Expert Statement Analysis on Casey

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hey... this is my first post. i've been looking at this site for some time, but never felt compelled to write. but i've been getting more and more obsessed with this case, and so now it's time to chime in.

i came across this document a few days ago. i'm sure that many of you have seen this, but hopefully many have not. i do apologize in advance if this is a repost... on other sites that i go to, people get flamed hard for reposts... if i'm guilty, flame me.

okay, check this out... this investigator has an incredible knack for finding the truth and deceptions in their statements. here is his deconstruction of kc's statement when she was at universal, getting caught for lying about working there... fascinating.

also, if you want to kill some time, the ramsey ransom note is deconstructed as well and is mind-blowing.

cool. I started this thread and I have kept wanting to go back to the site to see if there has been any updates but I keep losing the link. I see some updates. awesome thank you
I have to disagree. I'm sorry is a polite way in the south to say, "what? I didn't hear you, or huh?". If you go to other parts of the country outside of the south and say "I'm sorry," you get looked at weird. But, for living here in Florida, it's said all the time.

What I find more telling is when someone repeats the question they were just asked. For example:

Q: "Where were you last night?"

A: "Where was I last night?"

This to me is more of a stall tactic than saying "I'm sorry?". It means they are digesting the question and trying to come up with something....and that something is usually not the truth.

BTW, when someone does this to you, do what I always do--say, "I asked you first!" It usually catches them off guard a little and they need to regroup before they spew out their answer. :crazy:
Interesting site...I'll read some of his analysis on other cases later. Thanks!
I think it's interesting, but I do some of those things. For example: The present/past tense issue...sometimes when speaking of a past incident, I mentally place myself back and relay from there. I know I do that about my sexual assault. Maybe it's abnormal, but it doesn't mean lying. It makes me sad to think maybe I didn't get justice, because they felt I was lying. It makes me ill...

ETA: This bothers me so much, I called DH and asked him. He doesn't think I use present tense, but I'm pretty certain I do at times. In fact, I think I sometimes do the same with my dad and his death. And, I'm not lying then either.
From Lee Anthony interview on 7/29

"So, after getting that call, I mean I was at my mom's house within 5 minutes.
Uhm, when I arrived, I go through the garage door like I typically do. Uhm, there was, the only vehicle in there was my, uhm, the vehicle drove, driven by my sister, the white, uh, Pontiac. The trunk was open. The windows were rolled down to what I assume ventilate the horrible smell that I had (chuckles) just, uh, just smelled for the first time."

Doesn't this ( "the horrible smell that I had (chuckles) just, uh, just smelled for the first time.") just seem kind of odd. Why would he need to establish that he just smelled it for the "first time."
That was interesting and so true..I never trust people when they say "I'm sorry?" after I say something..I agree with this person 100%.

That's really scary. I say "I'm sorry?" all the time but it is because I can't hear what the person said. I hope this isn't taken as being untrustworthy...

Many interesting links. Download Casey's files she tried to dump from her PhotoBucket account.

Link to Statement of Analysis, this is very interesting. Its something to think about and may be fun to pick apart.
This gentleman has worked on such cases as Scott Peterson, OJ simpson, Jon Bonet Ramsey, Susan Smith, etc. It looks like he is now working on the Caylee Case tooo!!! He teaches interviewing techniques to Law Enforcements.

At the very least, it is a very interesting science of how to detect deception in defendants written and verbal statements.
Very interesting. TY.

I wonder what his take is on her using the words, "absolutely" and "neutral place". WTH is a "neutral place"? I've never heard anyone use that phrase.

In Casey world:
neutral place...hmmm...let's see:

A place where nobody is going to CARE that Caylee is not with me
A place where it is likely nobody will even ask me about Caylee
A place where I will have zero questions to answer
A place where there is a man who can help me forget what I have done
A place that is ANYWHERE where my mom and dad are not
A place where my parents do not know where I am
A place where I can forget about Caylee
A place that is fun to be

Neutral place in Casey land...:eek:
I looked and did not find a thread devoted to statement analysis for the Anthony case. Kant, a WS member, started a great thread on this in the Haleigh Forum and I believe it will work well with this case too. On the Haleigh forum 911 calls are analyzed, along with written statements, interviews, etc... Kant provided some great links on statement analysis, I hope it's ok to put those links here....If this has been posted before, please feel free to move as appropriate.

"Indicators of Veracity and Deception: An Analysis of Written Statements Made to Police,” from The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, 2006 Dr. John P Jarvis and Dr. Susan H Adams.

"911 Calls and Statement Analysis," 2008, Dr, Susan H Adams, co-authored with Lt. Tracy Harpster
(scroll way down)

“Are You Telling Me the Truth? Indicators of Veracity in Written Statements,” [/b]2004
(scroll down)

“Statement Analysis Case Study: Beyond the Words,” 2004 (scroll way down)

“Criminal Confessions: Overcoming the Challenges,” 2002, Dr, Susan H. Adams, co-authored with Michael Napier (scroll down)

“Subtle Skills for Building Rapport: Using Neuro-linguistic Programming in the Interview Room,” 2001, Dr. Susan H. Adams, co-authored with Vincent Sandoval

“Magic Words to Obtain Confessions,” 1998, Dr. Susan H, Adams, co-authored with Michael Napier (scroll down)

“Statement Analysis: What Do Words Really Reveal?” 1996 (Begins with Susan Smith)

Link to all of the above on one page
KC texts to AH on June 4, 2008 at 5:16 PM

"So i'm not going to lie...tony is pretty incredible. ..."

Who is asking her to lie? Why would she have to lie?

What kind of backward talk is this? Does it mean that she always lies so, she has to clarify that in this particular statement, she is not lying?

Another interesting word combo is "pretty incredible". She won't grant TL the description of being "incredible".

I know peeps use figures of speech loosely all the time but it's interesting to analyze the speech of a known liar.

Is this a reference thread only?
Regarding a previous post re all of CA's lies.........with "partial" truths woven in periodically....Here is another...........

Interesting comment by CA:

Statement - Transcript Recorded at UNiversal of Casey Anthony 2008 0716 Part 2

“I made the greatest mistake that I ever could’ve made as a parent” I bolded the statement by CA.
KC texts to AH on June 4, 2008 at 5:16 PM

"So i'm not going to lie...tony is pretty incredible. ..."

Who is asking her to lie? Why would she have to lie?

What kind of backward talk is this? Does it mean that she always lies so, she has to clarify that in this particular statement, she is not lying?

Another interesting word combo is "pretty incredible". She won't grant TL the description of being "incredible".

I know peeps use figures of speech loosely all the time but it's interesting to analyze the speech of a known liar.

Is this a reference thread only?
I am not used to starting threads, I saw that they had one like this in Haleigh's forum and thought it would be good for this forum too. It is a discussion thread over there, so I think it should be here as well ?
Very good idea for a thread.. most of the time it seems we have just written everything off as a lie from Casey's mouth without really analzying the statements.

I am bringing this over from another thread... (Ryan P discussion). Another fellow poster brought it to our attention and I think it warrants a statement analysis. This is from the interviews with Casey on July 16.
I've included my analysis in red.

Q Zenaida give you any money that day?
A No. I would not have sold my daughter. She assumes that he is talking about the selling of the baby.This could have been a simple No answer. Giving out informoation not requested.
If I wanted to really just get rid of her. Didn't really want to get rid of her, she will not take responsibility.. nothing is her fault
I would've left her with my parents and I would've left. I would've moved out. I would've given my mom custody. Once again, to much information...she WOULD HAVE.. but COULDN'T or chose not to
Q What about the baby's dad's parents would you have left her with them too?
[B]I haven't talked to them since we were probably six or seven years old. Since we were little kids. That was probably the last time I saw ..[/B] She changes from saying I to we in the same sentence.. she is thinking of some one other than herself that knows the other grandparents. JWG, pointed out that this was information not asked for and probably most honest and the only person we know that she has known since she was age 6 was Ryan P.
Q You don't have a phone...
A .... or talked to them.
Q .. .for 'em?
A No I do not. Very short, to the point and matter of fact. Honest statement.

First, she says I haven't talked to them and in the middle of her sentence she changes to "since WE were probably six or seven...

Ok.. who is the "we" in her head ??
Evidently her parents may know his parents?
Also when did the Anthony's move to Orlando? How old was Casey when they moved from Ohio? Was it before the age of 6?
This could be a sign that Caylee "was" drugged when mom couldn't find a babysitter.

"There were certain times in the past where she would bring Caylee to parties where they would be drinking and playing poker. She would put Caylee down on a couch nearby, and she would sleep through the whole thing."
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