Feb 9 National Enquirer --Revisiting accident theory based on KMT statements

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I've also said this before: I can see Casey taping Caylee's mouth because perhaps Caylee began to go through some of the after-death happenings as mentioned in an above post, such as mouth open, bodily fluids coming out of mouth. Casey would probably not want to see that. She'd put tape over her mouth, I guess. I don't know if the tape was done before or after her death. Casey is unpredictable to an extent that her mental illness could cause any sort of scenario.

I sometimes wondered if she might even tape the mouth before leaving the body because of a fear of bugs entering Caylee's mouth or something along those lines.
I know one thing about the Enquirer: They got it right on the NC Senator, John Edwards with his photographer, having a relationship with her. I've always made fun of the Enquirer as something that old hillbillies read and believe. I still regard it as a "rag". However, I remember thinking, "John Edwards?? Are you kidding? He's the family man of all times, too sissy acting to have an affair (with a woman, anyway), and his wife has cancer." But he admitted to the affair after the Enquirer busted him.

The Enquirer wants to make money and doesn't want to be sued. They have probably busted a gut to talk to anyone they could find. I can imagine Casey Anthony having gone to that area, perhaps when she was younger and it wasn't so wooded. It would attract kids. I won't rule out the story of the pet cemetery. I've always felt that there was a reason Casey put Caylee there. It's close to her home. (Casey had a feeling that Caylee was "close by".

But I still wonder, why the dead body smell in her car? WHY would anyone keep a body long enough to smell, if they killed the body? Let me tell you, it most likely wasn't "squirrels" that died in her car. A squirrel can get into and out of anything. They are smart enough to stay around trees and food sources in nature. I doubt squirrels like Cheetos and Pez for much more than a taste.

Why didn't Casey just go straight to the dump site instead of letting a body make her car smell? That tells me that maybe Caylee died away from her home and she was kept in the trunk until Casey found a convenient time to dispose of her? I don't know, really.

This whole thing is still unanswered, but it is so hard to figure out completely.

I agree that I've never understood why she would drive around with the body in the car for any length of time, she would dispose of it immediately, unless she didn't know it was there (either placed there by someone else, or she did not remember putting it there due to mental illness or substance abuse or whatever.) That's a good point of it pointing more toward Caylee having died somewhere away from her home, rather than in the A home.
you're right about the Enquirer, there are a few big cases where they actually broke the story, aren't there?
Last time:

Discuss the accidental theory and why it is a possibility in your opinion.


Challenge a specific point someone uses to bolster the accidental notion

Do NOT just list why it wasn't an accident because there are 50 threads that discuss that at length in the rest of the forum. Trying to get a focused specific discussion here.

I personally do not subscribe to the accidental theory and as such I probably won't post in this thread. Maybe some of you others might consider that as an option as well.
Hi. I think it may be hard to tell when posts fall in the enumerated categories. For example, I posted about how KC probably thought nothing of posing in the nightclub pictures b/c she probably thought she had lots of time before Caylee was considered "missing." My post was actually a challenge to someone else's point which was basically that KC's smiling in the photos suggests it was an accident b/c she didn't blame herself for an accident. Thus, I fit your category 2 but....it might not have been clear. I think folks try to stay with the categories and think that they are.
It is possible that she did in fact accidentally kill Caylee and her fear of telling her mother or family lead her to stage a kidnapping. I think that the accident would have to be something she wouldn't call 911 for, as in she was giving her drugs to get her to sleep, that would look like murder or really bad judgment to Casey. I also started reading a book recommended here on WS "Without Conscience" many here should read it. It explains a lot about psychopaths and how they think. I really feel after reading it; Casey fits it to a "T".
Hi NJ Lawyer, I think sometimes posts get lost if they happen to contain a quote from another post that gets deleted. When the original gets deleted, any that quoted it also delete automatically. (Though I don't understand the technical stuff very well really, so don't quote me on that.)
Hi. I think it may be hard to tell when posts fall in the enumerated categories. For example, I posted about how KC probably thought nothing of posing in the nightclub pictures b/c she probably thought she had lots of time before Caylee was considered "missing." My post was actually a challenge to someone else's point which was basically that KC's smiling in the photos suggests it was an accident b/c she didn't blame herself for an accident. Thus, I fit your category 2 but....it might not have been clear. I think folks try to stay with the categories and think that they are.
NJ Lawyer I will be more than happy to go and look. i was trying to have a "do over" and someone else also complained that their post should stand and she was right. There was a lot going on here and in another forum at the same time. So now I can take a look and make it right.
Thanks for letting me know.:)

ETA: I don't see any of your posts that were deleted? ok I give up..I don;t think any of your posts were removed and if that is not what you mean, then your post was fine.

Seagull just FYI, deleting one post does not affect any others.
I wonder how much we really know or understand about KC's personality yet. The media started in the first weeks of the case creating a complete persona for her based on almost no information, just a bunch of speculation, and repeated it so often, that she is a psychopath or a narcissist, etc, that it took on a life of its own. The psychopathic personality they've ascribed to her seems to be primarily based on the assumption that she committed murder, but what if she didn't? You know. For example, all her friends and family said they couldn't believe she would ever harm Caylee because she had no history of that whatsoever, she had always seemed normal and caring toward Caylee. Friends describe her as a kind and compassionate person, not destructive or cruel in any way, or strange or indifferent toward Caylee. So, who knows? Still, the history of small/unimportant lies, the stealing. In some cases kids steal when they don't know an alternative. For example, KC's mother works, KC watched Caylee during the days for the past almost 3 years, except when she could get friends to babysit. How would she get income, would she know how to make the step to get proper care for Caylee and get out into the work world, did she have any preparation or organization for it? It can be hard for teenagers sometimes to figure it out. Then what if this pattern from the age of 18 of having to hang around the house watching Caylee turned into a lifestyle, all she had known was sitting home and texting/emailing/talking on the phone. I don't mean to make excuses, only wondering, I don't know what the truth is or what her personality is really like.
JBean, I thought that all this time! You just dispelled a myth for me.
In the interview with KMT on p 37, she discussed the heart sticker and the burial of pets in "that same area" when she was a kid. Up until now, it's been widely stated in the media because of KMT's statements, that KC buried her pets there in that same area. What KMT explained in more detail in this interview is as follows:

KMT and her friend Jessica held a funeral for Jessica's hamster, Sage, when they were 13, at which KC was also present. They put Jessica's hamster in a plastic ziplock bag and then placed that bag inside a paper bag on which they had drawn five or six hearts as signs of love and the words "We will miss you, Sage". . . .

Several sleuthers proposed the theory early in the case, that KC could have "snapped"/dissociated/experienced some disintegration of personality or awareness, upon finding Caylee's body, to the point that her conscious mind returned to a safe time before the event happened. (Witness JG also suggested he thought KC might lose her tenuous grip on reality if she found Caylee dead.) Could KC still be in that mental place, or could she have been there in the early weeks or months of the case? These latest details by KMT have made me revisit that theory, what about you?

No flames, defendant bashing, or repeat posts saying you just think KC murdered Caylee or you think KC is evil, because that has already been exhaustively explored on many threads and in hundreds and hundreds of posts throughout the past months, we know that theory very well. (I know I have not ruled out that possibility either.)

Thanks for your reflective consideration of this area which I, too, have felt
is worthy of depth exploration for all the reasons you mention. As a recipient
of too many recent dismissive challenges to topics I've tried to explore, I'm
unwilling to pursue this topic with you without mod-approval that we can
proceed free of insensitive ridicule.

But again, I fully support your topic as an inquiry worthy of the respect which it deserves given your time and reflection, and I look forward to
discussing it with you if an ambiance of respect is guaranteed.
Thanks for saying this -- that's what I got from reading the documents. I'm leaning toward accident because I don't see proof of premeditated murder. Also, without being too gross, am not convinced that the tape would stay in original placement with decomp going on, floods, animals, etc. I think there might be some slippage going on - that's been bothering me from first announcement of tape being involved. I guess I'm not actually "revisiting" an accident, I just haven't ever ruled it out just yet. I think this article is interesting, too, because one night on N. Grace (I think) a "shrink" said that placing hearts would be a sign of love.

I don't think it was covering her head, but the duct tape had to be cut away and that is what was holding her hair on. It was around her mouth and the back of her head apparently. Maybe this was an accident and she just compounded it. Will we ever know?
NJ Lawyer I will be more than happy to go and look. i was trying to have a "do over" and someone else also complained that their post should stand and she was right. There was a lot going on here and in another forum at the same time. So now I can take a look and make it right.
Thanks for letting me know.:)

ETA: I don't see any of your posts that were deleted? ok I give up..I don;t think any of your posts were removed and if that is not what you mean, then your post was fine.

Seagull just FYI, deleting one post does not affect any others.

My post disappeared too and it was the same kind of thing - the OP was speculating based on Casey's supposed emails to the 12 year old girl. I was simply pointing out that Cindy likely wrote that email since it was revealed in the new documents that she was emailing people as Casey via Casey's email account.

There was certainly nothing controversial there.
. Casey is unpredictable to an extent that her mental illness could cause any sort of scenario.

Bold and underlined and snipped by me

Can you please provide a link of where its been confirmed that Casey has a mental illness ?
great post

I've heard that compulsive lying/fibbing is known, in many cases, to occur in people who grew up under the constant fear of punishment. I know the Anthonys had strict standards for KC such as the religious morals they expected her to adhere to,
snipped for space

This is very interesting to me, would you mind expanding on how you know this?
There was only one post removed in error and that was Janes.

Can you do me a favor. My son just had a major seizure and so I have to go.. PLEASE don't make a mess. thanks :blowkiss:
I agree that I've never understood why she would drive around with the body in the car for any length of time, she would dispose of it immediately, unless she didn't know it was there (either placed there by someone else, or she did not remember putting it there due to mental illness or substance abuse or whatever.) That's a good point of it pointing more toward Caylee having died somewhere away from her home, rather than in the A home.

Someone else would have had to have access to her car, and I don't think she's ever claimed that, for her not to know Caylee was there. IMO she didn't know how difficult it would be to get rid of the body and that's why she delayed and then there was a mess in the trunk.

As for her having died somewhere else, it's possible I guess but the apparent lack of shoes and the presence of items from the A home would argue against that. She would have had to either take the blanket to wherever Caylee was going to be killed OR go back to the house and get the blanket.
There was only one post removed in error and that was Janes.

Can you do me a favor. My son just had a major seizure and so I have to go.. PLEASE don't make a mess. thanks :blowkiss:

Oh Jbean :blowkiss: (((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))

So soon after the last one Im so sorry - sending lots of get well hugs
snipped for space

This is very interesting to me, would you mind expanding on how you know this?

I would be interested in that too, because in the FBI interviews, Cindy says neither she nor George is religous, and I haven't seen anything that indicates otherwise.
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