FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #25

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Me, too.

I wish we had more answers about:

the blankets
the van
the missing gun
cellphone records

I'm getting tired trying to determine who is related to whom how....

We need one of those family tree flow charts:) My notes are a mess!

Sorry for going OT again. But....Ugggggggg-okay, i'll move to the basement...
Good Morning sleuthers....

I have been thinking..... and it is just MY opinion.... but if LE does not come up with something soon..... I think people are going to start getting more frustrated and maybe loose intrest (I have seen this happen so many times).... we need something..... how many times can you beat a dead horse..... so to say... we NEED something NEW! anything!!

sorry, just had to vent that.....
Live News Conference coming up:

(supposed to start at 9:30 but hasn't yet :()


New check points set up last night

More interviews done last night, which brought in several new leads they are now following up on

These could have been people they missed in first check points which is why just now getting this info

Will not discuss in more detail

Will not comment if they believe Misty was home all night as she stated

Will not comment if new leads point out of state or not

Will do another presser around 4 something (sorry, missed it)
Me, too.

I wish we had more answers about:

the blankets
the van
the missing gun
cellphone records

I'm getting tired trying to determine who is related to whom how....

I think they are all related either by blood or marriage or remarriage! :crazy:

It would be great to have all of those answers! I am still sticking with my belief that the was no phone in the home and that Ronald had the only cell phone with him.
Seeing Ron riding behind Tim Miller on that horse, out looking for his daughter... it broke my heart. :(

OT/ Alert thread going of the rails....But, me too:( And the photo of Jr on Tim's lap(on the horse):(....back on track.
Good Morning sleuthers....

I have been thinking..... and it is just MY opinion.... but if LE does not come up with something soon..... I think people are going to start getting more frustrated and maybe loose intrest (I have seen this happen so many times).... we need something..... how many times can you beat a dead horse..... so to say... we NEED something NEW! anything!!

sorry, just had to vent that.....

Excellent post! I think people are already loosing interest. This silence can hurt more than it helps.
Just a thought- could LE be hoping for less interest so this situation doesn't get tangled up with monetary gain issues like the Anthony case did?
What's going on with this news conference?

I have a bad feeling.
We only have Bio mom's word about the missing school thing and Haleigh had a disease, maybe it was a little bit of both (oversleeping and illness). I think missing 15 days of school (which I believe someone posted was the "trigger" with the school board) just doesn't seem as bad as the Bio Mom missing 12 Doctor's appointments (per the transcript of custody hearing, Ron had definitive proof).

And we know Ron had a CPS case manager per the same court transcript... and we know from the Sheriff that CPS "knew the home" or had been "called to the home" while Misty was living there. Yet CPS didn't see fit to remove the children and the police hadn't filed any charges so again I say how bad could it really have been???? These people were on the radar already, it wasn't like this was a case where children were slipping thru cracks because CPS had a history here.

I'd imagine the bio mom & the Grandma had quite a bit to do with the phone calls to CPS. Or possibly someone in the family (Ron's family) who knew the kids weren't being taken care of properly. I'd rather think the Bio mom would call them....it wasn't a nice friendly parting of ways. Lots of anger & bitterness. JMO

Several things have struck me....very few blankets to cover up with. The one thing that has struck me the most is when Ron stated her shoes were still in the house. I went to my daughters home ( single mom & no support from ex or state) the kids had 10 prs of shoes each.
Just a thought- could LE be hoping for less interest so this situation doesn't get tangled up with monetary gain issues like the Anthony case did?

Yep, but that would point right back to them knowing what happened. Otherwise they would need to keep the public interested to find this child.
anyone see the news yet? I cant get the link to work for me...
I caught the last 3 minutes or so of the one on CNN. Basically wouldn't comment on anything. Doesn't know how many LE will be involved in today's "acitivities" (searches, roadblocks, etc). Said still checking tips - but wouldn't comment on origination of tips ie out of state, in state, local. Last question was about Misty in the home the night it happened - wouldn't comment on that AT ALL.

Then that was it - that's all folks. Oh, another press conference today at 4 - same bat time, same bat channel.
I caught the last 3 minutes or so of the one on CNN. Basically wouldn't comment on anything. Doesn't know how many LE will be involved in today's "acitivities" (searches, roadblocks, etc). Said still checking tips - but wouldn't comment on origination of tips ie out of state, in state, local. Last question was about Misty in the home the night it happened - wouldn't comment on that AT ALL.

Then that was it - that's all folks. Oh, another press conference today at 4 - same bat time, same bat channel.

Thank You!
I caught the last 3 minutes or so of the one on CNN. Basically wouldn't comment on anything. Doesn't know how many LE will be involved in today's "acitivities" (searches, roadblocks, etc). Said still checking tips - but wouldn't comment on origination of tips ie out of state, in state, local. Last question was about Misty in the home the night it happened - wouldn't comment on that AT ALL.

Then that was it - that's all folks. Oh, another press conference today at 4 - same bat time, same bat channel.

Well blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Thank-You tho.
If it is against the law for Ron to actually be dating (living with) Misti, a 17 year old, who was 16 when they got together, in the long run isn't he a SO like like most of his neighbors? You can be labeled a SO if you are 19 dating a 16 in some states.

(Bold by me)

I know a guy who thought he was dating a 21-year-old. I think he was late 20's at the time. The girl's mother was aware they were dating and that he was over 21. He was even helping the mother catch up on some bills.

He decided to end the relationship, and surprise surprise! The mother gets ticked that he will no longer be helping her out, so she informs him the girl is only 15 and she is going to press charges against him.

His court-appointed attorney told him to take the plea agreement offered, because it was his word against the mother and the girl (who had suddenly changed the whole scenario...supposedly he knew the girl's age, the mother did not know they were dating, the guy was the mother's friend, etc.) He took the deal, and now he's forever branded an SO, although he had no clue he was doing anything wrong, nor did he have a clue what accepting that deal would entail.
OT but... Does anyone know what KidFinders is doing for this family? I hope they don't have another "donation tent" set up somewhere.

I just noticed that KidFinders has Haleigh a website up, http://www.bringhaleighhome.com/

I hope this case doesn't get like Caylee's with certain people/org's trying to make money off these poor missing children. I wonder if KFN has a site set up for little Adji who is also missing in Florida. Hmmm, off to look.

Anyone having dreams about Haliegh? I hope it's ok to post this here.

I had one a couple of nights ago. She was being placed inside a sewer access portal type of thing. These are about 4'-5' across and are round. It had a large concrete slab on top with three things to hook something on to lift it off. It had a smaller iron cover (like a manhole cover) that had been opened to place her inside. It was in a secluded area...

I had the feeling/impression it was someone she knew.

When I have these dreams, I get up, talk and move around to try to help the person or stop what is happening. This freaks out my dear husband and he always wakes me up before my dream has ended.

I'm praying I'm completely and totally wrong.
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