Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas

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Well that's incredibly dumb, Patrick doesn't have the power to do that.

But not only is he wrong about it, but he appears to be accusing the governor of being responsible for where Justina is today: "...who was a civil rights attorney before he did this, to do this, he knows better."

It's politics. Justina is being used as a tool in some wider campaign to halt progressivism and Common Core lol. Not sure whether Lou knows he's being used by Beck, Staver, and all the other special interest groups inserting themselves into this case, but he sure continues to sound like a guy running a political campaign, not one trying to get his daughter back.
Susan had extensive medical work up done prior to diagnosis for several years. Susan went "mute" but started talking upon arrival. So her somatization symptom of "muteness" went away very quickly.
Justina still doesn't walk.
BCH diagnosed her within a short period of time (a few days).
How did BCH do that exactly?

It is my understanding that Justina had had extensive medical work up done over several years too. For all we know the Pelletiers could have arrived with a huge file of doctor's statements and lab results.
Well that's incredibly dumb, Patrick doesn't have the power to do that.

But not only is he wrong about it, but he appears to be accusing the governor of being responsible for where Justina is today: "...who was a civil rights attorney before he did this, to do this, he knows better."

It's politics. Justina is being used as a tool in some wider campaign to halt progressivism and Common Core lol. Not sure whether Lou knows he's being used by Beck, Staver, and all the other special interest groups inserting themselves into this case, but he sure continues to sound like a guy running a political campaign, not one trying to get his daughter back.

He can't order Justina to be released but can pardon convicted criminals if he so desired?
I do think governor can do a lot more than he claims to be able to do.
It is my understanding that Justina had had extensive medical work up done over several years too. For all we know the Pelletiers could have arrived with a huge file of doctor's statements and lab results.

She sure did. Which resulted in a diagnosis of mitochondrial disease.
Which BCH disregarded and within a matter of days re-diagnosed with somatoform.
As one of America's oldest Constitutions, many of the original duties assigned to the Governor have been annulled or superseded by over two centuries of Amendments. Under the organization of the Massachusetts Constitution, all Amendments are listed separately in Articles of Amendment, Massachusetts Constitution, which itself runs to 120 discrete items.
Massachusetts' governor is the commander-in-chief of the state's militia, which he may assemble for training and parade as well as for actual military functions. Within legal parameters, the governor may also give periodic advice on the organization and regulation of the militia.
Regarding vetoes, if the Governor communicates his objection to a bill and the legislature adjourns before he is able to deliver his objections, that bill shall not take effect or have any force of law. The Governor may not veto a law passed by the voters, through the General Court may amend or repeal such a law.
Other duties and privileges of the office include:
Making appointments, including notaries public and judicial officers. Additionally, if the legislature is in recess when an office they appoint becomes vacant, the Governor may make a vacancy appointment. With consent of the legislature, the Governor may also remove previously appointed notaries and judicial officers. Also, the governor may retire appointees for reasons of mental or physical health
Decennially, working with legislators, reapportioning the number of Senators and Representatives each district shall have
Granting all military commissions made by the state of Massachusetts
Making recommendations concerning the general appropriations bills, supplementary budgets, and details and terms of loans taken on by the state to the legislature. The Governor also has a line item veto on the appropriations bill.
Convening special sessions of the legislature
Granting pardons, except in cases of impeachment where the individual has been tried in the House and convicted in the Senate
Requiring legal opinions on important judicial matters from members of the Massachusetts Supreme Court
Preparing and presenting, to the legislature, plans to reorganize the Executive Branch, including establishing and abolishing departments and offices
Presenting a budget to the legislature each year, and compelling any board, commission, or office to provide information deemed necessary in preparing a budget
He can't order Justina to be released but can pardon convicted criminals if he so desired?
I do think governor can do a lot more than he claims to be able to do.

The power of the governor to grant pardons, executive clemency, is found in the state constitution. Is there a section or amendment of the state constitution that grants the governor the power to return children taken into state care due to abuse or neglect to their abusive/neglectful families?

An elected official, governor, president, whomever can't just do what they want. There has to be a legal basis for their action.
For some reason that Fox25 interview cuts off when the page refreshes. So, I still haven't heard the whole interview yet.

The most interesting thing I heard Lou say was that the Boston Globe came to them in April of 2013. He mentions it twice that I was able to hear. He said, "it didn't come out, didn't come out" and he was getting frustrated by that. I think that frustration may have been when he went to Beaux, the Connecticut Fox guy.

I also noticed that the Fox25 interviewer didn't seem to understand the "abuse" charge that DCF filed against the Pelletiers. And, Lou took no steps to correct him.
For some reason that Fox25 interview cuts off when the page refreshes. So, I still haven't heard the whole interview yet.

The most interesting thing I heard Lou say was that the Boston Globe came to them in April of 2013. He mentions it twice that I was able to hear. He said, "it didn't come out, didn't come out" and he was getting frustrated by that. I think that frustration may have been when he went to Beaux, the Connecticut Fox guy.

I also noticed that the Fox25 interviewer didn't seem to understand the "abuse" charge that DCF filed against the Pelletiers. And, Lou took no steps to correct him.

VB doesn't understand much beyond making sexist jokes and doing morning commentary from wherever there's free food in the Boston area. :crazy:

And yes, Lou did nothing to correct him. Which just makes VB another useful idiot for this "cause", whatever it is.

Lou wants all the medical providers who have ever said that a child who was previously diagnosed with something medical has a psychiatric disorder instead punished to the full extent of the law, either to lose their licences or go to jail.

Nothing is ever psychiatric I guess.

Has Lou converted to Scientology? He makes an effective mouthpiece for their claims about psychology/psychiatry.
The logic is undefeatable.

I hate the Tsarnaevs, therefore Justina Pelletier has been kidnapped.
Common Core sucks, therefore Justina is the victim of Nazis.
Justina Pelletier has suffered a huge injustice, therefore we'll defeat all unrelated grievances.
Justina Pelletier was misdiagnosed in a hospital, therefore all Democratic government sucks.
Is it at all possible that your outrage is misplaced or based on misinformation? As far as I know, felons lose their right to vote and jury duty. Rights that Justina doesn't now have because of her age. I'm confused about what "rights" you insist are being violated.

I am talking about incarcerated criminals have a right to an education and religious services. She hasn't for 15 months. All patients in Bader 5 at BCH and children at Wayside have visiting priviliges that Justina doesn't have. She was not allowed to see her family on any of the holidays, except for this past Easter they did visit with her for an hour under supervision.
This is the first I've seen this claim. Could you please provide a link? Thanks.

I heard the family say that in interview at a protest at Wayside. I believe them. I think it was Linda. It isn't only the parents who are giving details about her confinement, but her outraged sisters. This is truly a good family and they have been slandered by the players in this case, but I trust that the truth will come out.
No way could they win a lawsuit. The family would have to prove deliberate malicious intent. IMO

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Lou said malpractice, but I think more will happen than that when this is all over.
I am talking about incarcerated criminals have a right to an education and religious services. She hasn't for 15 months. All patients in Bader 5 at BCH and children at Wayside have visiting priviliges that Justina doesn't have. She was not allowed to see her family on any of the holidays, except for this past Easter they did visit with her for an hour under supervision.

In the interview linked above Lou said they have weekly supervised visitation with her.

In the letter, Polanowicz outlines a four-step plan state officials shared with the Pelletier family earlier in the day.

According to Polanowicz, Justina will be moved to the JRI Susan Wayne Center for Excellence in Thompson, Conn. next week. He says DCF will support the return of custody to Justina's parents once they've met four conditions. The conditions include attending visits with Justina at JRI, following through with the Tufts Medical Center care plan, participating in family therapy, and meeting with DCF to review progress.

Read more:
I am talking about incarcerated criminals have a right to an education and religious services. She hasn't for 15 months. All patients in Bader 5 at BCH and children at Wayside have visiting priviliges that Justina doesn't have. She was not allowed to see her family on any of the holidays, except for this past Easter they did visit with her for an hour under supervision.

Justina's right to education is being fulfilled at Wayside. They provide extensive education services.
I expect that the reunification plan will be hailed as a huge political victory although it probably is pretty much the same plan the DCF would have suggested in June last year if the family had agreed to transfer her to a Connecticut facility.
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