Federal Investigation of Suffolk County Police Chief

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Cannot access this article to read as I don't subscribe to Newsday or Optimum Cable. I believe it MIGHT be accessible for maybe 1-5 x's in a given month by non-sub scribers therefore limited access.

I've seen posts where the article is copied & then pasted, along w/link, so it can he read by others who have no access. Is it possible to do that?
You are a big girl and a pretty smart one at that. *advertiser censored* is *advertiser censored*. Some of us would say any *advertiser censored* is disgusting. Truth is if you really want to get picky all *advertiser censored* is disgusting because the woman is always degraded. But I am no Billy Graham, and yes, I look at *advertiser censored* when the mood suits me, which is not often.

This Loeb kid is a drug addict/thief. What do you think his standards are when he judges *advertiser censored* to be disgusting?

The only thing that can be disgusting other than kiddie *advertiser censored* it to show sex with animals. That is not a crime to possess, but it should be.

Chill out! I have been steaming for 8 Years trying to put this animal away where he belongs. I always knew this day would come because I know what he is.

There is also "snuff films" and/or "fake snuff films"
The answers are there - you just have to know where to look and recognize them for what they are when you find them. It is not as simple as my post makes it appear to be.

Cannot access this article to read as I don't subscribe to Newsday or Optimum Cable. I believe it MIGHT be accessible for maybe 1-5 x's in a given month by non-sub scribers therefore limited access.

I've seen posts where the article is copied & then pasted, along w/link, so it can he read by others who have no access. Is it possible to do that?
No, I'm afraid not. We can only C&P 10% of an article, and must include a link.

Cannot access this article to read as I don't subscribe to Newsday or Optimum Cable. I believe it MIGHT be accessible for maybe 1-5 x's in a given month by non-sub scribers therefore limited access.

I've seen posts where the article is copied & then pasted, along w/link, so it can he read by others who have no access. Is it possible to do that?

LISleuth you can see another version equally compelling as the Newsday article. Not only does it have a printed version it has a video, live and in living color.

All that you will have to do is to do a GOOGLE for: JAMESFORDWPIX. The first item or so on the menu will lead you to an array of stories regarding this story. You won't be disappointed.......LOL.

Heck, why not EVERYONE take a look. Some of you might even understand what I have said about this case might have something of merit.
I could go on the websleuth radio show and not stop for a breath for the entire 2 hours. the moderator would have to put it on a 20 sec delay to bleep out the hundreds of curse words I would use to describe them.
I could go on the websleuth radio show and not stop for a breath for the entire 2 hours. the moderator would have to put it on a 20 sec delay to bleep out the hundreds of curse words I would use to describe them.

Please do that. I will call in. It will be fun.
It goes on more than we are led to believe. Not that much, but from a civilians POV, one is too much.

The thing about Burke is not only was he having sex with a hooker in his patrol car (he denied that) he had sex with a felon with 27 arrests for drugs, prostitution, and grand larceny. I guess he wasn't as smart as they would like us to believe. Truth is that many of Burke's pals are too smart. One of his best friends in the PD ( they supposedly went to Thailand together ) was placed on the Board of Directors of a company known as Harbour Entertainment. The person that placed him on the board was a known swindler. The swindler was in the throes of another swindle where he was sentenced to one year in jail for a federal stock fraud. That same person had also been banned from the Securities industry several years earlier. Spota's Finest just didn't seem to know that. Truth is the cop on the Board of Directors was supposed to be doing corruption cases for the DA. LOL.

BOTTOM LINE IS THIS: DO you think that if some interesting people are involved in the Gilgo Beach murders the Suffolk DA and his former Chief Investigator are going to do anything about it?
Let me make this clear - I am not ruling out the nursery owner. Just by going on what we read I don't think anyone can make him a suspect based on what we have been told in the press. The only person I can rule out for these crimes is ME. But maybe I 'blacked' out like Marty Tankleff supposedly did and forgot he killed his parents.

If the nursery owner is involved then you can bet your bottom dollar he was involved with others. The guy is dead, and as they say: "Dead men tell no tales." But they do if you look hard enough. They can connect a lot of dots to a lot of people.

I have seen these bums in action before. They craft a rumor of lies do get the public to believe the suspect is guilty even before they give a shred of evidence to support that. After the public and papers get a good dose of it the cops/DA make an arrest in the hope the public will find everything they allege to be true because they think they already know the truth. They create the scenarios and back you into them.

I saw this first hand in the case of my son in law's case. You only need one case to understand what they do and have always done since the SCPD was created in 1960.

They started spreading the rumors that they had wiretap evidence, video surveillance, and could prove he had a police radio to further his crimes with the burglars. NO SUCH THING EVER HAPPENED. They said he knew one of the burglars. They just didn't say how he knew the burglars. Truth is he did meet one of the burglars in area business locations and was introduced to him. That burglar was SCPD Chief of Department's James Burke's neighbor, in St.James, NY from 1998-2002. The Chief has a propensity to live near burglars. He lived on the same block and neighborhood with many young burglars during the time of the murder of John Pius Jr., 1979. He can't walk out of his house without bunking into a burglar. We now know he brought at least one known felon, his drug addicted prostitute girlfriend to his house, for tea and biscuits. She only had 27 arrests at the time. HE KNOWS NOTHING.
When they brought Burke's neighbor back from Florida for the investigation of a homicide of a witness that was giving information to the police about Burke's neighbor, and after he was brought to Spota's office to sign up for a cooperation agreement the witness was murdered only three weeks later.

They had the neighbor in their custody for almost a year. AND not ONCE did they even attempt to connect the burglar to my son in law, through a chance meeting in the street, or even a telephone call. I was a NYC detective for most of my 29 years in the PD. Folks, that is 101 Police Work, and if a cop or former cop is involved then it is 101+++ police work. All they did in the one year they had him was to feed the burglar lies to tell in court.
On 11/13/03, a serial criminal would tell detectives that my son in law. an active and working SCPD did an armed robbery with him while he was a police officer. The criminal would add many more lies that said my SIL participated in other crimes while acting as a look-out, both while working in his police car and off-duty.

On 3/15/04, the SIL retired from the SCPD with a line of duty pension. He was NEVER called to account for himself by IAB. An examination of his personnel folder had no record of his ever being the subject of a criminal investigation. IMO, there was no record of these serious crimes because Tom Spota never told Dormer.

Soon after retiring the SIL received what they call 'a good guy' letter from Dormer thanking him for his dedicated service to the SCPD, etc., He also was issued a pistol carry permit. This highly dangerous criminal walked out of the department with at least a half dozen allegations of serious criminal conduct,

IMO, and it all bears truth from the sequences of events is the DA never told this Jerk they were investigating the SIL because SPOTA had not yet decided if they were going to frame him.

No PC worth the price of a bottle of Night Train is going to issue such a letter and allow a tainted cop to leave the department with his guns.

This sorry excuse for a human being would then harass him to return his retired shield the PBA gave him upon retirement.

WE more to the trial. Another criminal posing as a Lieutenant of Police testified and lied at the trial. Three cops that worked with the SIL came to see the trial and said, "we came to see for ourselves, we hope he didn't do this." After they heard this lying sack o bleep lie on the stand, lies that a police officer would know were lies they left the court and were horrified. To a man they agreed the SIL was being railroaded. They also said that if they could do this to him they could do it to us.

The LT caught them in the hallway and screamed at them for being there. He knew what they heard and he feared they would spread it throughout the PD.

When they got back to the precinct there was an order waiting for them to contact Dormer's office. They each were ordered to write a report to him explaining why they went to the courthouse. This jerk even asked them were they expected to testify for the defense at the trial. Only an idiot would ask such a question like that. If you are in the courtroom you CAN'T testify. The message was clear: Keep your mouths shut or pay the consequences. What was even more disgusting is Dormer is reported to have called the PBA for permission to violate these three cops 6th Amendment Rights to see how justice is done in their courtrooms. The PBA reportedly said to Dormer, go knock yourself out.

These were decent guys. But they were terrified into silence with the fear their own careers would be jeopardized. One of the three cops apologized to my son in law's parents for not having the courage to come forth.

If Dormer came to my house with a suitcase full of $100 and ask me to believe him I would spit in his face, take his money and wipe my butt on it and send it back to him.

Garbage, pure garbage, and not fit to live with human beings.

This piece of garbage knows exactly what happened an he was/is too much of a coward to do anything about it.

He allowed Spota and Burke to defame HIS Department by framing an innocent man and he never did a damned thing about it.
THANX, LIN. I think you understand what I am about and why I post what I post. One thing I know about human nature is you really can't appreciate certain things unless you had a personal experience. It is like someone telling a parent that lost their child: 'I know how you feel.'

My SIL is soon to be my former son in law. He went to jail for 3 years and did another 2 on parole. That is over. They are still married and the divorce is almost done. The 3 years he did in jail were probably the calmest three years in a 12 year marriage.

Trust me when I say I didn't need any more than what I witnessed in that case. Everything I need to know about these people I write about is right there. Nothing changes with these people.

My purpose in writing on Boards such as this is to EDUCATE the people of the criminal abuses of those that are sworn to protect us.

I believe the frame job came about because Spota wanted to protect one of his own on a murder case. I have a very good idea who pulled the trigger, and I have a pretty good idea who told the killer that the DA's witness needed killing.

The case remains unsolved to this day and it now has been more than 10 years. If you folks think these same people wouldn't botch the LISK case to protect people that are connected, then I think you are wasting your time trying to play amateur sleuth.
What I have been writing about has as much to do with this 'INVESTIGATION' than anything else.

Haven't you folks been reading the news?

Do you folks really believe it was appropriate for that idiot Dormer to do the Arrow interviews?

Maybe Tommy Spotatohead should investigate Dormer, Varrone, and Arrow for obstruction of justice. Certainly they should investigate Dormer. Did he get paid for the interview? Was he divulging information that is part of a grand jury investigation? His only defense is he didn't know much about the case, anyway.

Maybe they should have devoted one segment to the story about the Chief of Department being involved with a drug addicted crack head. That the Chief - then a sergeant met her in his precinct. OK, maybe they happened to meet at Jahn's Ice Cream parlor while both were looking over an ice cream sundae and it was love at first sight.

Don't you think that when a Chief of Police has been engaged with prostitutes taken off the street should be heading the investigation?

Come on folks - WAKE THE F UP!!!
There is a new book out called: "A Whistleblower's Lament", written by Judge Stuart Namm (Ret) It was Judge Namm that woke up one day and realized what he was witnessing in his court was an abomination of the SC CJS. It was Judge Namm's letter to then Gov . Mario Cuomo that led to the 1987 - 1989 investigation into corruption and misconduct in the system.

On page 18 of this 423 page book, Judge Namm speaks of the SCPD special knack for recruiting jail house snitches to do their bidding. I want to take out one passage of that page and report it to you.

When speaking of jail house snitches, the Judge digressed and said:

They produced James Burke, and 18 year old self admitted 'pot head' who went on to become a Suffolk County police officer.

There is a footnote that says:

James Burke, who was one of ADA Tom Spota's chief prosecution witnesses in the Pius murder trial, has gone on to become Chief of Police of the SCPD...... Spota has gone on to be ....the Suffolk County district attorney.

It was Spota that did the investigation into alleged misconduct of Steve Levy. It was Burke that served has his chief investigator. When Levy withdrew from the race and his $ 4M war-chest was confiscated - without explanation, it was Bellone that became the County Executive, who, in turn promptly elevated Burke at least 5 ranks to where he is now Chief of Department, or the highest ranking uniformed member of the SCPD. By virtue of his rank it is Burke that is running the LISK 'investigation'.
"A Whistleblower's Lament" is a book written by a former SC District Court Judge that worked Homicide Cases. He writes of his political experiences on the bench going back more than 20 yrs now. The thing about this book is he is writing in the present sense. He will clearly tell you that people that are innocent are still going to jail in Suffolk County. Judge Namm knows where the bodies are buried.

READ IT! and READ "A Criminal Injustice" - Rick Firstman. NOTHING, AND I MEAN NOTHING HAS CHANGED in Suffolk County, but that is if you don't consider things getting WORSE as not change!

Spota is the DA and his little pal Jimmy Burke is the Chief of Department. Chief of Detective's Madigan is one but another that has had an astronomical career rise. His rise is so astronomical that he had to take a rest by sitting at the table at the Legislature while PFML Laura Ahearn was giving her testimony.
The FBI are investigating Burke roughing up one dude but not a serial killer with 20+ active a good 20 years operating in NYC.... Yea i dont think so...

The FBI had been investigating Burke, 49, the department's top uniformed officer, concerning claims that he had beaten Christopher Loeb, 27, the Smithtown man charged with stealing his duffel bag and gun belt from his unlocked, police-issued GMC Yukon in December 2012. During a pretrial hearing last year, Loeb testified that Burke and detectives punched him while interrogating him in the Fourth Precinct station house after he was arrested in December 2012. Police witnesses testified Burke came to Loeb's house while it was being searched and took his bag, which Loeb testified contained "nasty *advertiser censored*."

The FBI are investigating Burke roughing up one dude but not a serial killer with 20+ active a good 20 years operating in NYC.... Yea i dont think so...

The FBI had been investigating Burke, 49, the department's top uniformed officer, concerning claims that he had beaten Christopher Loeb, 27, the Smithtown man charged with stealing his duffel bag and gun belt from his unlocked, police-issued GMC Yukon in December 2012. During a pretrial hearing last year, Loeb testified that Burke and detectives punched him while interrogating him in the Fourth Precinct station house after he was arrested in December 2012. Police witnesses testified Burke came to Loeb's house while it was being searched and took his bag, which Loeb testified contained "nasty *advertiser censored*."


Scary guy that Burke. The investigation is apparently over...his lawyer claims he was cleared. Hope that Loeb kid stays far away and safe...


"The attorney for a Long Island police chief says his client has been told that a federal investigation of his client has been closed.

Joseph Conway said Wednesday that Suffolk County Police Chief James Burke was told last month that the FBI had closed its investigation."
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