FL - Abraham Shakespeare, 42, lottery winner, Polk County, 7 April 2009 #7

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wanttohelp, I believe you are entirely correct that here in FL you can be charged with the crime of murder, even if you did not pull the trigger, if you were engaged in the crime and it resulted in a death. I can't quote as well as you guys can cases, but I do remember reading some where the driver of a get away car was charged with murder and was not even there when the person was killed but was still part of the crime that resulted in the death. And you are right, the charge was not accessory or after the fact, it was murder.
I'm looking forward to the court records being released to see if there is anything that can prove someone else had knowledge that this murder was going to be committed.
Tigergal, thanks for the explanation on the name chaged. Also, I have insomnia and I'm up late (or ealy as the case may be) and all ya'll are sleeping. O I get to get up on my soapbox and tell you what I'm really thnking.
Joybell, I don't think you give yourself enough credit. I think you are pretty good on the computer. Of course that is coming from someone who pretty much computer illiterate.
Have a good night, ya'll.
wanttohelp, I believe you are entirely correct that here in FL you can be charged with the crime of murder, even if you did not pull the trigger, if you were engaged in the crime and it resulted in a death. I can't quote as well as you guys can cases, but I do remember reading some where the driver of a get away car was charged with murder and was not even there when the person was killed but was still part of the crime that resulted in the death. And you are right, the charge was not accessory or after the fact, it was murder.
I'm looking forward to the court records being released to see if there is anything that can prove someone else had knowledge that this murder was going to be committed.
Tigergal, thanks for the explanation on the name chaged. Also, I have insomnia and I'm up late (or ealy as the case may be) and all ya'll are sleeping. O I get to get up on my soapbox and tell you what I'm really thnking.
Joybell, I don't think you give yourself enough credit. I think you are pretty good on the computer. Of course that is coming from someone who pretty much computer illiterate.
Have a good night, ya'll.

yes your correct, i know what your talking about. i have read many similar cases here. one that sticks out in my mind was past year or so a couple broke into a guys home. the owner was alerted and chased them out. as they were trying to get out and away the home owner shot and killed either the bf or gf forget which. the bf or gf who was not shot was charged with murder!
I have a question (sorry if it's stupid)...

Since DDM's ex came forward and said he dug the hole, can that be used as 'proof' that others were involved in the murder, even if he didn't know he was being involved? (I tend to believe he thought he was digging a hole to bury construction debris.)

With the felony murder definition some things are more clear (about how they can charge people) but didn't know how it would apply in this instance.

Also, I am wondering if any of you feel that DDM didn't know the murder was going to take place (part of her lawyer's statement in an earlier article) or if you feel that DDM had more people she conspired with to commit this crime? I'm not asking anyone to say if/who they suspect as being involved, but if you think that DDM could have had someone at the house, laying in wait, until she arrived with AS, and then they carried out the murder plan. (That's just my theory if DDM didn't carry out the murder alone. I do believe that others could have been on the premises and may have not known this murder was going to happen. JMO.)
Well, look for a motive. Who benefitted from Abraham's death? Where did the money go? I can't see why anyone who was there when he was murdered would not have picked up the phone and called the police unless they were in on it and if they were in on it, how did they benefit from it?
Dorice got most of the assets from his estate. She thought she would benefit greatly by his death. She was too stupid to realize that once she murdered him, she wouldn't get much of a chance to enjoy his money. She spent the better part of the year running around trying to hide the murder and now, less than a year after he was murdered, she is in jail and headed for prison.
Dorice had the most to lose if he found out his money was not in the bank and he had not been paid for his property as promised.
Shar got the house on State Rd 60, at least 1 car, and a business from Abraham's assets that I believe has now been transferred by to Dorice.
Eva Williams got the Lake Parker house in January 2010 - still haven't figured out who she is or why she got it or if she paid for it or not.
Dorice has the murder weapon so I'm not buying it was someone she was afraid of because they wouldn't have given her back the weapon.
So I don't think there were any innocent bystanders there because I believe an innocent bystander would have called the police. If there was someone else there I believe they were involved in the murder. I do believe it was premeditated because of the video tape she made to "protect" herself - I believes it implicates her rather than protects her. But so far I haven't seen any evidence that involves anyone else in the actual murder or planning of the murder.
Here is an interesting question, though, for those of you legal eagles. What charges could be brought on Howard Stitzel for telling the police he spoke with Abraham in October 2009? If he knew Abraham had been murdered, wouldn't lieing to the police to cover up the crime be accessory after the fact, the first charge Dorice had? But what if he didn't know he was dead and if he made the false sighting for money as we know at that time Dorice was offering money for false sightings. If he did not know he was murdered and lied to the police to cover up his disappearance, can he still be charged with accessory after the fact? If he is lieing to cover up the dispappearance and that is a crime, then whether he knows or not, he is assisting in covering up a murder.
Susan1 you had posted ,"Well, look for a motive. Who benefitted from Abraham's death? Where did the money go? I can't see why anyone who was there when he was murdered would not have picked up the phone and called the police unless they were in on it and if they were in on it, how did they benefit from it?"
Funny, because your reasoning already contained one assumption:motives. As i have forgotten to mention in earlier post . as human beings we have drives and motives ,that are automatic:physiological,Security/safety,Belongingness , love,Esteem,and Self-actualization.
Physiological ,These are basic physical comfort or bodily needs: food, sex, drink, and sleep.The intentions, desires, goals, and needs that determine human and animal behavior. An inquiry is made into a person's motives in order to explain that person's actions.
To a hungry rat, food becomes a goal. The rat will make various responses, including arbitrary learned ones or operants, that lead to contact with food. A rat can be trained to do whatever else is necessary (within its capabilities) to attain its goal. It is this flexibility of goal-directed behavior that justifies the concept of motivation. If an animal will do whatever is necessary to obtain food, it must want food. Internal factors then may act by setting the goal status of environmental commodities: the effect of hunger is to make food a goal.,or to some people the effect of riches,and wealth is to make money a goal .
People have reasons for everything they do.
Whatever people choose as a goal is something they believe is good for them.
The goal people choose must be seen as attainable.
DeeDee have already proven she can pay people to cover up abraham death ,simply by manipulating their Physiological wants ,and needs. I believe no-one is foolish enough to come forward ,and say they help moved Abraham body.It would take a full confession from DeeDee to convince me she did it ,on her own,so far i haven't heard that.if the detective investigate this case,check the Physiological background of DeeDee,and Ab's associates .I bet they will find some that, have the potential to commit murder,based on the theory of phycology on motive .I read somewhere that frustration ,and anxiety could lead to insanity ,if it is connected to an object, .
Means, motive, and opportunity In US Criminal law, means, motive, and opportunity is a popular cultural summation of the three aspects of a crime needed to convince a jury of guilt in a criminal proceeding. Respectively, they refer to: the ability of the defendant to commit the crime (means), the reason the defendant had to commit the crime (motive), and whether or not the defendant had the opportunity to commit the crime (opportunity). Ironically, motive is not an element of many crimes, but proving motive can often make it easier to convince a jury of the elements that must be proved for a conviction.
Furthermore, a showing of the presence of these three elements is not, in and of itself, sufficient to convict beyond a reasonable doubt; the evidence must prove that an opportunity presented was indeed taken by the accused and for the crime with which he or she is charged. For an example, consider this ruling in the case of a suspect accused of robbery and assault:
... evidence of motive, means, opportunity, and consciousness of guilt are not enough to establish guilt. Compare Commonwealth v. Mandile, 403 Mass. 93, 98 (1988) (evidence of motive, means, unexplained possession of property, and consciousness of guilt not enough to establish robbery). On this record the evidence is insufficient to permit a rational jury to find beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant was the victim's assailant... Nothing in the record sufficiently links the defendant to the crime to permit the conclusion beyond a reasonable doubt that he was the perpetrator.[1]http://www.truthinjustice.org/o'laughlin.htm
Contrary to popular depictions in the fictional media, the police cannot convict merely on these three famous elements, but must provide convincing proof of means used, and opportunity actually acted upon by the defendant charged.
For example, if a criminal shot someone with a handgun and took his/her money when the victim was in an isolated, secluded area at night, the means would be the handgun, the motive financial (i.e., the money they stole), and the opportunity the fact that it would be unlikely someone else would witness or stop them. For the majority of crimes, means and motive are the easiest to prove; however, for some offences (such as rape or serial killing), the motive can be hard to define.
Motive (law)In law, especially criminal law, a motive is the cause that moves people to induce a certain action. Motive, in itself, is not an element of any given crime; however, the legal system typically allows motive to be proven in order to make plausible the accused's reasons for committing a crime, at least when those motives may be obscure or hard to identify with.
The law technically distinguishes between motive and intent. "Intent" in criminal law is synonymous with mens rea, which means no more than the specific mental purpose to perform a deed that is forbidden by a criminal statute, or the reckless disregard of whether the law will be violated."Motive" describes instead the reasons in the accused's background and station in life that are supposed to have induced the crime.
Motive is particularly important in prosecutions for homicide. First, murder is so drastic a crime that most people recoil from the thought of being able to do it; proof of motive explains why the accused did so desperate an act.
Moreover, most common law jurisdictions have statutes that provide for degrees of homicide, based in part on the accused's mental state. The lesser offence of voluntary manslaughter, for example, traditionally required that the accused knowingly and voluntarily kill the victim (as in murder); in addition, it must be shown that the killing took place in the "sudden heat of passion," an excess of rage or anger coming from a contemporary provocation, which clouded the accused's judgment. Homicides motivated by such factors are a lesser offense than murder "in cold blood
Neverthe less ,I still find it hard to believe she commited the crime alone, she does foolish thing,dont know how to lie,keep her mouth shut,clumsy,but inteligent enough to run a business though.So i agree with her father ,that someone greater than she is ,help commited the crime ? And i think, that someone is Barbra Jackson, a convicted felon.Since Black people tend to not trust each other.So i could understand why Barbra introduct DeeDee to Abraham,why couldnt barbra manage abraham assets? she know how to manage a business ,knew the workings of the banking system?May have planned Abraham's death.isn't that the reason she introduce Dee to ab.While Abraham was dead ,both of them was riding around together in lakeland ,and perry florida,eating out together at restaurants .Projecting to relatives of Ab that abraham is in hideing .The 8 million dollars that TBO cant account for,paid for Abraham death .went into the very hands of the people who covered up his death.Judgeing by her new web site,is that a plastic surgery,and a couple new million dollar homes? i assume Abraham paid a price that me and you will every know! have their ever been a murder crime commited by woman ,yes?
here is a article of interest: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_killer.They commit killings in specific places, such as their home or a health-care facility:Case closed! Bing !


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Lashek- Is there a significance to DDM and BJ being together in Perry, FL? Is there a specific reason they were in Perry that you know of?

Can you post a link to BJ's new website? I'm not sure I've seen it.

I would think so .Barbara jackson new web site:http://barbarajackson.mfr.mlxchange.com/
Barbra lists Abraham Shakespeare's house-9340 REDHAWK BEND Drive at $1,100,000,as a recent sale.
nevertheless why would DeeDee use a out of state realtor to transfer Abraham's property?
"Moore met Shakespeare through Barbara Jackson, a Realtor and former Winter Haven resident. The two talked about the lottery winner when they attended a conference for business people interested in doing work for the government.

Jackson, who was Shakespeare's real estate agent when he bought the Redhawk Bend house, said they discussed Moore writing a story about Jackson and Shakespeare for a local magazine.

Moore said Jackson introduced her to Shakespeare because Moore expressed interest in telling his story in a book.

As Moore grew close to Shakespeare, she said she noticed his business dealings were shaky, and her role expanded from book writer to being an adviser. He allowed her to review his financial books, Moore said.

Jackson said she was shocked when Moore told her she had bought Shakespeare's house.

"I think she saw a cash cow, because the story she said she was going to write never happened," she said. "I really feel like she misled me."

It is understood we cant believe everthing what DeeDee Moore says.


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Lashek- thanks so much for the link to BJ's website. I had not seen it.

I'm confused by your saying DDM used an out-of-state realtor to transfer Abraham's property... can you specify what transfers or who (and what state) you are referencing?

If you have any insight as to why BJ and DDM were traveling to Perry, FL, I'd be interested to know that, too.

I've not been here much lately and may have missed an earlier post. If so, feel free to point me in the right direction.

Thanks again!
I have a question (sorry if it's stupid)...

Since DDM's ex came forward and said he dug the hole, can that be used as 'proof' that others were involved in the murder, even if he didn't know he was being involved? (I tend to believe he thought he was digging a hole to bury construction debris.)

With the felony murder definition some things are more clear (about how they can charge people) but didn't know how it would apply in this instance.

Also, I am wondering if any of you feel that DDM didn't know the murder was going to take place (part of her lawyer's statement in an earlier article) or if you feel that DDM had more people she conspired with to commit this crime? I'm not asking anyone to say if/who they suspect as being involved, but if you think that DDM could have had someone at the house, laying in wait, until she arrived with AS, and then they carried out the murder plan. (That's just my theory if DDM didn't carry out the murder alone. I do believe that others could have been on the premises and may have not known this murder was going to happen. JMO.)

Not really answering a question, but at this point I do think the murder was premeditated on DDM's part. I would not be surprised if accomplices were involved, either with or without their being part of a premeditated plan to kill Abraham. I would not put it past DDM to have had someone at the house who didn't know what was about to go down. I'm hoping the discovery explains some of this. : )
Bluemermaid,you post," I'm confused by your saying DDM used an out-of-state realtor to transfer Abraham's property... can you specify what transfers or who (and what state) you are referencing? "
You are really behind,and i am sleepy have you seen all i have written? i didn't mean out of state ,i meant out of area realtor:Redington Beach Realtor, heres a link-http://wilsonbeachrealty.com/Redington_Beach_listings/FAE308F9-DFCF-01FC-77D53BF0CD45C712.shtml
and the transfers were his million dollar inflated house on 9340 REDHAWK BEND Drive .
Nevertheless,Wonder why the house wasn't listed with Barbara since she sold it to Abraham ?
As far as barbra jackson ,and DeeDee that information was pass on to me by my mother.
Bluemermaid,you post," I'm confused by your saying DDM used an out-of-state realtor to transfer Abraham's property... can you specify what transfers or who (and what state) you are referencing? "
You are really behind,and i am sleepy have you seen all i have written? i didn't mean out of state ,i meant out of area realtor:Redington Beach Realtor, heres a link-http://wilsonbeachrealty.com/Redington_Beach_listings/FAE308F9-DFCF-01FC-77D53BF0CD45C712.shtml
and the transfers were his million dollar inflated house on 9340 REDHAWK BEND Drive .
Nevertheless,Wonder why the house wasn't listed with Barbara since she sold it to Abraham ?
As far as barbra jackson ,and DeeDee that information was pass on to me by my mother.

Thanks for clearing up the difference between what you posted and what you meant. Yes, I have seen the listing from Wilson Beach Realty and have also wondered why DDM chose that company to list the Redhawk house.
Lashek, have you seen our sleuthing of barbara jackson and her alias? I'll have to go back but we have some good stuff on them jacksons. I remember an alias last name of flowers. Have you read that stuff? The hubby and other jacksons are connected to church though I remember.
I have asked a few time Lashek,
do you know Amerikai?
He posted here he filed a complaint against Barbara for her transaction with Abraham.
Wanttohelp ,I dont know Amerikai, Abraham house still listed as sold for $1,100,000. on her web site.
Send me a ,sleuthing of Barbara Jackson and her alias.
Susan1 you had posted ,"Well, look for a motive. Who benefitted from Abraham's death? Where did the money go? I can't see why anyone who was there when he was murdered would not have picked up the phone and called the police unless they were in on it and if they were in on it, how did they benefit from it?"
Funny, because your reasoning already contained one assumption:motives. As i have forgotten to mention in earlier post . as human beings we have drives and motives ,that are automatic:physiological,Security/safety,Belongingness , love,Esteem,and Self-actualization.
Physiological ,These are basic physical comfort or bodily needs: food, sex, drink, and sleep.The intentions, desires, goals, and needs that determine human and animal behavior. An inquiry is made into a person's motives in order to explain that person's actions.
To a hungry rat, food becomes a goal. The rat will make various responses, including arbitrary learned ones or operants, that lead to contact with food. A rat can be trained to do whatever else is necessary (within its capabilities) to attain its goal. It is this flexibility of goal-directed behavior that justifies the concept of motivation. If an animal will do whatever is necessary to obtain food, it must want food. Internal factors then may act by setting the goal status of environmental commodities: the effect of hunger is to make food a goal.,or to some people the effect of riches,and wealth is to make money a goal .
People have reasons for everything they do.
Whatever people choose as a goal is something they believe is good for them.
The goal people choose must be seen as attainable.
DeeDee have already proven she can pay people to cover up abraham death ,simply by manipulating their Physiological wants ,and needs. I believe no-one is foolish enough to come forward ,and say they help moved Abraham body.It would take a full confession from DeeDee to convince me she did it ,on her own,so far i haven't heard that.if the detective investigate this case,check the Physiological background of DeeDee,and Ab's associates .I bet they will find some that, have the potential to commit murder,based on the theory of phycology on motive .I read somewhere that frustration ,and anxiety could lead to insanity ,if it is connected to an object, .
Means, motive, and opportunity In US Criminal law, means, motive, and opportunity is a popular cultural summation of the three aspects of a crime needed to convince a jury of guilt in a criminal proceeding. Respectively, they refer to: the ability of the defendant to commit the crime (means), the reason the defendant had to commit the crime (motive), and whether or not the defendant had the opportunity to commit the crime (opportunity). Ironically, motive is not an element of many crimes, but proving motive can often make it easier to convince a jury of the elements that must be proved for a conviction.
Furthermore, a showing of the presence of these three elements is not, in and of itself, sufficient to convict beyond a reasonable doubt; the evidence must prove that an opportunity presented was indeed taken by the accused and for the crime with which he or she is charged. For an example, consider this ruling in the case of a suspect accused of robbery and assault:
... evidence of motive, means, opportunity, and consciousness of guilt are not enough to establish guilt. Compare Commonwealth v. Mandile, 403 Mass. 93, 98 (1988) (evidence of motive, means, unexplained possession of property, and consciousness of guilt not enough to establish robbery). On this record the evidence is insufficient to permit a rational jury to find beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant was the victim's assailant... Nothing in the record sufficiently links the defendant to the crime to permit the conclusion beyond a reasonable doubt that he was the perpetrator.[1]http://www.truthinjustice.org/o'laughlin.htm
Contrary to popular depictions in the fictional media, the police cannot convict merely on these three famous elements, but must provide convincing proof of means used, and opportunity actually acted upon by the defendant charged.
For example, if a criminal shot someone with a handgun and took his/her money when the victim was in an isolated, secluded area at night, the means would be the handgun, the motive financial (i.e., the money they stole), and the opportunity the fact that it would be unlikely someone else would witness or stop them. For the majority of crimes, means and motive are the easiest to prove; however, for some offences (such as rape or serial killing), the motive can be hard to define.
Motive (law)In law, especially criminal law, a motive is the cause that moves people to induce a certain action. Motive, in itself, is not an element of any given crime; however, the legal system typically allows motive to be proven in order to make plausible the accused's reasons for committing a crime, at least when those motives may be obscure or hard to identify with.
The law technically distinguishes between motive and intent. "Intent" in criminal law is synonymous with mens rea, which means no more than the specific mental purpose to perform a deed that is forbidden by a criminal statute, or the reckless disregard of whether the law will be violated."Motive" describes instead the reasons in the accused's background and station in life that are supposed to have induced the crime.
Motive is particularly important in prosecutions for homicide. First, murder is so drastic a crime that most people recoil from the thought of being able to do it; proof of motive explains why the accused did so desperate an act.
Moreover, most common law jurisdictions have statutes that provide for degrees of homicide, based in part on the accused's mental state. The lesser offence of voluntary manslaughter, for example, traditionally required that the accused knowingly and voluntarily kill the victim (as in murder); in addition, it must be shown that the killing took place in the "sudden heat of passion," an excess of rage or anger coming from a contemporary provocation, which clouded the accused's judgment. Homicides motivated by such factors are a lesser offense than murder "in cold blood
Neverthe less ,I still find it hard to believe she commited the crime alone, she does foolish thing,dont know how to lie,keep her mouth shut,clumsy,but inteligent enough to run a business though.So i agree with her father ,that someone greater than she is ,help commited the crime ? And i think, that someone is Barbra Jackson, a convicted felon.Since Black people tend to not trust each other.So i could understand why Barbra introduct DeeDee to Abraham,why couldnt barbra manage abraham assets? she know how to manage a business ,knew the workings of the banking system?May have planned Abraham's death.isn't that the reason she introduce Dee to ab.While Abraham was dead ,both of them was riding around together in lakeland ,and perry florida,eating out together at restaurants .Projecting to relatives of Ab that abraham is in hideing .The 8 million dollars that TBO cant account for,paid for Abraham death .went into the very hands of the people who covered up his death.Judgeing by her new web site,is that a plastic surgery,and a couple new million dollar homes? i assume Abraham paid a price that me and you will every know! have their ever been a murder crime commited by woman ,yes?
here is a article of interest: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_killer.They commit killings in specific places, such as their home or a health-care facility:Case closed! Bing !

Wasn't it Judy that went to Perry with Dee Dee and your grandma? Your grandma called us before she went with them and told us who was taking her because at that time they were already looking for Abraham. She wanted us to know who took her in case something happened.
My grandma wasnt with DeeDee at that time.Read the post.I personally ask my mother,was their a black lady name Barbara Jackson ,three time , with DeeDee in perry.
I remember Miss walker called my mother and asked why DeeDee would bring her coworker to Perry .If you talking about that time.
My grandma wasnt with DeeDee at that time.Read the post.I personally ask my mother,was their a black lady name Barbara Jackson ,three time , with DeeDee in perry.

So you are saying that Dee Dee and Barbara Jackson went to your mom's house without your grandma? I'm confused. Why would they do that?
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