Federal Investigation of Suffolk County Police Chief

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That <modsnip> Loeb is a parole violating criminal and should be rotting in jail for a while to pay off his debt to society. Or is the popular opinion that he's somehow the innocent victim here?

Yes, we see him as Burke's victim - no doubt about it.

Just for the heck of it - why not explain why you display so much disdain for an admitted drug addict yet appear to have none for a police chief who has abused his authority and preyed on the public he is paid to protect? You pay taxes on L.I., doesn't that bother you?? You seem more intelligent than that.
Yes, we see him as Burke's victim - no doubt about it.

Just for the heck of it - why not explain why you display so much disdain for an admitted drug addict yet appear to have none for a police chief who has abused his authority and preyed on the public he is paid to protect? You pay taxes on L.I., doesn't that bother you?? You seem more intelligent than that.

After an extensive investigation the FBI says that nothing Loeb had to say was credible. Why are you so eager to believe the BS he spouted? Exactly how has Burke preyed on the people he's was paid to protect? I try to look at the facts and draw a logical conclusion without getting caught up in the drama and hype the media and some former LEO's use to sell their own agenda. And above all, innocent until proven guilty beyond my own reasonable doubt. Burke's record shows he's a normal human being who chose a career in law enforcement and had a degree of success.
1. LOEB did NOT bring charges against BURKE. 2. His mother saw the cops beating her son in the driveway. 3. Loeb told the lawyer not to put his mother on the stand because he feared for her safety 4. Loeb is still in federal custody even though he pled guilty to the theft. 5. Not only did Burke have no business at the Loeb residence he didn't have any business at the precinct 6. He CERTAINLY did not have any right to remove the bag from the precinct. 7. No one has officially said the case is 'closed'. Yes, it has been hinted that he is 'closed' but in answer to a direct question a credible person said it wasn't OVER.

You want to know what I was told by a ranking LEO. He called Burke, a pedophile, $%%^$#$%%^^&*&^%RRRR%%^^&$$$$%$##$$%^&&**()&&%$#$$$%^^&&**()())*&^%%$RRRR##@@@@@#$E#$%^&&*(*&^TTTYU^%TTT. And he went on and on and on. Trust me this person is in a position to know what they are talking about.

So go sell your BS elsewhere.
After an extensive investigation the FBI says that nothing Loeb had to say was credible. Why are you so eager to believe the BS he spouted? Exactly how has Burke preyed on the people he's was paid to protect? I try to look at the facts and draw a logical conclusion without getting caught up in the drama and hype the media and some former LEO's use to sell their own agenda. And above all, innocent until proven guilty beyond my own reasonable doubt. Burke's record shows he's a normal human being who chose a career in law enforcement and had a degree of success.

And that is to bring Burke and Spota to justice. By now everyone on this Board probably knows this. Tell me MCME, what is your agenda?
And that is to bring Burke and Spota to justice. By now everyone on this Board probably knows this. Tell me MCME, what is your agenda?

I don't really have one. I became interested in this case because I'm a long time resident of the barrier beach community where much of the case is centered. You've made clear from the beginning what your intentions are, but only support it with your own opinion and hearsay. When the FACTS show that these guys are what you claim them to be, I'll be a believer. Until then, they're career LEO's and get the same respect and benefit of the doubt that I give all LEOs. I believe there's a special place in hell for pedophiles, and believe that if there was any real evidence that a ranking LEO was one, it'd be all over the news. Instead it's just whispered in your ear by unknown sources so you can scream it from the rooftop. When some real evidence points to it, I'll be far more accepting.
After an extensive investigation the FBI says that nothing Loeb had to say was credible.

Why are you so eager to believe the BS he spouted? Exactly how has Burke preyed on the people he's was paid to protect?
I try to look at the facts and draw a logical conclusion without getting caught up in the drama and hype the media and some former LEO's use to sell their own agenda. And above all, innocent until proven guilty beyond my own reasonable doubt. Burke's record shows he's a normal human being who chose a career in law enforcement and had a degree of success.


Burke's record speaks for itself. It's all there in Newsday and on pix11.com. He is a criminal with a gun and a badge. He can do terrible things to people with impunity (I stole that line from HBO's True Detective lol!). Actually, he already does terrible things to people with impunity. At the very least he violated Loeb's civil rights. He's a . He committed crimes as a police officer and was promoted. There's big trouble in Suffolk County and and many of us can see it.


"Police reports indicate that on the night of Loeb's arrest, Chief Burke went into the young man's home and confronted him, which is a serious violation of police policy."

My main interest is in the Gilgo murders being solved and the guilty party or parties convicted and off the street. Burke's dirty and it's obvious the corruption doesn't end with Burke. How is this case ever going to get solved? If I lived in Suffolk County I would be very troubled, yet you mcme seem to go out of your way to DEFEND him. WHY?????????

What do you know about the FBI's "extensive" investigation? Please share it with us. Your conclusions are illogical IMO. Maybe I would understand better if I knew what you knew.
I don't really have one. I became interested in this case because I'm a long time resident of the barrier beach community where much of the case is centered. You've made clear from the beginning what your intentions are, but only support it with your own opinion and hearsay. When the FACTS show that these guys are what you claim them to be, I'll be a believer. Until then, they're career LEO's and get the same respect and benefit of the doubt that I give all LEOs. I believe there's a special place in hell for pedophiles, and believe that if there was any real evidence that a ranking LEO was one, it'd be all over the news. Instead it's just whispered in your ear by unknown sources so you can scream it from the rooftop. When some real evidence points to it, I'll be far more accepting.


That's not true. "Nasty *advertiser censored* in his bag" has been in the news MULTIPLE times and spoken in a Court of Law; not just whispered in your ear as you say. If there is even a hint of that (and there is)...you all in Suffolk County should be worried. Personally, I prefer my Police Chief to uphold the law, not break it, but that's just me.


That's not true. "Nasty *advertiser censored* in his bag" has been in the news MULTIPLE times and spoken in a Court of Law; not just whispered in your ear as you say. If there is even a hint of that (and there is)...you all in Suffolk County should be worried. Personally, I prefer my Police Chief to uphold the law, not break it, but that's just me.

What part of the FBI's investigation showing there was nothing to those allegations are you not getting? And nothing has been whispered in my ear, I'm not here asking people to take me at my word that he's a pedophile or into child pornogrophy, or that he bought his rank etc. I'm suggesting people use the facts to determine if he's fit for the job and not some media hype.
[/B].....yet you mcme seem to go out of your way to DEFEND him. WHY?????????

What do you know about the FBI's "extensive" investigation? Please share it with us. Your conclusions are illogical IMO. Maybe I would understand better if I knew what you knew.

I know what's been printed in the papers, that the FBI has determined that none of the things Leob claimed had any merit. For the record, I'm not here to defend anyone and all my opinions are based on the facts available to the public. I came to them using logic as I understand it. If you see something specific in my opinions that you find illogical, please point it out.
Just a heads up... A comment on this article claims JB's company was involved in the Tobay Beach bike path extension. I know some WSers have questioned the integrity of this commentor before, but I figured it can't hurt to mention it in the rumors thread.


Are you referring to the person who made the actual comment about the bike path or the user PeterF14? The latter has a rather long and rambling post in the comment sections. What is his deal?
I am PeterF14 on Newsday. LL6, I am kind of confused when you say I have been accurate with Spota/Burke, you continue with 'everything he says with a grain of salt.' One statement seems to contradict with the other. I just think the 'salt' comment was a wee bit too harsh. But I am the first one to tell you I put it out there and you decide. My agenda and reason for being here is well known.

Let me make another thing very clear: I have no blanket hatred for the SCPD. My hatred is reserved exclusively for Burke, Lt.Jim Hickey, the weasel Bill Lewis, and to a lesser degree all those cops/detectives that stood by and let it happen without a hint of protest.
I am PeterF14 on Newsday. LL6, I am kind of confused when you say I have been accurate with Spota/Burke, you continue with 'everything he says with a grain of salt.' One statement seems to contradict with the other. I just think the 'salt' comment was a wee bit too harsh. But I am the first one to tell you I put it out there and you decide. My agenda and reason for being here is well known.

Let me make another thing very clear: I have no blanket hatred for the SCPD. My hatred is reserved exclusively for Burke, Lt.Jim Hickey, the weasel Bill Lewis, and to a lesser degree all those cops/detectives that stood by and let it happen without a hint of protest.

I'm sorry hawk I didnt mean to be harsh and originally had you described as a prophet in my post but edited it out. All i meant was when someone is driven by a personal vendetta like you are, which there's nothing wrong with that all, and while you are clearly right about burke's corruption, that may distort your perspective a bit. Again no insult meant just calling it like I see it and of course I value your perspective either way

I also said your driven by a hatred for "corrupt scpd" not all of them so you know take how you will but it wasnt an insult
Hawk I'm curious what do you think about the link I posted of a couple seeing a mobile forensics lab and cops searching the grass along the beach in april 2004....What could this mean? could be related to gilgo?
Are you referring to the person who made the actual comment about the bike path or the user PeterF14? The latter has a rather long and rambling post in the comment sections. What is his deal?

I was referring to the user who made the comment about the bike path, <modsnip>. Actually, it looks like that comment was taken down, and someone else commented that Intercounty Paving Associates of Hicksville got the contract, not JB's company.

Guess it's a good thing I posted it in the rumor thread! Lol
They probably found a body back then and they set up a mobile lab. I assume the date of 2004 is correct. Heck, it could be anything, even the beginning of LISK.
LL, I wasn't offended in the least bit. As far as my hatred for some members of the SCPD and DA, I assure you I try to keep that in mind when I offer opinions. Being blind to the truth because I hate them so much doesn't do any of us any good.

As far as Burke goes. I don't think we have even scratched the surface as to how evil this poor excuse for a human being really is.

Having a personal vendetta is not always a bad thing. Having a vendetta is the driving force behind my crusade to get this person out of the PD. I would prefer he leaves because he is going to jail.
LL, I wasn't offended in the least bit. As far as my hatred for some members of the SCPD and DA, I assure you I try to keep that in mind when I offer opinions. Being blind to the truth because I hate them so much doesn't do any of us any good.

As far as Burke goes. I don't think we have even scratched the surface as to how evil this poor excuse for a human being really is.

Having a personal vendetta is not always a bad thing. Having a vendetta is the driving force behind my crusade to get this person out of the PD. I would prefer he leaves because he is going to jail.

Nice to meet you. I have always read your comments with great interest, I worked a few EDNY cases and during the course of defense side investigations, and some interesting facts were developed in state and Leo working in Suffolk County.
They probably found a body back then and they set up a mobile lab. I assume the date of 2004 is correct. Heck, it could be anything, even the beginning of LISK.

Interesting...Ive never seen any reports from april 2004 about a body has anyone else?
Finding bodies in desolate places is not NEWS. We used to find them all the time and there was never a word about it in the papers. We were required to make what we call :AN UNUSUAL OCCURRENCE REPORT. The Report is viewed by the Media, via DCPI/Information office.
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