FL - Abraham Shakespeare, 42, lottery winner, Polk County, 7 April 2009 #7

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I did see the Invention of Lieing. I really like Ricky Gervais so I was looking forward to it coming out, and as you say, there were some really funny parts in it and it was quirky. I was a bit disappointed because I was expecting more from it. I thought it was a great concept for a movie and I felt as a whole the writers dropped the ball on the potential the idea had. I'm still walking the line on whether to buy the DV and give it another try with lower expectations.
Ricky Gervais was also in Ghost Town and that one I really loved and would recommend. I think I've watched it about 20 times.
Tigergal, I think you are a glass half full type of person and I am the glass half empty type. We can balance each other out.
In the story by Fox, according to Robert Brown, there are 3 active warrants already been issued, and many more to come?? Any clue who these warrants might be for? I did a search of the players I thought it could be (Hillsborough & Polk people both) and didn't find anything.

Christi and/or Lashek, is this correct info, that there are other active warrants out? Certainly Ms Walker would know, if Robert Brown knows...Yes?

I don't know who told Robert that, if anybody did, but we don't know anything about anymore warrants. I looked up a few people last night too after I saw him on the news.
I called Fox and asked them if they had verified that Robert Brown is really Abraham's brother because I had been told by a family member that he is NOT Elizabeth Walker's son. The reporter who answered the phone said they had researched him and verified he is Abraham's brother. My guess is they are using Abraham's father's obit as verification, but that is just a guess.

I'm not sure how they verified that, but I know he isn't Ms. Walker's son. I asked my husband why the obituary says that and he said Robert is the one who went to the funeral home and had the obituary done up.
I hope you know how to get private messages because I am sending you one. I know you are new here and may not know how to get it. If that is the case, let me know.
There actually was an additional warrant that was issued, but we had already talked about that in an earlier post. The warrant was not for a person. I believe the warrant was for a computer or financial information. So, when they say additional warrants are issued, they aren't always issued for people and maybe that's why you can't find any warrants looking for the other people involved in the case.

03/17/2010 D001 CAPIAS RET. EXECUTED: 03.12.10

She finally has an attorney who has put in his Notice of Appearance on her Murder case. Not that he will be any too happy with her letter to the press.


Anybody know anything about Stephen B. Fisher, Esq.? Here's what I've got:


Polk County attorney.
Admitted to Florida Bar 9/26/1991.
Never been disciplined.
Employer: Office of Regional Counsel 2nd
Firm Size: 51 - 100
Government Attorney - Criminal Law
Law School: Florida State University College of Law
Graduated 1990

I don't know if he is representing this man for murdering his wife and his child's teacher or not, but he commented on this prisoner in an article:


He evidentally was Jamel Bell's attorney and it appears Jamel was found guilty of murder. Hope he does just as well with Dorice's case.

http://www.theledger.com/apps/pbcs....arch&crit=Jamel Bell's lawyer, Stephen Fisher
I did see the Invention of Lieing. I really like Ricky Gervais so I was looking forward to it coming out, and as you say, there were some really funny parts in it and it was quirky. I was a bit disappointed because I was expecting more from it. I thought it was a great concept for a movie and I felt as a whole the writers dropped the ball on the potential the idea had. I'm still walking the line on whether to buy the DV and give it another try with lower expectations.
Ricky Gervais was also in Ghost Town and that one I really loved and would recommend. I think I've watched it about 20 times.
Tigergal, I think you are a glass half full type of person and I am the glass half empty type. We can balance each other out.

Me personally wouldn't buy it. But then, it takes ALOT for me to buy a DVD...I really really really have to like it. I do agree with you totally on the writers dropping the ball on it....and that it could have been much better given the concept. I'll def check out Ghost Town.
I'm glad to know you think of me as 'glass half full', because that's how I would describe myself. The forever optimist (although I'm not at all optimistic when it comes to DDM, cept in the sense that she's either going to rot in jail for the rest of her life for this, or she's gonna get the DP).
I think the diversity of everyone here adds so much to this forum :)
Patiently waiting for more information on the case.....
Dorice asks for books in her letter to the press. Someone should send her a dictionary."+Shakespeare&cd=15&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

I found the article above where Robert Earl Brown, 46, said he was a long-time friend of Abraham, not his brother. So, now I have a middle name and an age. But can anyone tell if this is the same person:
as this man:

I would be the worst person in the world to pick someone I don't know out of a line up.
Can you ask your husband if he knows Martha Lee Bowen?"+Shakespeare&cd=15&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

I found the article above where Robert Earl Brown, 46, said he was a long-time friend of Abraham, not his brother. So, now I have a middle name and an age. But can anyone tell if this is the same person:
as this man:

I would be the worst person in the world to pick someone I don't know out of a line up.

Looks like one and the same to me.
Here is a corrected link to the inmate details:
Inmate Data


Looks like one and the same to me.
Here is a corrected link to the inmate details:
Inmate Data



I'm like Susan1, I can't really tell....

BUT, I see subtle differences between the two. The lips, the right ears are different. Eyes are different. BUT, those two photos are like 5 years apart.
So I don't really know.
If you go here:
and put in Robert Brown for the name, you will come up with a lot of them. But there are 2 of interest, one born 11/3/63 and the other born 11/30/63. It is a common name and I don't know if they are the same people or not. But there are a lot of pictures of the one 11/30/63. I don't know how to bring them over like you guys do, but you can check on that site.
Like I say, you can put 2 pictures of the same person together, and I am really not that good at distinguishing differences in people I do not know. Kind of funny because if it is a friend of mine, I'd be able to pick them out. You would think if I can do it for friends and family I could do it for anybody, but I can't. Wonder why that is.
Dorice asks for books in her letter to the press. Someone should send her a dictionary.

or a bible...

Does anyone else think that maybe her other lawyer dropped her because of that letter she wrote? That could possibly pose an ethical conflict.. He tells her to keep her mouth shut, yet she still sends out the letter....

Sorry if this has been covered, I've been trying to keep up this week but I've had my 4 yr old nephew for the week while my sister has carpal tunnel surgery and it's been one heck of a week!
Hey guys! Check this out and tell me if it reminds you of our girl.

Watching this episode of 48 Hours "Terror at The Morgue" about Dr. O.C. Smith

A Medical Examiner who strapped a bomb to himself and wrapped barbed wire around himself, faking his own abduction.. CRAZY STUFF!
They say he may have "Factitious Disorder"

They said it's similar to Manchauser's Syndrome

Factitious disorder from Emedicine:


Factitious disorder refers to the psychiatric condition in which a patient deliberately produces or falsifies symptoms of illness for the sole purpose of assuming the sick role. Patients with factitious disorder waste precious time and resources through unnecessary hospital admissions, expensive investigatory tests, and sometimes, lengthy hospital stays. Moreover, patients with factitious disorder are among the most challenging and troublesome for busy clinicians. Patients with factitious disorder can generate feelings of anger, frustration, or bewilderment, because they violate the expectations of physicians and staff that patients should "behave like patients." Patients with factitious disorder disobey the following unwritten rules of being a patient: (1) patients attempt to provide an honest history; (2) symptoms result from accident, injury, or chance; and (3) patients are seeking treatment with the goal of recovering and so will cooperate with treatment toward that end. {more at link)


Bear with me here..
Here's an article from Time Magazine about a young woman who faked her own abduction.

...Dietz coined the term factitious victimization disorder to describe what occurs when someone claims to be a victim to win sympathy and support. The motives for individuals who stage their own victimization range from trying to get out of exams to stirring a boyfriend to pay more attention, Dietz says....

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,607807,00.html#ixzz0iphBcmNb

I'm on this because of that whole odd Mexican Wild Ride story from 2001. It always bugged me what the hell she way trying to accomplish. I mean, yeah, she wanted to keep the stupid car, but that was overkill. There was MORE to it.

Wish we had someone here with a psychology background who could explore this with us.
Here ya go, A New Day


THANK YOU Blue Mermaid!! Love it. :woohoo:

Tigergal, was it you who asked about the usage of [sic]? This is from Wkictiorary:

* The term sic is most often used in quoted material (usually in square brackets, and sometimes italicized) to indicate that the preceding segment of the quote was copied faithfully, in spite of a mistake or seeming mistake; that is, that the mistake or seeming mistake was in the original text, and not due to misquoting on the part of the present writer.
* It is also sometimes used outside of quoted material to emphasize that the preceding segment of text was intentionally written as is; that is, that a seeming mistake in the text is not, in fact, a mistake (or if it is, that it's an intentional mistake).

My note, I've never seen it used so much as in that letter before. :waitasec:

Wonder if Howard the journalist was amused by the whole thing.
Another interesting read:

A conversation with Charles Ford, author of
Lies! Lies! Lies! The Psychology of Deceit

...In 1988, he and two colleagues published the findings in a landmark paper in the American Journal of Psychiatry. It was an instant success, and Ford decided to keep digging for more insights. His subsequent book, Lies! Lies! Lies!, is an eminently readable journey through the murky world of con men, impostors, medical fakers, and high-stakes poker players. Along the way, Ford offers answers to the questions that bothered him from the beginning: Who lies, when do they lie, why do they lie, and how can you detect when people are lying? ...

...Shelf Life: You hear that truly successful liars believe their own lies. Is there any truth to this?
Ford: I think there are two things going on. The underlying need for a con artist, for example, is to feel how clever he or she is. Actually, what con artists do, at some point, is to say “Gotcha!” Because they’ve got to let the mark know that he or she has been had. Most con artists don’t become very wealthy. They may be very skillful—they’re usually very intelligent and very verbal people—but there’s something self-destructive in their behaviors also.

So it starts with a need to put one over on someone and feel superior. But some of them get into these roles with such an intensity that at some level they start to believe it. Now, I think deep down they always know they’re lying, but at some level they start to believe, and that makes it easier to continue.
Ive wondered if the ethical thing the first lawyer dropped her for was something like she was gonna pay him with dirty money or property and when he found out it was, and she had no other money, he said adios.
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