Family dog kills owner in back yard in Broward

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Feb 26, 2005
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CORAL SPRINGS — A mother of two young children was mauled to death by a family dog Friday in what police said was the first fatal dog attack anyone could remember in Broward County.

Shawna Willey, 30, died next to her backyard pool while trying to bathe the dog at about 3:30 p.m., police said
Officers and paramedics were called to the home, where they found a "surreal scene," Coral Springs Police Capt. Rich Nicorvo said — Willey dead, covered with blood, wounds on her torso, arms and legs.

The 120-pound dog was standing over her body. Nicorvo said it was "acting aggressively," and police shot and killed the animal, which fell or jumped into the pool before dying. Two more dogs were inside the house.
The dog that attacked Willey was a Presa Canario, akin to a pit bull.

With powerful jaws and thick skin, the Presa Canario gained national attention in 2001 when a pair bred for dog-fighting mauled a woman to death in San Francisco, leading to the indictment of two neighbors.

The dogs are legal in Broward County.

Horrified residents of the Rolling Hills neighborhood in Coral Springs, where homes are listed at more than $1 million, said they had seen two of the dogs running loose earlier in the day.

"It was frightening," neighbor Linda Kendricks said. "We were afraid to go out."

more at the link
I love dogs but this is an unpredictable animal that causes death. It is in the breeding and no trainer can make the difference when it decides to attack.The woman was the owner not a neighbor and certainly the one to feed and bathe and generally care for it.

If it can do this to the master it can do this to anyone and at anytime. Life is fragile enough witout exposure to deadly animals. We wouldn't allow lions and tigers to live among us either.

Sense needs to be applied when dealing with certain breeds.
I feel bad for the dog owner, but I am relieved that the dog didn't kill someone else. I'm not saying she deserved it, but the dog was obviously a ticking time bomb that had been terrorizing the neighborhood. This woman had been warned before and knew what her dogs were doing wasn't right:


the burly dogs akin to a pit bull always made her best friend Dianne Greenhalgh nervous.
''They were just getting too big, too fast,'' Greenhalgh said Saturday. ``I told her no matter what it costs, she needs to get them on a plane and send them back.''

Her boyfriend wanted to get rid of Xeno because the dog growled at him and Willey's son. But she refused. And on Friday it cost Willey, 30, her life....

I guess the dog wasn't messing around. This story says it tore out it's owner's jugular and crushed her trachea:,0,7940536.story?coll=sfla-home-headlines
This statement was taken from the above link posted by Idahomom:

Dog trainer Sheila Lieberman said dogs don't just attack people, especially their owners. Dogs are like wolves, so it's important to establish the hierarchy, she said.

''There are so many ways in which we indicate who is control -- who eats first, who goes through the door first, who initiates conversation,'' said Lieberman, owner of Loving Obedience Dog Training in Southwest Miami.

``With this breed, if you are not clearly in control, they will control you.''

I love dogs too but I would never have this breed of dog around my grandchildren. I responded to a call once where 2 dogs(different breed) had mauled a little boy about 6 years old. It was horrible what they did to that child.
A coworker has a 15 month old daughter and because of financial issues is having her sister move into her home. She & her boyfriend were facing losing their house (she already lost her car though they still have his truck) and so her sister is moving in (lived there before and had moved out for about a year) to help pay bills. But the sister had taken the dog when she moved - a Pit Bull who is people friendly but not small dog friendly at all. The sister has also purchased a Great Dane pup and I've known several Danes that didn't care for children. And don't small children resemble small dogs? It scares the heck out of me. One of two things may happen - the child is going to get hurt or worse, or the dogs will spend HUGE amounts of time in crates and be miserable and probably become unruly.
How horrible. I don't know if any of you have ever seen what these kinds of dogs look like but I have and they are scary looking. I love dogs but would never even consider owning one of these. I prefer large dogs over small ones because to tell you the truth the smaller ones kind of scare me too lol. We had a poodle all of 18 pounds and he was the meanest dog he would sit on my bed and when I would go to get in bed at night he would lurch at me and there was just no way I could get in he would bite me if I tried he did the same thing with the couch if he was sitting on it I could not sit on it. I tried everything but the dog just didnt like me and one time my daughter took him outside to go potty and she bent down to pick him up he jumped up and bit her inner thigh so the dog had to go. My daughter cried and cried and tried to hide the bite from me because she knew he would have to go she didnt talk to me for awhile after I got rid of the dog. I felt bad but I didnt know what else to do this didnt just happen over night either we had the dog for 3 years and all of a sudden he snapped we don't know if someone hurt him or what he checked out fine at the vets but even the vets had to muzzle him just to check him out. We signed him up for dog obediance classes at Pet Smart and got kicked out our first time because he was a danger to other people there and other animals. My friends wouldnt even bring thier kids to my house anymore and they called my dog psycho dog it was terrible...
What a heart-breaking story. And very unusual in my opinion. I don't recall ever hearing about a fatal dog attack involving the dog's owner. Looks like this woman was into exotic, wild types of animals. I like big dogs, also, but I would be frightened to have this breed in my home.

Her children must be devastated. I wish she'd taken the earlier warnings she got more seriously. Thank goodness the kids weren't the dog's victim - it sounds like someone was bound to be sooner or later.
Am I the only one questioning what they say in the article???

A pit bull is NOT "akin" to a Presa Caniro....not even as in "kinda akin." They aren't the same breed. They aren't even a RELATED breed. This article is obviously trying to raise the ire of its readers by an incorrect association.

A presa canrio is the type of dog the two lawyers in San Fransico owned....the dogs who mauled the neighbor to death.

Not even "kinda" a pit bull....two different animals, two different breeds.

It sounds to me as though this owner was not in charge of her animal. That's what happened, no need to drag the pitty into it.
The Perro de Presa Canario was initially bred for its courage, stamina, and intelligence as well as its strength. The strength of its jowls - to grab and hold its prey was also factored into breeding. They were bred to guard & protect people's livelihood - cattle, stock...from predators. The breed was not intended to become household or family pets.

Now I'm going to jump in full throttle -:p . I don't blame the dog. Anytime you take a breed and confine them (especially a breed whose instincts are to run unfettered)...try to untrain that which is hereditary...well, you are extremely lucky if you or someone else doesn't get hurt. The owner knew better, had numerous warning signs, but chose to ignore them or else thought she knew more than the original breeders. I hate she was killed, I really do, but I'm sure she bought the dog for the exact reasons it killed her.

Now I will :silenced: .

Here is a picture of one.
Holy Big Dog, Batman! That looks more like something that should be in a jungle, not a backyard! I do recall seeing this breed before though I didn't realize it was such a huge thing! I love dogs too. I have 3 of them, 2 of them rescues and I have had dogs all my life, big and little. From my 70 pound dog to my 7 pound doxie, though, I am the pack leader. 2 of them have never growled at me. The doxie tried a time or two and she hasn't done it since. As the pack leader, such behavior is not tolerated by me. However, even after years of dog ownership (and I have handled rotties, shepherds, huskies, dobes, danes, mastiffs and dogs with cancer who were mean because they were in pain) I would not feel confident handling or owning this particular breed of dog. There is just no way.
Omg, that is absolutely horrifing. That poor woman.

I am so glad my doggie is only 15lbs. She's so sweet too! Ahhhh, she's my lil pony!
Ummmm...yeah, a lap dog....


And I certainly wouldn't have it around my baby....

I think they mean 'akin' in the sense that it has similar characteristics, temperment - it's one of the dangerous breeds with a strong jaw, a tendency to go for the kill, and a dominant personality.
I am wondering if maybe the female was in heat and the male went ballistic because he couldn't get to her.
Hard to believe that was once a cuddly fat puppy, hey??? I see a pit bull resemblance. I certainly wouldn't have one near anyone I loved.
I always wonder what is going on in people's lives when they feel they have to have dogs like this and pitbulls for protection? Especially when they have multiple dogs! Shawna Willey had two Presa Canarios and a pitbull! :waitasec:

A yappy little dog will alert you if someone is trespassing on your property. My schnauzer had an intimidating bark that was quite effective at alerting me that someone was nearby that we didn't know.
IdahoMom said:
I always wonder what is going on in people's lives when they feel they have to have dogs like this and pitbulls for protection? Especially when they have multiple dogs! Shawna Willey had two Presa Canarios and a pitbull! :waitasec:

A yappy little dog will alert you if someone is trespassing on your property. My schnauzer had an intimidating bark that was quite effective at alerting me that someone was nearby that we didn't know.

Just another case of "not my dog"
How many times do we read about things like this? I think many people who want breeds of that nature get some kind of ego boost about it.

From the Article it is clear she knew the dog was not well tempered and she also wasn't a very responsible pet owner.. (fined for no shots and the dogs being loose)
Terrible that her daughter had to witness this.
cathieq said:
The Perro de Presa Canario was initially bred for its courage, stamina, and intelligence as well as its strength. The strength of its jowls - to grab and hold its prey was also factored into breeding. They were bred to guard & protect people's livelihood - cattle, stock...from predators. The breed was not intended to become household or family pets.

Now I'm going to jump in full throttle -:p . I don't blame the dog. Anytime you take a breed and confine them (especially a breed whose instincts are to run unfettered)...try to untrain that which is hereditary...well, you are extremely lucky if you or someone else doesn't get hurt. The owner knew better, had numerous warning signs, but chose to ignore them or else thought she knew more than the original breeders. I hate she was killed, I really do, but I'm sure she bought the dog for the exact reasons it killed her.

Now I will :silenced: .
Well said.

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