Evidence revealed during the course of the Wrongful Death action

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So. Here's why (we are supposed to believe) Rebecca for sure committed suicide:

-- She gave herself dozens of small abrasions all across her back, and we ought to assume this was from the balcony railing though a brief topple over just doesn't match the pattern at all.

-- While injuring herself all over her back and limbs in this fall, also managed to bang her head four times. She was really wrasslin' that railing, wasn't she.

-- Managed to hang herself with throat injuries consistent with manual strangulation. How crafty of her.

-- While in a suicidal state, and with an incredibly complex scenario to set up for her imminent suicide, thought to hide the clothing she'd been wearing all day -- so thoroughly, in fact, that no-one to this day has ever found it. Positively machiavellian.

-- Stood on tiptoe to paint the message on the wall, and then gave her own nipples a pinch.

-- Googled asian bondage *advertiser censored* that night, for the first time ever, just for inspiration. The fact that Adam had also searched *advertiser censored* that night was mere coincidence. Or the entire suicide was set up to make him look incredibly guilty. For some reason. Hey, this was a woman crafty enough to hide her own clothes, after all... :facepalm:

Or you know. He killed her. And staged the scene to look like suicide. Which eerily resembles asian bondage *advertiser censored*...what with the asian girl and the bondage and all...

I don't know HOW this ever was ruled a suicide. I just do not know and cannot fathom, in any way that leaves LE and coroner looking both competent and honest.

agree... the second post mortem exam was very telling.. absence of neck fractures during hanging strangulation?, i dnt think so.. highly indicative of staging....what am trying to figure out is about Adam and Dina ... did they connive to eliminate the victim, each having different agenda? want to learn the dynamics between them ..
So, I thought it might be illuminating to compare what each of the three defendants has to say about Max's death, as pretty much everyone who knows anything about this case believes that Max's death resulted in Rebecca's death.

Nina's comments in her response the the Second Amended Complaint (linked above):

Adam's comments in his response to the Second Amended Complaint (linked above):

Dina's comments about Max's death in her response to the Second Amended Complaint:

Public Access to Court Electronic Records Case 3:13-cv-01624-w-nls Document 49 Filed 10/30/14 Page 4 of 12

Interesting that of the 3 defendants, Nina is the one who blames/ accuses Rebecca:

"...who had suffered life threatening injuries while under Rebecca
Zahau's supervision and care
and who was then hospitalized, had taken a turn for the
worse and was not expected to survive."
I agree. I think the message was intended for Jonah whether or not he was expected to come home and find Rebecca hanging.

And why would anyone committing suicide, refer to themselves in the third person?

IMO, it sounds like a very angry and sarcastic message to Jonah. IMO, it sounds like a message from an angry and sarcastic Dina-- who has gone to great lengths to publicly discuss how Rebecca DIDN'T "save Max" by withholding CPR. She even publicly posted Max's EMS run report (it's still there) on her maxshacknai . com website, highlighting "no CPR". Dina has been very hung up on the "no CPR/ CPR within 2 minutes" thing for a long time, despite what the outcome studies show for traumatic asystole in children, and IMO, what she would have been told about Max's prognosis within a few hours of his admission to Rady (see the EMS thread linked below: )

Max Shacknai EMS Report

IMO, I think Dina was told Rebecca started CPR and tried to save Max, and when she "discovered" that no CPR was in progress when EMS arrived, she immediately jumped to the conclusion that "if only" RZ had started CPR, Max would have lived and been just fine. Hence the sarcastic and angry "she saved him can he save her" message to Jonah. JMO.

hi K_Z ... do you have a copy of this report... i mean the actual report
what's intriguing me the most was Adam's statement that he tried to rescucitate the victim after he cut the cord hanging from the balcony and yet none of his dna was recovered from the victim's body... logically there was contact if that was true...

Yes, its very suspicious. Adam's DNA (or someone's) should be present in certain areas around the death scene. I'm always amazed when some people say "well it couldn't have been Adam because he didn't leave any DNA on the knife or paintbrush, etc." Are many amateur sleuths unaware that criminals often use gloves to avoid leaving prints and DNA? In this case, there were two pairs of gloves were found at the crime scene, both of which had "mixed DNA".
Was Max's death really an accident? has it something to do with Rebecca's death?

Apparently it was. Given the San Diego sheriff's personal friendship with Jonah Shacknai, it's highly unlikely he would have covered up a murder of Jonah's son. They moved in the same social circles and were friends for many years.
I think most people would think suicide before murder when seeing a person hanging. It is one of the top ways to commit suicide, not murder. And it turned out that Adam was correct.
Having been present at many suicides by hanging, I can categorically say that it is not and should not be assumed suicide, just because someone is hanging.?This in itself is wrong. And I also have to point out that in a very large % of cases, suicide by hanging is not the usual method to kill oneself by a woman. Most hanging cases are in fact men . Women ( although this is generalisation from studies done ) tend to favour less violent means to commit suicide.
And add to this that the very reason that it should be investigated thoroughly is because there have been cases whereby a female has been found hanging and in fact it was proven to be a murder of a pregnant woman, by her spouse, and staged to appear to be a suicide. That is one case that I know of through involvement but I am sure that there are many more. ( R v Eddie GILFOYLE UK) . The point that I make is that it’s not beyond the realm of possibility for RZ to have been Murdered and then staged to look like suicide. In fact , as a Detective Senior Investigating Officer with responsibilities to run investigations of murder and manage investigators and teams of such staff in order to complete full investigations of such , I ( MOO ) believe from the evidence that I am aware of, RZ was in fact murdered and there is more evidence, actual , tangible and circumstantial, to support this theory as opposed to that of suicide by her own hand

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