FBI finds letters from Zahra to her young friend that EB and AB never mailed

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In the video with the article it shows the boy and his mom(?) at the memorial in front of the house. So I thought he was here in the US.

I guess they would have American Legions in Oz but I understood it to be that it happened here.

Now I'm confused.

Me too...maybe I'm wrong...wouldn't be the first time..JMHO

Where is Zahra?
I had a feeling this was going on -witholding letters Zahra had written friends and family- based on the MS comments on AB's bro's page.

The way EB wrote "I will post-mark them this week"...was just really off to me. ....(as opposed to "I will post them this week") I just knew that was a slip up.

I wonder if EB had cut off Zahras contact with family in Oz to stop her from telling anything...even as innocent as saying she missed them and wanted to go back 'home'?

If the letters were written and then thrown away or destroyed by EB, family will be able to tell LE if they ever recieved the letters that EB claimed to be posting that week, which was way back on Feb 11th.

It is so typical of abusers to isolate their victims which is exactly what EB did to Zahra -- and probably AB as I'll bet she instigated the bad feelings between him and his family to there would be a rift. But this proves it --- the wouldn't mail out Z's letters, kept her in the house in her home most all the time, took her out of school, etc. Isolating the victim in order to keep control of them.
This just hurts so bad to see that Zahra was not only abused but also isolated in her "new home" (personal hell) as step monster has discovered even in solitary, she has access to those on the outside, which is way more than she deserves. I wonder what her lawyer will tell her about her penpal today? I do love that the atty is the one who allowed this to happen!

I don't want to sound like I am giving AB a pass - because I'm not, ever. But the child who testified he was abused by his mothers bf Lucas Coe, who was living with them - never told his mother of the horrors he was subjected to when she was at work - Coe said he would kill the mother if he told - so he kept it to himself. Even when interviewed by CPS he made up excuses for his injuries. For some reason AB is still walking free...

I don't believe love is ever that blind - that a parent on some level doesn't know - even if only deep in their heart, that little voice that keeps you awake at night when something is wrong. And through it all Zahra smiled in pictures, even those where she is standing next to or looking at EB, just continues to break my heart.
You know Mrs. G Norris,
That's the thing. How many of us would take these "unwanted" ignored, abused children in, as opposed to having their parents *allegedly" murder them?!:furious:

Hey people....you don't want your kids and plan to murder them? Knock on my door first and I'll take the child in. I'm almost positive Zarah would have been a joy to raise.:(

Anyone who says this should seriously consider signing up to be a foster parent, if they're financially and emotionally able. Because I can guarantee you there is a child just like Zahra or Shaniya living in your town, waiting for somebody to help.
This makes me so sad.
I'm a grown up, but I was so upset when I learned the letters and presents I had been sending my niece every year for her birthday had not been given to her by her "wicked stepmother." She's an adult now, but we'll never be close as that contact I tried to keep up with her as she was growing up was denied.
It's such a small thing to do, and if you truly love the child, you do anything to make them happy. WTH is wrong with these people?
I kind of had my doubts about AB before. Thought maybe he was under her spell or something. :waitasec: Now the mere sight of him makes me want to vomit. However this turns out, HE was responsible for his daughters welfare, and he obviously didn't give a shXX. This just proves it.

I haven't unpacked my headset, so I haven't watched the video, yet. Did it say where the letters were found?
I had a feeling this was going on -witholding letters Zahra had written friends and family- based on the MS comments on AB's bro's page.

The way EB wrote "I will post-mark them this week"...was just really off to me. ....(as opposed to "I will post them this week") I just knew that was a slip up.

I wonder if EB had cut off Zahras contact with family in Oz to stop her from telling anything...even as innocent as saying she missed them and wanted to go back 'home'?

If the letters were written and then thrown away or destroyed by EB, family will be able to tell LE if they ever recieved the letters that EB claimed to be posting that week, which was way back on Feb 11th.

I do not have MS or FB pages myself so I can't look at others either. I'm curious by your comment if EB/AB maintained contact with family in Oz via these social networking pages? Also, IIRC, Zahra received a laptop when she was in Oz. What happened to it? Apparently she was allowed no contact with family & friends at all.

This is all so heartbreaking.

(Mods please delete if I'm in the wrong thread)
Mandy, I keep forgetting that Zahra has her own forum and I've accidently gone OT a few times. I must keep pinching myself, LOL!

I am so sad to hear how isolated Zahra became at the hands of EB & AB when she came to the states. It is just sick and abnormal for adults to treat this little girl so horribly. Isolation, along with all the moves shows that abuse had been ongoing for a period of time, IMO. Bless her little friends heart. I can't imagine how confusing it must be for the little guy to understand what has happened to his friend Zahra. How confusing it must have been for sweet Zahra too!

The effect of the actions of those responsible for hurting Zahra are far reaching. This discovery of the unmailed letters is just one of many examples as we all sit here each day praying for the best and sadly fearing the worst and holding vigil.



The idea that Zahra was trying so hard to reach out to a friend and AB/EB couldn't even be bothered to put a damn stamp on a letter now and then.

I am sitting at my desk crying right now.
I do not have MS or FB pages myself so I can't look at others either. I'm curious by your comment if EB/AB maintained contact with family in Oz via these social networking pages? Also, IIRC, Zahra received a laptop when she was in Oz. What happened to it? Apparently she was allowed no contact with family & friends at all.

This is all so heartbreaking.

(Mods please delete if I'm in the wrong thread)

I find the whole subject of "contact" very interesting, and important. Without getting into too much of my personal childhood background, I was sent to live with my single father when I was about Zahra's age. My father was an alcoholic and very abusive when drunk. I spent 2 years there in misery, feeling absolutely alone in that misery, because my grown sisters never wrote, I seldom heard from my mother, etc. etc. To say I felt trapped, unloved and unwanted would be an understatement. Much later, I went into my fathers room looking for something in one of his dresser drawers. What do you think I found? Yep...letter after letter after letter from my sisters, dating back over a year. All opened, of course, but never given to me. Anyway, just wanted to give you guys some insight into what that kind of purposeful isolation feels like to a child who already doesn't feel loved or wanted.

Moving on... there is a reason AB and EB worked so hard to keep this child isolated. Neighbors (at least the 2 last ones anyway) rarely if ever saw this child. Letters she wrote to peers were never sent. And if you look at pictures of Zahra, there is a frightening change in that child's appearance...from sparkling and bubbly and healthy looking, to hair shorn like a boys, skinny, and solemn. This is assuming a progression with these pictures timewise, which I can only guess at. I don't know when each picture was taken. But anyway...it is absolutely clear to me that something was going on (perhaps something more than just physical abuse), that AB and EB didn't want discovered.

Just my opinion.
In the video with the article it shows the boy and his mom(?) at the memorial in front of the house. So I thought he was here in the US.

I guess they would have American Legions in Oz but I understood it to be that it happened here.

Now I'm confused.

He said he met her at the AL in Maiden. That is a small town not far from Hickory. He lives in NC.
I don't know if this is OT or not but something just occurred to me. Yes, EB's letters are being mailed....but you know, really, in a lot of ways EB has become Zahra.

She's being persecuted for something she *hints* that she didn't do. Zahra did nothing to anyone.

She's obviously desperate to fit in....still. Poor Zahra probably felt like an outcast and she DESERVED to be loved.

She's stuck in jail where she'll probably be for a long, long time. You couldn't see the bars, but poor lil Zahra lived in a cage because of her.

Karma....wow. It gets around to everyone eventually, doesn't it?
OK. Just got here and THIS is the first thing I've read today about our sweet Zahra. :( I can't watch the video, yet, and I don't know that I ever will. Poor boy probably wondered why his friend wasn't writing him.
wtf kind of world are we living in where people<<---I use that word loosely, can do such things to children? My heart continues to bleed for this child.
Maybe the FBI can discern when the isolation actually began and put another nail in their collective coffins.
I'm with ya bevichan. I haven't watched the video either! Today, I feel as though I've been punched in the stomach and have a huge lump in my throat that will not go away.

God bless LE!!! I understand the suppressed, yet obvious tears they are attempting to hold back while on camera. I am so impressed with their diligence in their investigation, and commitment to find justice for Zahra.

Dear precious Zahra, where are you Angel?


I had a feeling this was going on -witholding letters Zahra had written friends and family- based on the MS comments on AB's bro's page.

The way EB wrote "I will post-mark them this week"...was just really off to me. ....(as opposed to "I will post them this week") I just knew that was a slip up.

I wonder if EB had cut off Zahras contact with family in Oz to stop her from telling anything...even as innocent as saying she missed them and wanted to go back 'home'?
If the letters were written and then thrown away or destroyed by EB, family will be able to tell LE if they ever recieved the letters that EB claimed to be posting that week, which was way back on Feb 11th.


This is something I have been wondering about and hope to get some clarity on in the coming days. I want to know if Zahra had any kind of communication with her family in Australia and what form of communication...telephone, snail mail, emails...?
I also wonder if her Grandma in Australia sent gifts to Zahra for Birthdays, Christmas, etc and if they were even given to Zahra.
In the video with the article it shows the boy and his mom(?) at the memorial in front of the house. So I thought he was here in the US.

I guess they would have American Legions in Oz but I understood it to be that it happened here.

Now I'm confused.

Well, yes, and in the video he has an American accent, not an Australian one...
The idea that Zahra was trying so hard to reach out to a friend and AB/EB couldn't even be bothered to put a damn stamp on a letter now and then.

I am sitting at my desk crying right now.

How hard is it to put a stamp on a letter???????????!!!!!!!!!:furious:

This is something I have been wondering about and hope to get some clarity on in the coming days. I want to know if Zahra had any kind of communication with her family in Australia and what form of communication...telephone, snail mail, emails...?
I also wonder if her Grandma in Australia sent gifts to Zahra for Birthdays, Christmas, etc and if they were even given to Zahra.

But it's the lack of contact friends and family have been concerned about since Zahra moved to the United States two years ago with her father and stepmother. Zahra's grandmother hasn't seen her since she left.

"Gabby and our family enjoyed many camps with Zahra. Nothing held her back.
"She had a smile that would light up the room and every person who met her was just amazed by her fantastic outlook on life.
"Precious, precious, little princess.
"I remember she had two Camp Quality companions, both beautiful ladies.
"After one camp, I printed out some photos Gabby had and wanted to send them to Zahra.
"I rang ... Zahra's grandmother and asked how Zahra was.
"She was so upset. She explained to me that her son had remarried and they had taken off overseas quite abruptly and she didn't have any idea exactly where they were.
"Over the last two years we have asked the Camp Quality organisers if they had heard where Zahra was, but she seemed to just drop out of all our lives.

A friend of her grandma's was also posting on the Love For Zahra FB page before it was pulled and said that Adam and his mom had a falling out when he decided to move to the US with Zahra and that they hadn't talked since. With the articles above, it gives credibility to what the friend said.

Sad. :(
Well, yes, and in the video he has an American accent, not an Australian one...

Oh, yes, I see it was cleared up earlier in the thread that they are from Hickory, not Australia.
Perhaps I missed it but do we know for certain Zahra received the letters her little friend even wrote to her.
I know the FBI spoke with him when he visited Hickory and went to the memorial site but do we know for certain she received the letters he had written..
For some reason, I'm thinking they didn't give her his letters either..

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