FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #25

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Good question from reporter if they are looking at someone on is already in jail. of course LE would not comment.
I have been watching the booking journal but haven't seen anything suspicious.
I don't think we are going to get much information until an arrest(s) is made. I think they are very close to doing that. The fact that R and M haven't talked to media since Friday is a red flag to me. George might have advised them not to, but who would listen to that fool. I wouldn't.
I know a guy who thought he was dating a 21-year-old. I think he was late 20's at the time. The girl's mother was aware they were dating and that he was over 21. He was even helping the mother catch up on some bills.

He decided to end the relationship, and surprise surprise! The mother gets ticked that he will no longer be helping her out, so she informs him the girl is only 15 and she is going to press charges against him.

His court-appointed attorney told him to take the plea agreement offered, because it was his word against the mother and the girl (who had suddenly changed the whole scenario...supposedly he knew the girl's age, the mother did not know they were dating, the guy was the mother's friend, etc.) He took the deal, and now he's forever branded an SO, although he had no clue he was doing anything wrong, nor did he have a clue what accepting that deal would entail.
That's horrible MTM - its a shame how these laws can be interpreted and USED against people by people who lie. I know of some cases just like the one you posted. There has to be a way to differentiate between the real scumbags and the "unsuspecting" that get caught up in it.
I caught the last 3 minutes or so of the one on CNN. Basically wouldn't comment on anything. Doesn't know how many LE will be involved in today's "acitivities" (searches, roadblocks, etc). Said still checking tips - but wouldn't comment on origination of tips ie out of state, in state, local. Last question was about Misty in the home the night it happened - wouldn't comment on that AT ALL.

Then that was it - that's all folks. Oh, another press conference today at 4 - same bat time, same bat channel.

I have to go with my gut on this one. I think this all comes back down to Misty! I think she did something to Haleigh.
LE not saying anything right now really is saying more to me than anything. If Misty and Ron both have nothing to do with this and LE knows it, they would have already said so. I think that LE is keeping quiet until evidence is back from the labs. I feel charges coming soon, and they will all be on Misty.
Her youth, her child like behavior doesn't faze me at all.
I know a guy who thought he was dating a 21-year-old. I think he was late 20's at the time. The girl's mother was aware they were dating and that he was over 21. He was even helping the mother catch up on some bills.

He decided to end the relationship, and surprise surprise! The mother gets ticked that he will no longer be helping her out, so she informs him the girl is only 15 and she is going to press charges against him.

His court-appointed attorney told him to take the plea agreement offered, because it was his word against the mother and the girl (who had suddenly changed the whole scenario...supposedly he knew the girl's age, the mother did not know they were dating, the guy was the mother's friend, etc.) He took the deal, and now he's forever branded an SO, although he had no clue he was doing anything wrong, nor did he have a clue what accepting that deal would entail.

So many stories like that we don't get alarmed about registered SO's like we should, they need to have a better system that labels the real threats and not some teenager in love. I just pray a SO doesn't have sweet Hayleigh.
So many stories like that we don't get alarmed about registered SO's like we should, they need to have a better system that labels the real threats and not some teenager in love. I just pray a SO doesn't have sweet Hayleigh.

I agree.

I think that may have been Donald Sapp's case... teenager love.
(Bold by me)

I know a guy who thought he was dating a 21-year-old. I think he was late 20's at the time. The girl's mother was aware they were dating and that he was over 21. He was even helping the mother catch up on some bills.

He decided to end the relationship, and surprise surprise! The mother gets ticked that he will no longer be helping her out, so she informs him the girl is only 15 and she is going to press charges against him.

His court-appointed attorney told him to take the plea agreement offered, because it was his word against the mother and the girl (who had suddenly changed the whole scenario...supposedly he knew the girl's age, the mother did not know they were dating, the guy was the mother's friend, etc.) He took the deal, and now he's forever branded an SO, although he had no clue he was doing anything wrong, nor did he have a clue what accepting that deal would entail.

Same thing happened to my parent's neighbor. He was 20 dating a 15 turning 16 year old for a little over 10 months with her mother's permission. He bought his girlfriend a car for her birthday and when they broke up, he took the car away. Just as soon as he left her yard with that car, Mom called the police. He is now a RSO and will be for the rest of his life. I thought he was stupid for going out with a child, however, his life is ruined now! 10 months of permission! Its nuts!
from wesh nc:

New check points set up last night

More interviews done last night, which brought in several new leads they are now following up on

These could have been people they missed in first check points which is why just now getting this info

Will not discuss in more detail

Will not comment if they believe Misty was home all night as she stated

Will not comment if new leads point out of state or not

Will do another presser around 4 something (sorry, missed it)
I caught the last 3 minutes or so of the one on CNN. Basically wouldn't comment on anything. Doesn't know how many LE will be involved in today's "acitivities" (searches, roadblocks, etc). Said still checking tips - but wouldn't comment on origination of tips ie out of state, in state, local. Last question was about Misty in the home the night it happened - wouldn't comment on that AT ALL.

Then that was it - that's all folks. Oh, another press conference today at 4 - same bat time, same bat channel.

Well...Shoot! Thanks for the update Swag.:blowkiss:

Do you guys think they know who has her? and Any chance she could be alive?...it just makes me think...maybe, LE knows! But, why wouldn't they tell the public, if that were the case? Which... then brings me back chasen my tail around the family.oh gosh...i'm babling.
What was weird about this news conference is that it came up on FoxNews and CNN and I hadn't seen that before. They haven't been covering the 4 PM news conferences in my neck of the woods.

I wonder what the purpose of it was? They hadn't done any news conferences in the morning until now.

That's horrible MTM - its a shame how these laws can be interpreted and USED against people by people who lie. I know of some cases just like the one you posted. There has to be a way to differentiate between the real scumbags and the "unsuspecting" that get caught up in it.

I have a teenaged boy and I worry all that time about him getting caught up in a situation in which the girl lies about her age- he's only 17 now but it's so easy to destroy a bright future with the games some people play.
That's horrible MTM - its a shame how these laws can be interpreted and USED against people by people who lie. I know of some cases just like the one you posted. There has to be a way to differentiate between the real scumbags and the "unsuspecting" that get caught up in it.
I so agree. The irony is this guy has custody of his two (beautiful) children and has been battling cancer for a couple of years now. He can no longer get a job in his usual line of work, so he takes what he can get when he's well enough to work. His situation serves as a constant reminder to me that things are not always as they seem at first glance.
I think she was scared to death - of Ron. She's barely 17 and these are not her babies. IMO - she doesn't have the instincts that a mother would have to get the he!! out. She may have been looking for Haleigh or getting rid of something she didn't want LE to find or really just didn't know what to do. If they were dealing drugs, it would explain why RC immediately assumed someone took his child as opposed to her just wandering away. That just doesn't sit right with me.

People react differently when they're scared. GF doesn't seem to be dripping with intelligence.

I wonder if the disappearance/kidnapping had to do with drugs. Maybe a payback of some sort?
I agree - except I think both are involved. Very easy to check with dad's work. Talk to supervisor - check time card - talk to others who worked that shift that night. Over - either he was there working the whole time - or he came in late, left early, took a long dinner hour or even took one (if he's not usually know to take a dinner break) - was on the cell A LOT - something - anything.

It certainly would NOT hurt LE to announce that is the case with dad. And its certainly information LE had the very next day. Dad works for a very reputable organization - we don't know for how long tho. - this corp. seems the type that would call in everyone involved - let them all talk to LE and then tell them NOT TO OPEN THEIR MOUTHS TO ANYONE - no blogging, no phone calls, and certainly NO MEDIA with threats to take disciplinary action if they are found to do so. JMO
I agree, tehcloser. And after watching bio mom and her mother on various shows, I don't find them suspicious.

In fact, I think the mother is fairly well spoken and seems fairly intelligent and kind. I know she was fairly vocal in the first couple of days and that upset some sleuthers. However, if it were my child or grandchild she would have looked tame compared to how angry I would be.

They had every right to question Misty and Ron and the care being given to those children when one of them disappeared in the middle of the night. It wasn't received well here but I could totally relate.

Anyway, something about biomom's mother clicks with me in a good way.

Something's weird about the bio-mom to me & she may have an alibi but that doesn't=she doesn't know the perp or didn't set the napping in motion for her own reasons..Her mom also, if correct, is related to SO K. Johns who lives very close to RC..I asked in a post late last night how can it be that he's a neighbor & NOBODY in bio-mom's family knows about it..RC should know too if he knows anything about the relatives (Johns) on bio-mom's side..That includes knowing he's also a SO.
Anyone having dreams about Haliegh? I hope it's ok to post this here.

I'm praying I'm completely and totally wrong.


No dream about HC, but I did dream about the 14 year old boy and 15 year old girl who just became parents! Anyone else see that? There's youtube video of them. They're very goth looking. The sight of the newborn in that mom's arms just stuck with me. Sorry OT. :)
I think they are all related either by blood or marriage or remarriage! :crazy:

It would be great to have all of those answers! I am still sticking with my belief that the was no phone in the home and that Ronald had the only cell phone with him.

And now I'm wondering if that cellphone went with him to work, if he actually went to work.

I was just thinking about the "missing gun" this morning. Could it be that he has a registered gun that LE asked to see and Ron could not produce it? Hence the story about Misty's cousin (nanny?) in TN?

Seriously, I really don't think Misty is capable of doing anything to Haleigh and successfully hiding it for a week all on her own. IMO, she did not do this.

But I think she knows who did.

And he doesn't live in Tennessee.
I have to go with my gut on this one. I think this all comes back down to Misty! I think she did something to Haleigh......

I have to think Ron doesn't think it is Misty or she would be dead by now.

My first instinct was that Misty was involved in some way and that has only gotten stronger as she has changed her story. She probably had help but she is in it up to her eyeballs in my opinion. I'm still not sure about Ron. Nobody has acted like I would have in this case, so it is so hard to guess. If I was the bio mother I would have been so torn up that I couldn't have sat for an interview without crying thru the whole thing. I have seen a tear in her eye either. Do any of them really care like a normal person??
I have to go with my gut on this one. I think this all comes back down to Misty! I think she did something to Haleigh......

I have to think Ron doesn't think it is Misty or she would be dead by now.

Maybe, but then again if she is the only one that knows the truth he may be keeping her close because it is the only way to find his daughter.

I still don't understand how Misty could've stayed inside that house with another child, the door wide open and not completely freak out. Her brother lives close enough so even if she was without a phone I would think that she would grab Jr. and run to her brother's for help. It just doesn't make sense at all that she would stay and wait for Ron to show up unless she knew she wasn't in danger at all.
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