo receipt dated Dec. 18, 2013
This article has been updated since it was published and I first read it.:eek: Torso of a mannequin! Really?

Just a side note. When I read about the mannequin I thought of a couple people I know that have a torso of a man (on a stand) that was purchased as a boxing or workout type of thing. So it could totally be a weird thing or be something as simple as a past gift to SM.
If they were truthfully trying to get pregnant prior to all of this, why would she refuse medical care? (I understand she said the vitamins made her sick, and that's entirely possible, but NO medical care??)
Exactly! No medical exam to confirm a pregnancy and so far I've seen absolutely nothing showing she was hospitalized or treated for a miscarriage. I think it a bit strange to "lose" a baby immediately after losing a plea to get out of jail due to being pregnant
TM has zero credibility, as does her family, so I think most of us would need to see proof in the form of a verified medical report by an objective/unbiased doctor proving a pregnancy existed at the time she said it did. In the absence of such proof, her claim of being preggers and her obvious ploy to use that for a get out of jail on bail card sounds exactly like a made up story.
There is a FB page out there that has a pregnancy report that looks like it might be official, but I am not sure that I believe it.
Trial date set for Heather Elvis murder case
by Continuous News Desk

A trial date has been set for the week of May 11 for Tammy and Sidney Moorer, who are charged in the death of Heather Elvis, according to court documents filed Dec. 31.

The state has also asked for an 800 panel of possible jurors for the weeks of May 11 and May 18.

Jury selection will begin May 11.


I'm due for jury duty too. Watch my name come up. :noooo:
Horry County Deputy Coroner en route to body being found
Posted: Jan 03, 2015 9:51 AM EST
Updated: Jan 03, 2015 9:51 AM EST
By WBTW News Staff

This story is developing now

NORTH MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (WBTW) - Horry County Deputy Coroner Darris Fowler confirms he's en route to a body being in the water near Sea Mountain Highway.

Fowler says he's expecting more information once he arrives on scene.
I am not sure who was asking and I can't find the post with the request but someone had mentioned not being able to find where they read/saw something regarding process of elimination (IIRC) but I was just reading some articles and ran across something that may be what the person was looking for/referring to. Hope this helps...


Horry County Police won't say what they found, but they will say that through the process of elimination at the evidence recovered from the home on Friday, they know who kidnapped and murdered Heather Elvis back in December.

I just wanted to bring this forward after reading this the first week this thread started
I am not sure who was asking and I can't find the post with the request but someone had mentioned not being able to find where they read/saw something regarding process of elimination (IIRC) but I was just reading some articles and ran across something that may be what the person was looking for/referring to. Hope this helps...


Horry County Police won't say what they found, but they will say that through the process of elimination at the evidence recovered from the home on Friday, they know who kidnapped and murdered Heather Elvis back in December.

I just wanted to bring this forward after reading this the first week this thread started

On the WMBF News Facebook page, news of the murder charges were met with some confusion. Many people wanted to know how a person can be charged with murder if the victim is still missing. A law enforcement official said murder charges can be filed without a body only if investigators have found enough evidence to prove the murder happened, through multiple pieces of evidence.

Capt. Dale Buchanan with Horry County Police said, "We have evidence that will be processed with us. SLED is assisting us with processing some of the forensic evidence. Is some of that evidence DNA? Yes."
Not sure when LE and MSM are going to present their evidence of DNA and make it official. Possibly at upcoming bond hearing?

I've alway thought that a huge amount of blood could prove someone was murdered without finding a body. If someone lost a large amount of blood without medical attention that they could be presumed dead.

If a small amount of HE's blood was found at the M's (even after clean-up), could this prove she was in fact murdered. People just don't bleed for no reason.

LE could have used luminol to find a large amount of blood that was cleaned up afterwards and argue that she was killed.
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