Fingerprints and gloves

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i don't think she's smart enough for one thing.. plus if the death were an accident, and she had to hurry up and get rid of the body then she wouldn't have had time to think to quick grab some gloves.

it is impossible to use tape while wearing latex or plastic gloves. i work in a restaurant and trying to label things while wearing latex gloves is a nightmare..

she might have worn gardening gloves, or whatever... but that would transfer fibers.... maybe another thing LE was looking for during their search?
I vote gardening gloves if she wore any at all...which I am not sure she did.
I dont think that KC put a lot of thought into what she did. The slacks that smelled bad were left in her car... so was a knife. Considering she was right by a dumpster when her car ran out of gas at Amscot.. she could have dumped those items and didn't. Most people do not check into forensics before an instantaneous outrage. She may not have known bags and tape would yield viable prints. This is just my speculation on this. I believe that she was headed for another country or state.. and just didnt make it in time. It would explain the sloppiness and leaving evidence.
No, I don't think she wore gloves. The sloppiness of the car, where she put the body, to me it all smacks of being careless, reckless, impulsive and I don't want to be bothered with this.

Might also add it was pretty stupid. She certainly isn't the clever criminal I originally thought she was.
I think the first bag she put her in probably has her prints on it, but by the time she put her in the second bag she probably used garden type gloves. First time, body is not decomposing, second time, decomposition has set in and its "messy" so she put gloves on.

I think the day of the confrontation with george and the gas cans, he probably smelled the trunk and started hollering at her and saying WTF is that stink, im calling LE, so casey got scared hi tailed it around the corner and dumped her in a place she was familar with. So in her fear, she didnt "rebag" her or get rid of evidence. So I think prints will be somewhere.

Thats what that "give me one more day". It was to retrive the bag and rehide it or rebag it. Thank goodness she was arrested immediately that day.
I dont think that KC put a lot of thought into what she did. The slacks that smelled bad were left in her car... so was a knife. Considering she was right by a dumpster when her car ran out of gas at Amscot.. she could have dumped those items and didn't. Most people do not check into forensics before an instantaneous outrage. She may not have known bags and tape would yield viable prints. This is just my speculation on this. I believe that she was headed for another country or state.. and just didnt make it in time. It would explain the sloppiness and leaving evidence.

I've always assumed that the slacks smelled bad because they were in the car. I don't think she was wearing her dress slacks when she disposed of the body.
I've always assumed that the slacks smelled bad because they were in the car. I don't think she was wearing her dress slacks when she disposed of the body.

.....thats assuming you belive that ga saw her and Caylee go off to work in the afternoon, when kc said she worked 9-1.....:waitasec:
ITA. She thought she could easily play the grieving mother and nobody would question her. After all, she's been lying for years and getting away with it!

I think that's why she sounds totally pizzed in the first jail phone calls. How dare LE question her story about Zannie and where she works-no one has ever questioned her stories before! And just because My story didn't make sense and was full of lies, they go and arrest me on a whim!! How dare they? And Mom, how dare you question my involement, and Christine how dare you cry about Caylee when I'm the one stuck in here. I don't want to talk to any of you, what's Tony's number!!!:bang:
I think the first bag she put her in probably has her prints on it, but by the time she put her in the second bag she probably used garden type gloves. First time, body is not decomposing, second time, decomposition has set in and its "messy" so she put gloves on.

I think the day of the confrontation with george and the gas cans, he probably smelled the trunk and started hollering at her and saying WTF is that stink, im calling LE, so casey got scared hi tailed it around the corner and dumped her in a place she was familar with. So in her fear, she didnt "rebag" her or get rid of evidence. So I think prints will be somewhere.

Thats what that "give me one more day". It was to retrive the bag and rehide it or rebag it. Thank goodness she was arrested immediately that day.

I think she did the double bagging on the same day. They only say that the interior bag is ruptured. I figure she put her in the first bag, when to pick it up to move it from the original wrapping location and tore the bag. Dead weight can be difficult to move around. Rewrap the body in the second bag, duct tape it better.
I don't know if you can duct tape a wiggly toddler's face shut while, while wearing gloves. I would think the tape would stick to the gloves.

And if the toddler wasn't "wiggly", as in dead?
casey probably thought everyone was going to believe her stupid zanny story. she grew up with her parents and friends believing every lie she told.... she thought she was a "pro."

I totally agree. It's so obvious that CA and GA were the enablers. KC has been lieing for a long time and CA especially almost seems to feed on it. It's really a sick relationship to think that CA didn't try to make KC stop the lies. Even when a child is very young you don't let them get away with lie after lie. KC is 22 and acts 5 with her parents. It's a very very dysfunctional family. I thought mine was bad, but they take the cake!!!
nah, she's too lazy for gloves!

HI YA **sweetpickles**, and Welcome again to WS ;}

I've read the same thing, that Casey didn't think about too much ahead of time and when confronted with what she had done to her baby girl didn't think too long and hard about how she would fix the mess she was in.

Right now I don't think she planned it ahead of time. I think she took her hostilities out on Caylee routinely, and this time maybe hit her harder than usual or SS. Or she was careless about how much sedative she gave her and Caylee died.

We know she put her inside one bag and then an outer bag, so fingerprints will be a plenty, especially on the inside of those bags. Putting a dead weight child in a bag wouldn't be really easy IMO, and even if she wrapped her in a sheet, it would still be a bit tricky to maneuver the package into that bag without leaving prints. Working with 2 plastic bags, lifting a wrapped body in and sealing up both bags, it would have been too difficult and time consuming to use gloves IMO.

I read a posters idea that after the grandfather stood by the car, Casey thought he knew what had happened and figured he was going to call the police, so she dumped her at that point.

I also think Dr G will be able to show all this forensically. xox
.....thats assuming you belive that ga saw her and Caylee go off to work in the afternoon, when kc said she worked 9-1.....:waitasec:

That's why I think washing the slacks is really a non-issue. Did George see Casey wearing them on the 16th when Caylee was still alive? Did Casey change clothes before killing Caylee? Even if Casey was wearing those pants at the time of the murder, did she get any evidence on them? Did Casey wash the pants prior to Cindy washing the pants? Was Casey wearing those particular pants when she disposed of the body?

I don't think there was much to be learned from the pants, even if Cindy hadn't washed them.
While Casey most likely has a pretty high IQ, her way of doing things is scattered. She signed her own name to stolen checks. Her Zenaida story has to be the worst alibi and defense ever. She left her car with its smelly uncleaned trunk unattended for 3 days.

I don't think gloves fit her way of doing things. But, maybe. Although even if she DID remember gloves she was too careless not to have left a slew of other incriminating things.

Seriously. If she had been smart, she would have dumped the car somewhere, burned it (she had the gas cans).

Many years ago I knew a man who was a con man. Er, make that a reformed con man when I knew him. Anyway, he said that you always wanted really smart, really intelligent people as they thought they were too smart to be conned, and therefore made stupid mistakes. Other people were more cautious and paid attention as they didn't think themselves above it. I think this applies with Casey and other criminal types in general.
casey probably thought everyone was going to believe her stupid zanny story. she grew up with her parents and friends believing every lie she told.... she thought she was a "pro."

ITA. She thought, and, maybe still does, that she is really really smart. LOL
Zoey: Duct the all purpose tool Laffin :crazy:can retain prints for a long time. We have got to remember the body was sealed in a garbage bage so it was away from the water. Also IIRC the statment said the duct tape was still on the face not laying loose in the bag.

The bag couldn't have been too well sealed all this time or the skull wouldn't have rolled out.
The bag couldn't have been too well sealed all this time or the skull wouldn't have rolled out.

True. The small animals who carried away the bones got into the bag somehow.

When the news first came out that the body was found in a plastic bag I made the mistake of assuming that that at least all parts of little Caylee were there to be buried together. It will be awful for the A's if all the little bones can't be found.
Im sure there aren't many households in Fl with gloves hanging around, gardening maybe, but I doubt she would have sense enough to use them.
I don't think KC was smart enough to use gloves and if she did her dumb azz would have probably put them in the bag along with the dead body, trying to rid of all the evidence. Not too smart. LOL
I don't think she wore gloves. I think they will positively link KC to the scene of the discovery and to the harm her daughter suffered.


Local news tonight said something about investigators tying something found with the body to the A house. Didn't hear the whole thing..just caught part of the broadcast. Did anyone else see or hear this?
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