Explosion at the Boston Marathon #3

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Actually, in this same photo, if you look towards the center, there is a man with a black hat that has a white logo on the front and white stripes on the bill. It is near the corner of the building a few people to the right of the 2 people in the yellow hats.

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I was just thinking that what an idiot to wear a white hat to do a major crime. It really makes him stand out imo. (I don't think they're anywhere in this pic but just saying)
While still in intensive care, Jeff Bauman gave the FBI a description of the man he saw, his brother said. Bauman’s information helped investigators narrow down whom to look for in hours of video of the attack, he said.


Wow. So Jeff's not only a victim -- he's a hero. First thing he did upon waking from his trauma was to scribble "bag, saw the guy, looked right at me" on a piece of paper. He wanted this guy caught, he wanted justice, and he was ready and willing to help -- all while coming to terms with the fact that he had lost BOTH legs. This guy is a truly a hero. I hope they are pairing him up with a sketch artist to get a more detailed composite of Suspect #1. Go Jeff!
IMO - white cap guy especially had no interest in hiding his face. He wore his cap backwards, the bill not shading his face, head held high, slight smile. Take his cap off and cut his curly hair short and you'd never know it was him, if you didn't already know him. He wasn't trying to be stealthy. Terrorists don't necessarily try to hide their identities.

On the other hand -- what if this is the disguise? With great care taken to make it look open?

Long hair tucked up under the hat, boyish outfit, exaggeratedly teenage walk with knees bent and apart. Take off the hat, shake out the hair, maybe kick off those oversize shoes, and you've got a totally different person.

Did somebody else suggest maybe a woman? I'm starting to wonder that myself.
I didn't say they looked alike. I said it looks like white hat guy has long hair tucked up under the hat.

I know... sorry was just jumping off your post since you had quoted the pic.'
I'll be clearer next time.

Just to clarify in my mind. All 3 victims died from bomb number 1, correct?
Sorry to have to ask but I have scrolled through several pages of this discussion and still, cannot determine-


Because I will if no one else does. Or has someone seen evidence they already know about a possible link.

It's all over the Internet.
Wait, what?

I realize all the photographic evidence has not been released but suspect 1 was wearing the sunglasses. Suspect 2, who had on the black coat and hoodie, we have not seen wearing sunglasses.


He identified suspect 1. Suspect 1 was at the finish line where Jeff was standing.
I know... sorry was just jumping off your post since you had quoted the pic.'
I'll be clearer next time.


Okay, gotcha. I was using that pic because it had the clearest view of the funny angle the hat is at.
Wait, what?

I realize all the photographic evidence has not been released but suspect 1 was wearing the sunglasses. Suspect 2, who had on the black coat and hoodie, we have not seen wearing sunglasses.


Both guys are wearing dark jackets with hoodies underneath and ball caps. Jeff was at site#1 and saw suspect #1 who was wearing sunglasses.
I would think that the FBI would have a forensic anthropologist or two who are going over the videos and photographs. These are specialists in knowing about the facial features and characteristics common to the different ethnicities. Knowing this, I would put credence into their listing of the suspects as "white". However, they did not use the term Caucasian. I do not know if the two terms are considered to be the same or not.

And yes, they have the facial recognition software. Which means that none of us should hesitate to send in what we feel may be a legitimate tip. Let them decide if a nose is or is not the same.

I did send a tip in to the FBI earlier today. It was in regard to the Pressure Cooker. And after reading the postings in this thread about the Ralph Lauren golf hat and the Fox back pack, I am glad I did.

My tip to them was that Pressure Cookers are not at all used by the younger generation of cooks today. Unless someone owns one for canning, I doubt that many are used on a very regular basis. But the place where I see them is at my local Goodwill Store or St. Vincent DePaul Society Resale Store. You could sure pick one up cheap there. (New ones are fairly expensive)

Thrift shops are also a place where you see all kinds of brand new baseball hats and golf hats. You very well might run across a variety of backpacks there also.

My suggestion was for them to start checking out thrift shops to see if these two were seen lately purchasing a used pressure cooker. It might possibly be the kind of purchase a clerk would remember.

Then again:

A Fagor brand pressure cooker like the one used in the attack can be bought from major retail outlets for around $140. Investigators said there was not enough evidence to determine if the second bomb was also made from a pressure cooker.

I told my youngest son (24) that I was very sorry, but I had to turn him into the FBI..his side profile looks so much like #2 white cap. Of course, I was kidding, we're a long way away in Indiana...but he and a friend are here tonight and I'm interested in having them look at the pictures of both. We see their dress as "normal" and definitely blending in. Something about the way they dressed, especially #2 seems off for someone in the 20 something or late teen age group. I have to get their opinion. I also think it would have been nice to know if the FBI could approximate their heights. ^i^

Sadly, if this is a fake, LE is going to have to sift through this crap.... Report after painstaking report. Ugh, the kid looks like half of the male students I've had over the past 12 years. :banghead:
Just to clarify in my mind. All 3 victims died from bomb number 1, correct?

Kyrstle did. Jeff was near her, and it appears that Lu was too. I'm not sure if Martin was at the first or second site, but I think the second.
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