FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #10

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We are only supposed to be discussing pertinent things here about George and KFN (not the A fam).

I have asked Marc K. (on his thread) to please take the father under his wing to steer him and the family towards legitimate groups for support. For the father to keep the lines of communication open with LE if he has nothing to hide is imperative and Marc K.'s advice is on target.

KFN is not a legitimate group, imo, and since George has aligned himself with them in the search for Haleigh...we are free to discuss what their motives are here. This is not bashing because it does pertain directly to this case.
Glad you said that.... I was about to say something and it might have gotten me a time out LOL.... Above all...we are all allowed to respectfully disagree without the namecalling I was reading a few pages back. Thanks for your eloquent way of putting it SS.

I too hope that Marc can get down there and steer that young family away from KFN. They are so very vulnerable, in my opinion...
I sent GSreporters a message via Twitter that if they are embedded with TES, pictures are not allowed. Just fyi, don't know if it will help.
We are only supposed to be discussing pertinent things here about George and KFN (not the A fam).

I have asked Marc K. (on his thread) to please take the father under his wing to steer him and the family towards legitimate groups for support. For the father to keep the lines of communication open with LE if he has nothing to hide is imperative and Marc K.'s advice is on target.

KFN is not a legitimate group, imo, and since George has aligned himself with them in the search for Haleigh...we are free to discuss what their motives are here. This is not bashing because it does pertain directly to this case.

Precisely! I can see no good coming out of the A's involvement here. It will only further complicate an already complicated matter.
Have mixed feelings re A's role there. I think they could be more helpful--and credible--had they helped to look for their own gd, or cooperated fully w LE or had they themselves been totally cleared or never considered immunity. My heart goes out to GA, but I think it's honestly too soon to be of real assistance--much less comfort--to anybody else. And while I understand the desire to want to somehow turn a tragedy into a triumph, we need to first pass our own "test" before we can ever hope to share a "testimony" w others. More important than rallying against the media, the family here needs to be rallying AROUND LE. And rather than contributing to more of a circus-like atmosphere, offering heartfelt prayers, or donating to TES eg, might be the humblest, most effective way of helping. Of course, JMO.

Very well said and I agree. I do think a lot of posters are feeling there is something strange or off about the A's being there, like they are trying to prove(more using this family than genuinely trying to help) how KC could be innocent and how their own GD's 'abduction' could have happened the same way. JMO
Oh, yes, definitely....or so we can hope. Hard to quit some of those heavy duty ones - heroin, meth, etc....IF in fact he actually uses. That GBH/ gf comment was just pure speculation...although, sometimes having no record of drug probs from 2002 to present could mean he's just more careful and hasn't been caught lately.....sorry for being negative.

Notice my sarcastic "cleaned up a bit." LOL I doubt completely but prolly not dealing or trafficking, at least I hope not...
Very well said and I agree. I do think a lot of posters are feeling there is something strange or off about the A's being there, like they are trying to prove(more using this family than genuinely trying to help) how KC could be innocent and how their own GD's 'abduction' could have happened the same way. JMO

If this turns out the way I think it will, I think it will help the Anthony's understand how people who can seem so normal can do bad things..
I think they are giving back, and that is a good thing..
I have to defend the g/f not calling 911 for 27 minutes. Unless you have been a crime victim or read WS most people don't realize what a dangerous world that we live in or the evil in some people. When waking up, seeing the light on, checking the house, checking on the kids, your mind doesn't immediately comprehend what may have just happened to you that changes your life forever. Especially at 17 with limited life experience, you just don't expect some people to be cruel. I hope phone records will be able to give us a little more info but for right now I will defend the g/f's actions. I have a 17 year old and I can't imagine her living with a man and being mom to his 2 children. I would imagine her first phone call would be to me to ask what she should do before even thinking about calling 911 because who would ever imagine something the horrible to wake up to.

While I agree I can't imagine most 17 yo's doing what she's doing and for sure can't imagine them doing it well, if anyone were to wake up, find a light on, a door propped open and a child missing. I can't imagine them not calling 911. In an emergency time changes, after placing a call and waiting for help it seems like an eternity, when in fact only minutes have gone by. That 27 minutes, alone in that house would have seemed like forever.

My daughter was 4 or 5, I was sitting in my living room watching a movie (my dd was playing with her toys, in the same room behind me) in the middle of the day, all the kids in the neighborhood were playing in my yard. I realizes my dd was no longer in the room. My 11 yo son came in I asked him what his lil sis was doing, he hadn't seen her. With in 2 minutes everyone was looking for my little girl. Just before calling LE I went and looked in my BR, there she was, for God only knows what reason she had decided to take a bath, didn't tell me and she had fallen asleep in the tub so she didn't hear me calling. The water was still warn, so I know she hadn't been there long.

Less than 5 minutes of searching in broad day lite had gone by. If she had not been in that BR, I would have been calling 911.
"All the sex offenders have been interviewed and their residences have been searched," said Putnam County Sheriff Jeff Hardy. "They're cleared as far as us contacting them and speaking to them."

They are only cleared insofar that all of them have been talked to and their homes searched. I did not take that to mean they were completely cleared...

You would be correct. ;) They are only "cleared" as far as LE has contacted them. They are not cleared as possible suspects yet.

Thanks for this info. I only saw where it was said the SO's were cleared...not the whole statement in it's entirety. Thanks so much for the clarification.
Exactly....these people don't take too kindly to being narced on. No matter how long it takes...they will get theirs. Hmm, bless that poor lil girl.

Ronald Cummings: “they better bring f’ing something out here- because if I get my hands on that mother f’er I’m going to kill him…I don’t give a f%*)@# about prison…mother F’ing prison doesn’t scare me

Before we had the drug info, this part of dads 911 recording seemed odd to me... like he was talking about someone, someone specific, someone who thinks dad is afraid of prison?
wow, the LE does use the word 'cleared' with the SO's. At least all of the cooperated and allowed LE to search all their properties. Goodness, this poor child.

Actually, on HLN this morning, a reporter asked specifically if LE had done searches of the insides of the SO's home and he answered NO.

He mentioned that they were cleared by knowing their whereabouts & doing interviews.

I think LE should have legal open access to any SOs property, especially when a child goes missing.
What I first noticed about the gf Misty is that when the reporter asked her what happened, she closed her eyes when telling her story, the exact same way that Susan Smith did. Not saying this means she is guilty of anything, it's just the first thing that struck me about her. moo
Originally Posted by nursebeeme
did you guys notice that all of the drug charges were on the same day? So the dude had coke, maryjane, meth, opium, etc etc...at the same time! Does that sound like a user or a dealer to you guys?
Neebee~ I think we jump to a lot of conclusions when we see this on someone's rap sheet. However, since he isn't incarcerated for all those drugs...maybe they were not his, maybe he was in a home where they were found, or maybe a lot of different scenarios took place at that time we are not privy to yet. We have to look at other possibilities. Maybe they were the bio moms drugs? Who knows?! I am not willing to say he snitched on someone, was selling drugs for some Mexican cartel, or any of the above without knowing why he didn't serve some serious time for those charges.
Ronald Cummings: “they better bring f’ing something out here- because if I get my hands on that mother f’er I’m going to kill him…I don’t give a f%*)@# about prison…mother F’ing prison doesn’t scare me

Before we had the drug info, this part of dads 911 recording seemed odd to me... like he was talking about someone, someone specific, someone who thinks dad is afraid of prison?

I think he was really upset and saying that to try and get the police to the house as fast as possible. If the police were to think he would possibly kill someone if he found them, they'd get there faster.
One would have to guess that LE must have a pretty good lead/idea and not just sitting no nothing as there hasn't been a substantial presser in quite a while....
Ronald Cummings: “they better bring f’ing something out here- because if I get my hands on that mother f’er I’m going to kill him…I don’t give a f%*)@# about prison…mother F’ing prison doesn’t scare me.”

Before we had the drug info, this part of dads 911 recording seemed odd to me... like he was talking about someone, someone specific, someone who thinks dad is afraid of prison?

You know what's really bothering me about this? He assumes she is definitely kidnapped and not 'lost' or wandering. I'm not sure I'd jump to that conclusion. My mind as a parent would be screaming for me to think of every other alternative possible and not a kidnapping.

This - his reaction - would not be my response for a 911 call at all. It would only be my response IF my child is found with a kidnapper or dead. Why immediately is he stressing she's with someone he'd have to kill?

In my gut, I am feeling he has played this up too much on the 911 call. My hinkey remains high!
Ronald is a hunter.(did I understand this correctly?) I wonder if there are any nearby areas where he's been known to hunt, either alone or with a buddy.
ITA with you the A's really don't need to be inserting themselves into this case.[/QUOTE

No way no how should they be interfering. There are plenty of family members and friends around for support. The A's did not do an exactly "bang up" job in their own case. Other than handing out flyers, I can't imagine what they can contribute at all. I hope they're not collecting donations again.
Anybody think we should have a separate thread for questions that need answering? I know I've got a bunch swirling around in my head...and I'm skeered I'll forget 'em.
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