FBI finds letters from Zahra to her young friend that EB and AB never mailed

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This punches me in the stomach. Zahra had no way to reach the outside world. I won't be surprised to learn the letters were opened and read instead of being sent, even, and she also had no privacy whatsoever.

I don't know why, but this information has hurt my heart more than almost anything I have seen in this case so far. They didn't allow her to be loved by anyone. I agree TallCoolOne, "words fail me".
I wonder what might have been in those letters? Very sad. But for the FBI to want to interview the child I wonder if there was something in the letters which is why they weren't sent.
I find this very interesting. DH and I are active in the American Legion here. We go every week - pitch horseshoes. I've found this group at our Legion very friendly, caring and "protective" of its members.

The question I have is WHY was Zahra at the Legion? From the article its kinda obvious it was a "dance" of some kind (he was Zahra's dance partner).

I don't think Zahra was there alone or even "dropped off". As we welcome kids at the Legion - a parent usually stays with them.

AB and EB don't look like "dancers" to me - or even they type to socialize with anyone - much less people at an American Legion.

Would like to hear more about this "dance" and the Legion. What did other members say? What type of event was it? Who took her there and why?

So many questions. I was glad to see that Zahra had a moment of sunshine - even if it was only a fleeting one.

WiseOldOwl...I don't believe this happened here, Jonathan is from Australia so he's remembering her and telling Zahra was his dance partner...So sad these adults couldn't give Zahra her little happiness to keep in touch with a friend in her Homeland...the more I hear the more I want just 15 minutes...JMHO

Where is Zahra
I hate to disagree with you passionflower let her letters keep a comming the more she spills the deeper her grave... we need to know what she did to Zahra

HUGS !!!!

Oh one more thing i think he married her so he could come to the USA i think maybe he paid her to marry him but thats just my opinion.

~Above BBM respectfully~

I have wondered the same thing Eileen! My (unusal) ex told me that he was offered 30 K by an aquaintance who was a Middle Eastern business man to make a few trips to South America to meet and marry a woman in order to get her to the states. It never panned out. Glad I didn't have to turn him in for doing such a thing!


WiseOldOwl...I don't believe this happened here, Jonathan is from Australia so he's remembering her and telling Zahra was his dance partner...So sad these adults couldn't give Zahra her little happiness to keep in touch with a friend in her Homeland...the more I hear the more I want just 15 minutes...JMHO

Where is Zahra
In the video with the article it shows the boy and his mom(?) at the memorial in front of the house. So I thought he was here in the US.

I guess they would have American Legions in Oz but I understood it to be that it happened here.

Now I'm confused.
I remember an interview with EBs father. The family lived with him at some point. He said Zahra would go to the neighbourhood dances wih him and that she just loved to dance with the old folks. Was just thinking about this last nite as I wanted to add it to the All About Zahra thread. On a cell rite now but will look up a link when I get home.
This punches me in the stomach. Zahra had no way to reach the outside world. I won't be surprised to learn the letters were opened and read instead of being sent, even, and she also had no privacy whatsoever.


This is heartbreaking. And for a family that obviously had computers, I can't believe that Zahra had no access to one to e-mail any of her friends and family. Both the ones from home and the ones she met in the US. Even her attempts at contact through letters were thwarted apparently. :(
I remember an interview with EBs father. The family lived with him at some point. He said Zahra would go to the neighbourhood dances wih him and that she just loved to dance with the old folks. Was just thinking about this last nite as I wanted to add it to the All About Zahra thread. On a cell rite now but will look up a link when I get home.
Now that makes perfect sense. He took her. So this had to be back in late 2008 and early 2009 when they first moved over here and lived with him.
Just knowing these damn people wouldn't even mail a letter this precious child had written to a friend makes me want to go ballistic...on them....
I don't think that it is that they "couldn't be bothered." They deliberately did not mail them. They were isolating her which is a part of control and abuse. They took her out of school, cut off communication. I know someone who did this with her elderly mother-in-law. Took her into her home to "recuperate" then refused to put her on the phone, never had her call anyone back, threatened the cops if anyone came on her property. This is all part of the abuse.
This really gets me right in the gut. I am sure there were other letters to family and friends that were never sent as well. Maybe that is why the grandmother said she didn't know where they were. She had never received any letter from Zahra giving her address. How much sadness can one child endure?
Breaks your heart. I wish I could have adopted her, or taken her in as a foster child. What a sweet child she was. AB how could you?

You know Mrs. G Norris,
That's the thing. How many of us would take these "unwanted" ignored, abused children in, as opposed to having their parents *allegedly" murder them?!:furious:

Hey people....you don't want your kids and plan to murder them? Knock on my door first and I'll take the child in. I'm almost positive Zarah would have been a joy to raise.:(
Did this sweet little girl wonder why her friend wasn't writing her back?
I wish I could be sad right now but I'm too angry. :furious: What does it take to mail a letter? That big huge giant walk down the driveway to put a letter in the box too much for these losers? Did they not check their own mail?

What reason to keep a child's letter? To cut her off from the world so their little secrets don't get out. To torture her and make her think her little friend doesn't like her. Now someone tell me AB had nothing to do with this as well. :hand:

:furious: I opened my eyes just 5 minutes ago so sorry if I have no fracking patience or understanding for this kind of tomfoolery.
This makes me so sad.
I'm a grown up, but I was so upset when I learned the letters and presents I had been sending my niece every year for her birthday had not been given to her by her "wicked stepmother." She's an adult now, but we'll never be close as that contact I tried to keep up with her as she was growing up was denied.
It's such a small thing to do, and if you truly love the child, you do anything to make them happy. WTH is wrong with these people?
I kind of had my doubts about AB before. Thought maybe he was under her spell or something. :waitasec: Now the mere sight of him makes me want to vomit. However this turns out, HE was responsible for his daughters welfare, and he obviously didn't give a shXX. This just proves it.
Wonder if they will post these letters - I would really like to see her handwriting and what she said. Although if they do, I will probably cry so hard it will be hard to see the writing.

And why save them? Why didn't they just throw them out? These two are past the evil and cruel stage and moved on to a whole new level.
My heart is breaking even more for sweet Zahra. I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes just thinking about this :(.

I just don't understand how some people can be so cruel to others let alone their own child. Or any child for that matter.

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