Found Deceased FL - AMBER ALERT: Diana Alvares, 9, Fort Myers, 29 May 2016 #1

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Diana's stepmother.


She is saying a police officer called them and told them they would return their gun, to just give them a call and they listened which she regrets because after that an immigration officer arrested her husband.(I believe she's referring to Diana's fathers deportation)

:38 she says yes, Diana does know her

The reporter asks how is Diana's relationship with her mom & stepdad

:49 She can't answer that

Camera moves, can't hear well

1:03 reporter asks if Diana has a good relationship with her mom & stepdad, she says to ask them so they can answer

Reporter again asks if she doesn't know or she doesn't want to say. She says she does not want to say and quotes "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" She goes on to say that her mom and step dad know who they bring in there, that she does not. And says that she does not know if they hit their kids but every parent disciplines differently (she's rambling at this point)

2:04 Reporter asks her if the police spoke to her she says yes, they have interrogated her and her husband

As she begins speaking English the camera cuts off to the step dad and he's trying to explain to the reporters how and why they discipline the kids. At this point, both parties are just trying to bicker through reporting, IMO.

Eta: spelling
I am confused! Is this information on the roommate just coming out? It was not reported to LE at first?

As I am reading this page by page, it seems the parents are giving information out little by little. What is up with this?

Is Diana the only child that is not the bio child of the current father in the house?
I do not like the comments the stepmom is making. Inflammatory, at such a horrible time. So sad.
I am confused! Is this information on the roommate just coming out? It was not reported to LE at first?

As I am reading this page by page, it seems the parents are giving information out little by little. What is up with this?

Is Diana the only child that is not the bio child of the current father in the house?

I think two other's are his also as the stepmother said she wanted to get custody of the children. (In the English speaking part is where she said this if I am remembering correctly.)
Here comes some more videos---

I think we need our resident translator again! :)

(Expected edit----) I think this is the step mother? Her bio dad's wife? I guess we know they (or at least she) is not out of the country?

She is just upset and talking and talking. She's not making any allegations however she's saying that as per the stories the kids are hit as discipline. Also that she's willing to take Diana and her 2 siblings with no problems. She did make the insinuation that the other 2 kids are her husband's.
Besides that nothing of interest. She mainly repeats herself in English.
I went grocery shopping tonight. The command center is gone from the parking lot. One marked and one unmarked police car left both empty. So all the crime scene tape is gone and they've bugged out! Found that interesting...
I went grocery shopping tonight. The command center is gone from the parking lot. One marked and one unmarked police car left both empty. So all the crime scene tape is gone and they've bugged out! Found that interesting...
Maybe they now have an idea of who is responsible and going in a different direction.

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I think I would put more stock in the roommate and makeup connection if they would have a) been disclosed earlier (they have been doing interviews- have no idea where she could be!) OR b) didn't release those 2 things together. It seems very convenient to be releasing things in batches after one seems to fizzle. I don't know what happened to her or who is responsible. All I do know is I do not think she left on her own. And all of it is very strange. More than language and cultural barrier strange. Just flat out strange.

Oh--- and cue the GoFM account. It has emerged.
On the first page of this thread, someone posted all the registered sex offenders in the area. There was a bunch of 'em.

As of right now, there isn't much talk about how the family knew this roommate, where he came from, or under what circumstances he moved in.

By now the cops should at least know where he worked and gotten enough information to I.D. him and start hunting him down.

If the family simply ran an ad in the paper in order to get a roommate to help pay the bills, the sky's the limit on this one. There's no telling who this person may turn out to be.
But why would she have to report her 'missing' if she was just going to give her to the bio-dad? She could just do so, no problem.

When I posted this the FB family drama hadn't unfolded yet and I had little knowledge about the different families involved and their dynamics. My thought was - and that may still be the case- , the bio mom had moved the daughter out of the house for a reason. Perhaps the step father wasn't getting along with her or drugs or the opposite, he was getting along with her too well. In order to protect herself and the daughter she could
have made up a possible abduction and the light/stove/oil as false clues. However, she would have at least unlocked the door to make it look like an abduction. An oversight?

My thoughts now:

The idea of a roommate possibly abducting the girl or luring her out of the house would still require someone to lock the door behind them, unless the door can be locked without a key by just closing and engaging the lock.
However, that would not explain the story with the lights on-stove on-pan with oil. The girl would not watch him doing that. So, she would have had to be removed against her will, but the dog did not bark. Slim chance of that.

How about the bio father coming by and trying to take her with him? Same scenario like with roommate, plus the dog would bark. He is a stranger.

A stranger coming key, no break-in, no dog barking, turning the kitchen light on, turning on the stove and placing a pan with oil on top, then taking the girl?? No way.

The girl leaving/ sleepwalking? Who turned on the kitchen light, placed the pan with the oil on the stove and why? Who locked the door behind her? No.

I am leaving the stepfather out for now. I am more than surprised, that the stepfather didn't shout bloody murder during his first interview, that he didn't claim someone tried to kill them all with a burning pan of oil on the stove..!

Question is, did they leave the pan on the stove? ;--)

Whoever took the girl planned on burning the family in their sleep in order to cover up the crime, that seems rather obvious. If the lame attempt to start a fire and burn the house down had worked, it may have been 2, 3, 4 days before investigators realized a child was missing, and even then they may not be so sure.

This wasn't just a child abduction, it was an attempted murder as well..........of everybody in the house.
I'm sure there might be lack of certain information if some people involved aren't in the country legally. There might be some apprehension from people to divulge certain information. This could be some of the reason other scenarios are coming out.

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Also, is it possible Dianna started to stove to cook breakfast for herself or siblings and something outside distracted from the stove? Isn't there a mixed report where mom says no doors were unlocked but step-dad said one was.

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They believe an old roommate may have kidnapped her.

“He left like a month ago before this thing happened,” Diana’s stepfather says. “He said, ‘I’m going to move. I don’t have no more job here.”

Jimenez says they believe the man is about 25 or 26 years old. He lived with their family for a short period of time while he searched for work. They never noticed anything strange about him. The mom tells Four In Your Corner the last time they saw him was a week ago when he came back to the house to pick up some of his belongings.

When Diana mysteriously disappeared, her parents tried reaching out to the roommate. They say originally he didn’t answer their calls right away. When they finally got in touch with him he said he was in Orlando looking for work and didn’t know about Diana’s whereabouts.

The family apparently has no idea who this guy is.
I'm thinking that the pan of oil was on the stove but not on the burner?! That would kind of explain why it didn't automatically cause an oil fire.

I'm so on the fence about this one. I'm switching side to side. Just weird.

I hope you are fed, warm and happy Diana, wherever you are.
I'm thinking that the pan of oil was on the stove but not on the burner?! That would kind of explain why it didn't automatically cause an oil fire.

I'm so on the fence about this one. I'm switching side to side. Just weird.

I hope you are fed, warm and happy Diana, wherever you are.

I feel the same way. And I think it's because the step mom is talking to reporters, and so is the step dad and the mom and it's just making it confusing. Doesn't LE tell family to stay away from reporting and/or social media?
I feel the same way. And I think it's because the step mom is talking to reporters, and so is the step dad and the mom and it's just making it confusing. Doesn't LE tell family to stay away from reporting and/or social media?

Sometimes they do tell family to stay away. Other times people just dig a hole so big, they can't get put.

I do feel bad for the family if they are totally innocent. Having your whole life under a microscope. Can't be easy.
This isn't said critically, from working with many Hispanics they are very warm and receptive to helping out other Hispanics who are in need of help. It is amazing how many people they can gather together under one roof in a time of need.
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