FL - 17 killed in Stoneman Douglas H.S. shooting, Parkland, 14 Feb 2018 #2 *Arrest*

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Our nation’s children should never have to consider playing dead next to a buddy’s corpse to save their own lives while attending school, or anywhere for that matter.


I am pretty certain we all agree on the concept.
Do classrooms have locks on the doors where the teacher can lock everyone in the class? This would slow a shooter down.

I read where one teacher had covered the window in the door of her classroom which was a good idea IMO.

Yes, the geography teacher killed in this shooting was killed when he unlocked his door to allow students in to hide.
Do classrooms have locks on the doors where the teacher can lock everyone in the class? This would slow a shooter down.

I read where one teacher had covered the window in the door of her classroom which was a good idea IMO.

They do. Some schools are older so the windows vary. Some teachers put creative coverings over the door windows as I have observed. Just depends on the school, county, state, etc.
Unfortunately I believe our government will not do a thing about school shootings! For one reason, no one knows what to do or will agree on a solution.

When NC bought his AR rifle, how did the store selling it miss all the police calls to his home? What is considered a Background Check, how thorough is it really?

Trying to put a control on guns going into a school is best accomplished with metal detectors at every entrance IMO. Plus a staff member or two needs to monitor each entry at the major times students are coming and going. If the alarm goes off, adults must be right there to stop all the students in the alarm’s area.

The government could pass a law that requires these metal detectors by a certain year. Just like cars were required to have seatbelts by a certain year. They could also allocate money on a fifty percent match to the state getting the state involved in paying for the detectors.

As we know, all levels of government scream they have no money and cannot add anything to their budget. The school districts have the same problem. Since shootings at schools are increasing, all the people in government have to make a move. If one of their children or grandchildren is killed in a school shooting, we will see the fastest made laws we’ve ever seen! I certainly hope this never happens!
Absolutely, these are very bright kids. This was their plan if they were far from the shooter. If they were by the door they had an alternate plan to take him down.

I have anxiety and go through so many "what if" scenarios so I will be prepared for them. I can honestly say this is never one I went over when I was younger. Though I was almost done with school when Columbine occurred. So that probably had something to do with it.

These ideas are probably too far-fetched to work, but then again, these are strange times.

To address the "false fire alarm" issue of a shooter using it to bring students out of hiding, how about a secondary alarm that screams "active shooter, active shooter"

What is the National Guard up to these days? Maybe every school could have a contingent of National Guardsmen/women guarding every entry point, and a few snipers on the roof.

Classrooms could install reinforced inner doors (sort of like a cockpit door) to slow down a determined gunman.

And, if the door won't stop the shooter, how about a high-powered semi-automatic weapon installed in each classroom, encased in glass with a sign that says: "In case of active shooter, break glass."
I think technology is our friend in all of the solutions going forward.

Like the Life360 apps tracking our loved ones, we may one day utilize the same technology for hardened criminals, predators, and those who have exhibited harmful behavior. Yeah, POI360.
Unfortunately I believe our government will not do a thing about school shootings! For one reason, no one knows what to do or will agree on a solution.

When NC bought his AR rifle, how did the store selling it miss all the police calls to his home? What is considered a Background Check, how thorough is it really?

Trying to put a control on guns going into a school is best accomplished with metal detectors at every entrance IMO. Plus a staff member or two needs to monitor each entry at the major times students are coming and going. If the alarm goes off, adults must be right there to stop all the students in the alarm’s area.

The government could pass a law that requires these metal detectors by a certain year. Just like cars were required to have seatbelts by a certain year. They could also allocate money on a fifty percent match to the state getting the state involved in paying for the detectors.

As we know, all levels of government scream they have no money and cannot add anything to their budget. The school districts have the same problem. Since shootings at schools are increasing, all the people in government have to make a move. If one of their children or grandchildren is killed in a school shooting, we will see the fastest made laws we’ve ever seen! I certainly hope this never happens!

Isn't it AMAZING how the government got the TSA to protect airline passengers.

Guess the body count for school shootings hasn't met that degree of security.:thinking:

Nothing is being done because there's no monetary or political gain for the idiots in Washington. They'll just play the blame game and absolutely nothing will be done.

When terrorists hit some towers, places of *business*, the government sent us to war. When children/young adults slaughter our children, *innocents*, in places of education, the government sits on their hands while we bury our children.

What a marvelous set of priorities. NOT.

Students Who Lived Through Florida Shooting Turn Rage Into Activism


These kids moved quickly the last couple days to build a social media campaign, while also tapping into the national grassroots network first organized ahead of the Women's March last year. With that help, they think the rally in Washington, D.C. on March 24 will be big.

Another student tells NPR this campaign isn't just focused on rallies and social media. It's also about the midterm election. A lot of high school kids are 18 years old or will turn 18 before the November election.
"Our kids are dying and no one is doing anything about it," she says. "Everyone's going to vote."
If he stood to inherit $800,000 and it was in a trust with a monthly stipend, IMO, there is no way he’d have qualified for SSDI benefits based on mental health or anything else.


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Mom had only passed a couple months ago

they don't use like future stuff $$

i dont think
One thing I want to point out, it doesn't seem adoptive mother wanted sons to have guns. She called police on NC numerous times. When did he buy his guns? Was mother still alive?

I think age has much to do with this tradegy

look at stigma MH has today

she was born whrn it was even more severe

her parenting style would be old school

old school escalates behavior when it is
of this origin -- in invites engaging in a power
control dynamic as opposed to focusing on calming - not yelling blaming etc

folks here who have a loved one can give us more insight but any human would respond differently if they knew a lot of it is fear and an inablity to control self

reactions are different if a 4 year old is doing the same thing as a 15 year old

with education of the illness comes the reality that the 15 year old is really a 7 year old

all they live is rejection everywhere they go
they are told they are "bad" that gets internalized over 19 years kids act out when they cant manage uncomfortable feeling states moo
Not teaching independence to your children is not giving them a fighting chance at life. All kids (he was 19 years old) should know how to cook, feed themselves, do basic laundry and prep a microwave snack. This is just plain bizarre.
An adult that cannot prep a snack is not an adult but obviously has a severe learning disability!

only on the outside ...........

recall the airplane video posted


imagine that is the response you might get most times if you ask that the shorts be picked up

she was old

my guess is in a lot of instances it was not worth the risk

old and alone rick a airplane event or leave the shorts on the floor

if she saw a therapist for learning how to help her child with the issues it might have been a little easier but she was old and i def think she thought both of them were "choosing"
to behave badly as opposed to beharing the only way they can

imo that dynamic would escalate as the boys got older

different expectations at different ages etc

ageing more frustration

Cause their private? ��*♀️

I would like to know more about younger years too

what is getting kicked out forever?

REJECTION not wanted etc
Unfortunately I believe our government will not do a thing about school shootings! For one reason, no one knows what to do or will agree on a solution.

When NC bought his AR rifle, how did the store selling it miss all the police calls to his home? What is considered a Background Check, how thorough is it really?

Trying to put a control on guns going into a school is best accomplished with metal detectors at every entrance IMO. Plus a staff member or two needs to monitor each entry at the major times students are coming and going. If the alarm goes off, adults must be right there to stop all the students in the alarm’s area.

The government could pass a law that requires these metal detectors by a certain year. Just like cars were required to have seatbelts by a certain year. They could also allocate money on a fifty percent match to the state getting the state involved in paying for the detectors.

As we know, all levels of government scream they have no money and cannot add anything to their budget. The school districts have the same problem. Since shootings at schools are increasing, all the people in government have to make a move. If one of their children or grandchildren is killed in a school shooting, we will see the fastest made laws we’ve ever seen! I certainly hope this never happens!

Background checks are looking for felony convictions. Police were called to his home but he wasn't convicted of anything. So that didn't count. You can't have metal detectors everywhere people are. And in this particular case NC pulled a fire alarm. So if there were metal detectors protecting schools exits, he could have just waited until children went outside, which is what you are supposed to do if fire alarm goes off.
Yes, we have basically stayed home since December. I leave the kids at home to run to the store. I don't even want my kids leaving the house. It's been terrifying. So far we've just done strep/pneumonia, mystery hives, canker sores and colds. Hopefully I can keep it that way.

I actually thought, there were probably some kids who weren't in school that day because they were sick. So, maybe the flu isn't all bad....

Well, this year flu killed more people than NC did. So I wouldn't go so far as to say flu isn't bad.
Background checks are looking for felony convictions. Police were called to his home but he wasn't convicted of anything. So that didn't count. You can't have metal detectors everywhere people are. And in this particular case NC pulled a fire alarm. So if there were metal detectors protecting schools exits, he could have just waited until children went outside, which is what you are supposed to do if fire alarm goes off.

no back packs !!

wever, advanced age would make it much harder to try to control his outbursts! Not sure I could even at my healhiest. Sounds like he terrorized his entire family until he killed his adoptive dad then his adoptive mother. Shocked he's brother is still alive. :([/QUOTE]

starting to wonder if bio mom had some genetic stuff -- for whatever reason she was unable to keep her two children

I would not be surprised if she had quite a
lot of problems genetics matter

I hope his brother gets the PTSD help he needs. I cannot even imagine.

I dont know I am not getting a sense that
brothers baker act was like "related" directly to the last week

I think he has a large mental health background himself well see

Aha! This part of the timeline is interesting. He gets expelled from school, then purchases the AR-15 shortly thereafter. The attack on the school falls near the anniversary of his expulsion.

JMO, he was probably considering shooting up the school a year ago when he bought the AR-15. He probably planned it over that year, but managed to resist the urge. His mom's death and disruption in his private life probably spurred him on, but he waited until the anniversary/Valentines Day in order to make some sort of statement.

This guy was looking forward to the media attention he would get for doing this. It wasn't impulsive, it was planned and considered over at least 12 months. He picked a special anniversary date and seemed motivated by revenge. He didn't commit suicide, he wanted to escape and observe the attention his crimes would generate.

I'm adding some narcissism to his personality profile. We'll learn more about his motives and plans as the process moves along.

I remain confused about this planning thing

it is sticking a gun and bullets into a bag and calling uber and some walking

i think valentine's day is huge as it relates to the timing
Background checks are looking for felony convictions. Police were called to his home but he wasn't convicted of anything. So that didn't count. You can't have metal detectors everywhere people are. And in this particular case NC pulled a fire alarm. So if there were metal detectors protecting schools exits, he could have just waited until children went outside, which is what you are supposed to do if fire alarm goes off.

Stun gun cameras Jen. The perp pulls fire alarm, 911 dispatch pulls up wifi connected cams at school; identifies perp, camera shoots out a stun, bang, perp down, police arrest.

Technology Jen.
These ideas are probably too far-fetched to work, but then again, these are strange times.

To address the "false fire alarm" issue of a shooter using it to bring students out of hiding, how about a secondary alarm that screams "active shooter, active shooter"

What is the National Guard up to these days? Maybe every school could have a contingent of National Guardsmen/women guarding every entry point, and a few snipers on the roof.

Classrooms could install reinforced inner doors (sort of like a cockpit door) to slow down a determined gunman.

And, if the door won't stop the shooter, how about a high-powered semi-automatic weapon installed in each classroom, encased in glass with a sign that says: "In case of active shooter, break glass."

On the Reddit AMA with a surviver, there were people who don't think NC pulled the fire alarm. ( I agree with them. Why would NC alert first responders before he starts shooting?) A shooting spree can set them off.

Snipped from the ama:

sidTHAkid • 2d
Hey guys, /u/Shaine_Memes private messaged me a question that I thought should be answered to the public.

Did the fire alarm really go off? The news has said that the fire alarm went off right before this happened but from what I’ve seen you say, there’s no mention of it.

Yes, the fire alarm did go off. Despite beliefs, the fire alarm went off about 10-15 seconds AFTER he started shooting, I remember clearly. People across the school couldn't tell however, so they were treating it like a regular fire drill until word got around within a minute and everyone rushed back into their classrooms.

atoMsnaKe • 2d
Wow.. What do you think, did the shooter activate the alarm?

empireit • 2d
Just a shot in the dark here, but 10-15 seconds of gun fire would set off a fire alarm.

Edit: since this blew up, it’s been confirmed by u/getithowulivit that smoke generated by the weapon (and probably dust kicked up) set off the alarm.

Furthermore, u/TipCleMurican pointed out that fire detectors are triggered by two factors: heat and particulate matter in the air. These can be mutually exclusive, as pointed out by other users with examples like drywall dust and cat hair triggering false alarms. There is a ton of particulate matter in the air in the third room shot into. This is proven in (NSFW) THIS HORRIFYING VIDEO

i****inghateratheism • 2d
Same thing happened in the Vegas shootings."

What is AMA on reditt


On the Reddit AMA with a surviver, there were people who don't think NC pulled the fire alarm. A shooting spree can set them off.

Snipped from the ama:

sidTHAkid • 2d
Hey guys, /u/Shaine_Memes private messaged me a question that I thought should be answered to the public.

Did the fire alarm really go off? The news has said that the fire alarm went off right before this happened but from what I’ve seen you say, there’s no mention of it.

Yes, the fire alarm did go off. Despite beliefs, the fire alarm went off about 10-15 seconds AFTER he started shooting, I remember clearly. People across the school couldn't tell however, so they were treating it like a regular fire drill until word got around within a minute and everyone rushed back into their classrooms.

atoMsnaKe • 2d
Wow.. What do you think, did the shooter activate the alarm?

empireit • 2d
Just a shot in the dark here, but 10-15 seconds of gun fire would set off a fire alarm.

Edit: since this blew up, it’s been confirmed by u/getithowulivit that smoke generated by the weapon (and probably dust kicked up) set off the alarm.

Furthermore, u/TipCleMurican pointed out that fire detectors are triggered by two factors: heat and particulate matter in the air. These can be mutually exclusive, as pointed out by other users with examples like drywall dust and cat hair triggering false alarms. There is a ton of particulate matter in the air in the third room shot into. This is proven in (NSFW) THIS HORRIFYING VIDEO

i****inghateratheism • 2d
Same thing happened in the Vegas shootings."
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