FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #14

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Doesn't really elaborate. Just said he no longer wants to talk to the media.
I smell a lawyer lurking about....sniff sniff

I respect your opinion Carrington. I had a different interpretation when I heard that though. I am wondering if LE has talked to the family about "the items of interest" and the direction this investigation may change if it changes.

It would make sense to me that the LE would prepare the family for a change in the investigation prior to a press conference.

Just a thought.

grandma has done a 180 in my opinion, although I think the G/F may be involved or responsible, it seems to me that Grandma might have been told by LE that G/F is not a suspect or that she passed poly....She sure seems to want to apologize badly, FACE TO FACE...Why would you unless you made statements that were wrong...Or maybe an attack of conscience all of the sudden which I suppose is possible as well

I just read this from a blogger there~

Blogger wrote:
According to this article the scent disappeared at the railroad tracks... and the other article says that one of the leads that the police got stated that someone saw two men walking along the railroad tracks in south putnam with a little girl that matches Haleigh's description, and that they saw them get into a pickup... Can we get a decrription so that maybe we can keep a look out.. It's hard to find something when you dont know what you are looking for... This sounds like a pretty likely lead to me!
Ok, wild theory:

Dad leaves for work and something happens between Misty and Haleigh. (Haleigh won't eat whatever Misty made, won't go to bed, wet her pants, whatever). Hayleigh leaves on foot, is going to "run away to mom's". (Of course we know that children can't successfully run away, but kids at that age often pull that little drama...I know I did.) Anyway, Misty chases her down to the railroad tracks and strikes/injures her. Misty panics and calls *someone* to come help. This person then takes Haleigh's body in their vehicle to dispose of her.

Misty goes home and has many hours to concoct her story and set up the cinderblock red herring. This would explain her being awake (when she usually isn't) when Ron arrives home, yet she hasn't called LE yet. It would also explain the dogs following her scent to the tracks.

The "items" found could be a bag of random things that Haleigh was taking to her mom's, her shoes, etc.

It would explain a lot of things, but there is one major problem...the someone. I cant even find someone to halp me move a couch, let alone a child's body. Does gf know anyone that would offer her that type of assistance in a close enough area to get there fast?
I disagree with what you are saying about the father here. His history is in the past (2002) and even if it still on his record...we do not know the circumstances of the charges or why he was not incarcerated for them. We do not know if he has any connection to drugs currently.

He is providing the children with a decent home, leaving them in the care of someone he felt was responsible, putting food on the table, and from all the photos I have seen of Haleigh...providing a happy childhood. The odds are and have been stacked against him since they were born, but he appears to have been actively working towards taking care of his kids.

He isn't a deadbeat father. I feel he is getting a bad rap for his past and the behavior when he found out she was missing. He might be a very good person underneath it all and very loving towards his children.

I totally agree! This man has a job and he cared enough to fight a custody battle when he sensed the mother wasn't able to take care of his children. Something a lot of men wouldn't bother to do. He's been careful not to trash the bio mom, which I find admirable considering their mudslinging in his direction. He's got a lot of rough edges, but I'm willing to not condemn someone just because they don't live or act like me.
I just read this from a blogger there~

Blogger wrote:
According to this article the scent disappeared at the railroad tracks... and the other article says that one of the leads that the police got stated that someone saw two men walking along the railroad tracks in south putnam with a little girl that matches Haleigh's description, and that they saw them get into a pickup... Can we get a decrription so that maybe we can keep a look out.. It's hard to find something when you dont know what you are looking for... This sounds like a pretty likely lead to me!

My thing with these "two guys and a truck" is that IF LE thought it serious at all...we would have a description of the truck and it would be much bigger news.
From interviews and video of the scene, has anyone seen this van at all? This is Lindsy's van from her myspace page.


Misty's interview:
I put her to bed in her blanket and my blanket. My blanket was in the van that they took. So we had a blanket hanging on the window and I had to wash that and her blanket. Her blanket, was - her blanket she had peed on the blanket the night before I guess and I was gonna put it on her but it smelled like pee so I washed the blanket and I gave her a little sheet to cover up with and she fell asleep and I come in there and put her blanket on her and then I lay down...

I wonder if Misty is talking about Lindsy and Tommy's van. It's possible the van was at the house when the brother and cousins were there that afternoon.

And I'm wondering if LE took it into evidence.

How can we find out?
I can't believe that people are jumping to conclusions and looking for an excuse to blame George Anthony because the Dad said he's no longer speaking to the media. Maybe he believes his girlfriend and is getting annoyed by seeing her (and his entire extended family) dissed and judged. I don't know enough about this case to know if Misty is hiding something nor do ANY of us yet. The different stories we're hearing from different outlets could very well be a misunderstanding at this point. We just don't know yet. It's suspicious, but not a sign of guilt without other evidence.
I just read this from a blogger there~

Blogger wrote:
According to this article the scent disappeared at the railroad tracks... and the other article says that one of the leads that the police got stated that someone saw two men walking along the railroad tracks in south putnam with a little girl that matches Haleigh's description, and that they saw them get into a pickup... Can we get a decrription so that maybe we can keep a look out.. It's hard to find something when you dont know what you are looking for... This sounds like a pretty likely lead to me!

Waaay back in thread - was mentioned- & someone said was definitely ruled out as being involved.
It would explain a lot of things, but there is one major problem...the someone. I cant even find someone to halp me move a couch, let alone a child's body. Does gf know anyone that would offer her that type of assistance in a close enough area to get there fast?

Her brother who lives right thru the woods? :waitasec:
Maybe granny was making the kids food, i wouldn't bother dissecting that pic

Aunt said Haleigh got a camera for Christmas and loved it.........bet some odd but loving family photos are taken by Haleigh........my 6 yo G child takes photos of me doing the stupidest things, yet I cherish every photo she takes.......even if it's making biscuits..............
I'm surprised people are judging him for cursing on the 911 call. If I was just told my child was missing, I'd be cursing with urgency and helplessness too. Granted, I understand the importance of the questions they were asking, my mind would be going so fast it would be difficult for me to breathe and take that step back to answer. I'd definitely need someone helping me.
I think the fact that he called his childrens caregiver and supposedly his future wife a "dumb bitc!" was difficult to listen to. I couldnt imagine anyone I loved under ANY circumstances saying that to me. It makes some of us wonder if he is an abusive person in general, which, in turn, makes some of us wonder what else goes n in the home.
Well if it proves to be accurate that the A's advised this family not to give the media interviews then it would indicate to me that the A's might have learned a lesson after all...just sayin'.
I smell George Anthony all over this. Thanks alot "Bud". Not!!!!
You know, not everyone, not every parent that has a child missing is guilty of something. Unlike this case, it's totally different than Caylee's. George needs to stop and get emotional help and support somewhere else. He's not even healed to be giving advice, like they did right in helping located their very own grandaughters disappearance. No they didn't. They were combative towards LE, the media and the public from the very onset. It's a shame for any innocent non criminal thinking mind to believe this is the right route to take in such a case.

Role Models Ed Smart, Mark Lunsford, John Walsh, Mark Klaas on and on, this is how it's done.

I announce!!! Law Enforcement is not the enemy!!! They are there to serve and protect. To help citizens in times of need. They are doing their jobs. I can't begin to express how this upsets me. The family not giving interviews, interprets into not cooperating period in my book of school of thought. If you aren't guilty of wrong doing, anything and everything needs to be done to find Haleigh. Not ignore the public, not push away the media, the public and LE. Foolish and very bad advice to the Father.

This is where education plays its role in matters. This is why parents being educated matters when it comes to raising kids and running a safe environment for children to grow up in. Ugh!!!!!

I am confused by your statements. How does not speaking to media equal not cooperationg or speaking to LE???
I may not be understanding what you mean, but to me, since the media has already heard everything the dad knows, is there more to tell that won't lead to further "bashing"? However, talking to LE will of course be helpful in whatever they want to ask or know.
I understand dad says no MEDIA interviews. Nothing said about no LE interviews. Or did I miss that?
I just read this from a blogger there~

Blogger wrote:
According to this article the scent disappeared at the railroad tracks... and the other article says that one of the leads that the police got stated that someone saw two men walking along the railroad tracks in south putnam with a little girl that matches Haleigh's description, and that they saw them get into a pickup... Can we get a decrription so that maybe we can keep a look out.. It's hard to find something when you dont know what you are looking for... This sounds like a pretty likely lead to me!
but later on in the thread someone says this happened before Haleigh was reported missing. The sighting was 2 days off IIRC
I just read this from a blogger there~

Blogger wrote:
According to this article the scent disappeared at the railroad tracks... and the other article says that one of the leads that the police got stated that someone saw two men walking along the railroad tracks in south putnam with a little girl that matches Haleigh's description, and that they saw them get into a pickup... Can we get a decrription so that maybe we can keep a look out.. It's hard to find something when you dont know what you are looking for... This sounds like a pretty likely lead to me!

If I remember correctly the police checked that out and it was a dead end.
I was using the Putman Criminal Dockets to see what I could find.
Bio mom's dad has quite a rap sheet.







I would really like to know what "Jr." is saying about that night. Dinner, baths, watchin' TV - whatever. IMO I don't think gf "did anything" to Haleigh. It has been said from BOTH camps that the children spoke well of her and loved her very much - so no - if any "discipline" was laid down IMO it came from dad. He showed his "anger" and rage that very first night.

I totally agree. In fact, the joy in Haleigh's face in many of those pictures is a complete contrast to many of the photos I've seen of Caylee Anthony- she did not appear to be an inherently happy child.

And again- there's a middle class family with numerous skeletons in their closet.

FWIW, Just because many pictures don't show a smiling joyful Caylee doesn't mean she wasn't a happy child. Imo, two very different circumstances and scenarios. Caylee basically being raised by much older grandparents and an only child. Just from my observation, only children and children being raised by older parents or grandparents tend to be more serious. I think Caylee was just more serious having spent most of her short life with adults and apparently little time socializing with children her age, or near her age.

I said last night I thought this could be a hoax for the REWARD $$$ and still think there's a slight chance but in another post before I signed off (re: Tom's comments) I said "RANSOM" by mistake so if anyone saw that post only please disregard..Thanks!
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