FL - Abraham Shakespeare, 42, lottery winner, Polk County, 7 April 2009 #6

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Susan, I was going to ask the same thing about Reginald Hicks (I found that document before I finished reading your post....after I pulled up the first link up above) I don't remember seeing anything on him either.
Also, Denise Landy. What's the deal with her? Is that someone who's been discussed? Sorry if I missed that one?

I know your response post to Susan was in her post about the "Substitution of Parties Judgment" but I couldn't find her original post to respond to her directly, and the quote option here wouldn't copy hers along with yours.

I just wanted to say that I also would like to know more about both the 'Substitution of Parties Judgment" Susan was talking about and the Reginald Hicks and Denise Landy cases you mentioned. So yeah, if Susan could go to the court house, if possible and find some info on those, that would be so appreciated. :)

dee dee took care of shar, his mom told me when she came up in nov or dec of this last year, that shar bought the land for her, and she was going to put a house hold on the property.....she told me this at her yard sale @909 20th street last nov.
in the last 2 weeks she told me that shar was hurt, disgusted that dee dee had commited such a crime,,,his mother told me that he would not speak to her for a while for introducing the two....
also i thought this site was for sharing info, and mrs joy bell has spoken way out of line to me..........on this issue, again i am ot attacking nor defending anyone but dd.......and sure as hell would not defend the wench!
i have gotten all my info from shars mother......even though dd has spent many dollars on the family, this does not make them guilty of anything. i am sure le will untangle the web.....the market does not support the price paid for the land at 18 grand......maybe 6 grand.......i mean he carried the vet back and his mother took the caddy back that dee dee bought for them...an older caddy, maybe a 97

Thank you so much for sharing this with us here. :)

It's a shame that so many families got tangled in this web spun by Dee Dee. Shar is a young man and I don't doubt that he was dazzled by the color of money and the toys.

His name though was on corporate company records as well as on the house at 5802 State Rd 60. Do you think he was so naive to not understand that allowing his name to be used like that would put him in a situation whereas he could be libel for things, not counting the legal aspect of being sucked into the case?

Now his name is listed on the search warrant of the 9340 Redhawk Bend house because he was listed as the president of the corporation that owns that house. Dee Dee removed his name from the "American Medical Professionals PEO, Inc." corporate records on 01/27/2010 BUT that was after the fact.

This is far from over for this young man and his best move would be to turn states evidence on Dee Dee and tell everything he knows. I hope for his sake that he's doing just that.

In relation to KP and the $60,000 she said she lost to Dorice for the business she was suppose to create for her, someone earlier had said that they would not give $60,000 to someone who lived in a trailer who was going bankrupt, or something along those lines. And that stuck with me. KP was not the only one who was duped by this woman who at one time did live in a trailor and did go bankrupt. Everyone made their own choices, but trusting Dorice seems to be a bad one that many have made. She duped Abraham by letting her become his "financial advisor" as she funnelled all his assets into her accounts. By her own words as reported in the media, she has at minimum covered up the death of Abraham as well as having him covered by hiring her ex-husband to dig the hole he was buried in. So she brings an exhusband into this who one of our posters has said she knows and that he is from a good family and is a good person. Hoping he had no advanced knowledge of what the hole was for, but she cast that shadow of doubt on him by getting him involved. She has involved her own son several times, here on this board, accusing him of the murder to law enforcement, and most recently saying she won't tell who did it because he is being threatened. I think the threat to the son is in jail where she belongs. She has helped ruined the career of a Lakeland Police Officer with years of service on the force. She has involved several lawyers in this mess who until that time did not have these kinds of questions knocking on their doors. She involved her parents at one point by using their address on Turkey Creek Rd. She involved BJ, the real estate agent, who trusted her enough to introduce her to Abraham. And she will throw them all under the bus to save her oversized butt. It is easier now in hindsight to see just what Dorice was, but until she really brought herself out in the limelight, this once bankrupt, trailor dweller fooled an awful lot of people, and in my opinion, having her involved in your life appears to be the kiss of death, figuratively and literally. And without one apparent ounce of remorse or accountability for anything that she has done.
And as a by the way, I was brought up in a trailor as my dad worked for a construction company that moved him annually and it was the only way to have a home. I got to know a lot of people in trailers growing up that I would wholeheartedly trust. Trailers get a bad rap and trash and treasure comes from both trailers and houses. My home no longer has wheels, but I'm glad I had the experience when I was young to have a home on the road.
Guitarman, I hope you will keep on posting as I do like it when we have people who know the parties involved in the news and in this case. If you know Shar and his mom, I'd like to hear from them as well and hope you send them our way.
I know your response post to Susan was in her post about the "Substitution of Parties Judgment" but I couldn't find her original post to respond to her directly, and the quote option here wouldn't copy hers along with yours.

I just wanted to say that I also would like to know more about both the 'Substitution of Parties Judgment" Susan was talking about and the Reginald Hicks and Denise Landy cases you mentioned. So yeah, if Susan could go to the court house, if possible and find some info on those, that would be so appreciated. :)


Hey there. I think we got the answer to the Substitution of Party question in that the person who had answered, the garnishee, was most likely the bank and the answer was most likely listing the bank accounts that Shakespeare had at that bank. I thought Abraham was the garnishee and I couldn't figure out how he could answer in May if he died in April and there was no lawyer representing him. Another of my SNL "Never mind" moments. If the file is at the court house I'll go take a look at it. I'll check out the other 2 as well. Hopefully the files haven't been destroyed yet. I just wish they would post the complaints and answers because without the complaints and the answers, you really don't know what is going on and can only make guesses. But I guess since complaints and answers will contain some things that aren't going to be decreed by a Judge to be true, then they don't post them. But even so, then post a Judge's opinion, not just the Judgement without an opinion.
I know there are several local posters here. Has anyone else checked out the actual court house records?
Thank YOU, I'll second that motion to "guitarman_fl" sticking around and continuing to post here.

In all due respect to any others, I don't think "guitarman_fl" has said anything bad about Shar's family, just postings some info to hopefully help us better understand how Shar even got involved with Dee Dee Moore to start with. It's a tough lesson for a young man to learn and unfortunately the fall out is far from over for him along with any others who crossed paths with Ms Moore.

Thank you tigergal71 also for your input these past weeks. :)


Thank YOU ACandyRose! I appreciate that. I haven't been a lotta help on the research end, cause you guys are all doing such an awesome job I just learn from you :)
And I meant no disrespect to anyone either, but I do agree with ACR...I saw nothing derrogatory about the family either.

Well, the saints be praised, the media finally ran the story on Stitzel. This has been a long time coming. Kattitude, thank you very much for bringing this link to the site. They did a really good job on it, too. Even got into the debt and the phone call in October though he had been dead since April. And finally said the reason Byrd's name was on that document transferring the house on Redhawk, Stitzel did it and used a computer generated form with Byrd's name on it. Even said Dorice gave Stizel $25,000. Called it a loan. Why did he make that statement about talking to Abraham in October after he was dead? About the same time Dorice was offering other people money for false sightings of Abraham? Of course he didn't want to talk about it. Says he moved into the office space at Dorice's house on 60 in the summer. That would be after Abraham was buried there. If he knew Abraham was buried there, why would he move in there?
Well, Stitzel's words in the article, "I feel, like, totally duped, too," he said."
He's been reading these posts too much, me thinks. Howard, why are you stealing my duped word? Can't you think up one of your own?
Howard, you are someone I would really like to communicate with. So, how about it? I'll make a calculated guess you are reading these posts. How about verifying yourself with Trisha and then coming on? Dorice did it. But I think I'd find you even more interesting.
I am glad the Florida sun is finally shining on you, though. Air out some of those closets.
Rusty Franklin, a Bartow lawyer who has represented Moore for several weeks, said Thursday night that he no longer represents Moore.

"After careful consideration of my ethical obligation and for reasons that may be disclosed in the future, DeeDee Moore and I have mutually agreed that I will no longer represent her," Franklin said.

Suspect in lotto winner murder case gets dumped by lawyer
Sources are reporting Moore's Lakeland attorney, John Liguori, has dropped her as a client.

What do you say, third time is a charm?

Ah, but wait, a new media source is saying John Liguori is still in the ball park:

"Bartow lawyer John Liguori, who is representing Moore, said Hillsborough deputies notified him Thursday that charges would be upgraded.

'I haven't heard from DeeDee or her family on what they want me to do,' Liguori said Friday night.

Liguori said he should know something by the middle of next week."

Mr. Liguori, she really does need an attorney, even if she doesn't listen to a word you say about not talking to the media or the police and letting you do the talking for her. I'd like her due process rights protected by an excellent lawyer so when a jury find her guilty of first degree murder, she won't get an appeal for ineffective counsel. According to media reports, back a few years she duct taped her own hands, tossed herself in a ditch, and claimed hispanics sexually assaulted her and stole her vehicle. Since she likes duct tape, you could always try to duct tape her mouth. Can't think of anything else that is going to keep this egomaniac with delusions of grandeur and the belief she will talk her way out of this from running her mouth.

You might also want to ask the court clerk to add you as attorney on their site and the jail to change the attorney from Rusty Franklin to you on their site.
Holy cow. Read this:
Am I correct that charge 3 says Dorice was just charged with MURDER IN THE 1ST DEGREE?
Or is this just another one of my "Never Mind" moments?
Just charged today.....
If so, the prayer's been answered. AMEN.
Investigating, Polk County Sheriff's Department, Hillsborough County Sheriff's Department, Sheriff Grady, and Sheriff Gee, if I just read that right, if that is the real thing, JOB WELL DONE. Thank you.
Investigating, you have done an incredible job on this case. You are the man.
Dorice "Dee Dee" Moore charged with first-degree murder in the homicide of Abraham Shakespeare. Watch Bay News 9 for more information.

Full story. Another picture with those crocodile tears.

And from Abraham's hometown, The Ledger reports:

Tampa Bay Times:
"There is no credible evidence linking anyone other than Dee Dee Moore to the homicide of Abraham Shakespeare," deputies said in arrest records released tonight.

"Ms. Moore has provided several accounts as to how Abraham Shakespeare was killed. In every account, Ms. Moore has admitted being present when Abraham Shakespeare was killed."

Deputies said store surveillance cameras caught Moore buying items used to bury Shakespeare's body under a slab of concrete."

TAMPA — Dorice Donegan "DeeDee" Moore has been charged with first degree murder in connection with the death of lottery winner Abraham Shakespeare.
Hillsborough Sheriff David Gee announced the additional charges Friday night, and said the investigation was continuing.
Moore previously was charged with being an accessory after the fact in connection with his death. She befriended Shakespeare, a Lake Wales resident who moved into a Lakeland mansion after winning the lottery.
His body was found under a slab of concrete in Plant City last month.
Moore, a former financial adviser to Shakespeare arranged to have Shakespeare, 42, buried under a concrete slab behind a house used as a law office at 5802 E State Road 60 in Plant City, according to the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office. She then tried to find someone to admit to the murder and have the body moved in January, according to an arrest report.
Shakespeare won the Florida Lotto in 2006 and said he came away with $11 million of the $31 million prize after taxes. Relatives reported Shakespeare missing in November, but no one had seen him since April. Investigators say he was murdered on April 6 or 7.
Shar Anthony Krasniqi, Moore's boyfriend and owner of the house where Shakespeare was buried.
Thank God, justice finally.
As for Shar and his mother. They had to of known about DD's criminal activity. DD spent lots of the money she stole from me on them.
"Moore will be arraigned on these new charges first thing tomorrow morning."
From Bay News 9.
All the lies shes told to everyone about the case with me, Everyone can see she lied about me giving her the money. If she is convicted of the murder,it will not just be justice for AS but everyone she has hurt. I only wish she could of been convicted of the crime against me. If she was, she might of thought twice before she murdered someone.
I do, too. I feel bad for Dorice's son. I feel bad for Abraham's family, his mother, children, siblings. But I am glad they will now have a chance to see justice brought for Abraham's death.
Wooo hooo finally they did it. How dare she take someone's money and life.
Does anyone know where they will arraign her tomorrow morning? And can the public attend?
I still think her ex-husband knows more than he's saying. One of my former employees call me saying they thought DD applied for a credit card in their name. I think this might be one way she would wine and dine everyone. She did have 100's of employees info on hand.
I know someone exactly like her. They steal from you, kiss your @ss and then cook you a dinner and then when your onto them they say " I never did that she's a liar" and then gets away with it when they cry. One thing, you don't get mad cuz the old saying is "what goes around comes around". It works.
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