FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #1

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SATSUMA &#8212; More than 130 searchers on land and in water scoured southern Putnam County Tuesday, unable to find a 5-year-old Satsuma girl who had gone missing from her bed.

While distraught family members and friends waited, officers from local and state agencies as well as the FBI looked for Haleigh Ann-Marie Cummings, searching neighbors&#8217; homes and any vehicles leaving the neighborhood on the east bank of the St. Johns River.

By late afternoon, there was still no sign of the blonde girl last seen wearing underwear and a pink shirt. Authorities said she was last seen about 10 p.m. Monday when she went to bed.

Investigators are not ruling out an abduction but have not made that a prime focus.

&#8220;At this point we&#8217;re not really sure,&#8221; said detective John Merchant of the Putnam County Sheriff&#8217;s Office. &#8220;It could be an abduction. &#8230; We&#8217;re looking at it from all different angles.&#8221;

Deju-vu this reminds me of the Jessica Lunsford case. I hope if they search these sex offenders homes the look in every closet!
This is not good. I know that children have been found several days after they went missing, hungry, cold and banged up from tree branches and such but she would have had to walk out of the area with the homes to get into any deep woods from looking at the google map. It was dark outside so it was not like she could just take off a running and get to far away. How far can a five year old travel on foot at night with no real good idea of the area around her. A teenage would be a different story because they would be more aware of the area, quickest routes to a main road, places to hide etc.

If the father says she was scarred of dark then she didn't go out on her own and if she was in a room with another child how is that someone could get in and take only her out without anyone the other one hearing something.

I hope I'm wrong but I really don't have a good feeling about this.
Deju-vu this reminds me of the Jessica Lunsford case. I hope if they search these sex offenders homes the look in every closet!
Gosh, I was gonna say the same thing, but I didnt want to even type it out. I think there is more to the 19/17 yr old caregiver than there was to poor Jessie Lunford's grandparents.
Too many young people,
too scattered around,
too many kids to manage.
Too many mouths to feed?????
Gosh, I was gonna say the same thing, but I didnt want to even type it out. I think there is more to the 19/17 yr old caregiver than there was to poor Jessie Lunford's grandparents.
Too many young people,
too scattered around,
too many kids to manage.
Too many mouths to feed?????

Me, three. Jessica immediately came to my mind when I read about Haleigh.
I hope for a happy ending...the facts so far don't look so great. :(
Jessica's case is in the back of my mind as well. And there are alot of SO's in the area. According to the neighbor they woke people up and searched inside their houses. I hope it was a complete search. I'm still stuck on the neighbors account of the search dogs going straight to the end of the doc and that prompting the search of the water.
I couldnt sleep in my bed, with a child next to me and not hear her get up and go out the door. NO WAY. I am not a light or heavy sleeper, I just sleep. Maybe if I was under the influence of alcohol, maybe, but I wouldnt be with my child there...A trailer, that trailer makes noise when you walk, I'm sure. A 17/19 year old would think her beloved is home, and get her buns up to see...
I need to stop. If they find that child in the water, I will have the worst guilty conscience. I hate to draw conclusions, but I feel like something isn't right here....Maybe it is just the age of the girl, and the fact that she is responsible for these young kids....
This all doesnt sound good, praying this little girl is found safe!
It is difficult to know what to think on this one. If the father has an alibi from work until after she was found to be missing, he is pretty much in the clear. The girlfriend on the other hand has no alibi here since she was alone with the children.

Did I understand it correctly that they waited 45 minutes before they called 911 together? Did the girlfriend call the father at work immediately when she found the girl missing?

The girlfriend claims that the door was unlocked and when the father gets home he said the door was open? (It was also stated the father said the door had been forced open, but LE seems to deny this.)

The dogs going to the end of the dock is very troubling to me, too. Two possible scenarios: She went into the water (involuntarily/accidently) or someone took her onto a boat.
I am also concerned about the dogs going to the dock!!! I'm going to continue sleuthing again now...had to stop for awhile.
Does anyone know how far this dock is from the home? I still have trouble thinking a 5 year old, alone at night would be able to travel to far without becoming so frightened that they would just not sit down and start crying. Especially if it is true that she is afraid of the dark. Daytime, yes I could very well see a little one just wondering about and be able to get a good distance from the home. At night?
When he walked into the Green Lane mobile home, Cummings said the rear door was open and his girlfriend was up, frantic that Haleigh was missing. The two had been sleeping in the same bed.

What? She was "frantic" the child was missing and did not call 911?! For how long?

I cannot imagine what else I do besides panic, call 911 and start searching.
The dad says someone took his daughter out of his bed....was the gf sleeping with the 2 kids?? Or, did she put the kids to bed and stay up waiting for dad to get home?? Or, is she saying that someone took Haleigh out of bed with her and she didn't wake up??

SATSUMA, FL -- As the last few hours of searching wind down, a helicopter equipped with infrared does its last few sweeps looking for any signs of Haleigh Cummings

"This is my heart and somebody stole my heart from me," says Haleigh's father, Ronald Cummings.

Detectives say they are covering all bases, from interviewing sex offenders and predators, to searching with blood hounds. Still, no leads have surfaced as to what actually happened with Haleigh.

"We don't where Haleigh's at. We have no suspect, information, we're not focusing on any person of interest now. It is truly a who-done-it. That means whether it's an abduction, or homicide, or if she wandered off ," says Major Gary Bowling with the Putnam Co. Sheriff's Office.
I felt the same way when it came over HLN during Caylee memorial.
I hear that she was in bed with a two years old and Haleigh.
You mean to tell me someone came in the room and took this child out bed.
My grandson when he spent the night sleep in a room next to mind and i wake up when i hear his little feet hit the floor. I hope we are wrong. but something is not right.
I just read a couple of articles... I"m sorry, the girlfriend said the door was unlocked. Who in this day and age doesn't lock their doors anymore? Hinkey meter way high on this off the start. How do you find a child missing at 3:30 am unless that child always wakes up around then? Most children sleep very well by that age.

And the Amber Alert however useful, is ineffective in this case and didn't meet all the necessary criteria to release one. Although I'm not against any alerts for missing children, there's no suspect discription, no vehicle, no tag number, etc....

I just don't think this is a stranger abduction case. I hope I am wrong. I pray to God I am completely wrong and she's found quickly. Poor child. My goodness.

I felt the same way when it came over HLN during Caylee memorial.
I hear that she was in bed with a two years old and Haleigh.
You mean to tell me someone came in the room and took this child out bed.
My grandson when he spent the night sleep in a room next to mind and i wake up when i hear his little feet hit the floor. I hope we are wrong. but something is not right.
I am going to bed and praying that this not another child missing and dead. My heart goes out to state of flordia. Is this not second child missing I had not heard anything about the little boys that was missing a couple weeks ago.
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