FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #19

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Typing this fast. Just found the landlord for 202 green is the same for 212 Monroe, Kyle John SO! Donald and Phyllis Bard

I think this sleuthing of names, comparable and relative need to either be called in, e-mailed because they are important enough to bring to Le attention. These are good solid leads, for their is connections. This family only recently moved into this rental property, thus causing them to come into contact, meet, new people which could have placed them on someone's radar screen like a SO, and now we can confirm and connect this being so.

Once you start having alot of coincidences, it changes to not being so coincidental. Good supereme job of sleuthing, these warrant a mention to LE.
Donal Bard owns these properties
202 Green Ln
102 Hoover Ln
104 Hoover Ln
200 Monroe Av
201 Monroe Av
212 Monroe Av Kyle Johns lives here
103 Buchanan Cir

Mods We need sub forums.. please with a cherry on top

This child could be stowed away at any of these locations!!
I had to add dad back in when I heard about the school thing. It's really bugging me. For all we know no one, other than Ron and Misty have seen Haleigh for good week.

What school thing? What did I miss. I have nothing about school
And if all of your bedding in the house is dirty, then wouldn't you go out to the van and get the clean one out? And who's van and who are "they"?
OK I was thinking she was telling 3 different scenarios in one. They would be LE. Now I am not so sure.
Where is the landfill for this area? I'm sorry everyone, but someone should get there fast. Seems like a 17 yr old would "trash" evidence if she had little time, or even ample time, and didn't want anyone finding out. If ahe isnt in the h2o, or septic, or woods, or home, she is in......

The landfills in that area are opened & have workers who tell you where to put your trash.They're only open such & such days & when they are open they have certain hours you can drop trash off. Many have cameras.
I remember he said his phone was ringing as he was driving up to the house. I don't know if she had one though or if they had a computer. Maybe she's using one belonging to a family member?

Well, I use cell but instead of a traditional landline, I use VOIP.
While i didn't see the pressor,i do know that TES was supposed to search for Nicole Vanzant this weekend also so maybe thats why they are leaving after today. Don't know.
I still don't think the father's involved, but boy, watching Misty at that Vigil... something is definately not "right" with her... whether it's drugs, guilt or some kind of "disability" I just haven't quite decided.

Is there a link where I can see the vigil video....I have looked and can't find one that is active.
Correct me if I'm wrong.....

RC moved into this house Oct 08?
RC has "been with" MC for 4-5 months.
MC's brother lives around the corner.

Did RC meet MC when he moved into this house or sometime immediately thereafter?

Has MC been living with RC for 30 days? Could that be the reason for the interest in the entire 30 day period leading up to Haleigh being gone?

Just a thought.........

Very interesting. After watching that part of the presser with the 30 day "going back" timeline, my own opinion was that nothing was found near the abduction site, and when he mentioned looking into the people who "had been around" (my words), Kaleigh that that was next on there list.(IMO).

I know they said everyone is a suspect, and they certainly are not giving us much information, but this was telling to me as far as it could be bringing the focus on the family and friends again.
I think we all need to learn to trust our instincts. There has only been one case discussed here on WS's in which our first instincts turned out to be wrong in the last few years, that I know of. It was Elizabeth Smart. Luckily, she was found and no one in her home was involved.

When you think of it, it's pretty good odds. However, unfortunately we learn patterns of behavior from these cases, and usually they don't change that much. 95% of children who are murdered are murdered by someone in their own home.:mad:
And if all of your bedding in the house is dirty, then wouldn't you go out to the van and get the clean one out? And who's van and who are "they"?

That's the thing, if one blanket is dirty and another is hanging somewhere and you wash both of them, and there is one in the van, why not get the one out of the van and use it for the kids? Why is her blanket in the van?

The door not being broken into or the lock is bigger issue in my mind. LE will have to go over the entire trailer to see is someone came in and left any dirt hair any prints, DNA, behind. But Ron said it was locked and so did GF, so how is it open but the lock isn't broken or the door damaged? See it doesn't add up, unless she wasn't home or was outside and left the door open herself.
The landfills in that area are opened & have workers who tell you where to put your trash.They're only open such & such days & when they are open they have certain hours you can drop trash off. Many have cameras.
Unfortunately, this is a very small community. There are no cameras and probably have no way to determine where the garbage went after it was dumped. :( GF did mention they used the back door to "take the garbage out". (I did not see any signs of them using that area at all.) I didn't see a dumpster or garbage cans there. I did see one in the front by the bikes.
not going to discuss with family all the leads. Have not talked to Chad Reynolds. They are aware of the missing SO. Do not believe he has any relation to Hayleigh.
Just as positive today as the first day. FBI is sticking with them to the end.

Just not sending searchers out to make a show.. They knew that they would have to scale back if they did not find anything.

***The above notes were taken from the presser****

this tells me they don't want a circus like the one which surrounded the Annthony case. jmo
And if all of your bedding in the house is dirty, then wouldn't you go out to the van and get the clean one out? And who's van and who are "they"?
I thought it was her brother's van and it wasn't still there at the house. MOO
They will not release if she was at school..present and accounted for...on Monday.

And why want they respond to the publics questioning this? Why? What possible motive or reason could they have in not revealing that publically? Do they want the father and gf to think LE has taken their word on her school day on Monday and not reveal to them that they are aware she wasn't in school as to not upset the apple cart? The less knowledge LE has, the more the person feels safe and secure in their alibis and stories given to them.

Pressuring them too early on could backfire, meaning lawyering up, not cooperating, plus they tend to get cocky, start believing their own lies and mistakes soon follow.
I think if LE did drug test all - they (LE) would most likely "overlook" a dirty test if it was JUST WEED. Pot smokers exclusively - meaning that is ALL the drugs they do and the ONLY drugs they do - these types are usually very non-violent personalities.

But, if a dirty test also INCLUDES meth, coke, crack - ANYTHING much more serious - that's who they are looking at.

Swag, please refer to my post below. It is for this reason that I believe LE would "not" overlook weed. It's a mellower relaxant...they would not get a proper reading on a poly if they were interviewing somebody that had smoked weed. Also, depending on it's area of origination, age, and if it's in pure form or had been soaked/marinaded in something heavy (like kerosene), the person tested might either not remember something or even think the remember something that really didn't even happen...all the while staying mellow and calm...therefore promoting a decent poly.

SS, I'm pulling this over from the last thread. Really gave to go - fam is screaming for me...

SS, bold by me. Hi This is the same thing I'm thinking. Quick question, and please don't get angry with me for suggesting this...I just posted something on the astrology thread. I wonder if LE did a drug test on her. Perhaps that could explain the reason for giving two polygraphs. I'm thinking that if perhaps she smoked a little bit of weed (or took another relaxant), then her peaks & dips might not be read correctly, b/c she could actually believe what she was saying or answering to be truthful. I know you said you don't think drugs were involved, but something in me is saying it shouldn't be omitted altogether. If no drug testing was performed, then they might not ever know since some drugs leave the system after 3 days. I'm not even sure that I actually believe MC is involved, but I can't rule it out yet. Some things just don't add up in my eyes...like the light in the kitchen for instance. Heck, maybe she thought she turned it off before she went to bed, but actually forgot, therefore the light would still have been on when she got up to tinkle. The cinderblock really bothers me. The fact that 911 wasn't called right away bothers me. I found that neither bio fam is great and can't help but worry that little Haleigh is no longer with us. The poor baby didn't have a chance. Both bio mom and dad seem to have gotten themselves together, but with the drugs that were involved in their past, I find it hard to believe that they're 100% off of them. Meth is a very serious drug, as well as GHB. I look at the age bio dad was when caught, and that could explain everything, especially with given the area they lived in. It's consumed with drugs. Just search demographics for those areas. If you have a problem, and you seem to overcome it, why live in an area that's surrounded with the same problems that you seem to have overcome? This is why my mind can't get rid of the thought. Please help me on this question. Do you, or would you, know if LE would have done a drug test on either MC or RC (or bio mom for that matter)? Something just doesn't add up to me. Yes, I feel as though a SO could be involved...I just wonder if it's also related or acquainted with a member of the family or group of friends. Thanks so much SS!
According to a report i just read police have moved their command operations to the Putnam County Emergency Operations Center and that the ground search is going to be scaled back unless they get new eveidence. I hope they dont give up.
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