Some of them are putting on their hiking shoes getting ready for that long walk to the court. One guy I believe will have to take supplements to make sure his steady diet of cheese will not have an effect on his health. Maybe that guy won't need to do that if he succeeds the next time he tries to kill himself.
I feel sorry for those poor souls that got swept up in this thing. That old Nazi thing about just following orders is not going to cut it for them.
I got pretty much roasted along the way. Truth is I welcomed it because it gave me a platform to rant again. I even told the morons they are making it bad for themselves, and Burke because sooner or later someone is going to start reading this stuff.
This part of the story will not be complete until I see Spota in handcuffs. Maybe it will happen - maybe it won't, but he should get his hiking boots out of the closet, just in case.