FL - 17-yo Boy Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain

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I can see him following him to see where he went, not chasing him planning on having an altercation. It would make sense since he believed he was protecting his neighbors. *not justifying anything but a possibility of his thought process.

The teen took off running after he saw GZ and GZ was told not to follow him. Someone who is running is trying to get away.
Where is the self-defense?
I really, really don't want to listen to the tapes. And I've read they were both on the ground, T was on top of Z at one point and Z was over T at one point. It is all very raw right now-information and emotions. Sooo I am going to slowly back out and wait to post possible scenarios until more concrete evidence is presented.
I'm with you. I plan on listening to the 911 calls sometime tomorrow. And maybe not posting about them until things settle down.
I'm also going to try to get some sleep? I don't know how much I will be able to get after listening to the tapes? I want to know why Zimmerman's shirt wasn't taken in as evidence? Tray's blood would have to be on his white shirt if he shot Tray while Tray was on top of him.

I honestly think that when Zimmerman caught up with Tray, he had that gun in his hand and confronted him with the gun. That is why Tray didn't just run like he had the first time. I believe Tray did what anyone would have done had they been followed by someone, ran away from them, and then was confronted once again by the same person. He was scared and imo, it was Tray who was trying to defend himself.

You know what, this is what I want Zimmerman to answer ---

1) Where was the gun when you were on the phone with LE?
2) When you got out of the car, was the gun in a holster, your pocket, or in your hand?
3) When you caught up with Tray, did you have the gun in your hand?
4) Did you point the gun at Tray at any time prior to any physical contact?

I also want answers to this --

1) When Tray was shot, was he on top of Zimmerman? How close was Tray when Zimmerman shot him. Why didn't Zimmerman attempt to give Tray CPR after shooting him? Why did he just stand over his body? Why didn't he run and continue screaming for help? If that was him screaming for help? You all have to admit, the screaming does stop immediately after the shot just like Mary Coucher (sp?) has stated! She is the one who told LE that night that it was Tray screaming and LE corrected her?

I don't know. I'm going to walk away for a while. I'll come back tomorrow.
BREAKING NEWS in Trayvon Martin Case: Officer in the Case Has A Prior Record of Racial Controversy



WFTV, a local Florida television station, reports that the supervising officer who initially responded to the killing of Trayvon Martin in Sanford has a prior record of racial controversy. In 2010, Sergeant Anthony Raimondo declined to arrest Justin Collison, who brutally attacked a black homeless man, leaving him unconscious and breaking his nose. Collison, who is white, is the son of a Sanford police officer and the grandson of a former Florida judge.

Collison was intoxicated at the time of the unprovoked attack. Also, a Youtube video captured the attack while it occurred. Despite having possession of the video, Raimando still refused to arrest Collison. Police only arrested Collison after the national media released the video and criticized police handling of the case.


Wow! They didn't arrest that dude until they had to?! That guy is a psycho.

I just listened to all the 911 calls

I didn't hear anything on those tapes that make it sound like GZ was in any trouble. In fact it points to me that GZ went looking for trouble.

Good grief ... I would do the same even as woman and almost 44 ... And often when I walk my puppies I am wearing hooded sweaters or jackets....

In my opinion Sanford police is still playing games here... And with all the incompetency in the beginning so much evidence is lost....

And as for GZ stating it was self defense ... What else could he say after realizing there where kind of witnesses which he obviously didn't think about that people were paying attention...

And most sadly ... If police would have arrived about 90 seconds earlier young Trayvon would be alive....

Rest in peace Trayvon And justice for you...



They say there was nothing on the 911 tapes that refuted his version, but I haven't seen them releasing his version. Any wounds that GZ may have gotten would be gone by now and the opportunity to take photographs of his wounds is long past gone. My guess is he didn't have anything worth photographing. I may be wrong about them not having photos of GZ's wounds, but I haven't seen it anywhere.

GZ's 911 call doesn't appear to support his idea of self-defense. The teenager went up to the car, looked at GZ and took off running (all of that based on GZ's call). So where is self-defense here? The teenager didn't go to GZ's car to get him out of the car, instead he took of running (so he didn't appear to have been in fighting mood).

I think he ran after him, (there was no threat as far as I can tell), and then he either found him hiding or caught up to him and I'd bet dollars to donuts GZ initiated any melee. If Trayvon initiated it, it was because he felt threatened. As someone pointed out who the hell knows the intent of a non police officer, possibly brandishing a gun.

GZ 911 call transcript part one. By yours truly, and my aged ears and I welcome and embrace all edits, corrections & improvements.


GZ: This guy looks like he's up to no good, or on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around looking about."

D: This guy, is he white black or hispanic?

GZ: He looks black.

D: Did you see what he was wearing?

GZ: Yeah dark hoodie like a grey hoodie and either jeans or sweatpants and white tennis shoes. He's (unclear) just staring. (crosstalk) at all the houses. And now he's just staring at me.

D: 1111 or one-eleven?

GZ: That's the clubhouse (crosstalk)

D: He's near the clubhouse right now?

GZ: Yeah now he's coming towards me


GZ: He's got his hand in his waistband. Yeah he's a black male

D: OK How old would you say he looks?

GZ: He's (unclear) late teens...

D: Late teens, ok

GZ: Mm-hm. Something's wrong with him. Yup. He's coming to check me out. He's got something in his hands. I dunno what his deal is.

D: OK, just lemme know if he does anything else (Crosstalk) we got someone on the way, just let me know if he does anything else (crosstalk) yeah, we got 'em on the way just let me know if he does anything else.

GZ (1:38): OK. (pause) Gah, these *advertiser censored**holes, they always get away. (unclear background noise) When you come to the clubhouse, you come straight in, and make a left. Actually, you go past the clubhouse.

D: OK, so it's on the left-hand side from the clubhouse?

GZ: No you go in (sigh) straight through the entrance, and then you make a left, uh yeah, don't turn and make a left, **** he's runnin'

D: He's running? Which way is he running?

GZ (2:10, sound of door opening/exiting car/seatbelt beeper going off?): Uh, down toward the uh other entrance to the neighborhood.

D: OK. Which entrance is that, that he's running towards?

GZ 911 call transcript part two.

D: OK, which entrance is that, that he's heading towards?

GZ: The back entrance. (wind interference? begins to sound as if GZ is out of his vehicle IMO)

D: Are you following him?

GZ: Yep.

D (immediate on heels of "yep"): OK, we don't need you to do that.



D: Alright sir, what is your name?

GZ: George. (pause) (unclear--"he ran"?)

D: And George, what is your last name?

GZ: Zimmerman.

D: And George, what's the phone number you're calling from?

GZ: (gives phone number)

D: Alright George, we do have 'em on the way, do you want to meet with the officer when they get out there?

GZ: Yeah.

D: Alright, where are you gonna meet with them at?

GZ: If they... come in through the uh gate, tell them to go straight past the clubhouse and uh... straight past the clubhouse and make a left, and then they go past the mailboxes, they'll see my truck...


D: OK, what address are you parked in front of?

GZ: Um, I don't know... it's a cut-through so I don't know the address.

D: OK, do you live in the area?

GZ: Yeah, yeah.

D: What's your apartment number?

GZ: It's a home, it's (gives number of address) oh cr@p I don't wanna give it all out (unclear)

D: Ok do you wanna just meet with them right by the mailboxes then?

GZ: Yeah, that's fine.

D: Alright George I'll let them know they're meeting with you out there then.

GZ: Could you have them, could you have them call me and I'll tell them where I'm at?

D: OK. Yeah, that's no problem.

GZ: You need my number or you got it?

D: Yeah I got it (repeats number).

GZ: Yeah you got it.

D: OK no problem. I'll let 'em know to call you when they're in the area.

GZ: Thanks.

D: You're welcome.

[recording ends]



So it seems that GZ saw Trayvon walking along and thought he was on drugs. (Does anyone know what the autopsy said?) He followed him in his truck. If Trayvon is walking then he had to be moving slowly behind him. The kid turns around (I'm guessing to see if he knows this person) and steps forward (to get a better look in the rain.) Trayvon realizes he doesn't know the guy and takes off running. The Big Hero gets out of his car and starts chasing the kid. What happens next we'll never know for sure, except that GZ kills Trayvon. The obvious thing is that if Trayvon took off running then GZ was wrong to chase him. He had not witnessed him committing any crime. It seems to me that he saw the kid was black, saw he was in his neighborhood, knew there were some burglaries recently, wanted to be the Big Hero who caught the guy and took off after him. JMO

I can see him following him to see where he went, not chasing him planning on having an altercation. It would make sense since he believed he was protecting his neighbors. *not justifying anything but a possibility of his thought process.

I know you're not justifying, but I just want to point out that it's that thought process that leads to killing innocent children. Unless you've been through police training you shouldn't be taking off after people just because you think you know they're up to no good.

I can see that too- either one screaming while fighting and wrestling over the gun. For either one it would be self defense. BUT Z should not have gotten out of the car! Did the dispatcher ever tell him to stop pursuit or anything like that after he left the car?


I don't understand what you mean. If someone is chasing me with a gun for no good reason and I turn around and start struggling with them and they shoot me, how is it that they're just using self defense? If that's the case then every serial killer could argue self defense if a victim fights back I'd think. JMO

ETA: I'm not saying GZ is a serial killer. I'm just making a general point.
Wow! They didn't arrest that dude until they had to?! That guy is a psycho.

I just listened to all the 911 calls

I didn't hear anything on those tapes that make it sound like GZ was in any trouble. In fact it points to me that GZ went looking for trouble.


They say there was nothing on the 911 tapes that refuted his version, but I haven't seen them releasing his version. Any wounds that GZ may have gotten would be gone by now and the opportunity to take photographs of his wounds is long past gone. My guess is he didn't have anything worth photographing. I may be wrong about them not having photos of GZ's wounds, but I haven't seen it anywhere.

I think he ran after him, (there was no threat as far as I can tell), and then he either found him hiding or caught up to him and I'd bet dollars to donuts GZ initiated any melee. If Trayvon initiated it, it was because he felt threatened. As someone pointed out who the hell knows the intent of a non police officer, possibly brandishing a gun.


So it seems that GZ saw Trayvon walking along and thought he was on drugs. (Does anyone know what the autopsy said?) He followed him in his truck. If Trayvon is walking then he had to be moving slowly behind him. The kid turns around (I'm guessing to see if he knows this person) and steps forward (to get a better look in the rain.) Trayvon realizes he doesn't know the guy and takes off running. The Big Hero gets out of his car and starts chasing the kid. What happens next we'll never know for sure, except that GZ kills Trayvon. The obvious thing is that if Trayvon took off running then GZ was wrong to chase him. He had not witnessed him committing any crime. It seems to me that he saw the kid was black, saw he was in his neighborhood, knew there were some burglaries recently, wanted to be the Big Hero who caught the guy and took off after him. JMO

I know you're not justifying, but I just want to point out that it's that thought process that leads to killing innocent children. Unless you've been through police training you shouldn't be taking off after people just because you think you know they're up to no good.


I don't understand what you mean. If someone is chasing me with a gun for no good reason and I turn around and start struggling with them and they shoot me, how is it that they're just using self defense? If that's the case then every serial killer could argue self defense if a victim fights back I'd think. JMO

All of this!! Thanks wasn't enough!
The teen took off running after he saw GZ and GZ was told not to follow him. Someone who is running is trying to get away.
Where is the self-defense?

I know he should not have followed him, but I can see why he might have- to keep track of him for police, and afaik there is no law about following people. And if he approached TM, he should not have, and afaik there is no law about approaching people, I am assuming from witness statements in articles that there was a physical altercation before the shot. IF there was a fight then I can see the self defense claim.
This was horrible. TM was out walking back from a store like thousands of other teens do. He should not have been killed. But what can be changed? I am honestly asking because this should never happen again. I am struggling to find, besides GZ personal choices which were all legal until possibly the altercation, anything that could be changed.

Afaik. As far as I know.
I know he should not have followed him, but I can see why he might have- to keep track of him for police, and afaik there is no law about following people. And if he approached TM, he should not have, and afaik there is no law about approaching people, I am assuming from witness statements in articles that there was a physical altercation before the shot. IF there was a fight then I can see the self defense claim.
This was horrible. TM was out walking back from a store like thousands of other teens do. He should not have been killed. But what can be changed? I am honestly asking because this should never happen again. I am struggling to find, besides GZ personal choices which were all legal until possibly the altercation, anything that could be changed.

Afaik. As far as I know.

Why did he need to "keep track of him for police," especially considering 911 operator told him not to do it? This teenager was not doing anything illegal when GZ observed him and decided for no apparent reason he was "suspicious."
I know he should not have followed him, but I can see why he might have- to keep track of him for police, and afaik there is no law about following people. And if he approached TM, he should not have, and afaik there is no law about approaching people, I am assuming from witness statements in articles that there was a physical altercation before the shot. IF there was a fight then I can see the self defense claim.
This was horrible. TM was out walking back from a store like thousands of other teens do. He should not have been killed. But what can be changed? I am honestly asking because this should never happen again. I am struggling to find, besides GZ personal choices which were all legal until possibly the altercation, anything that could be changed.

Afaik. As far as I know.

There is approaching people, there is approaching people in a menacing way, there is approaching people in a menacing way while holding a gun. They all have degrees of threat. The final one being the worst.

What can change is making permits for carrying guns a lot harder to get, or immediately arresting the person and bringing them in for extensive questioning to make sure their story doesn't change.

I'd bet my soul that if this was reversed Trayvon would be in jail awaiting trial.
I wonder if when Zimmerman went in for medical care if there was blood taken? I think we would already know if Tray had drugs in his system because you know LE would have been screaming from the rooftops had there been illegal drugs in his system. So, I think it's fair to ask, could it have been Zimmerman on drugs and acting like a paranoid, drugged up psycho?

Maybe had LE treated this case as a possible homicide from the beginning instead of automatically calling it self defense, we would have these answers?
Snipped for space

"I know you're not justifying, but I just want to point out that it's that thought process that leads to killing innocent children. Unless you've been through police training you shouldn't be taking off after people just because you think you know they're up to no good."

Totally agree!!! He should not have followed him he should have waited for LE!

"I don't understand what you mean. If someone is chasing me with a gun for no good reason and I turn around and start struggling with them and they shoot me, how is it that they're just using self defense? If that's the case then every serial killer could argue self defense if a victim fights back I'd think. JMO

ETA: I'm not saying GZ is a serial killer. I'm just making a general point."

I wasn't thinking he was running with the gun in his hand :doh: but it would make sense and then self defense goes right out the window. In my mid I pictured it still in his waistband and he pulled it out during the struggle. Now that you pointed it out, with his actions of following him in the car and then on foot it, it seems he would be more likely to have it out then still in his waistband.
Snipped for space

"I know you're not justifying, but I just want to point out that it's that thought process that leads to killing innocent children. Unless you've been through police training you shouldn't be taking off after people just because you think you know they're up to no good."

Totally agree!!! He should not have followed him he should have waited for LE!

"I don't understand what you mean. If someone is chasing me with a gun for no good reason and I turn around and start struggling with them and they shoot me, how is it that they're just using self defense? If that's the case then every serial killer could argue self defense if a victim fights back I'd think. JMO

ETA: I'm not saying GZ is a serial killer. I'm just making a general point."

I wasn't thinking he was running with the gun in his hand :doh: but it would make sense and then self defense goes right out the window. In my mid I pictured it still in his waistband and he pulled it out during the struggle. Now that you pointed it out, with his actions of following him in the car and then on foot it, it seems he would be more likely to have it out then still in his waistband.

I just think this guy had visions of being handed the keys to the city by the mayor for capturing the neighborhood serial burglar, women throwing themselves at him and men patting him on the back and buying him beers while news channels do stories on his bravery and smarts.

I see him running after the guy with gun in hand like a 70's cop show. JMO
I just want to point one more thing out... even Zimmerman was easily able to see that Tray was just a teenager. He says so on the call. I know we have a conversation earlier, before the release of the calls, about Tray's height, etc... clearly even Zimmerman knew this was just a boy.
I just want to point one more thing out... even Zimmerman was easily able to see that Tray was just a teenager. He says so on the call. I know we have a conversation earlier, before the release of the calls, about Tray's height, etc... clearly even Zimmerman knew this was just a boy.

I hate to defend this guy in any way, but teenagers to late twenties seem to be the most violent. JMO

We're not talking about an eight year old kid.
I hate to defend this guy in any way, but teenagers to late twenties seem to be the most violent. JMO

We're not talking about an eight year old kid.

Well this teen tried to run away from GZ (based on GZ's own words). Doesn't sound like this teen was in a fighting mood.
Well this teen tried to run away from GZ (based on GZ's own words). Doesn't sound like this teen was in a fighting mood.

That or he didn't feel like being chopped up in pieces and stashed in a freezer to have his internal organs eaten by some sick perv. Who knows what was going through Tray's mind? He had to be so scared.

Steely, yes, I do understand they are the most violent. I was just pointing out that Tray obviously didn't look like a man/adult. He looked his age.
Why did he need to "keep track of him for police," especially considering 911 operator told him not to do it? This teenager was not doing anything illegal when GZ observed him and decided for no apparent reason he was "suspicious."

We have over 150 homes in our neighborhood and I live on the main road. Even if we don't all know each other many of us get to know the pattern of behavior of our neighbors. Actually sounds creepy now that I think about it. But when there is someone walking around at an odd time (teens, kids, adults all have patterns of when returning home, where they usually walk and hang out etc) we check it out and omg just realized that yes we have got into the car to figure out who they were and what they were up to. But we have never taken a gun and my husband does pull up and talk to them. And if they disappeared (happened with my husband once) out of site he didn't follow he called the police. The handful of times a suspicious person was in our neighborhood there was always at least one other neighbor out checking it out or had called the police. I am proud to say that our neighborhood is not a mind your own business neighborhood. With all of that said I have no idea if GZ was thinking "I haven't seen this kid, this is unusual for someone to be out at this time etc" but since writing this I can easily see why he was suspicious-no matter what race, sex, age. And again, TM did nothing to deserve being shot! Even if he didn't know anyone that lived there and had a criminal record that still doesn't give anyone the right to shoot him!
TM did not have a criminal record. GZ is the one who got arrested for battery on a policeman.
Somebody linked the following story above. I just want to point some things out that seem really hinky to me.


...Frustration also grew after the parents said they had been told by detectives that Mr. Zimmerman had a “squeaky clean” record. They knew this, the detectives said, because Mr. Zimmerman told them. But Mr. Zimmerman had been arrested in 2005 on charges of resisting arrest with violence and battery on a police officer. The charges were later dropped.

The police said it took them some time to run the check.

“A criminal background check was conducted within 12 to 24 hours after we got the call,” Sgt. David Morgenstern said....

Seriously, I had to read that three times before I was sure I wasn't having a reading comprehension problem.

Just to reiterate one line; "They knew this, the detectives said, because Mr. Zimmerman told them."

So the cops will now just take your word for it and let you go on your way after shooting someone? Howabout having someone run his record while he's in an interrogation room being asked questions and then confronted with that lie when the results come in. All while being videotaped.

IIRC, in most jurisdictions when a cop fires his weapon he fills out an extensive report, is questioned and put on desk duty until a full investigation is done. In this case a civilian shoots someone and they don't even take him in?

That article makes me think even moreso that he was acting on visions of heroism dancing in his head.
We have over 150 homes in our neighborhood and I live on the main road. Even if we don't all know each other many of us get to know the pattern of behavior of our neighbors. Actually sounds creepy now that I think about it. But when there is someone walking around at an odd time (teens, kids, adults all have patterns of when returning home, where they usually walk and hang out etc) we check it out and omg just realized that yes we have got into the car to figure out who they were and what they were up to. But we have never taken a gun and my husband does pull up and talk to them. And if they disappeared (happened with my husband once) out of site he didn't follow he called the police. The handful of times a suspicious person was in our neighborhood there was always at least one other neighbor out checking it out or had called the police. I am proud to say that our neighborhood is not a mind your own business neighborhood. With all of that said I have no idea if GZ was thinking "I haven't seen this kid, this is unusual for someone to be out at this time etc" but since writing this I can easily see why he was suspicious-no matter what race, sex, age. And again, TM did nothing to deserve being shot! Even if he didn't know anyone that lived there and had a criminal record that still doesn't give anyone the right to shoot him!

If the kid looks suspicious then he calls 911 and lets them handle it. JMO
According to this article GZ was taken into custody and questioned; http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/17/opinion/blow-the-curious-case-of-trayvon-martin.html?_r=2

...When police arrived, Trayvon was face down in the grass with a fatal bullet wound to the chest. Zimmerman was standing with blood on his face and the back of his head and grass stains on his back, according to The Orlando Sentinel.

Trayvon’s lifeless body was taken away, tagged and held. Zimmerman was taken into custody, questioned and released. Zimmerman said he was the one yelling for help. He said that he acted in self-defense. The police say that they have found no evidence to dispute Zimmerman’s claim....

Now I'd like to see the questioning video and know how long it took to question him.
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