IIRC According to Lkb whom has already seen the crime scene photos, the location/placement of the duct tape will be challenged.
From what I read in the medical examiners report, the duct tape was attached to the hair mat at the bottom of the skull. The hair had to be cut away to remove the tape. I am curious about this hair mass that apparently fell off of her skull with duct tape attached. Filled up with 14 inches of water and did not float. I just don't get it. Did the duct tape float up to the skull? Was it actually adhered to the hair? I don't believe it was ever wrapped around the skull as so many do.
Because the defense is going to challenge the duct tape placement, then the accident theory is still possible. However, when Jb stated to Kb that kc was not in those woods, you in lala land, then I feel he is ruling out the accident theory.
On the other hand, Kc seems to be sticking to the nanny or nany story.
IMO Accident is still possible, but barely.