FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #25

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Crystal (sp?) stated on Friday's NG show when MB hosted that she was asked by the FBI to take a poly on Wed or Thurs but that the poly had not taken place by airtime Fri. Crystal also said she did not know when the poly would take place. I do believe FBI will give her and her mother a poly especially now that LE is going to a more investigative search.


tehcloser - while catching up on the thread, I see you already have this information. Sorry to post before getting to the end :)

JVS had her on last night and ask her about it Crystal said they had not said anything else to her about it, but that she was still willing.
Well, as we all know, there are not enough hours in the day to read all these posts, so I have a question. Has it been established if the back door was still "wide open" when RC pulled into the drive? If it was, then MC wasn't in the least frightened of whoever might still be lurking around. My first instinct would have been to grab the child that was left and get out! If the door was still propped open and she was standing waiting on him, then she wasn't scared at all (at least of an intruder).

I'm going to try and follow these threads to see if anyone knows the above question, but honestly, it's getting old trying to keep up. This is ridiculous.

Bold by me..... I TOTALLY AGREE! I was reading every post..... but there is NO way to do it....
Good theory. However, I don't think he would be able to keep his temper in check. IMO he is the type who would pound first and listen later.

I think LE simply told the both of them they "Passed" their polygraphs and let it go at that for now to protect Misy from Ronald. LE does not use that terminology when referring to a polygraph but that is all Ronald and Misty needed to know if they passed or not.
I saw a clip yesterday of Ronnie speaking to the media, I know it was probably from a few days before. Someone might recognize where it came from, he and Misty were walking and he had his arm around her shoulder. He was speaking to whoever abducted Haleigh and said something along the lines of "this isn't about revenge, this is about finding my daughter".

His tone had changed and his facial expressions looked to me to be softened by grief and pain. So what I was thinking is he might have blown his stack in the 911 calls and dropped the "F" bomb and made harsh statements to his GF but I think after so many days he might be on the verge of a breakdown. It was also reported yesterday (by the Media) that he hasn't been sleeping since Haleigh went missing.

Just my observations for what they are worth, which honestly don't mean squat.

I also wish the LE would at least give us some news. I understand they probably dont' want a media circus like the A case, but it's a double edged sword. In that, if there hadn't been so much media coverage in the A case, then the MR might never have gone to look for himself...and consequently located CA.
I say we ask casey's gut what it thinks?

I had already thought if Ron had anything to do with this they need to put him in the cell with Casey and let them lie to each other and put on a good show for the cameras. When will the recreational killing of these little angels stop??????
Bold by me..... I TOTALLY AGREE! I was reading every post..... but there is NO way to do it....

Ron said the back door was STILL open, we discussed how that was crazy. Wasn't she afraid the intruder would come back? As far as we know Jr was still asleep back there and she was at the front door waiting for ROn....and just leaves the dang door open? NAW. More hink.
In answer to RC and the door - I do believe it was still open when he got there.

I'm still saying that RC did the "deed". MC has NO KNOWLEDGE of what he did. She was gone. He suspected as much - came home early - or on dinner break - she wasn't there. Kids were. Haleigh got up - Jr. stayed sleeping. Dad saw red - "accident" happened. He cleaned up and left. Came back home regular time to now MC frantic about door open and Haleigh gone - he played along 'xceptin' his acting skills, especially on the 911 call, lack real credibility. Now whether MC and RC had "have a talk" and he's let on to her that he knows she wasn't home (which would mean he's let on that he was in the trailer while she was gone - which opens up another whole can of worms) or not. He could still just be "playin' " along with the whole game and watching MC to see if she is ever going to spill the beans about NOT being there.
I think LE simply told the both of them they "Passed" their polygraphs and let it go at that for now to protect Misy from Ronald. LE does not use that terminology when referring to a polygraph but that is all Ronald and Misty needed to know if they passed or not.

I thought it was interesting on Greta that Ron said he was told he passed, and Greta said something about them both passing...but Misty came back and said "They (LE) really didn't say much to me". I only read the transcript, so I don't know what kind of look that yielded from Ron when Misty said that...
Funny how RC went on and on about that cinderblock too. He "never seen" it around. Hadn't lived there THAT long to know - might have come from the back yard - didn't go out there much, don't know - could have been there, just didn't see it.

C'mon now. You have LITTLE kids - they are EVERYWHERE. Especially when you move into a new house. Kids explore - and you follow. Yet never saw that cinderblock - nope - didn't see it. ?????

Yes, and cinderblocks are sooo unique.....where there are trailer houses there are cinder blocks...good grief what does he think his house is blocked up with? ***hitting head with palm of hand***
Ron said the back door was STILL open, we discussed how that was crazy. Wasn't she afraid the intruder would come back? As far as we know Jr was still asleep back there and she was at the front door waiting for ROn....and just leaves the dang door open? NAW. More hink.

Exactly! And you would think that as a father, he would have told her where that gun was at! She was standing at the door when he got home? BS, I would have been in the closet with a phone, the gun and Junior scared to death that someone was in that house hiding, or was right outside that door just waiting to grab someone else!
Yes, and cinderblocks are sooo unique.....where there are trailer houses there are cinder blocks...good grief what does he think his house is blocked up with? ***hitting head with palm of hand***

On one video when they showed the shed...they zoomed in and showed broken cinder blocks sitting under it.
My feeling is that they are both covering up. MC seems genuinely scared - of making the wrong statement to media. She seems so beaten down by him. I listened many times to the 911 call. She is so unsure of herself and frightened - of HIM. He is overly dramatic with his ranting, etc. A Dad would be out looking for her with flashlight, car, phone and pounding on doors. He is far too focused on threats to kill somebody. It's as if he already knows what happened to her. Waay too much drama and indignation. In a case like this, there is drama enough without trying to create more.

He is trying too hard to make his case. Something bad happened to Haleigh and Misty is the poor schlepp who got stuck being the "cover" person. Any real parent would have called 911 THEMSELVES and not leave it to a stumbling bumbling teenager to try and explain the situation clearly. The whole 911 call was about as clear as mud. The dispatcher had to ask to speak to him. Good grief, I would have snatched the phone away from MC immediately. He knows enough to realize that was just the dispatcher on the other end, not the officers on the way out there.

The whole washing the blankets story doesn't fit into an abduction scenario. That's why there is so much speculation on this board about it - it doesn't fit. When she is interviewed, she seems so resigned and very tired of keeping her story straight. Watch his facial expressions when she speaks. He tries to direct her in her statements. He has to contain his anger in front of the cameras. He seems like an abuser to me. In many ways. I don't think his children escaped his wrath.

You so often say things that I have been thinking. It was difficult to listen to the 991 call and I kept cringing thinking "this is a little over the top ", almost to the point of being an impediment to getting help right away. Maybe he is just young and immature but..........:waitasec:
I'm still sticking with my tentative theory that MC did have something to do with the disappearance by either design or unwittingly. I'll change my mind when and if they give us some facts to use to figure something out.

The reason for my tentative theory? In my mind, it's the most logical, straight forward conclusion for me to come to at this time. She was the last known person to see Haleigh. I don't have enough facts to argue to support that theory, just what I've been thinking for the last couple of days.
Another reason for a Haleigh forum....the longer this drags on...we have been told that LE reads here correct? They are not going to dig through these general threads. ie...We will be of no help this way.
Ron said the back door was STILL open, we discussed how that was crazy. Wasn't she afraid the intruder would come back? As far as we know Jr was still asleep back there and she was at the front door waiting for ROn....and just leaves the dang door open? NAW. More hink.

Thanks tehcloser for answering my question. A genuinely frightened person would have either run away from the scene (with the little boy) or closed up and locked up tight and, I might add, called 911 or a nearby relative to come over. The more I read on here and the more I think about it, I don't believe a word I'm hearing from either of them.

Poor Haleigh and poor Caylee had a better chance if they had been taken out of state by their parents and left on the side of the road. Strangers would have had more compassion.
Good Morning Everyone! :)

It is so hard to try and even make sense of any of this. We have absolutely no information to go off of except for MC was home with the children while RC was at work. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think that is the only thing that any of us can take as fact, since the rest of the story has changed so much and LE hasn't offered anything to what we are hearing/speculating about.

I have missed several of the threads because honestly I just don't have the time to sit and read through them right now, so I just read through the latest one to get caught up (which is not really getting caught up as there is nothing to get caught up on), but reading through all the posts really does make you think about things you hadn't thought of already.

Mercy, that was a bunch of rambling! ;)

I cannot help but think that we are not even on the right track, timeline wise. I mean, we don't know that HC was in school or did in fact get off of the bus and picked up by RC as he stated. I honestly believe that both RC and MC are not giving us the whole story all the way around.

I don't understand why the news media hasn't asked the questions that so many of us are wanting to know, like...the events of the whole day leading up to HC going missing.

I do think LE knows a lot more than they are letting on and I find by them not commenting on almost everything asked of them by reporters, very telling. We are a week into this and no one is cleared! That raises a big red flag to me.

We need more information and I honestly hope we get it soon.
According to one report, the cinder block seems to have come from a pile about 50 feet away from the trailer. It makes no sense that someone would carry a cinder block on their way to an adbuction.

I believe the cinder block may be important for more than one reason. I hate to even mention this possibility, but cinder blocks can be used to weigh down bodies too.

I agree - on one of the early press conferences, it was mentioned that the cinder block was being sent off for "touch dna" - (I had to look it up) - and that was used to clear John/Patsy Ramsey in their daughters ordeal this summer. You'd think the block is sooo scratchy to touch that something would be there, unless gloves were worn. So, yes, I totally agree with your post, in that this block will be important..
Thanks tehcloser for answering my question. A genuinely frightened person would have either run away from the scene (with the little boy) or closed up and locked up tight and, I might add, called 911 or a nearby relative to come over. The more I read on here and the more I think about it, I don't believe a word I'm hearing from either of them.

Poor Haleigh and poor Caylee had a better chance if they had been taken out of state by their parents and left on the side of the road. Strangers would have had more compassion.

So sad, but so true.
I thought it was interesting on Greta that Ron said he was told he passed, and Greta said something about them both passing...but Misty came back and said "They (LE) really didn't say much to me". I only read the transcript, so I don't know what kind of look that yielded from Ron when Misty said that...

I'll have to go have a look at the clip of that if I can find it later on today AA. I read that transcript too and it gave me pause to hear her say that.

O/T but as mild mannered as I am, LE would have to protect someone close to me if they had killed or was culpable for my child's death. I'm not exagerating either. I would go to jail. Either for assault or worse. And anyone can take that claim to the bank.
another reason for a haleigh forum....the longer this drags on...we have been told that le reads here correct? They are not going to dig through these general threads. Ie...we will be of no help this way.

...yes and i want to see all of misty's conflicting stories on one page. I still dont know them all.
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