FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #19

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Bolded by me....
I agree with this. We know she was abused in the past, and I think she is probably scared of angering biodad, and being abused again. I thik we saw his temper during the 911 calls. Of course, maybe he was just reacting to his child missing and it isn't the norm, but I would not be surprised for it to come out that he ws abusive to gf.
ITA. I realize that biodad was upset, scared, whatever during the 911 call, but those F*bombs just flew out of his mouth fast and furious. That was my first thought, Kiddos, when I heard it, about gf probably being abused by him. We all know that, unfortunate as it is, some people continue to choose the same kinds of partners time after time. If she was in an abusive relationship before it stands to reason and backed up by statistics, that she probably is/will be again.
They can do hair tests now and those go back over a year - IIRC and are much more accurate and can separate specific drugs and possibly even amount ingested.

I knew a person that was urine tested twice a week for coke, your right thou about the hair.
I wish we could get some definate, accurate info on the case.

1. School attendance records
2. Guaranteed witness to when she was last seen
3. gf poly...pass or not
4. drug testing
5. did ac guy see Hayleigh

and I know there is so much more that could be helpful
Originally Posted by Patience
Yes you are on to something with the Sapp connection. If we could somehow confirm that Guy Sapp is landlord/owner of Haleigh's home. Is Guy Sapp also landlord/owner of 116 Tyler Street and a relative of Donald Sapp who apparently lives there and is a sex offender. If this is the case then there is a good chance that Misty and Ron would call the landlord about the AC needing to be fixed. Could Donald of been the maintance person for Haleigh's home?
It is certainly worth exploring. Good theory.
Since I wasn't around for the beginning of Caylee's case, my brother died when the case first started, how long was it before Caylee had a forum of her own?

Great Question??? It took me two months to find this site. So I wasn't here in the beginning.
What if that baby got into Gf drugs:furious:

Oh yes, this could be it and the blanket needed washed because baby puked on it or died. Could any family member help cover up because they all have had trouble with LE and drugs, etc!!
Not sure if this is significant or not.

No one in the family has lawyered up that we are aware of. This maybe due to LE design, they don't realize that they are suspects.

I think it is important to note that almost every member of these families has had "interaction" w/ LE. Yet, as far as we know they are working w/ them when one might assume they might have a lot of resentment toward LE.
Don't you think that they would want to make this family as comfortable as possible, and allow them back in the home asap?? That they are keeping them out tells me a lil something. I wish the dang twitter reporterwould say he saw a luminol test, or SOME activity in that home. They are keeping them out for a reason.
I have NEVER seen them "hold" a residence while the victim's family were sleeping in a tent or a hotel for this long. As a matter of fact...I have never heard of LE being able to "hold" a residence period. This is a new one on me. Anyone else?!
Another scenario? Haleigh & Jr. in bed @ 8 pm. Misty getting ready to turn in @ 10pm, Haleigh wakes up wet & comes to Misty for help w/ wet bedding. (The bedwetting could have been just an occasional thing, supposedly never happened when she stayed w/ bio mom, but not there very often-) Misty, tired irritable,resentful, whacks or shoves Haleigh, somehow causing fractured skull or broken neck, goes unconscious but still breathing a little - "I covered her with a little sheet" too freaked out to know what to do - washes the blankets - in the meantime Haleigh dies - So if Jr. aware of anything might have thought she was just sleeping - But I sure can't think of how Misty could have had it together enough to dispose of a body real well -
Yes you are on to something with the Sapp connection. If we could somehow confirm that Guy Sapp is landlord/owner of Haleigh's home. Is Guy Sapp also landlord/owner of 116 Tyler Street and a relative of Donald Sapp who apparently lives there and is a sex offender. If this is the case then there is a good chance that Misty and Ron would call the landlord about the AC needing to be fixed. Could Donald of been the maintance person for Haleigh's home?

The owner of the [Cummings] Haleighs home is a differnt person.
The owner of the mobil home that HaLeigh lived in also owns 6 others in the same 'park'.
Bard Donald + Phyllis H/W
102 Hoover Ln
104 Hoover Ln
200 Monroe Av
201 Monroe Av
212 Monroe Av Kyle S. Johns lives here.
103 Buchanan Cir

This address shows under whitepages for him so I believe this is his own place and he may not rent it out.
Donald Bard 201 Monroe Ave. Satsuma. Fl 32819

I have his other addres in PA as well as phone and cell number plus email address.
I know it is possible to track a specific cellphone based on pings to the tower. I'm wondering if it is possible to get a reading of *all* cellphones that were in a specific area at a given time. seems everyone, even criminals, love those cellphones and if authorities could get a list of all cell phones that were in the area say from 6pm to 3am it might help in getting a composite list of possible suspects. In such a low population area (relatively) as satsuma I guess the list could be less than a couple hundred for the nearest tower/towers for the providers of that area.

interesting thought. i would think that they could ignore all of the phones that were pinging the nearest tower the whole time (the people that live there and were home all night, or most of the people) and concentrate on pings that entered and left the area that night. we don't know if she was taken from the area, but it seems like LE should be able to do that. unless they can only track the pings of a specific phone or suspect and not all of them due to some privacy laws or something?
I have NEVER seen them "hold" a residence while the victim's family were sleeping in a tent or a hotel for this long. As a matter of fact...I have never heard of LE being able to "hold" a residence period. This is a new one on me. Anyone else?!

Makes one wonder what LE found in there..........
Exactly waht I was thinking! For all we know, she could have actually gone missing befiore Mon. and it is all a cover up! Maybe something happened over the weekend & they came up with a plan to make it look like someone abducted her during the night while dad was at work....

It seems that it would be a stupid thing for the gf and dad to lie about. It would be easy for LE to check this out and they would. They would have better luck w/ she missed school b/c she had the flu.
Not sure if this is significant or not.

No one in the family has lawyered up that we are aware of. This maybe due to LE design, they don't realize that they are suspects.

I think it is important to note that almost every member of these families has had "interaction" w/ LE. Yet, as far as we know they are working w/ them when one might assume they might have a lot of resentment toward LE.
I would have to agree on all counts. Altho...since the announcement there would be no more press for certain people...it could indicate a lawyer or two has stepped into the situation. We just aren't privy to it.
I'm not saying one way or another, but just because someone has a very dirty mouth, does not make them an abuser.

I know everyone is just speculating and we have very little to go off, but some of these posts sound as if they are facts. A person new to this case can assume some of these things being said are facts and run with them. I don't know what I'm trying to say. I just hate to see things being said about these people that may be untrue, especially if they are innocent. lol I don't know...my mind is fried. :crazy:
Any word on getting a forum for this case yet? This is driving me nuts. We can't focus on anyone thing and keep it straight. I spent hours last night search for posts about the family member and who is who. Still didn't find what I wanted.

911 call
Misty interviews
Ron intervies
Family connections
Pee blanket
The Van
Tracking dogs
SO's in area
That's a few that come to mind

This is the portion of the interview about the blanket and the vanMisty:
I didn’t hear anything at all. Nothing. If I had heard something I would have got up and not wouldn’t let them take her.
So what happened?
Ok , I put her to bed about 8:00. So ? [this her bed time because] she has school. I put her to bed and Her blanket and my blanket, my blanket was in the van that they took. So we had a blanket hanging on the window and I had to wash that and her blanket, her blanket was, she peed on her blanket the night before I guess, and I wasn’t going to put it on her and it smelled like pee so I washed the blanket and I gave her a little sheet to cover up with and she fell asleep and I came in and put her blanket on her and then I laid down and it was about and not positive at what time I was like 3:00, I seen three, 3:00 o’clock in the morning, I got up and I got up because I had to use the bathroom but I didn’t make it to the bathroom, I seen the kitchen light on and I walked in the kitchen and I saw the back door was wide open and I didn’t notice about Haleigh then till I seen the back door open and then I go in her room and she’s gone and that’s all I know.

I listened to the interview about the blanket and the van.

I put her to bed and her blanket and my blanket; my blanket was in the van that they took.
This sounds to me like she started to say her own blanket and Haleigh's blanket were in some van but stopped herself and changed it to just her own blanket was in the van.
My question is was Haleigh’s blanket the one left in the van and why would it be there? For that matter why would Misty’s blanket be in the van?

So we had a blanket hanging on the window and I had to wash that and her blanketThere are 3 blankets in Misty’s story. Misty’s blanket that was left in the mystery van, Haleighs blanket and the window blanket. The blanket on the window along with Haliegh's blanket are both put in the wash. Maybe together or separate washings.

her blanket was, she peed on her blanket the night before I guess and I wasn’t going to put it on her and it smelled like pee so I washed the blanket
Misty is saying that Haleigh’s blanket smelled like pee so she had to wash it. I am not sure but I gather that since Misty’s blanket is the one supposedly left in the van she needed the one from the window for herself.
Again the question is why is Misty’s blanket in some van?

I gave her a little sheet to cover up with and she fell asleep
Misty gave her a sheet to use while the blanket is being washed. A little sheet may me a child’s bed size or crib sheet size or just her terminology for things for little people.

I came in and put her blanket on her and then I laid down
Misty put Haleigh’s blanket that had just been washed on Haleigh and then Misty lay down with Window blanket that had just been washed.

I do have to wonder if Misty went somewhere with someone who had a van early in the evening and the children had blankets with them to sleep. They came home to be put to bed and Misty discovered that Haleigh’s blanket was inadvertently left in this van. She now has to use the other blanket that had urine on it that had not yet been washed for Haleigh but it needs to be laundered first.
That leaves the question of why does she then need to take the blanket down from the window to use for her self. If only one blanket was missing and she is washing the smelly one now why need the one from the window also.
To me this means that what ever happened with this van means that in fact two blankets were left in there which brings me back to why is Misty’s blanket in the van in the first place?

One Theory
Misty goes somewhere in this van, takes her blanket to put down in the back and the two children each with there own blankets go to sleep. Haleigh’s ends up peeing on her blanket during this time frame. They come home and Jr. and his blanket and Haleigh and her now urine covered blanket come back into the house. Misty’s blanket ends up staying in the van, van leaves, Misty discovers the Haliegh’s blanket needs to be washed as well as she now needs the window blanket so she has one to use.

Was the blanket being left in the van from Tuesday Feb 10 or a different day?
The wording 'they took' is odd. First who are they? It was not LE since this all happened prior or in conjunction with Haleigh going missing.
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