FL - Abraham Shakespeare, 42, lottery winner, Polk County, 7 April 2009 #7

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I'm like Susan1, I can't really tell....

BUT, I see subtle differences between the two. The lips, the right ears are different. Eyes are different. BUT, those two photos are like 5 years apart.
So I don't really know.

That is him.
He doesn't think he knows anyone by that name.

Ms. Walker may know Martha Lee Bowen if she knew Robert Earl BROWN when he was younger. She lived in Lake Wales. She filed a Paternity Petition against Robert Earl Brown, Sr. for Robert Earl Brown, born 11/30/63. It calls her the Plaintiff. Since it does not identify her as the natual mother, it could be a grandmother, an aunt or other relative, or a foster parent going after support. Check it out:


If the link fails, you can type in Bowen Martha L and still get there. It is dated 11/28/1978.
Hey guys! Check this out and tell me if it reminds you of our girl.

Watching this episode of 48 Hours "Terror at The Morgue" about Dr. O.C. Smith

A Medical Examiner who strapped a bomb to himself and wrapped barbed wire around himself, faking his own abduction.. CRAZY STUFF!
They say he may have "Factitious Disorder"

They said it's similar to Manchauser's Syndrome

Factitious disorder from Emedicine:


Factitious disorder refers to the psychiatric condition in which a patient deliberately produces or falsifies symptoms of illness for the sole purpose of assuming the sick role. Patients with factitious disorder waste precious time and resources through unnecessary hospital admissions, expensive investigatory tests, and sometimes, lengthy hospital stays. Moreover, patients with factitious disorder are among the most challenging and troublesome for busy clinicians. Patients with factitious disorder can generate feelings of anger, frustration, or bewilderment, because they violate the expectations of physicians and staff that patients should "behave like patients." Patients with factitious disorder disobey the following unwritten rules of being a patient: (1) patients attempt to provide an honest history; (2) symptoms result from accident, injury, or chance; and (3) patients are seeking treatment with the goal of recovering and so will cooperate with treatment toward that end. {more at link)


Bear with me here..
Here's an article from Time Magazine about a young woman who faked her own abduction.

...Dietz coined the term factitious victimization disorder to describe what occurs when someone claims to be a victim to win sympathy and support. The motives for individuals who stage their own victimization range from trying to get out of exams to stirring a boyfriend to pay more attention, Dietz says....

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,607807,00.html#ixzz0iphBcmNb

I'm on this because of that whole odd Mexican Wild Ride story from 2001. It always bugged me what the hell she way trying to accomplish. I mean, yeah, she wanted to keep the stupid car, but that was overkill. There was MORE to it.
Wish we had someone here with a psychology background who could explore this with us.

Above BBM
I have a couple different schools of thought on this matter......
A picture was painted, of how incredibly embarrassed she was of being "poor". About how she always wanted nice things. How she'd have her parents stop blocks back from school and drop her off cause she didn't want anyone to see her get out of their car.
I think that as she grew up, and began acquiring her own things, that it was the strongest desire for her to hang on to the fancy material things in her life. She was quoted 6 days prior telling the credit union representative "You're not going to get my car. I'll do whatever it takes to keep it". When you know that, then, it's obvious she is the creator of the kidnap situation and that's its totally fabricated. So on the one hand, I think it was a desperate act to keep her car. How she thought she'd be able to take it out of hiding and drive it around without the CU finding her, I have no clue (we had a close mutual friend who was a repo man, and we were always hearing the stories of how they staked out the cars, then returned and took them) unless maybe she was just stalling for more time to get the necessary money together. I don't know. As I said, we hung out nearly 20 years ago, so my last contact with her was well before this incident.

Also, I kinda agree that there's alot of things that run really deep with her. Some key points in the articles you posted actually point to her behaviors now, and seem to apply in the Shakespeare case!

I don't know, I guess we'll never be able to fully understand the motives/reasoning behind actions of someone like DDM, because she's not operating on the level of a normal person in any capacity. To do something like that (especially thinking she'll get away with it) is ludicrous!!!

I don't know. Anyone know anyone with a psychology background who would join us here? Would be interesting to hear their thoughts!!!
THANK YOU Blue Mermaid!! Love it. :woohoo:

Tigergal, was it you who asked about the usage of [sic]? This is from Wkictiorary:

* The term sic is most often used in quoted material (usually in square brackets, and sometimes italicized) to indicate that the preceding segment of the quote was copied faithfully, in spite of a mistake or seeming mistake; that is, that the mistake or seeming mistake was in the original text, and not due to misquoting on the part of the present writer.
* It is also sometimes used outside of quoted material to emphasize that the preceding segment of text was intentionally written as is; that is, that a seeming mistake in the text is not, in fact, a mistake (or if it is, that it's an intentional mistake).

My note, I've never seen it used so much as in that letter before. :waitasec:

Wonder if Howard the journalist was amused by the whole thing.

Thanks for that!! I knew it was something along those lines, and I coulda looked it up myself :blushing: so I appreciate you both going to the trouble to find the info for me!
I figure Howard the reporter is doing the same thing we are.......:waitasec: What is she NUTS?? This girl should SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!! lol
Ive wondered if the ethical thing the first lawyer dropped her for was something like she was gonna pay him with dirty money or property and when he found out it was, and she had no other money, he said adios.

This was my exact thought on this matter. So I think the probability of that is very very likely. Probably had something to do with several of them. That, and the fact she couldn't keep her mouth shut.

I believe she'd STILL talk to reporters if she had access to them.

WHEN are they going to release the jail calls and all that jazz?? I wonder if her family is speaking with her frequently???
There is a ton of information about con artists here. Click through the navigation at the bottom to continue to the psychological aspects.

One thing this site does point out is that there is no guilt or remorse on the part of the scammer. Also, the victims are not stupid- they just have a need that the con finds or senses and then exploits for their own gain.

I've been watching a series called "American Greed" on CNBC. Interesting program dealing with cons and scams.
I LOVE that show.. Chya, like you couldn't tell I'm interested in that kind of stuff. LOL
Above BBM
I have a couple different schools of thought on this matter......
A picture was painted, of how incredibly embarrassed she was of being "poor". About how she always wanted nice things. How she'd have her parents stop blocks back from school and drop her off cause she didn't want anyone to see her get out of their car.
I think that as she grew up, and began acquiring her own things, that it was the strongest desire for her to hang on to the fancy material things in her life. She was quoted 6 days prior telling the credit union representative "You're not going to get my car. I'll do whatever it takes to keep it". When you know that, then, it's obvious she is the creator of the kidnap situation and that's its totally fabricated. So on the one hand, I think it was a desperate act to keep her car. How she thought she'd be able to take it out of hiding and drive it around without the CU finding her, I have no clue (we had a close mutual friend who was a repo man, and we were always hearing the stories of how they staked out the cars, then returned and took them) unless maybe she was just stalling for more time to get the necessary money together. I don't know. As I said, we hung out nearly 20 years ago, so my last contact with her was well before this incident.

Also, I kinda agree that there's alot of things that run really deep with her. Some key points in the articles you posted actually point to her behaviors now, and seem to apply in the Shakespeare case!

I don't know, I guess we'll never be able to fully understand the motives/reasoning behind actions of someone like DDM, because she's not operating on the level of a normal person in any capacity. To do something like that (especially thinking she'll get away with it) is ludicrous!!!

I don't know. Anyone know anyone with a psychology background who would join us here? Would be interesting to hear their thoughts!!!

Okay, I really want to give a better and well thought out response to your post, and tomorrow I just might. (you deserve one) If I do it now, I'll stay up too late and that old dingbat curse will visit me tomorrow. hahahaha

For now I'll just share the 1 plus 2 that's been rolling around my noggin' today.

Based on what I have read about Dorice from you, from her own words, from the news and now with the stuff I posted earlier

She's worried about her "reputation" (Pretty sure that was her VERY FIRST post, if not one of them)
Doesn't like it very much at all when people say bad things about her.
Even back in the day, she was image conscious (Normal for most teens, but maybe not her)
Doesn't want to give up her status relics
Will do anything to keep those status relics.
Can be extremely generous, whatever he motive
Could be a bit scatter-brained

Based on all that (and more if you want) and squeezing the Factitious Disorder into my in the works theory it seems to me she is primarily
looking for respect, acceptance and admiration. She has an image she wants to live up to and money is the tool she needs to get it. (not just wants, it's compulsive)

In other words, she doesn't want to be seen as that poor little inadequate dingbat with glasses. She wants to be seen as strong, powerful and a force to be reckoned with.

NOT excluding the sociopath notes you added.. Just trying to fit it all together so it makes sense to me.

What'cha think?

Me? I think she should have embraced that quirky, nerdy side and laughed at herself more, SCREW what other people think. Worked for me and I'm cool now. :crazy:

What? Am I chasing everyone away now? Where'd you all go? LOL
Okay, I really want to give a better and well thought out response to your post, and tomorrow I just might. (you deserve one) If I do it now, I'll stay up too late and that old dingbat curse will visit me tomorrow. hahahaha

For now I'll just share the 1 plus 2 that's been rolling around my noggin' today.

Based on what I have read about Dorice from you, from her own words, from the news and now with the stuff I posted earlier

She's worried about her "reputation" (Pretty sure that was her VERY FIRST post, if not one of them)
Doesn't like it very much at all when people say bad things about her.
Even back in the day, she was image conscious (Normal for most teens, but maybe not her)
Doesn't want to give up her status relics
Will do anything to keep those status relics.
Can be extremely generous, whatever he motive
Could be a bit scatter-brained

Based on all that (and more if you want) and squeezing the Factitious Disorder into my in the works theory it seems to me she is primarily
looking for respect, acceptance and admiration. She has an image she wants to live up to and money is the tool she needs to get it. (not just wants, it's compulsive)

In other words, she doesn't want to be seen as that poor little inadequate dingbat with glasses. She wants to be seen as strong, powerful and a force to be reckoned with.

NOT excluding the sociopath notes you added.. Just trying to fit it all together so it makes sense to me.

What'cha think?

Me? I think she should have embraced that quirky, nerdy side and laughed at herself more, SCREW what other people think. Worked for me and I'm cool now. :crazy:

What? Am I chasing everyone away now? Where'd you all go? LOL

I don't understand why it's easier for some than for others to just laugh and not worry about what people think. I have more self-esteem in myself than to worry about what someone else thinks of me. Usually, when someone "thinks less" of someone, or makes fun of them, or points out their weaknesses, usually, it is a reflection of what that same person doesn't like about themselves. Or, it's a tool to empower them by picking on someone weaker. Whatever it is, I'm grateful that I'm not the bully, nor the victim. That I care more about the opinions of my loved ones than people on the street. And that I'm a strong willed, confident woman, who doesn't need confirmation from anyone.
So sad that others do....as most all of them are broken in some way or another. And some turn out as killers.
Ive wondered if the ethical thing the first lawyer dropped her for was something like she was gonna pay him with dirty money or property and when he found out it was, and she had no other money, he said adios.

Your idea makes sense, I've been wondering if the ethical issues are because DDM was friends with Stitzel and the lawyer(s) have been somehow associated with him in the past creating a 'conflict of interest'.

As usual, I overthink so many things.
I don't hold a degree in Psychology, but I do have ALOT of background in dealing with different mental illnesses. Especially, when I was dealing with the many different murderers in the past. Anyways, in the things I have learned to know about DDM, if you read these psych disorders below... I think IMO...this is what we have in this thing we call a person DDM! JMO! And may be way off base but thought I'd share!

The Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

An all-pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behaviour), need for admiration or adulation and lack of empathy, usually beginning by early adulthood and present in various contexts. Five (or more) of the following criteria must be met:

Feels grandiose and self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents to the point of lying, demands to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
Is obsessed with fantasies of unlimited success, fame, fearsome power or omnipotence, unequalled brilliance (the cerebral narcissist), bodily beauty or sexual performance (the somatic narcissist), or ideal, everlasting, all-conquering love or passion
Firmaly convinced that he or she is unique and, being special, can only be understood by, should only be treated by, or associate with, other special or unique, or high-status people (or institutions)
Requires excessive admiration, adulation, attention and affirmation -or, failing that, wishes to be feared and to be notorious (narcissistic supply).
Feels entitled. Expects unreasonable or special and favourable priority treatment. Demands automatic and full compliance with his or her expectations
Is "interpersonally exploitative", i.e., uses others to achieve his or her own ends
Devoid of empathy. Is unable or unwilling to identify with or acknowledge the feelings and needs of others
Constantly envious of others or believes that they feel the same about him or her
Arrogant, haughty behaviours or attitudes coupled with rage when frustrated, contradicted, or confronted.

so·ci·o·path   /ˈsoʊsiəˌpæθ, ˈsoʊʃi-/ Show Spelled[soh-see-uh-path, soh-shee-] Show IPA
a person, as a psychopathic personality, whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

Antisocial personality disorder is a psychiatric condition in which a person manipulates, exploits, or violates the rights of others. This behavior is often criminal.
Ive wondered if the ethical thing the first lawyer dropped her for was something like she was gonna pay him with dirty money or property and when he found out it was, and she had no other money, he said adios.

I'll have to go hunting to find it, but when the first lawyer quit, didn't he say something to the effect that it was ethical reasons that may become apparant later? He can't tell us the exact reason why he quit because that would be unethical, but I thought he hinted about it.
This is a reason that would become apparrant later if this was his reason. He wanted to get paid for his work and it didn't seem likely he would if she had to rely on her own money.
I remember also reading somewhere that she said that she was a millionaire before she met Abraham. According to the criminal affidavit, she did bring home an annual salary in the 6 figures from AMP before she met him if she withdrew all the profit annually from the company, but it was only for 5 years, it was under $200,000 a year, and there was also a suggestion that she spent it as she went along.
This explanation makes a lot of sense. Another option Iwe discussed here is the Howard Stitzel connection, but unless he represented Howard Stitzel at some point or unless Howard was part of his firm, I'm not sure how Howard would factor into his decision to drop his client.
And we also discussed that an attorney cannot allow his client to take the stand if he knows she is going to lie. That is unethical. With Dorice still running her mouth regardless of what her lawyers have told her, I cannot see her not insisting on taking the stand if she doesn't take a deal. So, this could be another possibility.
The money one makes the most sense for the two private attorneys, but not for the public defender's office. They had to have some other conflict, such as representing the victim at some point, or representing another defendant in the case or a witness to the case who needs an attorney.
Well, this is at least lawyer #4. Lets see how long this one lasts.
I never heard anything from DebbieM.

Do any of you who know her know if she still plans on coming here to the Websleuths forum to talk with us?

Did she ever get her computer back?


Looks like a tax lien against AS from 2006 tax year, in the amount of $5145.71.

AS didn't form Shakespeare and Associates until 1/11/2007, so it's not taxes due from that business.

It's from the Small Business/Self-Employed Unit, so I would guess that AS was probably a contract employee with his last job, and neglected to file taxes for that year.
Looks like a tax lien against AS from 2006 tax year, in the amount of $5145.71.

AS didn't form Shakespeare and Associates until 1/11/2007, so it's not taxes due from that business.

It's from the Small Business/Self-Employed Unit, so I would guess that AS was probably a contract employee with his last job, and neglected to file taxes for that year.

Any thoughts as to why it was prepared and signed in Baltimore, MD, but filed in Polk County Clerk of Courts in Bartow?? Is that weird? If I remember correctly, there was someone mentioning that Abraham had been seen in Baltimore. Anyone remember that posting from months and months back??? Or maybe they said he might have gone to Baltimore. Something to do with Baltimore, I definitely remember that!!
Any thoughts as to why it was prepared and signed in Baltimore, MD, but filed in Polk County Clerk of Courts in Bartow?? Is that weird? If I remember correctly, there was someone mentioning that Abraham had been seen in Baltimore. Anyone remember that posting from months and months back??? Or maybe they said he might have gone to Baltimore. Something to do with Baltimore, I definitely remember that!!

I remember the post (I think). It mentioned AS (or someone who looked like him) and it also mentioned Eddie Dixon? Am I remembering correctly?

I am not sure if the peron who posted has been back here. If it's the same post I'm thinking of, I'd have to go back and look for it. Let me know if we're thinking about the same post.
( puts on his accountant hat)

It's an IRS lien for unpaid gift taxes.

Yes, there is tax on gifts that you give to other people. The tax is due from the person GIVING the gift and has to be reported on Form 709 (which is noted on the lien):


If I had to guess, the IRS audited one of the people that Abraham gave money to. The IRS assumes that money you get is taxable income unless you can show it's not. I am guessing that the recipient said it was a gift from Abraham, so the IRS went after Abraham for the gift tax.

( removes his accountant hat)

Abraham gave me and my husband money and we had to take the money out of what he gave us for the taxes that he would owe.
Looks like a tax lien against AS from 2006 tax year, in the amount of $5145.71.

AS didn't form Shakespeare and Associates until 1/11/2007, so it's not taxes due from that business.

It's from the Small Business/Self-Employed Unit, so I would guess that AS was probably a contract employee with his last job, and neglected to file taxes for that year.

I'm almost positive that they made sure he paid his taxes in 2006. He didn't even work that much so how could he owe $5000+.
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