GUILTY FL - 17 killed in Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, Parkland, 14 Feb 2018 *shooter Guilty, School officer NG* #5

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I heard her say the sentencing hearing will be Nov 1 and the families can speak then. Is it then possible that what they say will change the judges mind? Anyone know if that is likely or do judges need to stick to the jury recommendation?
I heard her say the sentencing hearing will be Nov 1 and the families can speak then. Is it then possible that what they say will change the judges mind? Anyone know if that is likely or do judges need to stick to the jury recommendation?

Law & Crime said she cannot give him the DP. Not sure if that is correct

Cathy Russon


Formal sentencing Nov. 1st for #NikolasCruz, #ParklandShooter. He will be sentenced to LIFE (there is no parole in FL). The judge cannot sentence upward to death. Jury came back with Life and therefore it's Life in prison w/o parole.

"Heartbroken family members of the victims killed by Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz cried and shook their heads as they listened to a jury recommend that he be sentenced to life in prison - with one storming out.

Corey Hixon, the son of athletic director Chris Hixon who was killed in the mass slaying walked out of court hand in hand with a female companion as the verdicts were read out.

Other relatives had their heads in their hands as they listened to the outcome of the three-month sentencing hearing.

Cruz pleaded guilty to shooting 17 people in one of the deadliest school shootings in American history at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, in 2018.

A woman was seen appearing to mouth ‘unbelievable’ as she was comforted by her husband as the verdicts were read out."

"As the court reads the names Thursday, family and friends of the victims could be seen shaking their heads in the gallery.

Gina Montalto’s parents began clutching each other’s hands before the reading began, and they started crying through the reading. Luke Hoyer’s mother was also crying."
I heard her say the sentencing hearing will be Nov 1 and the families can speak then. Is it then possible that what they say will change the judges mind? Anyone know if that is likely or do judges need to stick to the jury recommendation?
Law and Crime channel: Two parents are speaking now at press conference.

On the spot notes:
They are outraged. Livid. Heartbroken. The jurors let them down. They waited an hour to learn their child was dead, and were now tortured for another hour waiting for this verdict. He is asking what is the DP for if not this crime? He thinks the state did a great job and thanked them but that the system continues to fail him. Mental illness no excuse. He wishes NC a short life in prison. He’s angry NC was not shackled in court. “He’s not a human being, he’s an animal.” Mom saying fire inside them wants to work harder for change. LE needs to do their job, not standby, if they can’t take down the threat, don’t do the job. Stop showing the shooter’s face. Be a part of stopping the next school shooting.
I am so glad the jury reached this decision, he was a damaged from childhood on, he committed heinous crimes but there was IMO mitigation that the jury saw and decided on the right penalty IMO,

I hope he gets the treatment he so obviously needs in prison, and I hope the families can start the long road of grieving and gain some peace that this may not be the outcome they wanted but the criminal case is over, they no longer have to sit in court or relive the worst moments of their lives, and they can begin to remember the good memories they have and cherish them,
I believe he wanted to die so (IMO) he did not get what he wanted either. He will live a long, miserable life.
I do believe that for people like him - even with his very bad start in the womb/in life - the death penalty is too quick.
I also believe he got pleasure from seeing the pain of the broken families of the victims.
Agree and I can't believe the judge even forced it. With his background there was clearly no way 12 people were going to be in favor of the DP. Complete waste.
This was always going to be the outcome. I knew that 12 people will not agree on DP even if they are death qualified. He deserves death but the outcome is not a surprise. The judge cannot go fromLWOP to DP...she could have gone from DP to LWOP. This is done and that is the one good thing...he will go to prison and absent his death in prison we will not hear about him anymore. His time in the spotlight is done. My heart goes out to the families as I don't think they were least those in the courtroom. DP should just go just has results like this...or if given DP appeal after appeal and no real execution.
"This jury failed our families today. But, I will tell you, the monster's going to go to prison. And in prison, I hope and pray he receives the kind of mercy from prisoners that he showed to my daughter and the 16 others," Guttenberg said. "He is going to go to prison, and he will die in prison. And I will be waiting to read that news on that."

I’m with you Mr. Guttenberg, I’ll be waiting to read that as well.

Agree and I can't believe the judge even forced it. With his background there was clearly no way 12 people were going to be in favor of the DP. Complete waste.
The judge doesn't have any say in whether a prosecutor seeks a DP or not.
The reactions from the families are pretty strong. The one father's comments were spot on, in the end, Cruz got everything he wanted. The killing, the fame and notoriety, and his life to live. Honestly, there really are no consequences for Cruz. And that message is sent out the multitude of other would-be mass shooters.
“And so the jurors came back, apparently it was 11-1 [in favor of execution] with one holdout refusing to authorize the ultimate punishment,” he added. “And that means that this killer is going to end up getting the same sentence as people who have committed bad acts, but acts that did not rise to this level.

There you have it, one holdout.
I am not shocked ...tensions were high and this juror must have given out this vibe early on. This can happen. I never thought 12 would agree...surprised it is only one.This will go nowhere and wonder how media got a hold of this. I was stunned that judge named each of the jurors . Would not want to be her and I think she has a valid complaint against court and media for this info getting out and her last name being said in open court. Apparently some articles are saying Denise Cunha was not the only one two more joined her. Lots of stories out there...unless I see an interview will reserved judgement...clearly there was at least one. I can't imagine any jurors would want to go an interview.
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