FL - 17-yo Teen Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #3

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The chief is saying the police were prevented from arresting GZ due to Florida's Stand Your Ground Law. IMO, he is seriously misinterpreting the statute.

Florida Statute 776.032 section 2:

A law enforcement agency may use standard procedures for investigating the use of force as described in subsection (1), but the agency may not arrest the person for using force unless it determines that there is probable cause that the force that was used was unlawful.


The police arrived to find an unarmed juvenile laying on the ground just a few feet from home, dead of a gunshot wound.

To be covered by this law, the person using deadly force (GZ) has to believe he was in danger of great bodily harm or death.

There was nothing discovered at Trayvon's death scene, unless they're counting iced tea and a bag of skittles, to make GZ think he was in grave danger and there was definitely nothing found that should convince the (non)arresting officers this was a lawful use of force.

It just seems so obvious to me that even initially, this does not look like a lawful use of force. That should equal an arrest of the person who is unlawfully using deadly force, imo.
I have the local news on TV here - its unclear where they are going. Last I heard was Sun Life (Dolphin) Stadium. They just panned back and you can see they are getting close.

The principal has said he supported this walkout as long as it stays peaceful.

I sure hope this stays peaceful............................
"Zimmerman provided a statement claiming he acted in self defense, which at the time was supported by physical evidence and testimony," Sanford City Manager Norton Bonaparte Jr. wrote in a letter released publicly Wednesday evening. "By Florida Statute, law enforcement was PROHIBITED from making an arrest based on the facts and circumstances they had at the time."

BBM - THIS is my problem. THIS is not right. IF that is indeed how the statue reads, it is a HUGE problem IMO.

I also have a problem with the investigation onscene and the italicized portion quoted above. Correcting witness statements and refusing to take statements from alleged witnesses skews the "evidence at hand" when LE is making this determination (which I feel is way beyond the scope of their job). So if an officer decides he personally feels a certain way onscene and skews his investigation to match his "feel" OF COURSE the evidence at the time is going to back up his already made determination.
If there was an altercation, and Zimmerman was on the ground, Tray on top of him, WHY was Tray found lying on his stomach with his hands underneath him? How does that make sense?

To be face down, Zimmerman would have had to have fired from a standing position, far enough back for Tray to fall forward.....

Anyone have any other explanation for how Tray might have ended up, face down with his hands underneath him?


Even before witnesses came forth on Anderson Cooper, stating it was other way around, i've always found difficulty in this. I'm 12 years Zimmerman's senior, and 50 lbs less than him, a 140 lbs man, child, kangaroo, would last 2 seconds on top of me before i flung them off. Was Tray capable of knocking Zimmerman to the ground??? Ofcourse, any good shot to the jaw could do that, and he probably had a reach on him. But to be able to impose his will on a man that had 100 lbs of girth on him... not possible. If Zimmerman was 65... yeah, maybe, not 26.

Plus everything we are piecing together from the Zimmerman's 911 call, the testimoney from Tray's GF, the witnesses at the scene, make it seem like only 1 of them were the agressor here, and it was Tray.
I say more power to them. In fact, it would suit me to know that every single high school in our not so great state of Florida would get up and walk out in protest over this major injustice.

I hear ya, Adrienne. It's just that often when I've seen similar walkouts in my own city, they tend not to be taken as seriously by a lot of adults. Many write them off as kids just looking for an excuse to skip school, hence my earlier comment.

I have no doubt there is a lot of solidarity in Miami, and I'd march right along with them if I could!
Well it doesn't look like Sun Life now - they went in the opposite direction from where it was.
AND....why did these reports which were written around 2-3 am have Trayvon's name, DOB, and height and weight on them but no one attempted to locate or notify his family at that time???? He must have had some kind of ID on him for them to get that information for the report!

His phone.
I hear ya, Adrienne. It's just that often when I've seen similar walkouts in my own city, they tend not to be taken as seriously by a lot of adults. Many write them off as kids just looking for an excuse to skip school, hence my earlier comment.

I have no doubt there is a lot of solidarity in Miami, and I'd march right along with them if I could!

Oh I wholeheartedly agree Velouria but darn it does my heart good to see them standing together for Trayvon!
Well it doesn't look like Sun Life now - they went in the opposite direction from where it was.

I'm confused, and there's no audio...It looks like they are trying to stop traffic? They keep changing directions...:waitasec:
I do I do I do (waves hand in air)

It is so obvious to me that GZ patted Trayvon down after he shot him before LE got there. I truly believe that GZ rolled Trayvon over while he was firsking him.

Really really really want to know who physically took Trayvon's phone that night, what they did with it and where it is now.


I wonder if,
Since Trayvons family doesn't have the cell phone, which I believe,
The police claiming not to have it, which I don't really believe,
I wonder if, weird crazy idea, if GZ took it and still has it... I don't know how that would be possible, but whit all the incompetency, you never know....

Would be really interesting to watch the police car videos to see if GZ was even properly searched and how they handled the crime scene....

And yes my opinion only....

Look at all the police cars. I sure hope things stay peaceful.
I wonder if,
Since Trayvons family doesn't have the cell phone, which I believe,
The police claiming not to have it, which I don't really believe,
I wonder if, weird crazy idea, if GZ took it and still has it... I don't know how that would be possible, but whit all the incompetency, you never know....

Would be really interesting to watch the police car videos to see if GZ was even properly searched and how they handled the crime scene....

And yes my opinion only....


Tray's family has the phone, last I heard.
Can't figure out what school they are at. Looks to be a private school. Copter tried to get the marquee but a tree was in the way.

Not good to be jumping fences .....................
So far so good I think. They don't appear to be causing any problems other than major traffic holdups.

That is good to hear. We certainly don't need another child hurt because of what has happened and the way it is being handled. jmo
Watching the live feed of the walkout. Don't see how this is relevant to Trayvon at all. Just a bunch of kids walking around and inconveniencing drivers. Symbolic gestures get symbolic results.
Can't figure out what school they are at. Looks to be a private school. Copter tried to get the marquee but a tree was in the way.

Not good to be jumping fences .....................

There was also an opening...not sure why some chose to jump...
Looks like they are going to try to contain them at this football field of this school. Wish I knew what school this is. It is NOT Carroll City HS - its too small.
Symbolic gestures of the Civil Rights era yielded very CONCRETE results...
Watching the live feed of the walkout. Don't see how this is relevant to Trayvon at all. Just a bunch of kids walking around and inconveniencing drivers. Symbolic gestures get symbolic results.

Just curious why you are continuing to watch the live feed if you are so against what these students are doing?
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