FL - 17-yo Teen Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #3

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Yes, an innocent Trayvon is dead and there's an obvious major problem with the investigation so it's extremely relevant.

I was going to explain the relevance but it should be obvious.


Of course it's obvious, that is unless one is trying to make an inappropriate comparison to last night's questions regarding Trayvon's father and what time he went looking for his son.
i'm with those that don't want Sharpton involved. right at this time things are so heated its a bomb ready to explode. it wouldn't take much. i was thinking earlier this morning how proud i was of everyone so far. this could have so easily turned into a race war but at least at this point it seems to be bringing many of the races together in wanting justice for Trayvon. it would not take much for that to change though and as has been already mentioned...Sharpton seems good at turning things into division instead.

Thanks Wise Old Owl, I had remembered reading about Zimmerman's gun being in the holster but couldn't recall where I had read it. I wonder how many other times on all those 911 calls when he was out patrolling did he have his gun and holster on? This guy was a ticking bomb just waiting to explode. If it hadn't been Trayvon, it would have been someone else. I've said it a million times but I'll say it once more - arrest him and get him off the streets!!

It is classified as "Homicide-Negligent Manslaughter - Unnecessary killing to prevent an unlawful act"

GZ was held at gunpoint and cuffed. Major cases was called in.

I don't get it. EVERYTHING in this report screams that charges should have been made.

Who are all the witnesses? As these the residents that called 911? I thought no one was around are actually saw the shooting.

Also, all the officers state they saw Trayvon laying on the ground but didn't immediately check on him at all. Why is that?
Of course it's obvious, that is unless you're trying to make an inappropriate comparison to last night's questions regarding Trayvon's father and what time he went looking for his son.

LOL, I had a response posted to this thinking I was being accused of being inappropriate. I deleted it but just wanted to apologize in case it was read before I deleted it.

I need more coffee.
Not only is he involved but from that rally the other night we now know that the Black Panthers are there as well. That is a precarious combination, to say the least.


Sounds like a recipe for disaster. IMO

This tragedy is now being investigated, and is definitely getting out to the public, who are responding peacefully. That will most likely change after AS gets things stirred up. It's happened too many times in the past. The Crown Heights Riots, and Freddie's Fashion Mart come to mind.

Mr. Sharpton, please stay away from Sanford.
Don't all LE vehicles have cameras in them now????

Don't know if this has been answered yet, but the murder took place between two rows of condos, behind them. There is no road there, so I would assume there would be no video of the scene.

What bothers me is that Trayvon was found laying on his stomach with his hands beneath them. If he had been shot while laying on top of GZ and GZ stood up, he would have been laying on his back. How did he get into this position? Was he shot in the back while trying to escape and fell forward?

If GZ had shot Trayvon while being on top of him and GZ slithered out from under him, that position could be feasible.

It's been a month. Where is the autopsy report in the state of Sunshine Laws? Which side had the entrance wound?
LOL, I had a response posted to this thinking I was being accused of being inappropriate. I deleted it but just wanted to apologize in case it was read before I deleted it.

I need more coffee.

Not you of course!
:coffee: and I'll even throw in a :cupcake: ;)
Wonder where Jesse Jackson is? I would rather see him come down here than Sharpton.


If there was an altercation, and Zimmerman was on the ground, Tray on top of him, WHY was Tray found lying on his stomach with his hands underneath him? How does that make sense?

To be face down, Zimmerman would have had to have fired from a standing position, far enough back for Tray to fall forward.....

Anyone have any other explanation for how Tray might have ended up, face down with his hands underneath him?

If there was an altercation, and Zimmerman was on the ground, Tray on top of him, WHY was Tray found lying on his stomach with his hands underneath him? How does that make sense?

To be face down, Zimmerman would have had to have fired from a standing position, far enough back for Tray to fall forward.....

Anyone have any other explanation for how Tray might have ended up, face down with his hands underneath him?

I do I do I do (waves hand in air)

It is so obvious to me that GZ patted Trayvon down after he shot him before LE got there. I truly believe that GZ rolled Trayvon over while he was firsking him.

Really really really want to know who physically took Trayvon's phone that night, what they did with it and where it is now.

Why does that police report (post 81) include the weight of every single witness, and the victim, but no weight is recorded for the subject?
Don't know if this has been answered yet, but the murder took place between two rows of condos, behind them. There is no road there, so I would assume there would be no video of the scene.

What bothers me is that Trayvon was found laying on his stomach with his hands beneath them. If he had been shot while laying on top of GZ and GZ stood up, he would have been laying on his back. How did he get into this position? Was he shot in the back while trying to escape and fell forward?

If GZ had shot Trayvon while being on top of him and GZ slithered out from under him, that position could be feasible.

It's been a month. Where is the autopsy report in the state of Sunshine Laws? Which side had the entrance wound?

I just saw this and I agree. It makes no sense. If you were 'traumatized' and laying under a person you just shot, wouldn't you use your arm to push them off of you? So Tray would have ended up either face up or on his side? The hands underneath him is really troubling, to me? I don't know.

Where is that autopsy?????

Thanks Wise Old Owl, I had remembered reading about Zimmerman's gun being in the holster but couldn't recall where I had read it. I wonder how many other times on all those 911 calls when he was out patrolling did he have his gun and holster on? This guy was a ticking bomb just waiting to explode. If it hadn't been Trayvon, it would have been someone else. I've said it a million times but I'll say it once more - arrest him and get him off the streets!!

I believe LE reported his gun was in a holster that was in his waistband of his pants. My husband had a small hand gun with a holster that had a clip on it so the holster could have been clipped to an ordinary belt or stuck in your pants. If he had to carry it, it was always clipped to his belt. It does not appear from the report that GZ had a holster that he carried the gun as a sidearm. jmo
Not only is he involved but from that rally the other night we now know that the Black Panthers are there as well. That is a precarious combination, to say the least.


From all of the comments by Trayvon's parents, it is clear to me they want a peaceful but forceful resolution. I hope that Sharpton will respect their wishes. Millions are behind the family and they are of all colors, races, and creeds. There is no reason to divide those of us who are being supportive.

I'll be watching coverage of this with eyes wide open and ears tuned in to what he has to say.
If there was an altercation, and Zimmerman was on the ground, Tray on top of him, WHY was Tray found lying on his stomach with his hands underneath him? How does that make sense?

To be face down, Zimmerman would have had to have fired from a standing position, far enough back for Tray to fall forward.....

Anyone have any other explanation for how Tray might have ended up, face down with his hands underneath him?


It doesn't make sense one bit. When are we gonna see the autopsy report?!
Author of "stand your ground" law:
George Zimmerman should probably be arrested for killing Trayvon Martin

t is the fact that Zimmerman ignored the 911 operator's advice not to follow Martin that former Sen. Peaden says disqualifies him from claiming self-defense under the law.

"The guy lost his defense right then," Peaden told the Miami Herald. "When he said 'I'm following him,' he lost his defense."

Rep. Dennis Baxley, Peaden's co-sponsor in the Florida House, agrees with his former colleague, telling the newspaper that the law does not license neighborhood watch or others who feel "like they have the authority to pursue and confront people. That is aggravating an incident right there."

Both co-sponsors told the newspaper, however, that they did not think the law needed to be re-examined.

"If you want to pass something, pass something that limits their ability to pursue and confront people," Baxley said. "It's about crime watch," he said. "What are the limitations of crime watch? Are you allowed to jump out and follow people and confront them? What do you think is going to happen? That's where it starts."
video at link-


We are distancing ourselves as far away as possible from this case. Martin isnt' the first person to die under shady circumstances, with the shooter using this as their defense.e

As for Sharpton, on thread #1 of this case, i felt as though it wasn't necessary to bring him in. Over the years, he's lost a bit of credibility outside the black community by leaping onto whatever case makes the headlines. So now people gives a "rolls eyes" notion when his name comes up. But for case, i can't see him doing any damage, because i think we are past the point of villianous speech. I've never seen Sharpton as really being devisive, just that he doesn't use enough tact in choosing his words. Even if you are telling it like it is, there's a way to do so, that doesn't upset people.
I do I do I do (waves hand in air)

It is so obvious to me that GZ patted Trayvon down after he shot him before LE got there. I truly believe that GZ rolled Trayvon over while he was firsking him.

Really really really want to know who physically took Trayvon's phone that night, what they did with it and where it is now.


Good thought! You think GZ somehow got out from under Tray and then rolled Tray onto his stomach while frisking him? Do I have that right? Interesting. I wonder if GZ is the one who took the phone and then gave it to LE?

This is like the Rebecca Zhou case - you look at all the physical evidence and it just doesn't match the story that is being told. :waitasec: It just doesn't match up......

And just another thought - I am mindboggled that Chief Lee got his job because the former Chief failed/refused to charge the officer's kid that beat up a homeless black man. You would have thought he would have had enough sense to listen to that 911 call and charge GZ appropriately.

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