Explosion Boston Marathon #1

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Copley Square Park has a perfect view of both roads the blasts were on: Boyleston and Huntington. Would be plausible place for the suspect to be to watch both blasts.
That could be anyone, not necessarily a suspect! :banghead:

And let me just say that I hope LE are not out stopping anyone with a head covering, as it looks like the man in the picture has. :(

This picture is taken at Copley Square Park which had a perfect view of Boylston AND Huntington Streets.

It is not too far of a stretch that the suspect would go to the park to see both streets were bomb we're placed. Copley square park I literally where both streets meet!
That could be anyone, not necessarily a suspect! :banghead:

And let me just say that I hope LE are not out stopping anyone with a head covering, as it looks like the man in the picture has. :(

That's true. However, with the "clear the area" call out, it is in fact a suspect in custody. Doesn't mean it's related at all, but is someone in custody who might be related. LOL!!

I didn't see it as a head covering, but a baseball cap. You could be right.

It's almost like that truck is somehow involved? Stopped in weird area, with doors wide open. In a situation like this I would think they would have cleared all vehicles like that?
That pic though was not from MSM, and it does not look like you'd expect a pic of an actual suspect to look (they wouldn't just leave him there like that, they'd be hauling him in). Looks like someone they were randomly stopping to question.
Steve Brusk ‏@stevebruskCNN 7m
Federal officials are now classifying the Boston explosions as a terrorist attack, not clear yet if it's foreign or domestic.
This is absolutely horrible!!! ...Prayers for everyone affected by this tragedy...

I´m not accusing anyone, but I can´t help thinking of that today:

North Korea marked the 101st anniversary of the birth of their country's first leader.

And then all those VERY nasty threaths they have expresses towards US lately...and NK also have friends among other of US enemies...
That's true. However, with the "clear the area" call out, it is in fact a suspect in custody. Doesn't mean it's related at all, but is someone in custody who might be related. LOL!!

I didn't see it as a head covering, but a baseball cap. You could be right.

It's almost like that truck is somehow involved? Stopped in weird area, with doors wide open. In a situation like this I would think they would have cleared all vehicles like that?

Agreed! He clearly is Caucasian and has no head covering.
disappeared. I was very interested in that aspect as the last mile was dedicated to Newtown and families were seated at the finish line.

Reports indicate bomb was not a sophisticated device, had no C4? or other high intensity explosive.

The JFK library fire was NOT part of this-seems to be confirmed.

And, there is no suspect in custody. There is large LE presence at hospitals because of victims and security.

I cannot comprehend that these families are experiencing this.
It's inconceivable. Four months + 1 day after that most awful day in Newtown.
Yes... we've seen this a few times.
I wish that we had some confirmation that none of them were injured or killed. :please:

a while ago I heard (I think it was ABC but I've been flipping channels) that they were there but thankfully none were injured.
I am stunned. I hope the report of the families of the Newtown tragedy are false. I cannot even imagine!!
"Any responsible individuals, any responsible groups, will feel the full weight of justice." -- President Obama
Agreed! He clearly is Caucasian and has no head covering.

Could be, my eyes are bad lol. But again, the LE in that pic are just sort of casually walking around. If this were the actual suspect, I'd expect him to be heavily and closely guarded, if not being hauled off to a waiting cruiser.

I'll just say again tho, it did look to me like a head covering, and with all the rumors of a Saudi national (which are rumor only, and NOT from local news), I hope people will NOT get carried away with assumptions, or profiling based on race/ethnicity/religion. :(
POTUS: we still don't know who did this, or why...but make no mistake we will get to bottom of this...any responsible groups will feel full weight of justice...today is Patriot's Day in Boston...

If you have a beef with moderation send a pm to admin. Next person that posts a complaint about moderation in the middle of a discussion about a senseless act of terrorism will get a vacation.
There is a time and place for everything.

Truly appreciate your cooperation in this regard.
the hospitals will have scads of LE there, both as a protective measure as well as a questioning thing. Up to 100 people (and likely more) have been taken to hospitals, and officers will be trying to get statements and possible witness testimony from these folks....so it makes complete sense that there are a lot of officers (local as well as state and federal) there to interview folks. And I hate to say it, but if critically injured folks die, this is the ONLY time that LE will be able to get their statements.

Thus, imho, you cannot draw a correlation between LE presence at a hospital and the presence of a suspect or POI.

And I'm now going to say a Divine Mercy chaplet on behalf of each and every one who was injured, either physically or emotionally. Please take just a minute to ask God's love to surround everyone when you read this post. Prayers are answered all the time...but we have to say one for it to be answered, you know?

And big hugs to all who need them...

Herding Cats
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