FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #25

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I have to go with my gut on this one. I think this all comes back down to Misty! I think she did something to Haleigh......

I have to think Ron doesn't think it is Misty or she would be dead by now.

I just don't see Misty being the culprit & if Ron had any clue (or even thought it's possible) she'd at least be kicked to the curb..But she's not & is still there by his side.
I have to go with my gut on this one. I think this all comes back down to Misty! I think she did something to Haleigh......

I have to think Ron doesn't think it is Misty or she would be dead by now.

I think only because the relationship he see's when he is home is what he will stick to. He knows that while he is there, things are just fine. What he doesn't know is what goes on when he is not there.
I have been through this before with my own stepchildren, they acted totally different when dad was at home.
Early on - day 1 or 2 I think, LE did answer a question about CPS. Well, actually he had been asked if LE had had any calls to the residence in the recent past - he said no - LE had not had any involvement BUT the DFS HAD been called and had dealings with them. He was asked to clarify and all he said was that DFS was there involving Ron, Misty and the children. Some speculated that maybe bio-mom and/or grandma may have called them - but the school social worker could have alerted them due to the attendance - don't know. But yes, LE did say DFS had been involved.

I thought LE said it involved Ron, A grand dad and the children.
Something's weird about the bio-mom to me & she may have an alibi but that doesn't=she doesn't know the perp or didn't set the napping in motion for her own reasons..Her mom also, if correct, is related to SO K. Johns who lives very close to RC..I asked in a post late last night how can it be that he's a neighbor & NOBODY in bio-mom's family knows about it..RC should know too if he knows anything about the relatives (Johns) on bio-mom's side..That includes knowing he's also a SO.
That's the "thing" here. We simply do not know. I do think by not having mom take a poly yet that LE has been able to verify through independent sources that she was not involved. But everyone else? Who knows? Maybe people are covering for people's alibis - it is a small town. LE is confused and knows somebody is lying - but who? and for who?

Kinda like "why yes officer - he was here all night. we watched thus and so on TV and then went to bed at 11" - kinda hard to prove or disprove those kinds of statements. KWIM?
Something's weird about the bio-mom to me & she may have an alibi but that doesn't=she doesn't know the perp or didn't set the napping in motion for her own reasons..Her mom also, if correct, is related to SO K. Johns who lives very close to RC..I asked in a post late last night how can it be that he's a neighbor & NOBODY in bio-mom's family knows about it..RC should know too if he knows anything about the relatives (Johns) on bio-mom's side..That includes knowing he's also a SO.

amysmom - let me clear this up for you and everyone else:

The name JOHNS is very common in that part of the country. There are many, many Johns. I have been trying, unsuccessfully, to make a direct link between Nancy Marie Johns and Kyle Shannon Johns. As far as I know, they are not related.

Let me add that there are many, many Griffis' in both Baker and Putnam Counties as well.

And those are both last names that I had never heard of before.
(Bold by me)

I know a guy who thought he was dating a 21-year-old. I think he was late 20's at the time. The girl's mother was aware they were dating and that he was over 21. He was even helping the mother catch up on some bills.

He decided to end the relationship, and surprise surprise! The mother gets ticked that he will no longer be helping her out, so she informs him the girl is only 15 and she is going to press charges against him.

His court-appointed attorney told him to take the plea agreement offered, because it was his word against the mother and the girl (who had suddenly changed the whole scenario...supposedly he knew the girl's age, the mother did not know they were dating, the guy was the mother's friend, etc.) He took the deal, and now he's forever branded an SO, although he had no clue he was doing anything wrong, nor did he have a clue what accepting that deal would entail.

Yep, I had an aquaintance whose ex-wife accused him of molesting his own dau. (for revenge), he went to prison, she continued to live here & the longer she did, the more apparent this woman a chronic LIAR, mentallly unbalanced & then years later she recants her story & it was somebody else blah blah blah, in the meantime his life is ruined, can't get a good job when he gets out, so can't hire a lawyer to go after her for defaming him, etc. etc., unfortunately this kind of stuff goes on. I'm NOT defending true SO's, just saying sometimes
the non-guilty get the label and it can never be shaken, no matter what might come to light later.
If we (and the rest of the known public) can see the inconsistencies in MC's stories then, one would think, so could RC. That being the case, has he talked to her? Does he believe her real story? OR - does RC, himself, know the REAL STORY of what actually happened to Haleigh?
Something's weird about the bio-mom to me & she may have an alibi but that doesn't=she doesn't know the perp or didn't set the napping in motion for her own reasons..Her mom also, if correct, is related to SO K. Johns who lives very close to RC..I asked in a post late last night how can it be that he's a neighbor & NOBODY in bio-mom's family knows about it..RC should know too if he knows anything about the relatives (Johns) on bio-mom's side..That includes knowing he's also a SO.

But how do you explain LE not doing a poly on them then? If they thought them involved in any way....they would have. That speaks volumes.
In Louisiana, their picture is a little tiny thing in the newspaper announcing that he/she is an SO, and their address is posted. It is always in the ad section.

Most reputable landlords around here will have the prospective tenant go to the Police Dept. if in city limits or the Sheriff's Office if in the parish and get a criminal background check done. It is almost like a rap sheet. I think it costs $5.00 here.

Actually the only laws a person has to adhere to when renting privately owned property are the Fair Housing Laws. I guess if you want to rent to a LOT of SO's, then you can. I would call them Slimelords. I wonder how many of their rentals end up being crime scenes?

And yes, you are supposed to tell your employer but some do not. If you lie on your application, you can lose your job. I think people have a right to know if they are working with or near a SO.

ETA: I think when a SO gets out of prison wherever they live should have a picture sign in the yard stating "I am a Sexual Offender/Predator!"

Thanks for the info..When it comes to a SO it shouldn't be left up to the landlord..It needs to be mandatory for the SO to expose (no pun) his status..It's even more important then revealing it to an employer..ITA! about the sign..If only! <sigh>
Still thinking about my above ^.

Rc and MC have only been together for 5 months. If that would have been my child - I would be FURIOUS with that person. Its not like that have a long history of child rearing. I would be FURIOUS that the door was not checked before going to bed - I would be FURIOUS that 911 wasn't called immediately. I would be FURIOUS at myself for allowing someone so irresponsible to care for my children. Yet, he's not. He sure was FURIOUS and life threatening on that 911 call. Makes one stop and think. He's out walking around, with his arm around her, etc.

Doesn't fit. Kick her to the curb - send her back to mommy. He doesn't have anything to lose - he already lost HIS CHILD.

Something doesn't sit right with these two.
why do they even have press conferences if the wont answer any questions or comment on anything?

i really hope LE has a good idea what happened. i hope it's not a case where if they can't solve it, then they don't want anyone else to.......so they aren't releasing any info. that would bother me.

maybe they're waiting for people to lose interest and then they'll release some info to spark the public's interest? this seems unlikely, though.

maybe it does have something to do with keeping people from lawyering up, but the public could also help solve it if we knew some simple info to help narrow our focus. i guess this is a bit of a double-edged sword for LE and i'm sure they're doing what they think is right.....
1. Haleigh was in Misty's care.
2. She disappeared.
3. Her stories changed.
4. LE will not clear the family or anyone. If they could say the family was not involved they would.
5. The bio mom has not been given a polygraph.
6. Misty has been given two.

Occam's Razor.
amysmom - let me clear this up for you and everyone else:

The name JOHNS is very common in that part of the country. There are many, many Johns. I have been trying, unsuccessfully, to make a direct link between Nancy Marie Johns and Kyle Shannon Johns. As far as I know, they are not related.

Let me add that there are many, many Griffis' in both Baker and Putnam Counties as well.

And those are both last names that I had never heard of before.

So no direct link afterall? It seems to me that Johns, unlike Griffis, is a common name in lots of places.
lol teh - Occam's Razor - that came out here real early on in Caylee's case and, turned out, was "absolutely" correct.

As for LE worrying about "lawyering up" - I think in this case it is a triple edged sword. We are dealing with small town, close knit, good ole boy, town. LE knows once they even name a POI - there is gonna be some chit. And it could get REAL UGLY. They are walking on eggshells here. They want all their ducks in a row before they even announce the first name in the media. JMO
Still thinking about my above ^.

Rc and MC have only been together for 5 months. If that would have been my child - I would be FURIOUS with that person. Its not like that have a long history of child rearing. I would be FURIOUS that the door was not checked before going to bed - I would be FURIOUS that 911 wasn't called immediately. I would be FURIOUS at myself for allowing someone so irresponsible to care for my children. Yet, he's not. He sure was FURIOUS and life threatening on that 911 call. Makes one stop and think. He's out walking around, with his arm around her, etc.

Doesn't fit. Kick her to the curb - send her back to mommy. He doesn't have anything to lose - he already lost HIS CHILD.

Something doesn't sit right with these two.

And IMO what doesn't sit right is Ron, not Misty. I think he is keeping her close because they are both involved and Misty is covering for Ron. I don't think he would be anywhere near her if he thought she alone had anything to do with Haleigh's "abduction". Very suspicious pair. I wish we knew if Haleigh was in school that day, what hours Ron worked, when did he take a lunch, dinner break etc. We have no verified facts from LE.
lol teh - Occam's Razor - that came out here real early on in Caylee's case and, turned out, was "absolutely" correct.

As for LE worrying about "lawyering up" - I think in this case it is a triple edged sword. We are dealing with small town, close knit, good ole boy, town. LE knows once they even name a POI - there is gonna be some chit. And it could get REAL UGLY. They are walking on eggshells here. They want all their ducks in a row before they even announce the first name in the media. JMO

ITA. :blowkiss:
But how do you explain LE not doing a poly on them then? If they thought them involved in any way....they would have. That speaks volumes.

In everything I've seen they were SUPPOSED to take one so why haven't they?..I didn't think LE can force anyone but I could be wrong about that.
My feeling is that they are both covering up. MC seems genuinely scared - of making the wrong statement to media. She seems so beaten down by him. I listened many times to the 911 call. She is so unsure of herself and frightened - of HIM. He is overly dramatic with his ranting, etc. A Dad would be out looking for her with flashlight, car, phone and pounding on doors. He is far too focused on threats to kill somebody. It's as if he already knows what happened to her. Waay too much drama and indignation. In a case like this, there is drama enough without trying to create more.

He is trying too hard to make his case. Something bad happened to Haleigh and Misty is the poor schlepp who got stuck being the "cover" person. Any real parent would have called 911 THEMSELVES and not leave it to a stumbling bumbling teenager to try and explain the situation clearly. The whole 911 call was about as clear as mud. The dispatcher had to ask to speak to him. Good grief, I would have snatched the phone away from MC immediately. He knows enough to realize that was just the dispatcher on the other end, not the officers on the way out there.

The whole washing the blankets story doesn't fit into an abduction scenario. That's why there is so much speculation on this board about it - it doesn't fit. When she is interviewed, she seems so resigned and very tired of keeping her story straight. Watch his facial expressions when she speaks. He tries to direct her in her statements. He has to contain his anger in front of the cameras. He seems like an abuser to me. In many ways. I don't think his children escaped his wrath.
In everything I've seen they were SUPPOSED to take one so why haven't they?..I don't believe LE can force them to do it.

Thery are willing. They filled out the paperwork and everything but LE has not had them do it. It's LE that's not getting it done. Not them. That tells me LE does not think it's necessary, that they don't think they are involved.
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