Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas

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I really believe that, whether he knows it or not, Justina, and Lou have become caught up in something much bigger than just Justina's situation. With all the various circus acts, political groups, hangers-on, etc. this has become a much bigger cause than "just" Justina. I think Lou is being counseled and convinced to not work on ANY plan to get Justina home. Because then the opportunity to push their agenda goes away for all these groups. I really think they've convinced him on this. And I think he likes the attention too.

Unfortunately it is Justina who suffers due to it all. On the upside, at least she will continue to get the psychological and medical care she needs.

Lou might want to clean his glasses and actually read the "plan." It makes it pretty clear that DCF will only support the return of Justina to her parent's custody IF they participate in the plan.

No participation by family = no return of custody.

The transfer to the CT facility isn't in the family's control nor will it be. The Plan is only about reunification with the family in terms of custody.
“We’re not letting her go back into harm’s way,” he said. “She’s not going to a behavioral, psychiatric center. She’s been tortured enough. It’s got to end.”

But family advisor, the Rev. Patrick Mahoney, noted that the Pelletiers have no power to stop the state from moving Justina to the center.

“If DCF, by the full brunt of their power, want to move Justina to this behavioral unit in Connecticut, they can do that,” said Mahoney, director of the Christian Defense Coalition in Washington DC.

Tortured... What horrible things must go on in all these therapeutic units.

There is no logic in this. One of the complaints of torture was that Justina was made to practice walking, and now they want her in a rehabilitation facility. They wouldn't just let her lie in bed all day in a rehabilitation facility, they'd make her practice walking...

"So disgusted and disappointed in people… inhumane!," sister Jennifer Pelletier posted on A Miracle for Justina Facebook page.

According to a report by, Justina's father, Lou Pelletier, called the plan another slap in the face, a kick in the stomach. He went on to say that taxpayers have paid close to $2 million for the care of his daughter. Justina's mother, Linda Pelletier, says that her daughter does not belong in behavioral modification. The family says that they want Justina home by her birthday on May 24.
If the media did receive info before Justina's family, that's not right. Unfortunately, with the way things have been going on this case, I could see it happening, either with intent or by accident.

I also really don't think Lou is helping matters by getting caught up with some of these political folks and other out there groups. Now, it's a circus and it's not even about Justina any more. I understood the initial motivation in contacting the media, as I am still troubled by some of DCF's actions. But Lou is just making a huge mess of things at this point.

Does anyone know if Justina has a guardian ad litem?
She does have a GAL, AnaTeresa, who also recommended against returning her home.
Tortured... What horrible things must go on in all these therapeutic units.

There is no logic in this. One of the complaints of torture was that Justina was made to practice walking, and now they want her in a rehabilitation facility. They wouldn't just let her lie in bed all day in a rehabilitation facility, they'd make her practice walking...

Logic has been noticeably absent from this case for quite some time. He's also complaining about taxpayer money being spent on the care for his daughter. He isn't one of those taxpayers!
Well, someone tell Lou - As a Mass resident I am perfectly happy with my tax dollars going to medical and psychological services for any child who needs it.

One would think "taxpayer money" would be the last thing on his mind right now. It's more political talk, which should have absolutely nothing to do with this.
If the media did receive info before Justina's family, that's not right. Unfortunately, with the way things have been going on this case, I could see it happening, either with intent or by accident.

I also really don't think Lou is helping matters by getting caught up with some of these political folks and other out there groups. Now, it's a circus and it's not even about Justina any more. I understood the initial motivation in contacting the media, as I am still troubled by some of DCF's actions. But Lou is just making a huge mess of things at this point.

Does anyone know if Justina has a guardian ad litem?

Yes, GAL has been involved and recommended against the return of custody to the parents.

The letter to legislators indicates the "plan" was developed with input from Lou's daughter, Jennifer so it's a tad ridiculous for Lou to claim the media had info before the family.

It was also reported that the family met with Polanowicz to discuss before the letter was released.

The letter even says, "this letter describes the reunification plan we have shared today with Lou and Linda Pelletier". As in, they found out before the letter was written.
So, just for kicks, I did some math.

According to the US census bureau, the 2012 population of Massachusetts was 6.6 million.

Lets say half the population pays taxes. That would work out to Justina costing each taxpayer only 60 cents.

Lets say even just one million people pay taxes in Mass. That works out to $2 per person for Justina.

Lou: no one is sweating this bill. It's okay. Really. Please worry more about your daughter, and less about us Mass taxpayers.
This is a partial response to several posts which implied that exercise is "not torture". While that may be generally true for the general population, it is not true for everyone, especially for those suffering from somewhat invisible or orphan diseases or disorders or conditions. For some of those patients, the unintended consequences of Graded Activity Therapy (GAT), Graded Exercise Therapy (GET), and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can be physical deterioration, and pain.

This is not to say that those therapies do not benefit some patients in the minds of clinicians and researchers. However, exercise may also have negative effects, particularly if the exercise program is not carefully monitored. (Cooper DM, Radom-Aizik S, Schwindt CD, Zaldivar F. Dangerous exercise: lessons learned from dysregulated inflammatory respondses to physical activity. J Appl Physiol 2007; 103)

I am posting a study which serves as an example that in some instances the kind of exercise therapy people with particular medical conditions receive does not benefit them. The author, Tom Kindlon, also questions the way in which the terms "harm" and "benefit" are described, and the tendency to use clinician feedback re patient pain instead of patient feedback to describe symptoms and pain.

I think this last mentioned tendency seems valid in view of the way many patients are not listened to by the medical professionals with whom they are consulting. I think the study is also relevant when dealing with a situation in which a patient may well be being told that she isn't really feeling pain, that it's all in her head.
That was about myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome.

If she has somatoform, exercise can be beneficial:

If she has mito, exercise can be beneficial:

Lack of exercise can be torture too as immobility can lead to a number of problems.

BBM. Which is why even condemned killers are allowed to exercise.

There is no evidence whatsoever that Justina is being physically tortured or has been tortured by any facility caring for her. I think the only torture she has endured is emotional torture from her own family that isn't helping move her closer to home.

As I posted earlier today:

"On Monday, May 5, the Pelletiers will be meeting with HHS Secretary Polanowicz at 11:30 AM regarding the DCF reunification plan to return Justina to her home. The meeting will take place at Polanowicz's Boston office.

The family of Justina will hold a news conference at 2:00 PM following the meeting."​
So, are the Pelletiers upset that Secretary Polanowicz met with the press right after the meeting and before the scheduled Pelletier conference at 2 pm? Did he steal their thunder?

I just keep thinking there is something about the whole family or maybe just Lou and/or Linda, that the requirement of their participation in some kind of 'mental health therapy' is a particular issue and stumbling block for them.

Not to discount the added influence of all the other special interest groups with which they have aligned themselves who want to see this go at least as long as the million dollars from the anonymous benefactor holds out.
As I posted earlier today:

"On Monday, May 5, the Pelletiers will be meeting with HHS Secretary Polanowicz at 11:30 AM regarding the DCF reunification plan to return Justina to her home. The meeting will take place at Polanowicz's Boston office.

The family of Justina will hold a news conference at 2:00 PM following the meeting."​
So, are the Pelletiers upset that Secretary Polanowicz met with the press right after the meeting and before the scheduled Pelletier conference at 2 pm? Did he steal their thunder?

I just keep thinking there is something about the whole family or maybe just Lou and/or Linda, that the requirement of their participation in some kind of 'mental health therapy' is a particular issue and stumbling block for them.

Not to discount the added influence of all the other special interest groups with which they have aligned themselves who want to see this go at least as long as the million dollars from the anonymous benefactor holds out.

I think Lou is upset he's been exposed to his supporters for what he really is: an abusive man who lost his child because of his abuse.

That's just my opinion.
Again...the parents prove this is about their own need for ATTENTION, not their daughters needs.

Again the family is proving they do not care about their daughters emotional, mental and physical well being.


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I am curious if the posters here all have children. Her parents were taking her to licensed physicians for her medical care. They were not diagnosing. But they were told that her daughter didn't have a medical condition, after less than an hour spent by a resident neurologist. Then they were told they had to sign and agree to this hospital taking her off medication for her previous MEDICAL diagnosis and agreeing it was all in her head. Refusing to sign and removing her from Boston Children's to take her back to Tufts for medical treatment is exactly what they should have done.

JMO When her parents wanted to take J to Tufts Against Medical Advice (AMA) from BCH. Is it possible that BCH physicians believed/felt J was NOT medically stable to be transferred?

I apologize if this has been answered. I'm trying to catch up
on this thread. TIA. (((hugs)))
JMO When her parents wanted to take J to Tufts Against Medical Advice (AMA) from BCH. Is it possible that BCH physicians believed/felt J was NOT medically stable to be transferred?

I apologize if this has been answered. I'm trying to catch up
on this thread. TIA. (((hugs)))

Extremely unlikely, considering BCH diagnosed her with somatoform.
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