Evidence Removed from Anthony Home-Official Crime Scene

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I know that the question wasn't aimed at me, I am sorry to jump in, but I had a thought. Maybe she tried to bury the cooler and it was too much work and she realized that the black garbage bag just blended in better, so she decided to leave the bag and take the cooler. Or she dropped the cooler and the bag fell out.
Good enough, in casey land.

That makes sense too. I have wondered if the "scratches" on the hood of the trunk were from the cooler sitting or sliding on it.
In a strange kind of way, I think George was worried about just that from the getgo.

Well, it would serve him right for going along with the zanny story and acting like a hen pecked fool. If he did molest her as a child then there will be some karmic justice for him too.
Maybe the infamous HAMMER? Another WS sleuth BEGGED LE months ago to examine that hammer that Sindy was always weilding...wondering if eviedence wasn't being blatently waved around...

(Sorry sleuther, can't remember your name)

OMG...good guess! :clap:

IIRC That kind of hammer is the kind we used to break concrete block...the sharp end...referred to as a "rock hammer." I need to go look at the CA weilding hammer pics to make sure.

My poor old brain is all over the place catching up with all the threads!
The age thing drives me crazy too! I became a mother shortly after my 16th birthday and a dang good one I might add :crazy: with no family to help with anything. (I did get married, but he didn't lift a finger) She was 19 when Caylee was born, that's not a child, much less 22!
I think what they may be saying is that some ARE too young to be having children, especially if they do have an anti-social personality disorder. My sister was 18 when she had her first child. Yes, she raised her kids, but she sure did make a mess of it. Though she was never "officially" diagnosed, I would say she was suffering from some sort of mental illness.
I don't know that she did........she may have replaced it.

If she did bring it back, she did so it would not be missed by GA & CA.......wash it out, bring it back, sit it on the shelf............It could be they did miss it and asked her about it, and she had to throw the baby out to take it to them.

Maybe she didn't use the cooler............maybe someone else more knowledgeable did...........

Thanks. Food for thought. If that were the case, then I question the stain in the trunk. It would mean that at some point, the body was taken out of the cooler, as you suggest above, before disposal, then cooler washed.

Here is one for you regarding the garbage bag. Recall that the infamous 'za bag had Tony's trash & receipts in it? Wonder if the remains bag came from TL's - not the A's?
They say that there is no original evil left in the world, everyone is just recycling someone else's pain.
Which says to me that casey had to get her idea from somewhere because no matter how heinous an act, someone has already committed an act just as heinous. I think that she found the Henry Hudson Parkway unidentified case on the NCMEC website and tried to simullate is as best she could.
it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. I have always believed that she had help, but it might have been internet help as opposed to human. Before the fact, anyway.
I know that the question wasn't aimed at me, I am sorry to jump in, but I had a thought. Maybe she tried to bury the cooler and it was too much work and she realized that the black garbage bag just blended in better, so she decided to leave the bag and take the cooler. Or she dropped the cooler and the bag fell out.
Good enough, in casey land.

K, I can see either of those possible scenarios. Good thinking. (And jump in any darn time you can!)
I agree as well. I gave birth to twins at 21 years of age. Looking back, there are things I would have done differently. And as a single mother for many years, I look at Casey and often think 'there but for the grace of God go I.' I am just thankful that my children grew up relatively unscathed by my immaturity. But plenty of women become mothers at a young age and don't murder their children or treat them as savagely as KC appears to have treated Caylee.

The age thing drives me crazy too! I became a mother shortly after my 16th birthday and a dang good one I might add :crazy: with no family to help with anything. (I did get married, but he didn't lift a finger) She was 19 when Caylee was born, that's not a child, much less 22!

Much respect to you both and to all the other mothers out there! You have the most important job in the world, IMO. And, thankfully, some of you will be serving on Casey's jury.

Have there been any new or official reports itemizing exactly what was taken into evidence after the search of the Anthony home?? Do we have a picture of the cooler? I thought I saw a plastic storage bin, not a cooler--?:confused:
Like was said earlier, they most likely have been keeping that on the "back burner" in case the body was found. Early on in this case, I posted that if they found the body they would use what I called my "BUT GEORGE" defense and bingo in the documents here comes out about the sexual abuse.

It really is the only chance they have. Since the body was found before they agreed on the final plea bargain, that is off the table. They are not going to discredit the scientific evidence now........most likely could not have before, but now that is out...........so what do they have?

NOTHING ...........but.... insanity coupled with my ..........BUT GEORGE defense.

Excellent prediction you guys...IMO the A's have always used George as a whipping boy anyway...part of the pack mentality. Just like wolves, dogs, etc...people tend to have pecking orders in group situations also.

To keep from attacking each other in every day situations, they abused George...the enemy of my enemy is my friend...
I agree as well. I gave birth to twins at 21 years of age. Looking back, there are things I would have done differently. And as a single mother for many years, I look at Casey and often think 'there but for the grace of God go I.' I am just thankful that my children grew up relatively unscathed by my immaturity. But plenty of women become mothers at a young age and don't murder their children or treat them as savagely as KC appears to have treated Caylee.

Ya know what? I was 22 years old when I had my son. I was mentally ill (undiagnosed at that point), often psychotic, addicted to prescription drugs and a convicted felon. I was a suicidal, self harming, liar, thief, and cheat. I was a very sick human being but I have never laid a hand on my child- ever.

There is no excuse for what Casey has done, NONE!
I don't think LE or the SA needs to spend a further second or tax dollar proving that at all. I believe they have already gathered more than ample proof that there was no Nanny.

I just thought of something thinking about the Nanny. I know there is no proof anyone paid any Nanny - no canceled checks, receipts, etc. But, would you not claim this on income tax? 400.00 a week, I think I heard mentioned. Did Casey claim this amount was what she paid in an interview? If so, would you not claim all or part on taxes? I have never had significant child care expense so don't know about this? I know there is some standard deduction, but, would 400.00 per week let you claim more?
What is Cindy's big binder? I must have missed this.

You would have seen it most in the FBI CA interviews, although she seemed to carry it everywhere with her for the past few months.

The binder appeared to hold all of her notes, tips, time lines, etc. I suspect it also had copies of email communications, too.

From my perspective, I would think it would be of value to LE if they are gathering obstruction evidence.
Ya know what? I was 22 years old when I had my son. I was mentally ill (undiagnosed at that point), often psychotic, addicted to prescription drugs and a convicted felon. I was a suicidal, self harming, liar, thief, and cheat. I was a very sick human being but I have never laid a hand on my child- ever.

There is no excuse for what Casey has done, NONE!

I don't think I will ever fully grasp what it means to be "mentally ill." A strange comment from someone who studied psychology (actually majored in it) in college - lol! And it's not that I didn't understand what I was learning - I actually had a decent GPA. But as hard as I try to understand human behavior, it evades me how people can commit horrible acts such as this.

BTW, I have come to "know" you through your posts and I just can't see you being "mentally ill" (whatever that really is.)

ETA: I realize not all who are mentally ill commit crimes, just as not all who commit crimes are mentally ill. Just that with the frequency of the insanity plea, the waters have become somewhat muddied. Does that make sense at all? I think it is past bedtime for me!
It was all over the news, we know Cindy was text messaging Ch. 9 from the plane. Text messages/phone calls take no time to make. I don't know if she would "risk being charged with doing something stupid as she is pregnant", either, but lots of pregnant girls have done stupid-er things.
Does anyone have a link to this? I have missed seeing Mallory alltogether and would love to see for myself if she IS pregnant since it has been rumored for some time now...anyone???

I have always doubted Georges story about seeing Caylee on the 16th. He was SO descriptive of the clothing she was wearing. I'm curious as to IF maybe they did find clothing and it didn't match Georges description. Imagine if the clothing matched the same clothes as the June 15th video? THAT would make them run to the house, imo.

All speculation, but we'll see.

Now THAT is a major possibility...If they recovered the exact same outfit as she was wearing in the video then that will lend credence to the George is lying about the 16th theory and that Caylee was gone from that house that same day...Good thinking.:)

The pesticide canisters really bother me. Why in the world would she use pesticide? Did she use pesticide to murder her daughter? Because she was a 'pest'? OMG, this whole thing is just even more sickening and horrifying than I could have even imagined and we don't even know 1/16th of the details (at the most) that LE knows. Makes me want to vomit. The thought that she treated that baby and her body with less regard and respect than you would the kitchen trash is just disgusting. I hope LE goes after her so full throttle that she doesn't know what hit her. I pray that the evidence is so strong that there will be no doubt as to what exactly happened and that LE takes all bargaining options away from her so that she has to serve the maximum sentence allowed by law (sorry, I don't support the DP and I'd rather see her rot in prison while being tortured by big bertha for the rest of her life anyway)

If not death then life locked up will be good enough. I kinda like the idea of Big Bertha having her way with Lil Ole Casey...kinda makes me smile inside...:eek:

Maybe barettes, hair tie or casey made her a cross from some beads....i bet the cross from jc penny....didn't she buy two of them?
It has never been clarified that there actually were any crosses, it is something that we have debated and arrived NOWHERE with...:) ask Chilly she knows...:crazy:

the A house isn't very big, why the need for 4 vacuums?
Think Monica from friends...some folks have vacuums for their vaccuums...they like it CLEAN...and then there are the rest of us slobs...:rolleyes:

I've got my hopes on the shop vac/vac cleaner too. Ever since only one hair identified in that trunk, somebody cleaned up, and if it was KC, she was too lazy to take it to a car wash/vac place. There has to be something in one of those 3 vac's they took.
Recall she told Tony she took HIS vehicle to a specific place and cleaned it up-randomly she told him this, so it is possible that she ACTUALLY took HER vehicle there and cleaned it...Heck maybe she cleaned HIS at her house...???

kind of off topic but on topic at the same time...

yesterday when LE was walking about the a house going towards the back---out in the front yard ran a SQUIRREL--think he was running for his life...odd bit humor for me at least on such a day...

Now THAT is funny!:blowkiss:

Kevin Barry was on GMA this morning. When asked if something was found at the crime scene that caused them to issue the search warrant he said absoultely. He also said that they also took three or four car fulls of evidence out of their house.

Can't wait untill discovery shows what those things are. that is quite a list. I bet they are tearing that house to pieces.

Off topic of that has anyone heard where the dogs are now? Are they still in the house or were they given to the A's I know it doesn't really matter but it was just a thought that crossed my mind
Cindy and George returned to the house and got a suitcase and the dogs and then left again, although they ARE free to return now...

Thought of something else.....LETTERS AND CARDS..... somehow I think ca would keep them----perhaps that is why when discovered they ran over to the house quickly when they saw M there....they did follow her for a bit as well...but those LETTERS and such......makes me wonder.....

Oh My God! I so hope that Casey DID write them letters as they kept insisting, especially Lee...where the heck is Lee by the way? Even when these remains are discovered he is nowhere to be found and sends his lady in to the house to feed the dogs? hmmm.:waitasec:

The vacuum cleaners have me intrigued. I wondered a while ago on this forum why they were not seized earlier, because if the trunk had been cleaned (which I believe Casey did on the 20th after putting Caylee in the bag), more "death band" hairs would be found in the vacuum's bag.

It is 6 months later. Surely the bags are long gone.

Unless...the ones used to clean the car were found with Caylee...
Now THAT would be wonderful, as much forensic evidence would likely have clung inside the bag even if it deteriorated from being wet. Good thinking.:clap:
I just thought of something thinking about the Nanny. I know there is no proof anyone paid any Nanny - no canceled checks, receipts, etc. But, would you not claim this on income tax? 400.00 a week, I think I heard mentioned. Did Casey claim this amount was what she paid in an interview? If so, would you not claim all or part on taxes? I have never had significant child care expense so don't know about this? I know there is some standard deduction, but, would 400.00 per week let you claim more?

I'm not in the US, so I can't speak to the way it works there, but up here, we get tax breaks at both federal and provincial level (well, in my province, we do,) for child care expenses. There is a basic deduction, then additional calculated amounts depending on your income bracket and number of children.

Now, having said that, I have always suspected that KC hasn't filed taxes since she worked in 2006.
Ya know what? I was 22 years old when I had my son. I was mentally ill (undiagnosed at that point), often psychotic, addicted to prescription drugs and a convicted felon. I was a suicidal, self harming, liar, thief, and cheat. I was a very sick human being but I have never laid a hand on my child- ever.

There is no excuse for what Casey has done, NONE!

You've come a long way baby!:blowkiss:
Thanks. Food for thought. If that were the case, then I question the stain in the trunk. It would mean that at some point, the body was taken out of the cooler, as you suggest above, before disposal, then cooler washed.

Here is one for you regarding the garbage bag. Recall that the infamous 'za bag had Tony's trash & receipts in it? Wonder if the remains bag came from TL's - not the A's?

I don't think so because the documents said his was white.

As for the stain, I think she put her in the wheel well first and then moved her to a cooler.
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